import { $createParagraphNode, $getRoot, $getSelection, $isTextNode, BaseSelection, ElementNode, LexicalEditor, LexicalNode, TextFormatType } from "lexical"; import {LexicalElementNodeCreator, LexicalNodeMatcher} from "./nodes"; import {$getNearestBlockElementAncestorOrThrow} from "@lexical/utils"; import {$setBlocksType} from "@lexical/selection"; import {$createDetailsNode} from "./nodes/details"; export function el(tag: string, attrs: Record = {}, children: (string|HTMLElement)[] = []): HTMLElement { const el = document.createElement(tag); const attrKeys = Object.keys(attrs); for (const attr of attrKeys) { if (attrs[attr] !== null) { el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr] as string); } } for (const child of children) { if (typeof child === 'string') { el.append(document.createTextNode(child)); } else { el.append(child); } } return el; } export function selectionContainsNodeType(selection: BaseSelection|null, matcher: LexicalNodeMatcher): boolean { return getNodeFromSelection(selection, matcher) !== null; } export function getNodeFromSelection(selection: BaseSelection|null, matcher: LexicalNodeMatcher): LexicalNode|null { if (!selection) { return null; } for (const node of selection.getNodes()) { if (matcher(node)) { return node; } for (const parent of node.getParents()) { if (matcher(parent)) { return parent; } } } return null; } export function selectionContainsTextFormat(selection: BaseSelection|null, format: TextFormatType): boolean { if (!selection) { return false; } for (const node of selection.getNodes()) { if ($isTextNode(node) && node.hasFormat(format)) { return true; } } return false; } export function toggleSelectionBlockNodeType(editor: LexicalEditor, matcher: LexicalNodeMatcher, creator: LexicalElementNodeCreator) { editor.update(() => { const selection = $getSelection(); const blockElement = selection ? $getNearestBlockElementAncestorOrThrow(selection.getNodes()[0]) : null; if (selection && matcher(blockElement)) { $setBlocksType(selection, $createParagraphNode); } else { $setBlocksType(selection, creator); } }); } export function insertNewBlockNodeAtSelection(node: LexicalNode) { const selection = $getSelection(); const blockElement = selection ? $getNearestBlockElementAncestorOrThrow(selection.getNodes()[0]) : null; if (blockElement) { blockElement.insertAfter(node); } else { $getRoot().append(node); } }