book = $book; } /** * Get the current priority of the last item * at the top-level of the book. */ public function getLastPriority(): int { $maxPage = Page::visible()->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id) ->where('draft', '=', false) ->where('chapter_id', '=', 0)->max('priority'); $maxChapter = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id) ->max('priority'); return max($maxChapter, $maxPage, 1); } /** * Get the contents as a sorted collection tree. */ public function getTree(bool $showDrafts = false, bool $renderPages = false): Collection { $pages = $this->getPages($showDrafts, $renderPages); $chapters = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id)->get(); $all = collect()->concat($pages)->concat($chapters); $chapterMap = $chapters->keyBy('id'); $lonePages = collect(); $pages->groupBy('chapter_id')->each(function ($pages, $chapter_id) use ($chapterMap, &$lonePages) { $chapter = $chapterMap->get($chapter_id); if ($chapter) { $chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect($pages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc())); } else { $lonePages = $lonePages->concat($pages); } }); $chapters->whereNull('visible_pages')->each(function (Chapter $chapter) { $chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect([])); }); $all->each(function (Entity $entity) use ($renderPages) { $entity->setRelation('book', $this->book); if ($renderPages && $entity instanceof Page) { $entity->html = (new PageContent($entity))->render(); } }); return collect($chapters)->concat($lonePages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc()); } /** * Function for providing a sorting score for an entity in relation to the * other items within the book. */ protected function bookChildSortFunc(): callable { return function (Entity $entity) { if (isset($entity['draft']) && $entity['draft']) { return -100; } return $entity['priority'] ?? 0; }; } /** * Get the visible pages within this book. */ protected function getPages(bool $showDrafts = false, bool $getPageContent = false): Collection { $query = Page::visible() ->select($getPageContent ? Page::$contentAttributes : Page::$listAttributes) ->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id); if (!$showDrafts) { $query->where('draft', '=', false); } return $query->get(); } /** * Sort the books content using the given sort map. * Returns a list of books that were involved in the operation. * * @throws SortOperationException */ public function sortUsingMap(BookSortMap $sortMap): Collection { // Load models into map $this->loadModelsIntoSortMap($sortMap); $booksInvolved = $this->getBooksInvolvedInSort($sortMap); // Perform the sort foreach ($sortMap->all() as $item) { $this->applySortUpdates($item); } // Update permissions and activity. $booksInvolved->each(function (Book $book) { $book->rebuildPermissions(); }); return $booksInvolved; } /** * Using the given sort map item, detect changes for the related model * and update it if required. */ protected function applySortUpdates(BookSortMapItem $sortMapItem): void { $model = $sortMapItem->model; if (!$model) { return; } $priorityChanged = $model->priority !== $sortMapItem->sort; $bookChanged = $model->book_id !== $sortMapItem->parentBookId; $chapterChanged = ($model instanceof Page) && $model->chapter_id !== $sortMapItem->parentChapterId; if ($bookChanged) { $model->changeBook($sortMapItem->parentBookId); } if ($chapterChanged) { $model->chapter_id = intval($sortMapItem->parentChapterId); $model->save(); } if ($priorityChanged) { $model->priority = $sortMapItem->sort; $model->save(); } } /** * Load models from the database into the given sort map. */ protected function loadModelsIntoSortMap(BookSortMap $sortMap): void { $collection = collect($sortMap->all()); $keyMap = $collection->keyBy(function (BookSortMapItem $sortMapItem) { return $sortMapItem->type . ':' . $sortMapItem->id; }); $pageIds = $collection->where('type', '=', 'page')->pluck('id'); $chapterIds = $collection->where('type', '=', 'chapter')->pluck('id'); $pages = Page::visible()->whereIn('id', $pageIds)->get(); $chapters = Chapter::visible()->whereIn('id', $chapterIds)->get(); foreach ($pages as $page) { /** @var BookSortMapItem $sortItem */ $sortItem = $keyMap->get('page:' . $page->id); $sortItem->model = $page; } foreach ($chapters as $chapter) { /** @var BookSortMapItem $sortItem */ $sortItem = $keyMap->get('chapter:' . $chapter->id); $sortItem->model = $chapter; } } /** * Get the books involved in a sort. * The given sort map should have its models loaded first. * * @throws SortOperationException */ protected function getBooksInvolvedInSort(BookSortMap $sortMap): Collection { $collection = collect($sortMap->all()); $bookIdsInvolved = array_unique(array_merge( [$this->book->id], $collection->pluck('parentBookId')->values()->all(), $collection->pluck('model.book_id')->values()->all(), )); $books = Book::hasPermission('update')->whereIn('id', $bookIdsInvolved)->get(); if (count($books) !== count($bookIdsInvolved)) { throw new SortOperationException('Could not find all books requested in sort operation'); } return $books; } }