import {BaseSelection, LexicalEditor} from "lexical"; import {$isTableRowNode, $isTableSelection, TableRowNode} from "@lexical/table"; import {$isCustomTableNode, CustomTableNode} from "../nodes/custom-table"; import {$isCustomTableCellNode, CustomTableCellNode} from "../nodes/custom-table-cell-node"; import {$getParentOfType} from "./nodes"; import {$getNodeFromSelection} from "./selection"; import {formatSizeValue} from "./dom"; function $getTableFromCell(cell: CustomTableCellNode): CustomTableNode|null { return $getParentOfType(cell, $isCustomTableNode) as CustomTableNode|null; } export function getTableColumnWidths(table: HTMLTableElement): string[] { const maxColRow = getMaxColRowFromTable(table); const colGroup = table.querySelector('colgroup'); let widths: string[] = []; if (colGroup && (colGroup.childElementCount === maxColRow?.childElementCount || !maxColRow)) { widths = extractWidthsFromRow(colGroup); } if (widths.filter(Boolean).length === 0 && maxColRow) { widths = extractWidthsFromRow(maxColRow); } return widths; } function getMaxColRowFromTable(table: HTMLTableElement): HTMLTableRowElement | null { const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr'); let maxColCount: number = 0; let maxColRow: HTMLTableRowElement | null = null; for (const row of rows) { if (row.childElementCount > maxColCount) { maxColRow = row; maxColCount = row.childElementCount; } } return maxColRow; } function extractWidthsFromRow(row: HTMLTableRowElement | HTMLTableColElement) { return [...row.children].map(child => extractWidthFromElement(child as HTMLElement)) } function extractWidthFromElement(element: HTMLElement): string { let width = || element.getAttribute('width'); if (width && !Number.isNaN(Number(width))) { width = width + 'px'; } return width || ''; } export function $setTableColumnWidth(node: CustomTableNode, columnIndex: number, width: number|string): void { const rows = node.getChildren() as TableRowNode[]; let maxCols = 0; for (const row of rows) { const cellCount = row.getChildren().length; if (cellCount > maxCols) { maxCols = cellCount; } } let colWidths = node.getColWidths(); if (colWidths.length === 0 || colWidths.length < maxCols) { colWidths = Array(maxCols).fill(''); } if (columnIndex + 1 > colWidths.length) { console.error(`Attempted to set table column width for column [${columnIndex}] but only ${colWidths.length} columns found`); } colWidths[columnIndex] = formatSizeValue(width); node.setColWidths(colWidths); } export function $getTableColumnWidth(editor: LexicalEditor, node: CustomTableNode, columnIndex: number): number { const colWidths = node.getColWidths(); if (colWidths.length > columnIndex && colWidths[columnIndex].endsWith('px')) { return Number(colWidths[columnIndex].replace('px', '')); } // Otherwise, get from table element const table = editor.getElementByKey(node.__key) as HTMLTableElement | null; if (table) { const maxColRow = getMaxColRowFromTable(table); if (maxColRow && maxColRow.children.length > columnIndex) { const cell = maxColRow.children[columnIndex]; return cell.clientWidth; } } return 0; } function $getCellColumnIndex(node: CustomTableCellNode): number { const row = node.getParent(); if (!$isTableRowNode(row)) { return -1; } let index = 0; const cells = row.getChildren(); for (const cell of cells) { let colSpan = cell.getColSpan() || 1; index += colSpan; if (cell.getKey() === node.getKey()) { break; } } return index - 1; } export function $setTableCellColumnWidth(cell: CustomTableCellNode, width: string): void { const table = $getTableFromCell(cell) const index = $getCellColumnIndex(cell); if (table && index >= 0) { $setTableColumnWidth(table, index, width); } } export function $getTableCellsFromSelection(selection: BaseSelection|null): CustomTableCellNode[] { if ($isTableSelection(selection)) { const nodes = selection.getNodes(); return nodes.filter(n => $isCustomTableCellNode(n)); } const cell = $getNodeFromSelection(selection, $isCustomTableCellNode) as CustomTableCellNode; return cell ? [cell] : []; }