Dan Brown 76d02cd472
Started attempt at formalising component system used in BookStack
Added a document to try to define things.
Updated the loading so components are registed dynamically.
Added some standardised ways to reference other elems & define options
2020-06-24 20:38:08 +01:00

29 lines
1.6 KiB

$selectedSort = (isset($sort) && array_key_exists($sort, $options)) ? $sort : array_keys($options)[0];
$order = (isset($order) && in_array($order, ['asc', 'desc'])) ? $order : 'asc';
<div class="list-sort-container" list-sort-control>
<div class="list-sort-label">{{ trans('common.sort') }}</div>
<form action="{{ url("/settings/users/{$currentUser->id}/change-sort/{$type}") }}" method="post">
{!! csrf_field() !!}
{!! method_field('PATCH') !!}
<input type="hidden" value="{{ $selectedSort }}" name="sort">
<input type="hidden" value="{{ $order }}" name="order">
<div class="list-sort">
<div component="dropdown" class="list-sort-type dropdown-container">
<div refs="dropdown@toggle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="{{ trans('common.sort_options') }}" tabindex="0">{{ $options[$selectedSort] }}</div>
<ul refs="dropdown@menu" class="dropdown-menu">
@foreach($options as $key => $label)
<li @if($key === $selectedSort) class="active" @endif><a href="#" data-sort-value="{{$key}}">{{ $label }}</a></li>
<button href="#" class="list-sort-dir" type="button" data-sort-dir
aria-label="{{ trans('common.sort_direction_toggle') }} - {{ $order === 'asc' ? trans('common.sort_ascending') : trans('common.sort_descending') }}" tabindex="0">
@icon($order === 'desc' ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down')