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synced 2025-03-04 17:36:25 +08:00
125 lines
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125 lines
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* Activity text strings.
* Is used for all the text within activity logs & notifications.
return [
// Pages
'page_create' => '已建立頁面',
'page_create_notification' => '頁面已建立成功',
'page_update' => '已更新頁面',
'page_update_notification' => '頁面已更新成功',
'page_delete' => '已刪除頁面',
'page_delete_notification' => '頁面已刪除成功',
'page_restore' => '已還原頁面',
'page_restore_notification' => '頁面已還原成功',
'page_move' => '已移動頁面',
'page_move_notification' => '頁面已成功移動',
// Chapters
'chapter_create' => '已建立章節',
'chapter_create_notification' => '章節已建立成功',
'chapter_update' => '已更新章節',
'chapter_update_notification' => '章節已更新成功',
'chapter_delete' => '已刪除章節',
'chapter_delete_notification' => '章節已刪除成功',
'chapter_move' => '已移動章節',
'chapter_move_notification' => '章節已移動成功',
// Books
'book_create' => '已建立書本',
'book_create_notification' => '書本已建立成功',
'book_create_from_chapter' => '將章節轉爲書籍',
'book_create_from_chapter_notification' => '章節已轉換爲書籍',
'book_update' => '已更新書本',
'book_update_notification' => '書本已更新成功',
'book_delete' => '已刪除書本',
'book_delete_notification' => '書本已刪除成功',
'book_sort' => '已排序書本',
'book_sort_notification' => '書本已重新排序成功',
// Bookshelves
'bookshelf_create' => '已建立書棧',
'bookshelf_create_notification' => '書棧已創建',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => '將書籍轉爲書棧',
'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => '章節已轉爲書籍',
'bookshelf_update' => '更新書棧',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => '書棧已更新',
'bookshelf_delete' => '刪除書棧',
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => '書棧已刪除',
// Revisions
'revision_restore' => '還原的版本',
'revision_delete' => '刪除的版本',
'revision_delete_notification' => '修訂已成功刪除',
// Favourites
'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" 已加入到你的最愛',
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" 已從你的最愛移除',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => '追蹤偏好設定已成功更新',
// Auth
'auth_login' => '已登入',
'auth_register' => '註冊為新用戶',
'auth_password_reset_request' => '請求重置用戶密碼',
'auth_password_reset_update' => '重置使用者密碼',
'mfa_setup_method' => '設定MFA方式',
'mfa_setup_method_notification' => '多重身份驗證已設定成功',
'mfa_remove_method' => '移除MFA方式',
'mfa_remove_method_notification' => '多重身份驗證已移除成功',
// Settings
'settings_update' => '更新設定',
'settings_update_notification' => '設定更新成功',
'maintenance_action_run' => '執行維護動作',
// Webhooks
'webhook_create' => '建立 Webhook',
'webhook_create_notification' => 'Webhook 已建立成功',
'webhook_update' => 'Webhook 已更新',
'webhook_update_notification' => 'Webhook 已更新成功',
'webhook_delete' => 'webhook 已刪除',
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook 已刪除成功',
// Users
'user_create' => '建立使用者',
'user_create_notification' => '使用者已成功建立。',
'user_update' => '更新使用者',
'user_update_notification' => '使用者已成功更新。',
'user_delete' => '已刪除使用者',
'user_delete_notification' => '使用者移除成功',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => '建立 API 權杖',
'api_token_create_notification' => '成功建立 API 權杖',
'api_token_update' => '已更新 API 權杖',
'api_token_update_notification' => '成功更新 API 權杖',
'api_token_delete' => '已刪除 API 權杖',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'API 權杖已成功刪除',
// Roles
'role_create' => '創建角色',
'role_create_notification' => '建立角色成功',
'role_update' => '已更新角色',
'role_update_notification' => '更新角色成功',
'role_delete' => '已刪除角色',
'role_delete_notification' => '刪除角色成功',
// Recycle Bin
'recycle_bin_empty' => '清理資源回收筒',
'recycle_bin_restore' => '從資源回收筒復原',
'recycle_bin_destroy' => '從資源回收筒刪除',
// Comments
'commented_on' => '評論',
'comment_create' => '新增評論',
'comment_update' => '更新評論',
'comment_delete' => '已刪除之評論',
// Other
'permissions_update' => '更新權限',