import Sortable, {MultiDrag} from "sortablejs"; import {Component} from "./component"; import {htmlToDom} from "../services/dom"; // Auto sort control const sortOperations = { name: function(a, b) { const aName = a.getAttribute('data-name').trim().toLowerCase(); const bName = b.getAttribute('data-name').trim().toLowerCase(); return aName.localeCompare(bName); }, created: function(a, b) { const aTime = Number(a.getAttribute('data-created')); const bTime = Number(b.getAttribute('data-created')); return bTime - aTime; }, updated: function(a, b) { const aTime = Number(a.getAttribute('data-updated')); const bTime = Number(b.getAttribute('data-updated')); return bTime - aTime; }, chaptersFirst: function(a, b) { const aType = a.getAttribute('data-type'); const bType = b.getAttribute('data-type'); if (aType === bType) { return 0; } return (aType === 'chapter' ? -1 : 1); }, chaptersLast: function(a, b) { const aType = a.getAttribute('data-type'); const bType = b.getAttribute('data-type'); if (aType === bType) { return 0; } return (aType === 'chapter' ? 1 : -1); }, }; export class BookSort extends Component { setup() { this.container = this.$el; this.sortContainer = this.$refs.sortContainer; this.input = this.$refs.input; Sortable.mount(new MultiDrag()); const initialSortBox = this.container.querySelector('.sort-box'); this.setupBookSortable(initialSortBox); this.setupSortPresets(); window.$events.listen('entity-select-confirm', this.bookSelect.bind(this)); } /** * Setup the handlers for the preset sort type buttons. */ setupSortPresets() { let lastSort = ''; let reverse = false; const reversibleTypes = ['name', 'created', 'updated']; this.sortContainer.addEventListener('click', event => { const sortButton ='.sort-box-options [data-sort]'); if (!sortButton) return; event.preventDefault(); const sortLists = sortButton.closest('.sort-box').querySelectorAll('ul'); const sort = sortButton.getAttribute('data-sort'); reverse = (lastSort === sort) ? !reverse : false; let sortFunction = sortOperations[sort]; if (reverse && reversibleTypes.includes(sort)) { sortFunction = function(a, b) { return 0 - sortOperations[sort](a, b) }; } for (let list of sortLists) { const directItems = Array.from(list.children).filter(child => child.matches('li')); directItems.sort(sortFunction).forEach(sortedItem => { list.appendChild(sortedItem); }); } lastSort = sort; this.updateMapInput(); }); } /** * Handle book selection from the entity selector. * @param {Object} entityInfo */ bookSelect(entityInfo) { const alreadyAdded = this.container.querySelector(`[data-type="book"][data-id="${}"]`) !== null; if (alreadyAdded) return; const entitySortItemUrl = + '/sort-item'; window.$http.get(entitySortItemUrl).then(resp => { const newBookContainer = htmlToDom(; this.sortContainer.append(newBookContainer); this.setupBookSortable(newBookContainer); }); } /** * Set up the given book container element to have sortable items. * @param {Element} bookContainer */ setupBookSortable(bookContainer) { const sortElems = [bookContainer.querySelector('.sort-list')]; sortElems.push(...bookContainer.querySelectorAll('.entity-list-item + ul')); const bookGroupConfig = { name: 'book', pull: ['book', 'chapter'], put: ['book', 'chapter'], }; const chapterGroupConfig = { name: 'chapter', pull: ['book', 'chapter'], put: function(toList, fromList, draggedElem) { return draggedElem.getAttribute('data-type') === 'page'; } }; for (const sortElem of sortElems) { Sortable.create(sortElem, { group: sortElem.classList.contains('sort-list') ? bookGroupConfig : chapterGroupConfig, animation: 150, fallbackOnBody: true, swapThreshold: 0.65, onSort: this.updateMapInput.bind(this), dragClass: 'bg-white', ghostClass: 'primary-background-light', multiDrag: true, multiDragKey: 'Control', selectedClass: 'sortable-selected', }); } } /** * Update the input with our sort data. */ updateMapInput() { const pageMap = this.buildEntityMap(); this.input.value = JSON.stringify(pageMap); } /** * Build up a mapping of entities with their ordering and nesting. * @returns {Array} */ buildEntityMap() { const entityMap = []; const lists = this.container.querySelectorAll('.sort-list'); for (let list of lists) { const bookId = list.closest('[data-type="book"]').getAttribute('data-id'); const directChildren = Array.from(list.children) .filter(elem => elem.matches('[data-type="page"], [data-type="chapter"]')); for (let i = 0; i < directChildren.length; i++) { this.addBookChildToMap(directChildren[i], i, bookId, entityMap); } } return entityMap; } /** * Parse a sort item and add it to a data-map array. * Parses sub0items if existing also. * @param {Element} childElem * @param {Number} index * @param {Number} bookId * @param {Array} entityMap */ addBookChildToMap(childElem, index, bookId, entityMap) { const type = childElem.getAttribute('data-type'); const parentChapter = false; const childId = childElem.getAttribute('data-id'); entityMap.push({ id: childId, sort: index, parentChapter: parentChapter, type: type, book: bookId }); const subPages = childElem.querySelectorAll('[data-type="page"]'); for (let i = 0; i < subPages.length; i++) { entityMap.push({ id: subPages[i].getAttribute('data-id'), sort: i, parentChapter: childId, type: 'page', book: bookId }); } } }