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synced 2025-01-23 06:16:13 +08:00
For review of meta tag additions as per PR #2393. This commit removes any image guesswork and only uses images that have been set by the author for the specific content. This also adds tests to cover the expected OG tags.
371 lines
12 KiB
371 lines
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<?php namespace BookStack\Entities\Tools;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page;
use BookStack\Entities\Tools\Markdown\CustomStrikeThroughExtension;
use BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException;
use BookStack\Facades\Theme;
use BookStack\Theming\ThemeEvents;
use BookStack\Util\HtmlContentFilter;
use BookStack\Uploads\ImageRepo;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMNodeList;
use DOMXPath;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use League\CommonMark\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\Table\TableExtension;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\TaskList\TaskListExtension;
class PageContent
protected $page;
* PageContent constructor.
public function __construct(Page $page)
$this->page = $page;
* Update the content of the page with new provided HTML.
public function setNewHTML(string $html)
$html = $this->extractBase64Images($this->page, $html);
$this->page->html = $this->formatHtml($html);
$this->page->text = $this->toPlainText();
$this->page->markdown = '';
* Update the content of the page with new provided Markdown content.
public function setNewMarkdown(string $markdown)
$this->page->markdown = $markdown;
$html = $this->markdownToHtml($markdown);
$this->page->html = $this->formatHtml($html);
$this->page->text = $this->toPlainText();
* Convert the given Markdown content to a HTML string.
protected function markdownToHtml(string $markdown): string
$environment = Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment();
$environment->addExtension(new TableExtension());
$environment->addExtension(new TaskListExtension());
$environment->addExtension(new CustomStrikeThroughExtension());
$environment = Theme::dispatch(ThemeEvents::COMMONMARK_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIGURE, $environment) ?? $environment;
$converter = new CommonMarkConverter([], $environment);
return $converter->convertToHtml($markdown);
* Convert all base64 image data to saved images
public function extractBase64Images(Page $page, string $htmlText): string
if (empty($htmlText) || strpos($htmlText, 'data:image') === false) {
return $htmlText;
$doc = $this->loadDocumentFromHtml($htmlText);
$container = $doc->documentElement;
$body = $container->childNodes->item(0);
$childNodes = $body->childNodes;
$xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$imageRepo = app()->make(ImageRepo::class);
$allowedExtensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp'];
// Get all img elements with image data blobs
$imageNodes = $xPath->query('//img[contains(@src, \'data:image\')]');
foreach ($imageNodes as $imageNode) {
$imageSrc = $imageNode->getAttribute('src');
[$dataDefinition, $base64ImageData] = explode(',', $imageSrc, 2);
$extension = strtolower(preg_split('/[\/;]/', $dataDefinition)[1] ?? 'png');
// Validate extension
if (!in_array($extension, $allowedExtensions)) {
$imageNode->setAttribute('src', '');
// Save image from data with a random name
$imageName = 'embedded-image-' . Str::random(8) . '.' . $extension;
try {
$image = $imageRepo->saveNewFromData($imageName, base64_decode($base64ImageData), 'gallery', $page->id);
$imageNode->setAttribute('src', $image->url);
} catch (ImageUploadException $exception) {
$imageNode->setAttribute('src', '');
// Generate inner html as a string
$html = '';
foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) {
$html .= $doc->saveHTML($childNode);
return $html;
* Formats a page's html to be tagged correctly within the system.
protected function formatHtml(string $htmlText): string
if (empty($htmlText)) {
return $htmlText;
$doc = $this->loadDocumentFromHtml($htmlText);
$container = $doc->documentElement;
$body = $container->childNodes->item(0);
$childNodes = $body->childNodes;
$xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);
// Set ids on top-level nodes
$idMap = [];
foreach ($childNodes as $index => $childNode) {
[$oldId, $newId] = $this->setUniqueId($childNode, $idMap);
if ($newId && $newId !== $oldId) {
$this->updateLinks($xPath, '#' . $oldId, '#' . $newId);
// Ensure no duplicate ids within child items
$idElems = $xPath->query('//body//*//*[@id]');
foreach ($idElems as $domElem) {
[$oldId, $newId] = $this->setUniqueId($domElem, $idMap);
if ($newId && $newId !== $oldId) {
$this->updateLinks($xPath, '#' . $oldId, '#' . $newId);
// Generate inner html as a string
$html = '';
foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) {
$html .= $doc->saveHTML($childNode);
return $html;
* Update the all links to the $old location to instead point to $new.
protected function updateLinks(DOMXPath $xpath, string $old, string $new)
$old = str_replace('"', '', $old);
$matchingLinks = $xpath->query('//body//*//*[@href="' . $old . '"]');
foreach ($matchingLinks as $domElem) {
$domElem->setAttribute('href', $new);
* Set a unique id on the given DOMElement.
* A map for existing ID's should be passed in to check for current existence.
* Returns a pair of strings in the format [old_id, new_id]
protected function setUniqueId(\DOMNode $element, array &$idMap): array
if (get_class($element) !== 'DOMElement') {
return ['', ''];
// Stop if there's an existing valid id that has not already been used.
$existingId = $element->getAttribute('id');
if (strpos($existingId, 'bkmrk') === 0 && !isset($idMap[$existingId])) {
$idMap[$existingId] = true;
return [$existingId, $existingId];
// Create an unique id for the element
// Uses the content as a basis to ensure output is the same every time
// the same content is passed through.
$contentId = 'bkmrk-' . mb_substr(strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', trim($element->nodeValue))), 0, 20);
$newId = urlencode($contentId);
$loopIndex = 0;
while (isset($idMap[$newId])) {
$newId = urlencode($contentId . '-' . $loopIndex);
$element->setAttribute('id', $newId);
$idMap[$newId] = true;
return [$existingId, $newId];
* Get a plain-text visualisation of this page.
protected function toPlainText(): string
$html = $this->render(true);
return html_entity_decode(strip_tags($html));
* Render the page for viewing
public function render(bool $blankIncludes = false): string
$content = $this->page->html;
if (!config('app.allow_content_scripts')) {
$content = HtmlContentFilter::removeScripts($content);
if ($blankIncludes) {
$content = $this->blankPageIncludes($content);
} else {
$content = $this->parsePageIncludes($content);
return $content;
* Parse the headers on the page to get a navigation menu
public function getNavigation(string $htmlContent): array
if (empty($htmlContent)) {
return [];
$doc = $this->loadDocumentFromHtml($htmlContent);
$xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$headers = $xPath->query("//h1|//h2|//h3|//h4|//h5|//h6");
return $headers ? $this->headerNodesToLevelList($headers) : [];
* Convert a DOMNodeList into an array of readable header attributes
* with levels normalised to the lower header level.
protected function headerNodesToLevelList(DOMNodeList $nodeList): array
$tree = collect($nodeList)->map(function ($header) {
$text = trim(str_replace("\xc2\xa0", '', $header->nodeValue));
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, 100);
return [
'nodeName' => strtolower($header->nodeName),
'level' => intval(str_replace('h', '', $header->nodeName)),
'link' => '#' . $header->getAttribute('id'),
'text' => $text,
})->filter(function ($header) {
return mb_strlen($header['text']) > 0;
// Shift headers if only smaller headers have been used
$levelChange = ($tree->pluck('level')->min() - 1);
$tree = $tree->map(function ($header) use ($levelChange) {
$header['level'] -= ($levelChange);
return $header;
return $tree->toArray();
* Remove any page include tags within the given HTML.
protected function blankPageIncludes(string $html): string
return preg_replace("/{{@\s?([0-9].*?)}}/", '', $html);
* Parse any include tags "{{@<page_id>#section}}" to be part of the page.
protected function parsePageIncludes(string $html): string
$matches = [];
preg_match_all("/{{@\s?([0-9].*?)}}/", $html, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $index => $includeId) {
$fullMatch = $matches[0][$index];
$splitInclude = explode('#', $includeId, 2);
// Get page id from reference
$pageId = intval($splitInclude[0]);
if (is_nan($pageId)) {
// Find page and skip this if page not found
$matchedPage = Page::visible()->find($pageId);
if ($matchedPage === null) {
$html = str_replace($fullMatch, '', $html);
// If we only have page id, just insert all page html and continue.
if (count($splitInclude) === 1) {
$html = str_replace($fullMatch, $matchedPage->html, $html);
// Create and load HTML into a document
$innerContent = $this->fetchSectionOfPage($matchedPage, $splitInclude[1]);
$html = str_replace($fullMatch, trim($innerContent), $html);
return $html;
* Fetch the content from a specific section of the given page.
protected function fetchSectionOfPage(Page $page, string $sectionId): string
$topLevelTags = ['table', 'ul', 'ol'];
$doc = $this->loadDocumentFromHtml($page->html);
// Search included content for the id given and blank out if not exists.
$matchingElem = $doc->getElementById($sectionId);
if ($matchingElem === null) {
return '';
// Otherwise replace the content with the found content
// Checks if the top-level wrapper should be included by matching on tag types
$innerContent = '';
$isTopLevel = in_array(strtolower($matchingElem->nodeName), $topLevelTags);
if ($isTopLevel) {
$innerContent .= $doc->saveHTML($matchingElem);
} else {
foreach ($matchingElem->childNodes as $childNode) {
$innerContent .= $doc->saveHTML($childNode);
return $innerContent;
* Create and load a DOMDocument from the given html content.
protected function loadDocumentFromHtml(string $html): DOMDocument
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$html = '<body>' . $html . '</body>';
$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
return $doc;