import { DOMConversionFn, DOMConversionMap, EditorConfig, LexicalNode, Spread } from "lexical"; import {$isListItemNode, ListItemNode, ListNode, ListType, SerializedListNode} from "@lexical/list"; import {$createCustomListItemNode} from "./custom-list-item"; import {extractDirectionFromElement} from "./_common"; export type SerializedCustomListNode = Spread<{ id: string; }, SerializedListNode> export class CustomListNode extends ListNode { __id: string = ''; static getType() { return 'custom-list'; } setId(id: string) { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__id = id; } getId(): string { const self = this.getLatest(); return self.__id; } static clone(node: CustomListNode) { const newNode = new CustomListNode(node.__listType, node.__start, node.__key); newNode.__id = node.__id; newNode.__dir = node.__dir; return newNode; } createDOM(config: EditorConfig): HTMLElement { const dom = super.createDOM(config); if (this.__id) { dom.setAttribute('id', this.__id); } if (this.__dir) { dom.setAttribute('dir', this.__dir); } return dom; } updateDOM(prevNode: ListNode, dom: HTMLElement, config: EditorConfig): boolean { return super.updateDOM(prevNode, dom, config) || prevNode.__dir !== this.__dir; } exportJSON(): SerializedCustomListNode { return { ...super.exportJSON(), type: 'custom-list', version: 1, id: this.__id, }; } static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedCustomListNode): CustomListNode { const node = $createCustomListNode(serializedNode.listType); node.setId(; node.setDirection(serializedNode.direction); return node; } static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null { // @ts-ignore const converter = super.importDOM().ol().conversion as DOMConversionFn; const customConvertFunction = (element: HTMLElement) => { const baseResult = converter(element); if ( && baseResult?.node) { (baseResult.node as CustomListNode).setId(; } if (element.dir && baseResult?.node) { (baseResult.node as CustomListNode).setDirection(extractDirectionFromElement(element)); } if (baseResult) { baseResult.after = $normalizeChildren; } return baseResult; }; return { ol: () => ({ conversion: customConvertFunction, priority: 0, }), ul: () => ({ conversion: customConvertFunction, priority: 0, }), }; } } /* * This function is a custom normalization function to allow nested lists within list item elements. * Original taken from * With modifications made. * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * MIT license */ function $normalizeChildren(nodes: Array): Array { const normalizedListItems: Array = []; for (const node of nodes) { if ($isListItemNode(node)) { normalizedListItems.push(node); } else { normalizedListItems.push($wrapInListItem(node)); } } return normalizedListItems; } function $wrapInListItem(node: LexicalNode): ListItemNode { const listItemWrapper = $createCustomListItemNode(); return listItemWrapper.append(node); } export function $createCustomListNode(type: ListType): CustomListNode { return new CustomListNode(type, 1); } export function $isCustomListNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is CustomListNode { return node instanceof CustomListNode; }