import { DOMConversion, DOMConversionMap, DOMConversionOutput, ElementNode, LexicalEditor, LexicalNode, SerializedElementNode, Spread } from 'lexical'; import type {EditorConfig} from "lexical/LexicalEditor"; import {el} from "../utils/dom"; export type MediaNodeTag = 'iframe' | 'embed' | 'object' | 'video' | 'audio'; export type MediaNodeSource = { src: string; type: string; }; export type SerializedMediaNode = Spread<{ tag: MediaNodeTag; attributes: Record; sources: MediaNodeSource[]; }, SerializedElementNode> const attributeAllowList = [ 'id', 'width', 'height', 'style', 'title', 'name', 'src', 'allow', 'allowfullscreen', 'loading', 'sandbox', 'type', 'data', 'controls', 'autoplay', 'controlslist', 'loop', 'muted', 'playsinline', 'poster', 'preload' ]; function filterAttributes(attributes: Record): Record { const filtered: Record = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(attributes)) { if (attributeAllowList.includes(key)) { filtered[key] = attributes[key]; } } return filtered; } function domElementToNode(tag: MediaNodeTag, element: Element): MediaNode { const node = $createMediaNode(tag); const attributes: Record = {}; for (const attribute of element.attributes) { attributes[] = attribute.value; } node.setAttributes(attributes); const sources: MediaNodeSource[] = []; if (tag === 'video' || tag === 'audio') { for (const child of element.children) { if (child.tagName === 'SOURCE') { const src = child.getAttribute('src'); const type = child.getAttribute('type'); if (src && type) { sources.push({ src, type }); } } } node.setSources(sources); } return node; } export class MediaNode extends ElementNode { __tag: MediaNodeTag; __attributes: Record = {}; __sources: MediaNodeSource[] = []; static getType() { return 'media'; } static clone(node: MediaNode) { return new MediaNode(node.__tag, node.__key); } constructor(tag: MediaNodeTag, key?: string) { super(key); this.__tag = tag; } setTag(tag: MediaNodeTag) { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__tag = tag; } getTag(): MediaNodeTag { const self = this.getLatest(); return self.__tag; } setAttributes(attributes: Record) { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__attributes = filterAttributes(attributes); } getAttributes(): Record { const self = this.getLatest(); return self.__attributes; } setSources(sources: MediaNodeSource[]) { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__sources = sources; } getSources(): MediaNodeSource[] { const self = this.getLatest(); return self.__sources; } setSrc(src: string): void { const attrs = Object.assign({}, this.getAttributes()); if (this.__tag ==='object') { = src; } else { attrs.src = src; } this.setAttributes(attrs); } setWidthAndHeight(width: string, height: string): void { const attrs = Object.assign( {}, this.getAttributes(), {width, height}, ); this.setAttributes(attrs); } createDOM(_config: EditorConfig, _editor: LexicalEditor) { const sources = (this.__tag === 'video' || this.__tag === 'audio') ? this.__sources : []; const sourceEls = => el('source', source)); return el(this.__tag, this.__attributes, sourceEls); } updateDOM(prevNode: unknown, dom: HTMLElement) { return true; } static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap|null { const buildConverter = (tag: MediaNodeTag) => { return (node: HTMLElement): DOMConversion|null => { return { conversion: (element: HTMLElement): DOMConversionOutput|null => { return { node: domElementToNode(tag, element), }; }, priority: 3, }; }; }; return { iframe: buildConverter('iframe'), embed: buildConverter('embed'), object: buildConverter('object'), video: buildConverter('video'), audio: buildConverter('audio'), }; } exportJSON(): SerializedMediaNode { return { ...super.exportJSON(), type: 'media', version: 1, tag: this.__tag, attributes: this.__attributes, sources: this.__sources, }; } static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedMediaNode): MediaNode { return $createMediaNode(serializedNode.tag); } } export function $createMediaNode(tag: MediaNodeTag) { return new MediaNode(tag); } export function $createMediaNodeFromHtml(html: string): MediaNode | null { const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(`${html}`, 'text/html'); const el = doc.body.children[0]; if (!el) { return null; } const tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); const validTypes = ['embed', 'iframe', 'video', 'audio', 'object']; if (!validTypes.includes(tag)) { return null; } return domElementToNode(tag as MediaNodeTag, el); } const videoExtensions = ['mp4', 'mpeg', 'm4v', 'm4p', 'mov']; const audioExtensions = ['3gp', 'aac', 'flac', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'ogg', 'wav', 'webm']; const iframeExtensions = ['html', 'htm', 'php', 'asp', 'aspx']; export function $createMediaNodeFromSrc(src: string): MediaNode { let nodeTag: MediaNodeTag = 'iframe'; const srcEnd = src.split('?')[0].split('/').pop() || ''; const extension = (srcEnd.split('.').pop() || '').toLowerCase(); if (videoExtensions.includes(extension)) { nodeTag = 'video'; } else if (audioExtensions.includes(extension)) { nodeTag = 'audio'; } else if (extension && !iframeExtensions.includes(extension)) { nodeTag = 'embed'; } return new MediaNode(nodeTag); } export function $isMediaNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined) { return node instanceof MediaNode; } export function $isMediaNodeOfTag(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined, tag: MediaNodeTag) { return node instanceof MediaNode && (node as MediaNode).getTag() === tag; }