/** * Handle alignment for embed (iframe/video) content. * TinyMCE built-in handling doesn't work well for these when classes are used for * alignment, since the editor wraps these elements in a non-editable preview span * which looses tracking and setting of alignment options. * Here we manually manage these properties and formatting events, by effectively * syncing the alignment classes to the parent preview span. * @param {Editor} editor */ export function handleEmbedAlignmentChanges(editor) { function updateClassesForPreview(previewElem) { const mediaTarget = previewElem.querySelector('iframe, video'); if (!mediaTarget) { return; } const alignmentClasses = [...mediaTarget.classList.values()].filter(c => c.startsWith('align-')); const previewAlignClasses = [...previewElem.classList.values()].filter(c => c.startsWith('align-')); previewElem.classList.remove(...previewAlignClasses); previewElem.classList.add(...alignmentClasses); } editor.on('SetContent', () => { const previewElems = editor.dom.select('span.mce-preview-object'); for (const previewElem of previewElems) { updateClassesForPreview(previewElem); } }); editor.on('FormatApply', event => { const isAlignment = event.format.startsWith('align'); if (!event.node || !event.node.matches('.mce-preview-object')) { return; } const realTarget = event.node.querySelector('iframe, video'); if (isAlignment && realTarget) { const className = (editor.formatter.get(event.format)[0]?.classes || [])[0]; const toAdd = !realTarget.classList.contains(className); const wrapperClasses = (event.node.getAttribute('data-mce-p-class') || '').split(' '); const wrapperClassesFiltered = wrapperClasses.filter(c => !c.startsWith('align-')); if (toAdd) { wrapperClassesFiltered.push(className); } const classesToApply = wrapperClassesFiltered.join(' '); event.node.setAttribute('data-mce-p-class', classesToApply); realTarget.setAttribute('class', classesToApply); editor.formatter.apply(event.format, {}, realTarget); updateClassesForPreview(event.node); } }); } /** * Cleans up the direction property for an element. * Removes all inline direction control from child elements. * Removes non "dir" attribute direction control from provided element. * @param {HTMLElement} element */ function cleanElementDirection(element) { const directionChildren = element.querySelectorAll('[dir],[style*="direction"],[style*="text-align"]'); for (const child of directionChildren) { child.removeAttribute('dir'); child.style.direction = null; child.style.textAlign = null; } element.style.direction = null; element.style.textAlign = null; } /** * This tracks table cell range selection, so we can apply custom handling where * required to actions applied to such selections. * The events used don't seem to be advertised by TinyMCE. * Found at https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/6.8.3/modules/tinymce/src/models/dom/main/ts/table/api/Events.ts * @param {Editor} editor */ export function handleTableCellRangeEvents(editor) { /** @var {HTMLTableCellElement[]} * */ let selectedCells = []; editor.on('TableSelectionChange', event => { selectedCells = (event.cells || []).map(cell => cell.dom); }); editor.on('TableSelectionClear', () => { selectedCells = []; }); // TinyMCE does not seem to do a great job on clearing styles in complex // scenarios (like copied word content) when a range of table cells // are selected. Here we watch for clear formatting events, so some manual // cleanup can be performed. const attrsToRemove = ['class', 'style', 'width', 'height']; editor.on('FormatRemove', () => { for (const cell of selectedCells) { for (const attr of attrsToRemove) { cell.removeAttribute(attr); } } }); // TinyMCE does not apply direction events to table cell range selections // so here we hastily patch in that ability by setting the direction ourselves // when a direction event is fired. editor.on('ExecCommand', event => { const command = event.command; if (command !== 'mceDirectionLTR' && command !== 'mceDirectionRTL') { return; } const dir = command === 'mceDirectionLTR' ? 'ltr' : 'rtl'; for (const cell of selectedCells) { cell.setAttribute('dir', dir); cleanElementDirection(cell); } }); } /** * Direction control might not work if there are other unexpected direction-handling styles * or attributes involved nearby. This watches for direction change events to clean * up direction controls, removing non-dir-attr direction controls, while removing * directions from child elements that may be involved. * @param {Editor} editor */ export function handleTextDirectionCleaning(editor) { editor.on('ExecCommand', event => { const command = event.command; if (command !== 'mceDirectionLTR' && command !== 'mceDirectionRTL') { return; } const blocks = editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks(); for (const block of blocks) { cleanElementDirection(block); } }); }