getActiveEngine()) { self::ENGINE_COMMAND => $this->renderUsingCommand($html), self::ENGINE_WKHTML => $this->renderUsingWkhtml($html), default => $this->renderUsingDomPdf($html) }; } /** * Get the currently active PDF engine. * Returns the value of an `ENGINE_` const on this class. */ public function getActiveEngine(): string { if (config('exports.pdf_command')) { return self::ENGINE_COMMAND; } if ($this->getWkhtmlBinaryPath() && config('app.allow_untrusted_server_fetching') === true) { return self::ENGINE_WKHTML; } return self::ENGINE_DOMPDF; } protected function getWkhtmlBinaryPath(): string { $wkhtmlBinaryPath = config('exports.snappy.pdf_binary'); if (file_exists(base_path('wkhtmltopdf'))) { $wkhtmlBinaryPath = base_path('wkhtmltopdf'); } return $wkhtmlBinaryPath ?: ''; } protected function renderUsingDomPdf(string $html): string { $options = config('exports.dompdf'); $domPdf = new Dompdf($options); $domPdf->setBasePath(base_path('public')); $domPdf->loadHTML($this->convertEntities($html)); $domPdf->render(); return (string) $domPdf->output(); } /** * @throws PdfExportException */ protected function renderUsingCommand(string $html): string { $command = config('exports.pdf_command'); $inputHtml = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'bs-pdfgen-html-'); $outputPdf = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'bs-pdfgen-output-'); $replacementsByPlaceholder = [ '{input_html_path}' => $inputHtml, '{output_pdf_path}' => $outputPdf, ]; foreach ($replacementsByPlaceholder as $placeholder => $replacement) { $command = str_replace($placeholder, escapeshellarg($replacement), $command); } file_put_contents($inputHtml, $html); $timeout = intval(config('exports.pdf_command_timeout')); $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($command); $process->setTimeout($timeout); $cleanup = function () use ($inputHtml, $outputPdf) { foreach ([$inputHtml, $outputPdf] as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } }; try { $process->run(); } catch (ProcessTimedOutException $e) { $cleanup(); throw new PdfExportException("PDF Export via command failed due to timeout at {$timeout} second(s)"); } if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { $cleanup(); throw new PdfExportException("PDF Export via command failed with exit code {$process->getExitCode()}, stdout: {$process->getOutput()}, stderr: {$process->getErrorOutput()}"); } $pdfContents = file_get_contents($outputPdf); $cleanup(); if ($pdfContents === false) { throw new PdfExportException("PDF Export via command failed, unable to read PDF output file"); } else if (empty($pdfContents)) { throw new PdfExportException("PDF Export via command failed, PDF output file is empty"); } return $pdfContents; } protected function renderUsingWkhtml(string $html): string { $snappy = new SnappyPdf($this->getWkhtmlBinaryPath()); $options = config('exports.snappy.options'); return $snappy->getOutputFromHtml($html, $options); } /** * Taken from * Copyright (c) 2021 barryvdh, MIT License * */ protected function convertEntities(string $subject): string { $entities = [ '€' => '€', '£' => '£', ]; foreach ($entities as $search => $replace) { $subject = str_replace($search, $replace, $subject); } return $subject; } }