# Lexical based editor todo ## In progress - Keyboard shortcuts support ## Main Todo - Alignments: Handle inline block content (image, video) - Image paste upload - Support media src conversions (https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/release/6.6/modules/tinymce/src/plugins/media/main/ts/core/UrlPatterns.ts) - Media resize support (like images) - Table caption text support - Table Cut/Copy/Paste column ## Secondary Todo - Color picker support in table form color fields ## Bugs - Image resizing currently bugged, maybe change to ghost resizer in decorator instead of updating core node. - Removing link around image via button deletes image, not just link - `SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND` not fired when clicking out of a table cell. Prevents toolbar hiding on table unselect. - Template drag/drop not handled when outside core editor area (ignored in margin area). - Table row copy/paste does not handle merged cells - TinyMCE fills gaps with the cells that would be visually in the row