middleware('can:content-export'); $this->middleware('throttle:exports'); } /** * Exports a page to a PDF. * https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-dompdf. * * @throws NotFoundException * @throws Throwable */ public function pdf(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug) { $page = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlugsOrFail($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $page->html = (new PageContent($page))->render(); $pdfContent = $this->exportFormatter->pageToPdf($page); return $this->download()->directly($pdfContent, $pageSlug . '.pdf'); } /** * Export a page to a self-contained HTML file. * * @throws NotFoundException * @throws Throwable */ public function html(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug) { $page = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlugsOrFail($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $page->html = (new PageContent($page))->render(); $containedHtml = $this->exportFormatter->pageToContainedHtml($page); return $this->download()->directly($containedHtml, $pageSlug . '.html'); } /** * Export a page to a simple plaintext .txt file. * * @throws NotFoundException */ public function plainText(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug) { $page = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlugsOrFail($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $pageText = $this->exportFormatter->pageToPlainText($page); return $this->download()->directly($pageText, $pageSlug . '.txt'); } /** * Export a page to a simple markdown .md file. * * @throws NotFoundException */ public function markdown(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug) { $page = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlugsOrFail($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $pageText = $this->exportFormatter->pageToMarkdown($page); return $this->download()->directly($pageText, $pageSlug . '.md'); } /** * Export a page to a contained ZIP export file. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function zip(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug, ZipExportBuilder $builder) { $page = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlugsOrFail($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $zip = $builder->buildForPage($page); return $this->download()->streamedFileDirectly($zip, $pageSlug . '.zip', true); } }