Dan Brown f39938c4e3
Added activity text for each activity type
Ensures some sensible text is always in webhook text data.
Also aligned some notification reporting to use centralised activity
system instead of custom success events.

2023-06-12 16:47:36 +01:00

104 lines
3.4 KiB

namespace Tests;
use BookStack\Activity\ActivityType;
class LanguageTest extends TestCase
protected array $langs;
* LanguageTest constructor.
protected function setUp(): void
$this->langs = array_diff(scandir(lang_path('')), ['..', '.']);
public function test_locales_config_key_set_properly()
$configLocales = config('app.locales');
$this->assertEquals(implode(':', $configLocales), implode(':', $this->langs), 'app.locales configuration variable does not match those found in lang files');
// Not part of standard phpunit test runs since we sometimes expect non-added langs.
public function do_test_locales_all_have_language_dropdown_entry()
$dropdownLocales = array_keys(trans('settings.language_select', [], 'en'));
$diffs = array_diff($this->langs, $dropdownLocales);
if (count($diffs) > 0) {
$diffText = implode(',', $diffs);
$this->addWarning("Languages: {$diffText} found in files but not in language select dropdown.");
public function test_correct_language_if_not_logged_in()
$loginReq = $this->get('/login');
$loginReq->assertSee('Log In');
$loginPageFrenchReq = $this->get('/login', ['Accept-Language' => 'fr']);
$loginPageFrenchReq->assertSee('Se Connecter');
public function test_public_lang_autodetect_can_be_disabled()
config()->set('app.auto_detect_locale', false);
$loginReq = $this->get('/login');
$loginReq->assertSee('Log In');
$loginPageFrenchReq = $this->get('/login', ['Accept-Language' => 'fr']);
$loginPageFrenchReq->assertDontSee('Se Connecter');
public function test_all_lang_files_loadable()
$files = array_diff(scandir(lang_path('en')), ['..', '.']);
foreach ($this->langs as $lang) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$loadError = false;
try {
$translations = trans(str_replace('.php', '', $file), [], $lang);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$loadError = true;
$this->assertFalse($loadError, "Translation file {$lang}/{$file} failed to load");
public function test_rtl_config_set_if_lang_is_rtl()
$this->assertFalse(config('app.rtl'), 'App RTL config should be false by default');
setting()->putUser($this->users->editor(), 'language', 'ar');
$this->assertTrue(config('app.rtl'), 'App RTL config should have been set to true by middleware');
public function test_unknown_lang_does_not_break_app()
config()->set('app.locale', 'zz');
$loginReq = $this->get('/login', ['Accept-Language' => 'zz']);
$loginReq->assertSee('Log In');
public function test_all_activity_types_have_activity_text()
foreach (ActivityType::all() as $activityType) {
$langKey = 'activities.' . $activityType;
$this->assertNotEquals($langKey, trans($langKey, [], 'en'));