pageRevision = $pageRevision; parent::__construct(); } /** * Base query for getting pages, Takes restrictions into account. * @param bool $allowDrafts * @return mixed */ private function pageQuery($allowDrafts = false) { $query = $this->restrictionService->enforcePageRestrictions($this->page, 'view'); if (!$allowDrafts) { $query = $query->where('draft', '=', false); } return $query; } /** * Get a page via a specific ID. * @param $id * @param bool $allowDrafts * @return mixed */ public function getById($id, $allowDrafts = false) { return $this->pageQuery($allowDrafts)->findOrFail($id); } /** * Get a page identified by the given slug. * @param $slug * @param $bookId * @return mixed * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getBySlug($slug, $bookId) { $page = $this->pageQuery()->where('slug', '=', $slug)->where('book_id', '=', $bookId)->first(); if ($page === null) throw new NotFoundException('Page not found'); return $page; } /** * Search through page revisions and retrieve * the last page in the current book that * has a slug equal to the one given. * @param $pageSlug * @param $bookSlug * @return null | Page */ public function findPageUsingOldSlug($pageSlug, $bookSlug) { $revision = $this->pageRevision->where('slug', '=', $pageSlug) ->whereHas('page', function ($query) { $this->restrictionService->enforcePageRestrictions($query); }) ->where('type', '=', 'version') ->where('book_slug', '=', $bookSlug)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->with('page')->first(); return $revision !== null ? $revision->page : null; } /** * Get a new Page instance from the given input. * @param $input * @return Page */ public function newFromInput($input) { $page = $this->page->fill($input); return $page; } /** * Count the pages with a particular slug within a book. * @param $slug * @param $bookId * @return mixed */ public function countBySlug($slug, $bookId) { return $this->page->where('slug', '=', $slug)->where('book_id', '=', $bookId)->count(); } /** * Save a new page into the system. * Input validation must be done beforehand. * @param array $input * @param Book $book * @param int $chapterId * @return Page */ public function saveNew(array $input, Book $book, $chapterId = null) { $page = $this->newFromInput($input); $page->slug = $this->findSuitableSlug($page->name, $book->id); if ($chapterId) $page->chapter_id = $chapterId; $page->html = $this->formatHtml($input['html']); $page->text = strip_tags($page->html); $page->created_by = auth()->user()->id; $page->updated_by = auth()->user()->id; $book->pages()->save($page); return $page; } /** * Publish a draft page to make it a normal page. * Sets the slug and updates the content. * @param Page $draftPage * @param array $input * @return Page */ public function publishDraft(Page $draftPage, array $input) { $draftPage->fill($input); $draftPage->slug = $this->findSuitableSlug($draftPage->name, $draftPage->book->id); $draftPage->html = $this->formatHtml($input['html']); $draftPage->text = strip_tags($draftPage->html); $draftPage->draft = false; $draftPage->save(); return $draftPage; } /** * Get a new draft page instance. * @param Book $book * @param Chapter|null $chapter * @return static */ public function getDraftPage(Book $book, $chapter) { $page = $this->page->newInstance(); $page->name = 'New Page'; $page->created_by = auth()->user()->id; $page->updated_by = auth()->user()->id; $page->draft = true; if ($chapter) $page->chapter_id = $chapter->id; $book->pages()->save($page); return $page; } /** * Formats a page's html to be tagged correctly * within the system. * @param string $htmlText * @return string */ protected function formatHtml($htmlText) { if ($htmlText == '') return $htmlText; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($htmlText, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $container = $doc->documentElement; $body = $container->childNodes->item(0); $childNodes = $body->childNodes; // Ensure no duplicate ids are used $idArray = []; foreach ($childNodes as $index => $childNode) { /** @var \DOMElement $childNode */ if (get_class($childNode) !== 'DOMElement') continue; // Overwrite id if not a BookStack custom id if ($childNode->hasAttribute('id')) { $id = $childNode->getAttribute('id'); if (strpos($id, 'bkmrk') === 0 && array_search($id, $idArray) === false) { $idArray[] = $id; continue; }; } // Create an unique id for the element // Uses the content as a basis to ensure output is the same every time // the same content is passed through. $contentId = 'bkmrk-' . substr(strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', trim($childNode->nodeValue))), 0, 20); $newId = urlencode($contentId); $loopIndex = 0; while (in_array($newId, $idArray)) { $newId = urlencode($contentId . '-' . $loopIndex); $loopIndex++; } $childNode->setAttribute('id', $newId); $idArray[] = $newId; } // Generate inner html as a string $html = ''; foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) { $html .= $doc->saveHTML($childNode); } return $html; } /** * Gets pages by a search term. * Highlights page content for showing in results. * @param string $term * @param array $whereTerms * @param int $count * @param array $paginationAppends * @return mixed */ public function getBySearch($term, $whereTerms = [], $count = 20, $paginationAppends = []) { $terms = $this->prepareSearchTerms($term); $pages = $this->restrictionService->enforcePageRestrictions($this->page->fullTextSearchQuery(['name', 'text'], $terms, $whereTerms)) ->paginate($count)->appends($paginationAppends); // Add highlights to page text. $words = join('|', explode(' ', preg_quote(trim($term), '/'))); //lookahead/behind assertions ensures cut between words $s = '\s\x00-/:-@\[-`{-~'; //character set for start/end of words foreach ($pages as $page) { preg_match_all('#(?<=[' . $s . ']).{1,30}((' . $words . ').{1,30})+(?=[' . $s . '])#uis', $page->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); //delimiter between occurrences $results = []; foreach ($matches as $line) { $results[] = htmlspecialchars($line[0], 0, 'UTF-8'); } $matchLimit = 6; if (count($results) > $matchLimit) { $results = array_slice($results, 0, $matchLimit); } $result = join('... ', $results); //highlight $result = preg_replace('#' . $words . '#iu', "\$0", $result); if (strlen($result) < 5) { $result = $page->getExcerpt(80); } $page->searchSnippet = $result; } return $pages; } /** * Search for image usage. * @param $imageString * @return mixed */ public function searchForImage($imageString) { $pages = $this->pageQuery()->where('html', 'like', '%' . $imageString . '%')->get(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $page->url = $page->getUrl(); $page->html = ''; $page->text = ''; } return count($pages) > 0 ? $pages : false; } /** * Updates a page with any fillable data and saves it into the database. * @param Page $page * @param int $book_id * @param string $input * @return Page */ public function updatePage(Page $page, $book_id, $input) { // Save a revision before updating if ($page->html !== $input['html'] || $page->name !== $input['name']) { $this->saveRevision($page); } // Prevent slug being updated if no name change if ($page->name !== $input['name']) { $page->slug = $this->findSuitableSlug($input['name'], $book_id, $page->id); } // Update with new details $userId = auth()->user()->id; $page->fill($input); $page->html = $this->formatHtml($input['html']); $page->text = strip_tags($page->html); $page->updated_by = $userId; $page->save(); // Remove all update drafts for this user & page. $this->userUpdateDraftsQuery($page, $userId)->delete(); return $page; } /** * Restores a revision's content back into a page. * @param Page $page * @param Book $book * @param int $revisionId * @return Page */ public function restoreRevision(Page $page, Book $book, $revisionId) { $this->saveRevision($page); $revision = $this->getRevisionById($revisionId); $page->fill($revision->toArray()); $page->slug = $this->findSuitableSlug($page->name, $book->id, $page->id); $page->text = strip_tags($page->html); $page->updated_by = auth()->user()->id; $page->save(); return $page; } /** * Saves a page revision into the system. * @param Page $page * @return $this */ public function saveRevision(Page $page) { $revision = $this->pageRevision->fill($page->toArray()); $revision->page_id = $page->id; $revision->slug = $page->slug; $revision->book_slug = $page->book->slug; $revision->created_by = auth()->user()->id; $revision->created_at = $page->updated_at; $revision->type = 'version'; $revision->save(); // Clear old revisions if ($this->pageRevision->where('page_id', '=', $page->id)->count() > 50) { $this->pageRevision->where('page_id', '=', $page->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->skip(50)->take(5)->delete(); } return $revision; } /** * Save a page update draft. * @param Page $page * @param array $data * @return PageRevision */ public function saveUpdateDraft(Page $page, $data = []) { $userId = auth()->user()->id; $drafts = $this->userUpdateDraftsQuery($page, $userId)->get(); if ($drafts->count() > 0) { $draft = $drafts->first(); } else { $draft = $this->pageRevision->newInstance(); $draft->page_id = $page->id; $draft->slug = $page->slug; $draft->book_slug = $page->book->slug; $draft->created_by = $userId; $draft->type = 'update_draft'; } $draft->fill($data); $draft->save(); return $draft; } /** * Update a draft page. * @param Page $page * @param array $data * @return Page */ public function updateDraftPage(Page $page, $data = []) { $page->fill($data); if (isset($data['html'])) { $page->text = strip_tags($data['html']); } $page->save(); return $page; } /** * The base query for getting user update drafts. * @param Page $page * @param $userId * @return mixed */ private function userUpdateDraftsQuery(Page $page, $userId) { return $this->pageRevision->where('created_by', '=', $userId) ->where('type', 'update_draft') ->where('page_id', '=', $page->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } /** * Checks whether a user has a draft version of a particular page or not. * @param Page $page * @param $userId * @return bool */ public function hasUserGotPageDraft(Page $page, $userId) { return $this->userUpdateDraftsQuery($page, $userId)->count() > 0; } /** * Get the latest updated draft revision for a particular page and user. * @param Page $page * @param $userId * @return mixed */ public function getUserPageDraft(Page $page, $userId) { return $this->userUpdateDraftsQuery($page, $userId)->first(); } /** * Get the notification message that informs the user that they are editing a draft page. * @param PageRevision $draft * @return string */ public function getUserPageDraftMessage(PageRevision $draft) { $message = 'You are currently editing a draft that was last saved ' . $draft->updated_at->diffForHumans() . '.'; if ($draft->page->updated_at->timestamp > $draft->updated_at->timestamp) { $message .= "\n This page has been updated by since that time. It is recommended that you discard this draft."; } return $message; } /** * Check if a page is being actively editing. * Checks for edits since last page updated. * Passing in a minuted range will check for edits * within the last x minutes. * @param Page $page * @param null $minRange * @return bool */ public function isPageEditingActive(Page $page, $minRange = null) { $draftSearch = $this->activePageEditingQuery($page, $minRange); return $draftSearch->count() > 0; } /** * Get a notification message concerning the editing activity on * a particular page. * @param Page $page * @param null $minRange * @return string */ public function getPageEditingActiveMessage(Page $page, $minRange = null) { $pageDraftEdits = $this->activePageEditingQuery($page, $minRange)->get(); $userMessage = $pageDraftEdits->count() > 1 ? $pageDraftEdits->count() . ' users have' : $pageDraftEdits->first()->createdBy->name . ' has'; $timeMessage = $minRange === null ? 'since the page was last updated' : 'in the last ' . $minRange . ' minutes'; $message = '%s started editing this page %s. Take care not to overwrite each other\'s updates!'; return sprintf($message, $userMessage, $timeMessage); } /** * A query to check for active update drafts on a particular page. * @param Page $page * @param null $minRange * @return mixed */ private function activePageEditingQuery(Page $page, $minRange = null) { $query = $this->pageRevision->where('type', '=', 'update_draft') ->where('page_id', '=', $page->id) ->where('updated_at', '>', $page->updated_at) ->where('created_by', '!=', auth()->user()->id) ->with('createdBy'); if ($minRange !== null) { $query = $query->where('updated_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->subMinutes($minRange)); } return $query; } /** * Gets a single revision via it's id. * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function getRevisionById($id) { return $this->pageRevision->findOrFail($id); } /** * Checks if a slug exists within a book already. * @param $slug * @param $bookId * @param bool|false $currentId * @return bool */ public function doesSlugExist($slug, $bookId, $currentId = false) { $query = $this->page->where('slug', '=', $slug)->where('book_id', '=', $bookId); if ($currentId) $query = $query->where('id', '!=', $currentId); return $query->count() > 0; } /** * Changes the related book for the specified page. * Changes the book id of any relations to the page that store the book id. * @param int $bookId * @param Page $page * @return Page */ public function changeBook($bookId, Page $page) { $page->book_id = $bookId; foreach ($page->activity as $activity) { $activity->book_id = $bookId; $activity->save(); } $page->slug = $this->findSuitableSlug($page->name, $bookId, $page->id); $page->save(); return $page; } /** * Gets a suitable slug for the resource * @param $name * @param $bookId * @param bool|false $currentId * @return string */ public function findSuitableSlug($name, $bookId, $currentId = false) { $slug = Str::slug($name); while ($this->doesSlugExist($slug, $bookId, $currentId)) { $slug .= '-' . substr(md5(rand(1, 500)), 0, 3); } return $slug; } /** * Destroy a given page along with its dependencies. * @param $page */ public function destroy($page) { Activity::removeEntity($page); $page->views()->delete(); $page->revisions()->delete(); $page->restrictions()->delete(); $page->delete(); } /** * Get the latest pages added to the system. * @param $count */ public function getRecentlyCreatedPaginated($count = 20) { return $this->pageQuery()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate($count); } /** * Get the latest pages added to the system. * @param $count */ public function getRecentlyUpdatedPaginated($count = 20) { return $this->pageQuery()->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->paginate($count); } }