mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:51:54 +08:00
566 lines
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566 lines
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"use strict";
const moment = require('moment');
const editorOptions = require("./pages/page-form");
module.exports = function (ngApp, events) {
ngApp.controller('PageEditController', ['$scope', '$http', '$attrs', '$interval', '$timeout', '$sce',
function ($scope, $http, $attrs, $interval, $timeout, $sce) {
$scope.editorOptions = editorOptions();
$scope.editContent = '';
$scope.draftText = '';
let pageId = Number($attrs.pageId);
let isEdit = pageId !== 0;
let autosaveFrequency = 30; // AutoSave interval in seconds.
let isMarkdown = $attrs.editorType === 'markdown';
$scope.draftsEnabled = $attrs.draftsEnabled === 'true';
$scope.isUpdateDraft = Number($attrs.pageUpdateDraft) === 1;
$scope.isNewPageDraft = Number($attrs.pageNewDraft) === 1;
// Set initial header draft text
if ($scope.isUpdateDraft || $scope.isNewPageDraft) {
$scope.draftText = trans('entities.pages_editing_draft');
} else {
$scope.draftText = trans('entities.pages_editing_page');
let autoSave = false;
let currentContent = {
title: false,
html: false
if (isEdit && $scope.draftsEnabled) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// Actions specifically for the markdown editor
if (isMarkdown) {
$scope.displayContent = '';
// Editor change event
$scope.editorChange = function (content) {
$scope.displayContent = $sce.trustAsHtml(content);
if (!isMarkdown) {
$scope.editorChange = function() {};
let lastSave = 0;
* Start the AutoSave loop, Checks for content change
* before performing the costly AJAX request.
function startAutoSave() {
currentContent.title = $('#name').val();
currentContent.html = $scope.editContent;
autoSave = $interval(() => {
// Return if manually saved recently to prevent bombarding the server
if (Date.now() - lastSave < (1000*autosaveFrequency)/2) return;
let newTitle = $('#name').val();
let newHtml = $scope.editContent;
if (newTitle !== currentContent.title || newHtml !== currentContent.html) {
currentContent.html = newHtml;
currentContent.title = newTitle;
}, 1000 * autosaveFrequency);
let draftErroring = false;
* Save a draft update into the system via an AJAX request.
function saveDraft() {
if (!$scope.draftsEnabled) return;
let data = {
name: $('#name').val(),
html: isMarkdown ? $sce.getTrustedHtml($scope.displayContent) : $scope.editContent
if (isMarkdown) data.markdown = $scope.editContent;
let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/page/' + pageId + '/save-draft');
$http.put(url, data).then(responseData => {
draftErroring = false;
let updateTime = moment.utc(moment.unix(responseData.data.timestamp)).toDate();
$scope.draftText = responseData.data.message + moment(updateTime).format('HH:mm');
if (!$scope.isNewPageDraft) $scope.isUpdateDraft = true;
lastSave = Date.now();
}, errorRes => {
if (draftErroring) return;
events.emit('error', trans('errors.page_draft_autosave_fail'));
draftErroring = true;
function showDraftSaveNotification() {
$scope.draftUpdated = true;
$timeout(() => {
$scope.draftUpdated = false;
}, 2000)
$scope.forceDraftSave = function() {
// Listen to save draft events from editor
$scope.$on('save-draft', saveDraft);
* Discard the current draft and grab the current page
* content from the system via an AJAX request.
$scope.discardDraft = function () {
let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/page/' + pageId);
$http.get(url).then(responseData => {
if (autoSave) $interval.cancel(autoSave);
$scope.draftText = trans('entities.pages_editing_page');
$scope.isUpdateDraft = false;
$scope.$broadcast('html-update', responseData.data.html);
$scope.$broadcast('markdown-update', responseData.data.markdown || responseData.data.html);
$timeout(() => {
}, 1000);
events.emit('success', trans('entities.pages_draft_discarded'));
ngApp.controller('PageAttachmentController', ['$scope', '$http', '$attrs',
function ($scope, $http, $attrs) {
const pageId = $scope.uploadedTo = $attrs.pageId;
let currentOrder = '';
$scope.files = [];
$scope.editFile = false;
$scope.file = getCleanFile();
$scope.errors = {
link: {},
edit: {}
function getCleanFile() {
return {
page_id: pageId
// Angular-UI-Sort options
$scope.sortOptions = {
handle: '.handle',
items: '> tr',
containment: "parent",
axis: "y",
stop: sortUpdate,
* Event listener for sort changes.
* Updates the file ordering on the server.
* @param event
* @param ui
function sortUpdate(event, ui) {
let newOrder = $scope.files.map(file => {return file.id}).join(':');
if (newOrder === currentOrder) return;
currentOrder = newOrder;
$http.put(window.baseUrl(`/attachments/sort/page/${pageId}`), {files: $scope.files}).then(resp => {
events.emit('success', resp.data.message);
}, checkError('sort'));
* Used by dropzone to get the endpoint to upload to.
* @returns {string}
$scope.getUploadUrl = function (file) {
let suffix = (typeof file !== 'undefined') ? `/${file.id}` : '';
return window.baseUrl(`/attachments/upload${suffix}`);
* Get files for the current page from the server.
function getFiles() {
let url = window.baseUrl(`/attachments/get/page/${pageId}`);
$http.get(url).then(resp => {
$scope.files = resp.data;
currentOrder = resp.data.map(file => {return file.id}).join(':');
}, checkError('get'));
* Runs on file upload, Adds an file to local file list
* and shows a success message to the user.
* @param file
* @param data
$scope.uploadSuccess = function (file, data) {
$scope.$apply(() => {
events.emit('success', trans('entities.attachments_file_uploaded'));
* Upload and overwrite an existing file.
* @param file
* @param data
$scope.uploadSuccessUpdate = function (file, data) {
$scope.$apply(() => {
let search = filesIndexOf(data);
if (search !== -1) $scope.files[search] = data;
if ($scope.editFile) {
$scope.editFile = angular.copy(data);
data.link = '';
events.emit('success', trans('entities.attachments_file_updated'));
* Delete a file from the server and, on success, the local listing.
* @param file
$scope.deleteFile = function(file) {
if (!file.deleting) {
file.deleting = true;
$http.delete(window.baseUrl(`/attachments/${file.id}`)).then(resp => {
events.emit('success', resp.data.message);
$scope.files.splice($scope.files.indexOf(file), 1);
}, checkError('delete'));
* Attach a link to a page.
* @param file
$scope.attachLinkSubmit = function(file) {
file.uploaded_to = pageId;
$http.post(window.baseUrl('/attachments/link'), file).then(resp => {
events.emit('success', trans('entities.attachments_link_attached'));
$scope.file = getCleanFile();
}, checkError('link'));
* Start the edit mode for a file.
* @param file
$scope.startEdit = function(file) {
$scope.editFile = angular.copy(file);
$scope.editFile.link = (file.external) ? file.path : '';
* Cancel edit mode
$scope.cancelEdit = function() {
$scope.editFile = false;
* Update the name and link of a file.
* @param file
$scope.updateFile = function(file) {
$http.put(window.baseUrl(`/attachments/${file.id}`), file).then(resp => {
let search = filesIndexOf(resp.data);
if (search !== -1) $scope.files[search] = resp.data;
if ($scope.editFile && !file.external) {
$scope.editFile.link = '';
$scope.editFile = false;
events.emit('success', trans('entities.attachments_updated_success'));
}, checkError('edit'));
* Get the url of a file.
$scope.getFileUrl = function(file) {
return window.baseUrl('/attachments/' + file.id);
* Search the local files via another file object.
* Used to search via object copies.
* @param file
* @returns int
function filesIndexOf(file) {
for (let i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
if ($scope.files[i].id == file.id) return i;
return -1;
* Check for an error response in a ajax request.
* @param errorGroupName
function checkError(errorGroupName) {
$scope.errors[errorGroupName] = {};
return function(response) {
if (typeof response.data !== 'undefined' && typeof response.data.error !== 'undefined') {
events.emit('error', response.data.error);
if (typeof response.data !== 'undefined' && typeof response.data.validation !== 'undefined') {
$scope.errors[errorGroupName] = response.data.validation;
// Controller used to reply to and add new comments
ngApp.controller('CommentReplyController', ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout', function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {
const MarkdownIt = require("markdown-it");
const md = new MarkdownIt({html: true});
let vm = this;
vm.saveComment = function () {
let pageId = $scope.comment.pageId || $scope.pageId;
let comment = $scope.comment.text;
if (!comment) {
return events.emit('warning', trans('errors.empty_comment'));
let commentHTML = md.render($scope.comment.text);
let serviceUrl = `/ajax/page/${pageId}/comment/`;
let httpMethod = 'post';
let reqObj = {
text: comment,
html: commentHTML
if ($scope.isEdit === true) {
// this will be set when editing the comment.
serviceUrl = `/ajax/page/${pageId}/comment/${$scope.comment.id}`;
httpMethod = 'put';
} else if ($scope.isReply === true) {
// if its reply, get the parent comment id
reqObj.parent_id = $scope.parentId;
$http[httpMethod](window.baseUrl(serviceUrl), reqObj).then(resp => {
if (!isCommentOpSuccess(resp)) {
// hide the comments first, and then retrigger the refresh
if ($scope.isEdit) {
updateComment($scope.comment, resp.data);
$scope.$emit('evt.comment-success', $scope.comment.id);
} else {
$scope.comment.text = '';
if ($scope.isReply === true && $scope.parent.sub_comments) {
} else {
$scope.$emit('evt.new-comment', resp.data.comment);
$scope.$emit('evt.comment-success', null, true);
$scope.comment.is_hidden = true;
$timeout(function() {
$scope.comment.is_hidden = false;
events.emit('success', trans(resp.data.message));
}, checkError);
function checkError(response) {
let msg = null;
if (isCommentOpSuccess(response)) {
// all good
} else if (response.data) {
msg = response.data.message;
} else {
msg = trans('errors.comment_add');
if (msg) {
events.emit('success', msg);
// Controller used to delete comments
ngApp.controller('CommentDeleteController', ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout', function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {
let vm = this;
vm.delete = function(comment) {
$http.delete(window.baseUrl(`/ajax/comment/${comment.id}`)).then(resp => {
if (!isCommentOpSuccess(resp)) {
updateComment(comment, resp.data, $timeout, true);
}, function (resp) {
if (isCommentOpSuccess(resp)) {
events.emit('success', trans('entities.comment_deleted'));
} else {
events.emit('error', trans('error.comment_delete'));
// Controller used to fetch all comments for a page
ngApp.controller('CommentListController', ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout', '$location', function ($scope, $http, $timeout, $location) {
let vm = this;
$scope.errors = {};
// keep track of comment levels
$scope.level = 1;
vm.totalCommentsStr = trans('entities.comments_loading');
vm.permissions = {};
vm.trans = window.trans;
$scope.$on('evt.new-comment', function (event, comment) {
// add the comment to the comment list.
vm.canEditDelete = function (comment, prop) {
if (!comment.active) {
return false;
let propAll = prop + '_all';
let propOwn = prop + '_own';
if (vm.permissions[propAll]) {
return true;
if (vm.permissions[propOwn] && comment.created_by.id === vm.current_user_id) {
return true;
return false;
vm.canComment = function () {
return vm.permissions.comment_create;
// check if there are is any direct linking
let linkedCommentId = $location.search().cm;
$timeout(function() {
$http.get(window.baseUrl(`/ajax/page/${$scope.pageId}/comments/`)).then(resp => {
if (!isCommentOpSuccess(resp)) {
// just show that no comments are available.
vm.totalComments = 0;
vm.comments = resp.data.comments;
vm.totalComments = +resp.data.total;
vm.permissions = resp.data.permissions;
vm.current_user_id = resp.data.user_id;
if (!linkedCommentId) {
$timeout(function() {
// wait for the UI to render.
}, checkError);
function setTotalCommentMsg () {
if (vm.totalComments === 0) {
vm.totalCommentsStr = trans('entities.no_comments');
} else if (vm.totalComments === 1) {
vm.totalCommentsStr = trans('entities.one_comment');
} else {
vm.totalCommentsStr = trans('entities.x_comments', {
numComments: vm.totalComments
function focusLinkedComment(linkedCommentId) {
let comment = angular.element('#' + linkedCommentId);
if (comment.length === 0) {
function checkError(response) {
let msg = null;
if (isCommentOpSuccess(response)) {
// all good
} else if (response.data) {
msg = response.data.message;
} else {
msg = trans('errors.comment_list');
if (msg) {
events.emit('success', msg);
function updateComment(comment, resp, $timeout, isDelete) {
comment.text = resp.comment.text;
comment.updated = resp.comment.updated;
comment.updated_by = resp.comment.updated_by;
comment.active = resp.comment.active;
if (isDelete && !resp.comment.active) {
comment.html = trans('entities.comment_deleted');
} else {
comment.html = resp.comment.html;
if (!$timeout) {
comment.is_hidden = true;
$timeout(function() {
comment.is_hidden = false;
function isCommentOpSuccess(resp) {
if (resp && resp.data && resp.data.status === 'success') {
return true;
return false;