testFilePath($base64FileName); $data = file_get_contents($base64FilePath); $decoded = base64_decode($data); file_put_contents($imagePath, $decoded); return new UploadedFile($imagePath, $imageFileName, 'image/png', null, true); } /** * Get a test image UploadedFile instance, that can be uploaded via test requests. */ public function uploadedImage(string $fileName, string $testDataFileName = ''): UploadedFile { return new UploadedFile($this->testFilePath($testDataFileName ?: 'test-image.png'), $fileName, 'image/png', null, true); } /** * Get a test txt UploadedFile instance, that can be uploaded via test requests. */ public function uploadedTextFile(string $fileName): UploadedFile { return new UploadedFile($this->testFilePath('test-file.txt'), $fileName, 'text/plain', null, true); } /** * Get raw data for a PNG image test file. */ public function pngImageData(): string { return file_get_contents($this->testFilePath('test-image.png')); } /** * Get the expected relative path for an uploaded image of the given type and filename. */ public function expectedImagePath(string $imageType, string $fileName): string { return '/uploads/images/' . $imageType . '/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . $fileName; } /** * Performs an image gallery upload request with the given name. */ public function uploadGalleryImage(TestCase $case, string $name, int $uploadedTo = 0, string $contentType = 'image/png', string $testDataFileName = ''): TestResponse { $file = $this->uploadedImage($name, $testDataFileName); return $case->call('POST', '/images/gallery', ['uploaded_to' => $uploadedTo], [], ['file' => $file], ['CONTENT_TYPE' => $contentType]); } /** * Upload a new gallery image and return a set of details about the image, * including the json decoded response of the upload. * Ensures the upload succeeds. * * @return array{name: string, path: string, page: Page, response: stdClass} */ public function uploadGalleryImageToPage(TestCase $case, Page $page, string $testDataFileName = ''): array { $imageName = $testDataFileName ?: 'first-image.png'; $relPath = $this->expectedImagePath('gallery', $imageName); $this->deleteAtRelativePath($relPath); $upload = $this->uploadGalleryImage($case, $imageName, $page->id, 'image/png', $testDataFileName); $upload->assertStatus(200); return [ 'name' => $imageName, 'path' => $relPath, 'page' => $page, 'response' => json_decode($upload->getContent()), ]; } /** * Uploads an attachment file with the given name. */ public function uploadAttachmentFile(TestCase $case, string $name, int $uploadedTo = 0): TestResponse { $file = $this->uploadedTextFile($name); return $case->call('POST', '/attachments/upload', ['uploaded_to' => $uploadedTo], [], ['file' => $file], []); } /** * Upload a new attachment from the given raw data of the given type, to the given page. * Returns the attachment */ public function uploadAttachmentDataToPage(TestCase $case, Page $page, string $filename, string $content, string $mimeType): Attachment { $file = tmpfile(); $filePath = stream_get_meta_data($file)['uri']; file_put_contents($filePath, $content); $upload = new UploadedFile($filePath, $filename, $mimeType, null, true); $case->call('POST', '/attachments/upload', ['uploaded_to' => $page->id], [], ['file' => $upload], []); return $page->attachments()->where('uploaded_to', '=', $page->id)->latest()->firstOrFail(); } /** * Delete an uploaded image. */ public function deleteAtRelativePath(string $path): void { $fullPath = $this->relativeToFullPath($path); if (file_exists($fullPath)) { unlink($fullPath); } } /** * Convert a relative path used by default in this provider to a full * absolute local filesystem path. */ public function relativeToFullPath(string $path): string { return public_path($path); } /** * Delete all uploaded files. * To assist with cleanup. */ public function deleteAllAttachmentFiles(): void { $fileService = app()->make(AttachmentService::class); foreach (Attachment::all() as $file) { $fileService->deleteFile($file); } } }