# BookStack A platform to create documentation/wiki content. General information about BookStack can be found at https://www.bookstackapp.com/ **BookStack is currently in rapid development so use now is heavily cautioned as future updates my break existing installations.** ## Requirements BookStack has the similar requirements to Laravel. On top of those are some front-end build tools which the requirement of will be removed once out of beta release. * PHP >= 5.5.9 * OpenSSL PHP Extension * PDO PHP Extension * Mbstring PHP Extension * Tokenizer PHP Extension * MySQL >= 5.6 * [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) **To be removed in future** * [Bower](http://bower.io/) **To be removed in future** * [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) **To be removed in future** ## Installation Ensure the requirements are met before installing. The installation is currently somewhat complicated. Some PHP/Laravel experience will benefit. This will be streamlined in the future. 1. Clone the repository into a folder. 2. `cd` into folder and run `composer install` followed by `npm install` and `bower install`. 3. Run `gulp --production` to compile the JavaScript and css files. 4. Copy the `.env.example` file to `.env` and fill with your own database and mail details. 5. Ensure the `storage` & `bootstrap/cache` folders are writable by the web server. 5. In the application root, Run `php artisan key:generate` to generate a unique application key. 6. If not using apache or `.htaccess` files are disable you will have to create some URL rewrite rules as shown below. 7. Run `php migrate` to update the database. 8. Done! You can now login using the default admin details `admin@admin.com` with a password of `password`. It is recommended to change these details directly after first logging in. #### URL Rewrite rules **Apache** ``` Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] ``` **Nginx** ``` location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } ``` ## Testing BookStack has many integration tests that use Laravel's built-in testing capabilities which makes use of PHPUnit. To use you will need PHPUnit installed and accessible via command line. There is a `mysql_testing` database defined within the app config which is what is used by PHPUnit. This database is set with the following database name, user name and password defined as `bookstack-test`. You will have to create that database and credentials before testing. The testing database will also need migrating and seeding beforehand. This can be done with the following commands: ``` php artisan migrate --database=mysql_testing php artisan db:seed --class=DummyContentSeeder --database=mysql_testing ``` Once done you can run `phpunit` in the application root directory to run all tests. ## License BookStack is provided under the MIT License.