scopeHasPermission($query, 'view'); } /** * Scope the query to those entities that the current user has the given permission for. */ public function scopeHasPermission(Builder $query, string $permission) { return Permissions::restrictEntityQuery($query, $permission); } /** * Query scope to get the last view from the current user. */ public function scopeWithLastView(Builder $query) { $viewedAtQuery = View::query()->select('updated_at') ->whereColumn('viewable_id', '=', $this->getTable() . '.id') ->where('viewable_type', '=', $this->getMorphClass()) ->where('user_id', '=', user()->id) ->take(1); return $query->addSelect(['last_viewed_at' => $viewedAtQuery]); } /** * Query scope to get the total view count of the entities. */ public function scopeWithViewCount(Builder $query) { $viewCountQuery = View::query()->selectRaw('SUM(views) as view_count') ->whereColumn('viewable_id', '=', $this->getTable() . '.id') ->where('viewable_type', '=', $this->getMorphClass())->take(1); $query->addSelect(['view_count' => $viewCountQuery]); } /** * Compares this entity to another given entity. * Matches by comparing class and id. */ public function matches(self $entity): bool { return [get_class($this), $this->id] === [get_class($entity), $entity->id]; } /** * Checks if the current entity matches or contains the given. */ public function matchesOrContains(self $entity): bool { if ($this->matches($entity)) { return true; } if (($entity->isA('chapter') || $entity->isA('page')) && $this->isA('book')) { return $entity->book_id === $this->id; } if ($entity->isA('page') && $this->isA('chapter')) { return $entity->chapter_id === $this->id; } return false; } /** * Gets the activity objects for this entity. */ public function activity(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Activity::class, 'entity') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } /** * Get View objects for this entity. */ public function views(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(View::class, 'viewable'); } /** * Get the Tag models that have been user assigned to this entity. */ public function tags(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Tag::class, 'entity')->orderBy('order', 'asc'); } /** * Get the comments for an entity. */ public function comments(bool $orderByCreated = true): MorphMany { $query = $this->morphMany(Comment::class, 'entity'); return $orderByCreated ? $query->orderBy('created_at', 'asc') : $query; } /** * Get the related search terms. */ public function searchTerms(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(SearchTerm::class, 'entity'); } /** * Get this entities restrictions. */ public function permissions(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(EntityPermission::class, 'restrictable'); } /** * Check if this entity has a specific restriction set against it. */ public function hasRestriction(int $role_id, string $action): bool { return $this->permissions()->where('role_id', '=', $role_id) ->where('action', '=', $action)->count() > 0; } /** * Get the entity jointPermissions this is connected to. */ public function jointPermissions(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(JointPermission::class, 'entity'); } /** * Get the related delete records for this entity. */ public function deletions(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Deletion::class, 'deletable'); } /** * Check if this instance or class is a certain type of entity. * Examples of $type are 'page', 'book', 'chapter'. * @deprecated Use instanceof instead. */ public static function isA(string $type): bool { return static::getType() === strtolower($type); } /** * Get the entity type as a simple lowercase word. */ public static function getType(): string { $className = array_slice(explode('\\', static::class), -1, 1)[0]; return strtolower($className); } /** * Gets a limited-length version of the entities name. */ public function getShortName(int $length = 25): string { if (mb_strlen($this->name) <= $length) { return $this->name; } return mb_substr($this->name, 0, $length - 3) . '...'; } /** * Get an excerpt of this entity's descriptive content to the specified length. */ public function getExcerpt(int $length = 100): string { $text = $this->{$this->textField} ?? ''; if (mb_strlen($text) > $length) { $text = mb_substr($text, 0, $length - 3) . '...'; } return trim($text); } /** * Get the url of this entity. */ abstract public function getUrl(string $path = '/'): string; /** * Get the parent entity if existing. * This is the "static" parent and does not include dynamic * relations such as shelves to books. */ public function getParent(): ?self { if ($this instanceof Page) { return $this->chapter_id ? $this->chapter()->withTrashed()->first() : $this->book()->withTrashed()->first(); } if ($this instanceof Chapter) { return $this->book()->withTrashed()->first(); } return null; } /** * Rebuild the permissions for this entity. */ public function rebuildPermissions() { /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ Permissions::buildJointPermissionsForEntity(clone $this); } /** * Index the current entity for search. */ public function indexForSearch() { app(SearchIndex::class)->indexEntity(clone $this); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function refreshSlug(): string { $this->slug = app(SlugGenerator::class)->generate($this); return $this->slug; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function favourites(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Favourite::class, 'favouritable'); } /** * Check if the entity is a favourite of the current user. */ public function isFavourite(): bool { return $this->favourites() ->where('user_id', '=', user()->id) ->exists(); } }