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synced 2025-03-14 14:35:14 +08:00

Review of #4913 Added testing to cover option. Updated option so it can be used for a CA directory, or a CA file. Updated option name to be somewhat abstracted from original underling PHP option. Tested against Jumpcloud. Testing took hours due to instability which was due to these settings sticking and being unstable on change until php process restart. Also due to little documentation for these options. X_TLS_CACERTDIR option needs cert files to be named via specific hashes which can be achieved via c_rehash utility. This also adds detail on STARTTLS failure, which took a long time to discover due to little detail out there for deeper PHP LDAP debugging.
439 lines
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439 lines
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namespace BookStack\Access;
use BookStack\Exceptions\JsonDebugException;
use BookStack\Exceptions\LdapException;
use BookStack\Uploads\UserAvatars;
use BookStack\Users\Models\User;
use ErrorException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
* Class LdapService
* Handles any app-specific LDAP tasks.
class LdapService
* @var resource|\LDAP\Connection
protected $ldapConnection;
protected array $config;
protected bool $enabled;
public function __construct(
protected Ldap $ldap,
protected UserAvatars $userAvatars,
protected GroupSyncService $groupSyncService
) {
$this->config = config('services.ldap');
$this->enabled = config('auth.method') === 'ldap';
* Check if groups should be synced.
public function shouldSyncGroups(): bool
return $this->enabled && $this->config['user_to_groups'] !== false;
* Search for attributes for a specific user on the ldap.
* @throws LdapException
private function getUserWithAttributes(string $userName, array $attributes): ?array
$ldapConnection = $this->getConnection();
// Clean attributes
foreach ($attributes as $index => $attribute) {
if (str_starts_with($attribute, 'BIN;')) {
$attributes[$index] = substr($attribute, strlen('BIN;'));
// Find user
$userFilter = $this->buildFilter($this->config['user_filter'], ['user' => $userName]);
$baseDn = $this->config['base_dn'];
$followReferrals = $this->config['follow_referrals'] ? 1 : 0;
$this->ldap->setOption($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $followReferrals);
$users = $this->ldap->searchAndGetEntries($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $userFilter, $attributes);
if ($users['count'] === 0) {
return null;
return $users[0];
* Get the details of a user from LDAP using the given username.
* User found via configurable user filter.
* @throws LdapException|JsonDebugException
public function getUserDetails(string $userName): ?array
$idAttr = $this->config['id_attribute'];
$emailAttr = $this->config['email_attribute'];
$displayNameAttr = $this->config['display_name_attribute'];
$thumbnailAttr = $this->config['thumbnail_attribute'];
$user = $this->getUserWithAttributes($userName, array_filter([
'cn', 'dn', $idAttr, $emailAttr, $displayNameAttr, $thumbnailAttr,
if (is_null($user)) {
return null;
$userCn = $this->getUserResponseProperty($user, 'cn', null);
$formatted = [
'uid' => $this->getUserResponseProperty($user, $idAttr, $user['dn']),
'name' => $this->getUserResponseProperty($user, $displayNameAttr, $userCn),
'dn' => $user['dn'],
'email' => $this->getUserResponseProperty($user, $emailAttr, null),
'avatar' => $thumbnailAttr ? $this->getUserResponseProperty($user, $thumbnailAttr, null) : null,
if ($this->config['dump_user_details']) {
throw new JsonDebugException([
'details_from_ldap' => $user,
'details_bookstack_parsed' => $formatted,
return $formatted;
* Get a property from an LDAP user response fetch.
* Handles properties potentially being part of an array.
* If the given key is prefixed with 'BIN;', that indicator will be stripped
* from the key and any fetched values will be converted from binary to hex.
protected function getUserResponseProperty(array $userDetails, string $propertyKey, $defaultValue)
$isBinary = str_starts_with($propertyKey, 'BIN;');
$propertyKey = strtolower($propertyKey);
$value = $defaultValue;
if ($isBinary) {
$propertyKey = substr($propertyKey, strlen('BIN;'));
if (isset($userDetails[$propertyKey])) {
$value = (is_array($userDetails[$propertyKey]) ? $userDetails[$propertyKey][0] : $userDetails[$propertyKey]);
if ($isBinary) {
$value = bin2hex($value);
return $value;
* Check if the given credentials are valid for the given user.
* @throws LdapException
public function validateUserCredentials(?array $ldapUserDetails, string $password): bool
if (is_null($ldapUserDetails)) {
return false;
$ldapConnection = $this->getConnection();
try {
$ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($ldapConnection, $ldapUserDetails['dn'], $password);
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
$ldapBind = false;
return $ldapBind;
* Bind the system user to the LDAP connection using the given credentials
* otherwise anonymous access is attempted.
* @param resource|\LDAP\Connection $connection
* @throws LdapException
protected function bindSystemUser($connection): void
$ldapDn = $this->config['dn'];
$ldapPass = $this->config['pass'];
$isAnonymous = ($ldapDn === false || $ldapPass === false);
if ($isAnonymous) {
$ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($connection);
} else {
$ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($connection, $ldapDn, $ldapPass);
if (!$ldapBind) {
throw new LdapException(($isAnonymous ? trans('errors.ldap_fail_anonymous') : trans('errors.ldap_fail_authed')));
* Get the connection to the LDAP server.
* Creates a new connection if one does not exist.
* @throws LdapException
* @return resource|\LDAP\Connection
protected function getConnection()
if ($this->ldapConnection !== null) {
return $this->ldapConnection;
// Check LDAP extension in installed
if (!function_exists('ldap_connect') && config('app.env') !== 'testing') {
throw new LdapException(trans('errors.ldap_extension_not_installed'));
// Disable certificate verification.
// This option works globally and must be set before a connection is created.
if ($this->config['tls_insecure']) {
$this->ldap->setOption(null, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER);
// Configure any user-provided CA cert files for LDAP.
// This option works globally and must be set before a connection is created.
if ($this->config['tls_ca_cert']) {
$ldapHost = $this->parseServerString($this->config['server']);
$ldapConnection = $this->ldap->connect($ldapHost);
if ($ldapConnection === false) {
throw new LdapException(trans('errors.ldap_cannot_connect'));
// Set any required options
if ($this->config['version']) {
$this->ldap->setVersion($ldapConnection, $this->config['version']);
// Start and verify TLS if it's enabled
if ($this->config['start_tls']) {
try {
$started = $this->ldap->startTls($ldapConnection);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$error = $exception->getMessage() . ' :: ' . ldap_error($ldapConnection);
ldap_get_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, $detail);
Log::info("LDAP STARTTLS failure: {$error} {$detail}");
throw new LdapException('Could not start TLS connection. Further details in the application log.');
if (!$started) {
throw new LdapException('Could not start TLS connection');
$this->ldapConnection = $ldapConnection;
return $this->ldapConnection;
* Configure TLS CA certs globally for ldap use.
* This will detect if the given path is a directory or file, and set the relevant
* LDAP TLS options appropriately otherwise throw an exception if no file/folder found.
* Note: When using a folder, certificates are expected to be correctly named by hash
* which can be done via the c_rehash utility.
* @throws LdapException
protected function configureTlsCaCerts(string $caCertPath): void
$errMessage = "Provided path [{$caCertPath}] for LDAP TLS CA certs could not be resolved to an existing location";
$path = realpath($caCertPath);
if ($path === false) {
throw new LdapException($errMessage);
if (is_dir($path)) {
$this->ldap->setOption(null, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, $path);
} else if (is_file($path)) {
$this->ldap->setOption(null, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, $path);
} else {
throw new LdapException($errMessage);
* Parse an LDAP server string and return the host suitable for a connection.
* Is flexible to formats such as 'ldap.example.com:8069' or 'ldaps://ldap.example.com'.
protected function parseServerString(string $serverString): string
if (str_starts_with($serverString, 'ldaps://') || str_starts_with($serverString, 'ldap://')) {
return $serverString;
return "ldap://{$serverString}";
* Build a filter string by injecting common variables.
protected function buildFilter(string $filterString, array $attrs): string
$newAttrs = [];
foreach ($attrs as $key => $attrText) {
$newKey = '${' . $key . '}';
$newAttrs[$newKey] = $this->ldap->escape($attrText);
return strtr($filterString, $newAttrs);
* Get the groups a user is a part of on ldap.
* @throws LdapException
* @throws JsonDebugException
public function getUserGroups(string $userName): array
$groupsAttr = $this->config['group_attribute'];
$user = $this->getUserWithAttributes($userName, [$groupsAttr]);
if ($user === null) {
return [];
$userGroups = $this->groupFilter($user);
$allGroups = $this->getGroupsRecursive($userGroups, []);
if ($this->config['dump_user_groups']) {
throw new JsonDebugException([
'details_from_ldap' => $user,
'parsed_direct_user_groups' => $userGroups,
'parsed_recursive_user_groups' => $allGroups,
return $allGroups;
* Get the parent groups of an array of groups.
* @throws LdapException
private function getGroupsRecursive(array $groupsArray, array $checked): array
$groupsToAdd = [];
foreach ($groupsArray as $groupName) {
if (in_array($groupName, $checked)) {
$parentGroups = $this->getGroupGroups($groupName);
$groupsToAdd = array_merge($groupsToAdd, $parentGroups);
$checked[] = $groupName;
$groupsArray = array_unique(array_merge($groupsArray, $groupsToAdd), SORT_REGULAR);
if (empty($groupsToAdd)) {
return $groupsArray;
return $this->getGroupsRecursive($groupsArray, $checked);
* Get the parent groups of a single group.
* @throws LdapException
private function getGroupGroups(string $groupName): array
$ldapConnection = $this->getConnection();
$followReferrals = $this->config['follow_referrals'] ? 1 : 0;
$this->ldap->setOption($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $followReferrals);
$baseDn = $this->config['base_dn'];
$groupsAttr = strtolower($this->config['group_attribute']);
$groupFilter = 'CN=' . $this->ldap->escape($groupName);
$groups = $this->ldap->searchAndGetEntries($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $groupFilter, [$groupsAttr]);
if ($groups['count'] === 0) {
return [];
return $this->groupFilter($groups[0]);
* Filter out LDAP CN and DN language in a ldap search return.
* Gets the base CN (common name) of the string.
protected function groupFilter(array $userGroupSearchResponse): array
$groupsAttr = strtolower($this->config['group_attribute']);
$ldapGroups = [];
$count = 0;
if (isset($userGroupSearchResponse[$groupsAttr]['count'])) {
$count = (int) $userGroupSearchResponse[$groupsAttr]['count'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$dnComponents = $this->ldap->explodeDn($userGroupSearchResponse[$groupsAttr][$i], 1);
if (!in_array($dnComponents[0], $ldapGroups)) {
$ldapGroups[] = $dnComponents[0];
return $ldapGroups;
* Sync the LDAP groups to the user roles for the current user.
* @throws LdapException
* @throws JsonDebugException
public function syncGroups(User $user, string $username): void
$userLdapGroups = $this->getUserGroups($username);
$this->groupSyncService->syncUserWithFoundGroups($user, $userLdapGroups, $this->config['remove_from_groups']);
* Save and attach an avatar image, if found in the ldap details, and attach
* to the given user model.
public function saveAndAttachAvatar(User $user, array $ldapUserDetails): void
if (is_null(config('services.ldap.thumbnail_attribute')) || is_null($ldapUserDetails['avatar'])) {
try {
$imageData = $ldapUserDetails['avatar'];
$this->userAvatars->assignToUserFromExistingData($user, $imageData, 'jpg');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
Log::info("Failed to use avatar image from LDAP data for user id {$user->id}");