/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ import type {ListNode, ListType} from './'; import type { BaseSelection, DOMConversionMap, DOMConversionOutput, DOMExportOutput, EditorConfig, EditorThemeClasses, LexicalNode, NodeKey, ParagraphNode, RangeSelection, SerializedElementNode, Spread, } from 'lexical'; import { addClassNamesToElement, removeClassNamesFromElement, } from '@lexical/utils'; import { $applyNodeReplacement, $createParagraphNode, $isElementNode, $isParagraphNode, $isRangeSelection, ElementNode, LexicalEditor, } from 'lexical'; import invariant from 'lexical/shared/invariant'; import normalizeClassNames from 'lexical/shared/normalizeClassNames'; import {$createListNode, $isListNode} from './'; import {$handleIndent, $handleOutdent, mergeLists} from './formatList'; import {isNestedListNode} from './utils'; export type SerializedListItemNode = Spread< { checked: boolean | undefined; value: number; }, SerializedElementNode >; /** @noInheritDoc */ export class ListItemNode extends ElementNode { /** @internal */ __value: number; /** @internal */ __checked?: boolean; static getType(): string { return 'listitem'; } static clone(node: ListItemNode): ListItemNode { return new ListItemNode(node.__value, node.__checked, node.__key); } constructor(value?: number, checked?: boolean, key?: NodeKey) { super(key); this.__value = value === undefined ? 1 : value; this.__checked = checked; } createDOM(config: EditorConfig): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('li'); const parent = this.getParent(); if ($isListNode(parent) && parent.getListType() === 'check') { updateListItemChecked(element, this, null, parent); } element.value = this.__value; $setListItemThemeClassNames(element, config.theme, this); return element; } updateDOM( prevNode: ListItemNode, dom: HTMLElement, config: EditorConfig, ): boolean { const parent = this.getParent(); if ($isListNode(parent) && parent.getListType() === 'check') { updateListItemChecked(dom, this, prevNode, parent); } // @ts-expect-error - this is always HTMLListItemElement dom.value = this.__value; $setListItemThemeClassNames(dom, config.theme, this); return false; } static transform(): (node: LexicalNode) => void { return (node: LexicalNode) => { invariant($isListItemNode(node), 'node is not a ListItemNode'); if (node.__checked == null) { return; } const parent = node.getParent(); if ($isListNode(parent)) { if (parent.getListType() !== 'check' && node.getChecked() != null) { node.setChecked(undefined); } } }; } static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null { return { li: () => ({ conversion: $convertListItemElement, priority: 0, }), }; } static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedListItemNode): ListItemNode { const node = $createListItemNode(); node.setChecked(serializedNode.checked); node.setValue(serializedNode.value); node.setFormat(serializedNode.format); node.setDirection(serializedNode.direction); return node; } exportDOM(editor: LexicalEditor): DOMExportOutput { const element = this.createDOM(editor._config); element.style.textAlign = this.getFormatType(); return { element, }; } exportJSON(): SerializedListItemNode { return { ...super.exportJSON(), checked: this.getChecked(), type: 'listitem', value: this.getValue(), version: 1, }; } append(...nodes: LexicalNode[]): this { for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if ($isElementNode(node) && this.canMergeWith(node)) { const children = node.getChildren(); this.append(...children); node.remove(); } else { super.append(node); } } return this; } replace( replaceWithNode: N, includeChildren?: boolean, ): N { if ($isListItemNode(replaceWithNode)) { return super.replace(replaceWithNode); } this.setIndent(0); const list = this.getParentOrThrow(); if (!$isListNode(list)) { return replaceWithNode; } if (list.__first === this.getKey()) { list.insertBefore(replaceWithNode); } else if (list.__last === this.getKey()) { list.insertAfter(replaceWithNode); } else { // Split the list const newList = $createListNode(list.getListType()); let nextSibling = this.getNextSibling(); while (nextSibling) { const nodeToAppend = nextSibling; nextSibling = nextSibling.getNextSibling(); newList.append(nodeToAppend); } list.insertAfter(replaceWithNode); replaceWithNode.insertAfter(newList); } if (includeChildren) { invariant( $isElementNode(replaceWithNode), 'includeChildren should only be true for ElementNodes', ); this.getChildren().forEach((child: LexicalNode) => { replaceWithNode.append(child); }); } this.remove(); if (list.getChildrenSize() === 0) { list.remove(); } return replaceWithNode; } insertAfter(node: LexicalNode, restoreSelection = true): LexicalNode { const listNode = this.getParentOrThrow(); if (!$isListNode(listNode)) { invariant( false, 'insertAfter: list node is not parent of list item node', ); } if ($isListItemNode(node)) { return super.insertAfter(node, restoreSelection); } const siblings = this.getNextSiblings(); // Split the lists and insert the node in between them listNode.insertAfter(node, restoreSelection); if (siblings.length !== 0) { const newListNode = $createListNode(listNode.getListType()); siblings.forEach((sibling) => newListNode.append(sibling)); node.insertAfter(newListNode, restoreSelection); } return node; } remove(preserveEmptyParent?: boolean): void { const prevSibling = this.getPreviousSibling(); const nextSibling = this.getNextSibling(); super.remove(preserveEmptyParent); if ( prevSibling && nextSibling && isNestedListNode(prevSibling) && isNestedListNode(nextSibling) ) { mergeLists(prevSibling.getFirstChild(), nextSibling.getFirstChild()); nextSibling.remove(); } } insertNewAfter( _: RangeSelection, restoreSelection = true, ): ListItemNode | ParagraphNode { if (this.getTextContent().trim() === '' && this.isLastChild()) { const list = this.getParentOrThrow(); if (!$isListItemNode(list.getParent())) { const paragraph = $createParagraphNode(); list.insertAfter(paragraph, restoreSelection); this.remove(); return paragraph; } } const newElement = $createListItemNode( this.__checked == null ? undefined : false, ); this.insertAfter(newElement, restoreSelection); return newElement; } collapseAtStart(selection: RangeSelection): true { const paragraph = $createParagraphNode(); const children = this.getChildren(); children.forEach((child) => paragraph.append(child)); const listNode = this.getParentOrThrow(); const listNodeParent = listNode.getParentOrThrow(); const isIndented = $isListItemNode(listNodeParent); if (listNode.getChildrenSize() === 1) { if (isIndented) { // if the list node is nested, we just want to remove it, // effectively unindenting it. listNode.remove(); listNodeParent.select(); } else { listNode.insertBefore(paragraph); listNode.remove(); // If we have selection on the list item, we'll need to move it // to the paragraph const anchor = selection.anchor; const focus = selection.focus; const key = paragraph.getKey(); if (anchor.type === 'element' && anchor.getNode().is(this)) { anchor.set(key, anchor.offset, 'element'); } if (focus.type === 'element' && focus.getNode().is(this)) { focus.set(key, focus.offset, 'element'); } } } else { listNode.insertBefore(paragraph); this.remove(); } return true; } getValue(): number { const self = this.getLatest(); return self.__value; } setValue(value: number): void { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__value = value; } getChecked(): boolean | undefined { const self = this.getLatest(); let listType: ListType | undefined; const parent = this.getParent(); if ($isListNode(parent)) { listType = parent.getListType(); } return listType === 'check' ? Boolean(self.__checked) : undefined; } setChecked(checked?: boolean): void { const self = this.getWritable(); self.__checked = checked; } toggleChecked(): void { this.setChecked(!this.__checked); } getIndent(): number { // If we don't have a parent, we are likely serializing const parent = this.getParent(); if (parent === null) { return this.getLatest().__indent; } // ListItemNode should always have a ListNode for a parent. let listNodeParent = parent.getParentOrThrow(); let indentLevel = 0; while ($isListItemNode(listNodeParent)) { listNodeParent = listNodeParent.getParentOrThrow().getParentOrThrow(); indentLevel++; } return indentLevel; } setIndent(indent: number): this { invariant(typeof indent === 'number', 'Invalid indent value.'); indent = Math.floor(indent); invariant(indent >= 0, 'Indent value must be non-negative.'); let currentIndent = this.getIndent(); while (currentIndent !== indent) { if (currentIndent < indent) { $handleIndent(this); currentIndent++; } else { $handleOutdent(this); currentIndent--; } } return this; } /** @deprecated @internal */ canInsertAfter(node: LexicalNode): boolean { return $isListItemNode(node); } /** @deprecated @internal */ canReplaceWith(replacement: LexicalNode): boolean { return $isListItemNode(replacement); } canMergeWith(node: LexicalNode): boolean { return $isParagraphNode(node) || $isListItemNode(node); } extractWithChild(child: LexicalNode, selection: BaseSelection): boolean { if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) { return false; } const anchorNode = selection.anchor.getNode(); const focusNode = selection.focus.getNode(); return ( this.isParentOf(anchorNode) && this.isParentOf(focusNode) && this.getTextContent().length === selection.getTextContent().length ); } isParentRequired(): true { return true; } createParentElementNode(): ElementNode { return $createListNode('bullet'); } canMergeWhenEmpty(): true { return true; } } function $setListItemThemeClassNames( dom: HTMLElement, editorThemeClasses: EditorThemeClasses, node: ListItemNode, ): void { const classesToAdd = []; const classesToRemove = []; const listTheme = editorThemeClasses.list; const listItemClassName = listTheme ? listTheme.listitem : undefined; let nestedListItemClassName; if (listTheme && listTheme.nested) { nestedListItemClassName = listTheme.nested.listitem; } if (listItemClassName !== undefined) { classesToAdd.push(...normalizeClassNames(listItemClassName)); } if (listTheme) { const parentNode = node.getParent(); const isCheckList = $isListNode(parentNode) && parentNode.getListType() === 'check'; const checked = node.getChecked(); if (!isCheckList || checked) { classesToRemove.push(listTheme.listitemUnchecked); } if (!isCheckList || !checked) { classesToRemove.push(listTheme.listitemChecked); } if (isCheckList) { classesToAdd.push( checked ? listTheme.listitemChecked : listTheme.listitemUnchecked, ); } } if (nestedListItemClassName !== undefined) { const nestedListItemClasses = normalizeClassNames(nestedListItemClassName); if (node.getChildren().some((child) => $isListNode(child))) { classesToAdd.push(...nestedListItemClasses); } else { classesToRemove.push(...nestedListItemClasses); } } if (classesToRemove.length > 0) { removeClassNamesFromElement(dom, ...classesToRemove); } if (classesToAdd.length > 0) { addClassNamesToElement(dom, ...classesToAdd); } } function updateListItemChecked( dom: HTMLElement, listItemNode: ListItemNode, prevListItemNode: ListItemNode | null, listNode: ListNode, ): void { // Only add attributes for leaf list items if ($isListNode(listItemNode.getFirstChild())) { dom.removeAttribute('role'); dom.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); dom.removeAttribute('aria-checked'); } else { dom.setAttribute('role', 'checkbox'); dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1'); if ( !prevListItemNode || listItemNode.__checked !== prevListItemNode.__checked ) { dom.setAttribute( 'aria-checked', listItemNode.getChecked() ? 'true' : 'false', ); } } } function $convertListItemElement(domNode: HTMLElement): DOMConversionOutput { const isGitHubCheckList = domNode.classList.contains('task-list-item'); if (isGitHubCheckList) { for (const child of domNode.children) { if (child.tagName === 'INPUT') { return $convertCheckboxInput(child); } } } const ariaCheckedAttr = domNode.getAttribute('aria-checked'); const checked = ariaCheckedAttr === 'true' ? true : ariaCheckedAttr === 'false' ? false : undefined; return {node: $createListItemNode(checked)}; } function $convertCheckboxInput(domNode: Element): DOMConversionOutput { const isCheckboxInput = domNode.getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox'; if (!isCheckboxInput) { return {node: null}; } const checked = domNode.hasAttribute('checked'); return {node: $createListItemNode(checked)}; } /** * Creates a new List Item node, passing true/false will convert it to a checkbox input. * @param checked - Is the List Item a checkbox and, if so, is it checked? undefined/null: not a checkbox, true/false is a checkbox and checked/unchecked, respectively. * @returns The new List Item. */ export function $createListItemNode(checked?: boolean): ListItemNode { return $applyNodeReplacement(new ListItemNode(undefined, checked)); } /** * Checks to see if the node is a ListItemNode. * @param node - The node to be checked. * @returns true if the node is a ListItemNode, false otherwise. */ export function $isListItemNode( node: LexicalNode | null | undefined, ): node is ListItemNode { return node instanceof ListItemNode; }