$value) { $instance->$type = $value; } return $instance; } /** * Create a new instance from a request. * Will look for a classic string term and use that * Otherwise we'll use the details from an advanced search form. */ public static function fromRequest(Request $request): self { if (!$request->has('search') && !$request->has('term')) { return static::fromString(''); } if ($request->has('term')) { return static::fromString($request->get('term')); } $instance = new SearchOptions; $inputs = $request->only(['search', 'types', 'filters', 'exact', 'tags']); $instance->searches = explode(' ', $inputs['search'] ?? []); $instance->exacts = array_filter($inputs['exact'] ?? []); $instance->tags = array_filter($inputs['tags'] ?? []); foreach (($inputs['filters'] ?? []) as $filterKey => $filterVal) { if (empty($filterVal)) { continue; } $instance->filters[$filterKey] = $filterVal === 'true' ? '' : $filterVal; } if (isset($inputs['types']) && count($inputs['types']) < 4) { $instance->filters['type'] = implode('|', $inputs['types']); } return $instance; } /** * Decode a search string into an array of terms. */ protected static function decode(string $searchString): array { $terms = [ 'searches' => [], 'exacts' => [], 'tags' => [], 'filters' => [], ]; $patterns = [ 'exacts' => '/"(.*?)"/', 'tags' => '/\[(.*?)\]/', 'filters' => '/\{(.*?)\}/', ]; // Parse special terms foreach ($patterns as $termType => $pattern) { $matches = []; preg_match_all($pattern, $searchString, $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { $terms[$termType] = $matches[1]; $searchString = preg_replace($pattern, '', $searchString); } } // Parse standard terms foreach (explode(' ', trim($searchString)) as $searchTerm) { if ($searchTerm !== '') { $terms['searches'][] = $searchTerm; } } // Split filter values out $splitFilters = []; foreach ($terms['filters'] as $filter) { $explodedFilter = explode(':', $filter, 2); $splitFilters[$explodedFilter[0]] = (count($explodedFilter) > 1) ? $explodedFilter[1] : ''; } $terms['filters'] = $splitFilters; return $terms; } /** * Encode this instance to a search string. */ public function toString(): string { $string = implode(' ', $this->searches ?? []); foreach ($this->exacts as $term) { $string .= ' "' . $term . '"'; } foreach ($this->tags as $term) { $string .= " [{$term}]"; } foreach ($this->filters as $filterName => $filterVal) { $string .= ' {' . $filterName . ($filterVal ? ':' . $filterVal : '') . '}'; } return $string; } }