<?php namespace BookStack\Http\Controllers\Auth; use BookStack\Auth\Access\Saml2Service; use BookStack\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class Saml2Controller extends Controller { protected $samlService; /** * Saml2Controller constructor. */ public function __construct(Saml2Service $samlService) { $this->samlService = $samlService; $this->middleware('guard:saml2'); } /** * Start the login flow via SAML2. */ public function login() { $loginDetails = $this->samlService->login(); session()->flash('saml2_request_id', $loginDetails['id']); return redirect($loginDetails['url']); } /** * Start the logout flow via SAML2. */ public function logout() { $logoutDetails = $this->samlService->logout(auth()->user()); if ($logoutDetails['id']) { session()->flash('saml2_logout_request_id', $logoutDetails['id']); } return redirect($logoutDetails['url']); } /* * Get the metadata for this SAML2 service provider. */ public function metadata() { $metaData = $this->samlService->metadata(); return response()->make($metaData, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml', ]); } /** * Single logout service. * Handle logout requests and responses. */ public function sls() { $requestId = session()->pull('saml2_logout_request_id', null); $redirect = $this->samlService->processSlsResponse($requestId) ?? '/'; return redirect($redirect); } /** * Assertion Consumer Service start URL. Takes the SAMLResponse from the IDP. * Due to being an external POST request, we likely won't have context of the * current user session due to lax cookies. To work around this we store the * SAMLResponse data and redirect to the processAcs endpoint for the actual * processing of the request with proper context of the user session. */ public function startAcs(Request $request) { $samlResponse = $request->get('SAMLResponse', null); if (empty($samlResponse)) { $this->showErrorNotification(trans('errors.saml_fail_authed', ['system' => config('saml2.name')])); return redirect('/login'); } $acsId = Str::random(16); $cacheKey = 'saml2_acs:' . $acsId; cache()->set($cacheKey, encrypt($samlResponse), 10); return redirect()->guest('/saml2/acs?id=' . $acsId); } /** * Assertion Consumer Service process endpoint. * Processes the SAML response from the IDP with context of the current session. * Takes the SAML request from the cache, added by the startAcs method above. */ public function processAcs(Request $request) { $acsId = $request->get('id', null); $cacheKey = 'saml2_acs:' . $acsId; $samlResponse = null; try { $samlResponse = decrypt(cache()->pull($cacheKey)); } catch (\Exception $exception) { } $requestId = session()->pull('saml2_request_id', null); if (empty($acsId) || empty($samlResponse)) { $this->showErrorNotification(trans('errors.saml_fail_authed', ['system' => config('saml2.name')])); return redirect('/login'); } $user = $this->samlService->processAcsResponse($requestId, $samlResponse); if (is_null($user)) { $this->showErrorNotification(trans('errors.saml_fail_authed', ['system' => config('saml2.name')])); return redirect('/login'); } return redirect()->intended(); } }