> */ protected $entityCache; /** * Re-generate all entity permission from scratch. */ public function rebuildForAll() { JointPermission::query()->truncate(); // Get all roles (Should be the most limited dimension) $roles = Role::query()->with('permissions')->get()->all(); // Chunk through all books $this->bookFetchQuery()->chunk(5, function (EloquentCollection $books) use ($roles) { $this->buildJointPermissionsForBooks($books, $roles); }); // Chunk through all bookshelves Bookshelf::query()->withTrashed()->select(['id', 'restricted', 'owned_by']) ->chunk(50, function (EloquentCollection $shelves) use ($roles) { $this->createManyJointPermissions($shelves->all(), $roles); }); } /** * Rebuild the entity jointPermissions for a particular entity. */ public function rebuildForEntity(Entity $entity) { $entities = [$entity]; if ($entity instanceof Book) { $books = $this->bookFetchQuery()->where('id', '=', $entity->id)->get(); $this->buildJointPermissionsForBooks($books, Role::query()->with('permissions')->get()->all(), true); return; } /** @var BookChild $entity */ if ($entity->book) { $entities[] = $entity->book; } if ($entity instanceof Page && $entity->chapter_id) { $entities[] = $entity->chapter; } if ($entity instanceof Chapter) { foreach ($entity->pages as $page) { $entities[] = $page; } } $this->buildJointPermissionsForEntities($entities); } /** * Build the entity jointPermissions for a particular role. */ public function rebuildForRole(Role $role) { $roles = [$role]; $role->jointPermissions()->delete(); $role->load('permissions'); // Chunk through all books $this->bookFetchQuery()->chunk(20, function ($books) use ($roles) { $this->buildJointPermissionsForBooks($books, $roles); }); // Chunk through all bookshelves Bookshelf::query()->select(['id', 'restricted', 'owned_by']) ->chunk(50, function ($shelves) use ($roles) { $this->createManyJointPermissions($shelves->all(), $roles); }); } /** * Prepare the local entity cache and ensure it's empty. * * @param SimpleEntityData[] $entities */ protected function readyEntityCache(array $entities) { $this->entityCache = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { if (!isset($this->entityCache[$entity->type])) { $this->entityCache[$entity->type] = []; } $this->entityCache[$entity->type][$entity->id] = $entity; } } /** * Get a book via ID, Checks local cache. */ protected function getBook(int $bookId): SimpleEntityData { return $this->entityCache['book'][$bookId]; } /** * Get a chapter via ID, Checks local cache. */ protected function getChapter(int $chapterId): SimpleEntityData { return $this->entityCache['chapter'][$chapterId]; } /** * Get a query for fetching a book with its children. */ protected function bookFetchQuery(): Builder { return Book::query()->withTrashed() ->select(['id', 'restricted', 'owned_by'])->with([ 'chapters' => function ($query) { $query->withTrashed()->select(['id', 'restricted', 'owned_by', 'book_id']); }, 'pages' => function ($query) { $query->withTrashed()->select(['id', 'restricted', 'owned_by', 'book_id', 'chapter_id']); }, ]); } /** * Build joint permissions for the given book and role combinations. */ protected function buildJointPermissionsForBooks(EloquentCollection $books, array $roles, bool $deleteOld = false) { $entities = clone $books; /** @var Book $book */ foreach ($books->all() as $book) { foreach ($book->getRelation('chapters') as $chapter) { $entities->push($chapter); } foreach ($book->getRelation('pages') as $page) { $entities->push($page); } } if ($deleteOld) { $this->deleteManyJointPermissionsForEntities($entities->all()); } $this->createManyJointPermissions($entities->all(), $roles); } /** * Rebuild the entity jointPermissions for a collection of entities. */ protected function buildJointPermissionsForEntities(array $entities) { $roles = Role::query()->get()->values()->all(); $this->deleteManyJointPermissionsForEntities($entities); $this->createManyJointPermissions($entities, $roles); } /** * Delete all the entity jointPermissions for a list of entities. * * @param Entity[] $entities */ protected function deleteManyJointPermissionsForEntities(array $entities) { $simpleEntities = $this->entitiesToSimpleEntities($entities); $idsByType = $this->entitiesToTypeIdMap($simpleEntities); DB::transaction(function () use ($idsByType) { foreach ($idsByType as $type => $ids) { foreach (array_chunk($ids, 1000) as $idChunk) { DB::table('joint_permissions') ->where('entity_type', '=', $type) ->whereIn('entity_id', $idChunk) ->delete(); } } }); } /** * @param Entity[] $entities * * @return SimpleEntityData[] */ protected function entitiesToSimpleEntities(array $entities): array { $simpleEntities = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $attrs = $entity->getAttributes(); $simple = new SimpleEntityData(); $simple->id = $attrs['id']; $simple->type = $entity->getMorphClass(); $simple->restricted = boolval($attrs['restricted'] ?? 0); $simple->owned_by = $attrs['owned_by'] ?? 0; $simple->book_id = $attrs['book_id'] ?? null; $simple->chapter_id = $attrs['chapter_id'] ?? null; $simpleEntities[] = $simple; } return $simpleEntities; } /** * Create & Save entity jointPermissions for many entities and roles. * * @param Entity[] $entities * @param Role[] $roles */ protected function createManyJointPermissions(array $originalEntities, array $roles) { $entities = $this->entitiesToSimpleEntities($originalEntities); $this->readyEntityCache($entities); $jointPermissions = []; // Create a mapping of entity restricted statuses $entityRestrictedMap = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $entityRestrictedMap[$entity->type . ':' . $entity->id] = $entity->restricted; } // Fetch related entity permissions $permissions = $this->getEntityPermissionsForEntities($entities); // Create a mapping of explicit entity permissions // TODO - Handle new format, Now getting all defined entity permissions // from the above call, Need to handle entries with none, and the 'Other Roles' (role_id=0) // fallback option. $permissionMap = []; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $key = $permission->entity_type . ':' . $permission->entity_id . ':' . $permission->role_id; $isRestricted = $entityRestrictedMap[$permission->entity_type . ':' . $permission->entity_id]; $permissionMap[$key] = $isRestricted; } // Create a mapping of role permissions $rolePermissionMap = []; foreach ($roles as $role) { foreach ($role->permissions as $permission) { $rolePermissionMap[$role->getRawAttribute('id') . ':' . $permission->getRawAttribute('name')] = true; } } // Create Joint Permission Data foreach ($entities as $entity) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $jointPermissions[] = $this->createJointPermissionData( $entity, $role->getRawAttribute('id'), $permissionMap, $rolePermissionMap, $role->system_name === 'admin' ); } } DB::transaction(function () use ($jointPermissions) { foreach (array_chunk($jointPermissions, 1000) as $jointPermissionChunk) { DB::table('joint_permissions')->insert($jointPermissionChunk); } }); } /** * From the given entity list, provide back a mapping of entity types to * the ids of that given type. The type used is the DB morph class. * * @param SimpleEntityData[] $entities * * @return array */ protected function entitiesToTypeIdMap(array $entities): array { $idsByType = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { if (!isset($idsByType[$entity->type])) { $idsByType[$entity->type] = []; } $idsByType[$entity->type][] = $entity->id; } return $idsByType; } /** * Get the entity permissions for all the given entities. * * @param SimpleEntityData[] $entities * * @return EntityPermission[] */ protected function getEntityPermissionsForEntities(array $entities): array { $idsByType = $this->entitiesToTypeIdMap($entities); $permissionFetch = EntityPermission::query() ->where(function (Builder $query) use ($idsByType) { foreach ($idsByType as $type => $ids) { $query->orWhere(function (Builder $query) use ($type, $ids) { $query->where('entity_type', '=', $type)->whereIn('entity_id', $ids); }); } }); return $permissionFetch->get()->all(); } /** * Create entity permission data for an entity and role * for a particular action. */ protected function createJointPermissionData(SimpleEntityData $entity, int $roleId, array $permissionMap, array $rolePermissionMap, bool $isAdminRole): array { $permissionPrefix = $entity->type . '-view'; $roleHasPermission = isset($rolePermissionMap[$roleId . ':' . $permissionPrefix . '-all']); $roleHasPermissionOwn = isset($rolePermissionMap[$roleId . ':' . $permissionPrefix . '-own']); if ($isAdminRole) { return $this->createJointPermissionDataArray($entity, $roleId, true, true); } if ($entity->restricted) { $hasAccess = $this->mapHasActiveRestriction($permissionMap, $entity, $roleId); return $this->createJointPermissionDataArray($entity, $roleId, $hasAccess, $hasAccess); } if ($entity->type === 'book' || $entity->type === 'bookshelf') { return $this->createJointPermissionDataArray($entity, $roleId, $roleHasPermission, $roleHasPermissionOwn); } // For chapters and pages, Check if explicit permissions are set on the Book. $book = $this->getBook($entity->book_id); $hasExplicitAccessToParents = $this->mapHasActiveRestriction($permissionMap, $book, $roleId); $hasPermissiveAccessToParents = !$book->restricted; // For pages with a chapter, Check if explicit permissions are set on the Chapter if ($entity->type === 'page' && $entity->chapter_id !== 0) { $chapter = $this->getChapter($entity->chapter_id); $hasPermissiveAccessToParents = $hasPermissiveAccessToParents && !$chapter->restricted; if ($chapter->restricted) { $hasExplicitAccessToParents = $this->mapHasActiveRestriction($permissionMap, $chapter, $roleId); } } return $this->createJointPermissionDataArray( $entity, $roleId, ($hasExplicitAccessToParents || ($roleHasPermission && $hasPermissiveAccessToParents)), ($hasExplicitAccessToParents || ($roleHasPermissionOwn && $hasPermissiveAccessToParents)) ); } /** * Check for an active restriction in an entity map. */ protected function mapHasActiveRestriction(array $entityMap, SimpleEntityData $entity, int $roleId): bool { $key = $entity->type . ':' . $entity->id . ':' . $roleId; return $entityMap[$key] ?? false; } /** * Create an array of data with the information of an entity jointPermissions. * Used to build data for bulk insertion. */ protected function createJointPermissionDataArray(SimpleEntityData $entity, int $roleId, bool $permissionAll, bool $permissionOwn): array { return [ 'entity_id' => $entity->id, 'entity_type' => $entity->type, 'has_permission' => $permissionAll, 'has_permission_own' => $permissionOwn, 'owned_by' => $entity->owned_by, 'role_id' => $roleId, ]; } }