import {Component} from './component'; export class WysiwygEditor extends Component { setup() { this.elem = this.$el; this.editContainer = this.$refs.editContainer; this.input = this.$refs.input; /** @var {SimpleWysiwygEditorInterface|null} */ this.editor = null; window.importVersioned('wysiwyg').then(wysiwyg => { const editorContent = this.input.value; this.editor = wysiwyg.createPageEditorInstance(this.editContainer, editorContent, { drawioUrl: this.getDrawIoUrl(), pageId: Number(this.$opts.pageId), translations: { imageUploadErrorText: this.$opts.imageUploadErrorText, serverUploadLimitText: this.$opts.serverUploadLimitText, }, }); }); let handlingFormSubmit = false; this.input.form.addEventListener('submit', event => { if (!this.editor) { return; } if (!handlingFormSubmit) { event.preventDefault(); handlingFormSubmit = true; this.editor.getContentAsHtml().then(html => { this.input.value = html; this.input.form.submit(); }); } else { handlingFormSubmit = false; } }); } getDrawIoUrl() { const drawioUrlElem = document.querySelector('[drawio-url]'); if (drawioUrlElem) { return drawioUrlElem.getAttribute('drawio-url'); } return ''; } /** * Get the content of this editor. * Used by the parent page editor component. * @return {Promise<{html: String}>} */ async getContent() { return { html: await this.editor.getContentAsHtml(), }; } }