mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 22:17:57 +08:00
359 lines
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359 lines
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* Text used for 'Entities' (Document Structure Elements) such as
* Books, Shelves, Chapters & Pages
return [
// Shared
'recently_created' => 'Nedavno napravljen',
'recently_created_pages' => 'Nedavno napravljene stranice',
'recently_updated_pages' => 'Nedavno ažurirane stranice',
'recently_created_chapters' => 'Nedavno napravljena poglavlja',
'recently_created_books' => 'Nedavno napravljene knjige',
'recently_created_shelves' => 'Nedavno napravljene police',
'recently_update' => 'Nedavno ažurirana',
'recently_viewed' => 'Nedavno pogledana',
'recent_activity' => 'Nedavna aktivnost',
'create_now' => 'Napravi jednu sada',
'revisions' => 'Promjene',
'meta_revision' => 'Promjena #:revisionCount',
'meta_created' => 'Napravljena :timeLength',
'meta_created_name' => 'Napravljena :timeLength od :user',
'meta_updated' => 'Ažurirana :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => 'Ažurirana :timeLength od :user',
'meta_owned_name' => 'Vlasnik je :user',
'entity_select' => 'Odaberi entitet',
'images' => 'Slike',
'my_recent_drafts' => 'Moje nedavne skice',
'my_recently_viewed' => 'Moji nedavni pregledi',
'my_most_viewed_favourites' => 'My Most Viewed Favourites',
'my_favourites' => 'My Favourites',
'no_pages_viewed' => 'Niste pogledali nijednu stranicu',
'no_pages_recently_created' => 'Nijedna stranica nije napravljena nedavno',
'no_pages_recently_updated' => 'Niijedna stranica nije ažurirana nedavno',
'export' => 'Izvezi',
'export_html' => 'Sadržani web fajl',
'export_pdf' => 'PDF fajl',
'export_text' => 'Plain Text fajl',
'export_md' => 'Markdown File',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Dozvole',
'permissions_intro' => 'Jednom omogućene, ove dozvole imaju prednost nad dozvolama uloge.',
'permissions_enable' => 'Omogući prilagođena dopuštenja',
'permissions_save' => 'Snimi dozvole',
'permissions_owner' => 'Vlasnik',
// Search
'search_results' => 'Rezultati pretrage',
'search_total_results_found' => ':count rezultata je nađeno|:count ukupno rezultata je nađeno',
'search_clear' => 'Očisti pretragu',
'search_no_pages' => 'Nijedna stranica nije nađena',
'search_for_term' => 'Traži :term',
'search_more' => 'Više rezultata',
'search_advanced' => 'Napredna pretraga',
'search_terms' => 'Pojmovi za pretragu',
'search_content_type' => 'Vrsta sadržaja',
'search_exact_matches' => 'Tačna podudaranja',
'search_tags' => 'Pretraga oznaka',
'search_options' => 'Opcije',
'search_viewed_by_me' => 'Ja sam pogledao/la',
'search_not_viewed_by_me' => 'Nisam pogledao/la',
'search_permissions_set' => 'Dozvole',
'search_created_by_me' => 'Ja sam napravio/la',
'search_updated_by_me' => 'Ja sam ažurirao/la',
'search_owned_by_me' => 'Owned by me',
'search_date_options' => 'Opcije datuma',
'search_updated_before' => 'Ažurirano prije',
'search_updated_after' => 'Ažurirano nakon',
'search_created_before' => 'Kreirano prije',
'search_created_after' => 'Kreirano nakon',
'search_set_date' => 'Postavi datum',
'search_update' => 'Ažuriraj pretragu',
// Shelves
'shelf' => 'Polica',
'shelves' => 'Police',
'x_shelves' => ':count Polica|:count Police',
'shelves_long' => 'Police za knjige',
'shelves_empty' => 'Niti jedna polica nije kreirana',
'shelves_create' => 'Kreiraj novu policu',
'shelves_popular' => 'Popularne police',
'shelves_new' => 'Nove police',
'shelves_new_action' => 'Nova polica',
'shelves_popular_empty' => 'Najpopularnije police će se pojaviti ovdje.',
'shelves_new_empty' => 'Najnovije police će se pojaviti ovdje.',
'shelves_save' => 'Spremi policu',
'shelves_books' => 'Knjige na ovoj polici',
'shelves_add_books' => 'Dodaj knjige na ovu policu',
'shelves_drag_books' => 'Prenesi knjige ovdje da bi ih dodao/la na ovu policu',
'shelves_empty_contents' => 'Ova polica nema knjiga koje su postavljene na nju',
'shelves_edit_and_assign' => 'Uredi policu da bi dodao/la knjige',
'shelves_edit_named' => 'Uredi :name police za knjige',
'shelves_edit' => 'Uredi policu za knjige',
'shelves_delete' => 'Izbriši policu za knjige',
'shelves_delete_named' => 'Izbriši policu za knjige :name',
'shelves_delete_explain' => "This will delete the bookshelf with the name ':name'. Contained books will not be deleted.",
'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this bookshelf?',
'shelves_permissions' => 'Bookshelf Permissions',
'shelves_permissions_updated' => 'Bookshelf Permissions Updated',
'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Bookshelf Permissions Active',
'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning' => 'Permissions on bookshelves do not automatically cascade to contained books. This is because a book can exist on multiple shelves. Permissions can however be copied down to child books using the option found below.',
'shelves_copy_permissions_to_books' => 'Copy Permissions to Books',
'shelves_copy_permissions' => 'Copy Permissions',
'shelves_copy_permissions_explain' => 'This will apply the current permission settings of this bookshelf to all books contained within. Before activating, ensure any changes to the permissions of this bookshelf have been saved.',
'shelves_copy_permission_success' => 'Bookshelf permissions copied to :count books',
// Books
'book' => 'Book',
'books' => 'Books',
'x_books' => ':count Book|:count Books',
'books_empty' => 'No books have been created',
'books_popular' => 'Popular Books',
'books_recent' => 'Recent Books',
'books_new' => 'New Books',
'books_new_action' => 'New Book',
'books_popular_empty' => 'The most popular books will appear here.',
'books_new_empty' => 'The most recently created books will appear here.',
'books_create' => 'Create New Book',
'books_delete' => 'Delete Book',
'books_delete_named' => 'Delete Book :bookName',
'books_delete_explain' => 'Ovo će izbrisati knjigu naziva \':bookName\'. Sve stranice i poglavlja će biti uklonjene.',
'books_delete_confirmation' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu knjigu?',
'books_edit' => 'Uredi knjigu',
'books_edit_named' => 'Uredi knjigu :bookName',
'books_form_book_name' => 'Naziv knjige',
'books_save' => 'Spremi knjigu',
'books_permissions' => 'Dozvole knjige',
'books_permissions_updated' => 'Dozvole knjige su ažurirane',
'books_empty_contents' => 'Za ovu knjigu nisu napravljene ni stranice ni poglavlja.',
'books_empty_create_page' => 'Napravi novu stranicu',
'books_empty_sort_current_book' => 'Sortiraj trenutnu knjigu',
'books_empty_add_chapter' => 'Dodaj poglavlje',
'books_permissions_active' => 'Dozvole za knjigu su aktivne',
'books_search_this' => 'Pretraži ovu knjigu',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigacija knjige',
'books_sort' => 'Sortiraj sadržaj knjige',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sortiraj knjigu :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortiraj po imenu',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortiraj po datumu kreiranja',
'books_sort_updated' => 'Sortiraj po datumu ažuriranja',
'books_sort_chapters_first' => 'Poglavlja prva',
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Poglavlja zadnja',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Prikaži druge knjige',
'books_sort_save' => 'Spremi trenutni poredak',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
// Chapters
'chapter' => 'Poglavlje',
'chapters' => 'Poglavlja',
'x_chapters' => ':count Poglavlje|:count Poglavlja',
'chapters_popular' => 'Popularna poglavlja',
'chapters_new' => 'Novo poglavlje',
'chapters_create' => 'Napravi novo poglavlje',
'chapters_delete' => 'Izbriši poglavlje',
'chapters_delete_named' => 'Izbriši poglavlje :chapterName',
'chapters_delete_explain' => 'Ovo će izbrisati poglavlje naziva \':chapterName\'. Sve stranice koje postoje u ovom poglavlju će također biti izbrisane.',
'chapters_delete_confirm' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovo poglavlje?',
'chapters_edit' => 'Uredi poglavlje',
'chapters_edit_named' => 'Uredi poglavlje :chapterName',
'chapters_save' => 'Spremi poglavlje',
'chapters_move' => 'Premjesti poglavlje',
'chapters_move_named' => 'Premjesti poglavlje :chapterName',
'chapter_move_success' => 'Poglavlje premješteno u :bookName',
'chapters_copy' => 'Copy Chapter',
'chapters_copy_success' => 'Chapter successfully copied',
'chapters_permissions' => 'Dozvole poglavlja',
'chapters_empty' => 'U ovom poglavlju trenutno nema stranica.',
'chapters_permissions_active' => 'Dozvole za poglavlje su aktivne',
'chapters_permissions_success' => 'Dozvole za poglavlje su ažurirane',
'chapters_search_this' => 'Pretražuj ovo poglavlje',
// Pages
'page' => 'Stranica',
'pages' => 'Stranice',
'x_pages' => ':count Stranica|:count Stranice',
'pages_popular' => 'Popularne stranice',
'pages_new' => 'Nova stranica',
'pages_attachments' => 'Attachments',
'pages_navigation' => 'Page Navigation',
'pages_delete' => 'Delete Page',
'pages_delete_named' => 'Delete Page :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft_named' => 'Delete Draft Page :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft' => 'Delete Draft Page',
'pages_delete_success' => 'Page deleted',
'pages_delete_draft_success' => 'Draft page deleted',
'pages_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this page?',
'pages_delete_draft_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this draft page?',
'pages_editing_named' => 'Editing Page :pageName',
'pages_edit_draft_options' => 'Draft Options',
'pages_edit_save_draft' => 'Save Draft',
'pages_edit_draft' => 'Edit Page Draft',
'pages_editing_draft' => 'Editing Draft',
'pages_editing_page' => 'Editing Page',
'pages_edit_draft_save_at' => 'Draft saved at ',
'pages_edit_delete_draft' => 'Delete Draft',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => 'Discard Draft',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown' => 'Switch to Markdown Editor',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_clean' => '(Clean Content)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(Stable Content)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'Switch to WYSIWYG Editor',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Set Changelog',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Enter a brief description of the changes you\'ve made',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => 'Enter Changelog',
'pages_editor_switch_title' => 'Switch Editor',
'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to change the editor for this page?',
'pages_editor_switch_consider_following' => 'Consider the following when changing editors:',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a' => 'Once saved, the new editor option will be used by any future editors, including those that may not be able to change editor type themselves.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b' => 'This can potentially lead to a loss of detail and syntax in certain circumstances.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_c' => 'Tag or changelog changes, made since last save, won\'t persist across this change.',
'pages_save' => 'Save Page',
'pages_title' => 'Page Title',
'pages_name' => 'Page Name',
'pages_md_editor' => 'Editor',
'pages_md_preview' => 'Preview',
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Insert Image',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Insert Entity Link',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Insert Drawing',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Page is not in a chapter',
'pages_move' => 'Move Page',
'pages_move_success' => 'Page moved to ":parentName"',
'pages_copy' => 'Copy Page',
'pages_copy_desination' => 'Copy Destination',
'pages_copy_success' => 'Page successfully copied',
'pages_permissions' => 'Page Permissions',
'pages_permissions_success' => 'Page permissions updated',
'pages_revision' => 'Revision',
'pages_revisions' => 'Page Revisions',
'pages_revisions_named' => 'Page Revisions for :pageName',
'pages_revision_named' => 'Page Revision for :pageName',
'pages_revision_restored_from' => 'Restored from #:id; :summary',
'pages_revisions_created_by' => 'Created By',
'pages_revisions_date' => 'Revision Date',
'pages_revisions_number' => '#',
'pages_revisions_numbered' => 'Revision #:id',
'pages_revisions_numbered_changes' => 'Revision #:id Changes',
'pages_revisions_editor' => 'Editor Type',
'pages_revisions_changelog' => 'Changelog',
'pages_revisions_changes' => 'Changes',
'pages_revisions_current' => 'Trenutna verzija',
'pages_revisions_preview' => 'Pregled',
'pages_revisions_restore' => 'Vrati',
'pages_revisions_none' => 'Ova stranica nema promjena',
'pages_copy_link' => 'Iskopiraj link',
'pages_edit_content_link' => 'Uredi sadržaj',
'pages_permissions_active' => 'Dozvole za stranicu su aktivne',
'pages_initial_revision' => 'Prvo izdavanje',
'pages_initial_name' => 'Nova stranica',
'pages_editing_draft_notification' => 'Trenutno uređujete skicu koja je posljednji put snimljena :timeDiff.',
'pages_draft_edited_notification' => 'Ova stranica je ažurirana nakon tog vremena. Preporučujemo da odbacite ovu skicu.',
'pages_draft_page_changed_since_creation' => 'This page has been updated since this draft was created. It is recommended that you discard this draft or take care not to overwrite any page changes.',
'pages_draft_edit_active' => [
'start_a' => ':count korisnika je počelo sa uređivanjem ove stranice',
'start_b' => ':userName je počeo/la sa uređivanjem ove stranice',
'time_a' => 'od kada je stranica posljednji put ažurirana',
'time_b' => 'u posljednjih :minCount minuta',
'message' => ':start :time. Pazite da jedni drugima ne prepišete promjene!',
'pages_draft_discarded' => 'Skica je odbačena, uređivač je ažuriran sa trenutnim sadržajem stranice',
'pages_specific' => 'Specifična stranica',
'pages_is_template' => 'Predložak stranice',
// Editor Sidebar
'page_tags' => 'Oznake stranice',
'chapter_tags' => 'Oznake poglavlja',
'book_tags' => 'Oznake knjige',
'shelf_tags' => 'Oznake police',
'tag' => 'Oznaka',
'tags' => 'Oznake',
'tag_name' => 'Naziv oznake',
'tag_value' => 'Vrijednost oznake (nije obavezno)',
'tags_explain' => "Dodaj nekoliko oznaka da bi sadržaj bio bolje kategorisan. \n Možeš dodati vrijednost oznaci za dublju organizaciju.",
'tags_add' => 'Dodaj još jednu oznaku',
'tags_remove' => 'Ukloni ovu oznaku',
'tags_usages' => 'Total tag usages',
'tags_assigned_pages' => 'Assigned to Pages',
'tags_assigned_chapters' => 'Assigned to Chapters',
'tags_assigned_books' => 'Assigned to Books',
'tags_assigned_shelves' => 'Assigned to Shelves',
'tags_x_unique_values' => ':count unique values',
'tags_all_values' => 'All values',
'tags_view_tags' => 'View Tags',
'tags_view_existing_tags' => 'View existing tags',
'tags_list_empty_hint' => 'Tags can be assigned via the page editor sidebar or while editing the details of a book, chapter or shelf.',
'attachments' => 'Prilozi',
'attachments_explain' => 'Učitajte fajlove ili priložite poveznice da bi ih prikazali na stranici. Oni su onda vidljivi u navigaciji sa strane.',
'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Sve promjene se snimaju odmah.',
'attachments_items' => 'Priložene stavke',
'attachments_upload' => 'Učitaj fajl',
'attachments_link' => 'Zakači link',
'attachments_set_link' => 'Postavi link',
'attachments_delete' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj prilog?',
'attachments_dropzone' => 'Spustite fajlove ili pritisnite ovdje da priložite fajl',
'attachments_no_files' => 'Niti jedan fajl nije prenesen',
'attachments_explain_link' => 'Možete zakačiti link ako ne želite učitati fajl. To može biti link druge stranice ili link za fajl u oblaku.',
'attachments_link_name' => 'Naziv linka',
'attachment_link' => 'Link poveznice',
'attachments_link_url' => 'Link do fajla',
'attachments_link_url_hint' => 'Url stranice ili fajla',
'attach' => 'Zakači',
'attachments_insert_link' => 'Dodaj priloženi link na stranicu',
'attachments_edit_file' => 'Uredi fajl',
'attachments_edit_file_name' => 'Naziv fajla',
'attachments_edit_drop_upload' => 'Spusti fajlove ili pritisni ovdje da učitaš i prepišeš',
'attachments_order_updated' => 'Attachment order updated',
'attachments_updated_success' => 'Attachment details updated',
'attachments_deleted' => 'Attachment deleted',
'attachments_file_uploaded' => 'File successfully uploaded',
'attachments_file_updated' => 'File successfully updated',
'attachments_link_attached' => 'Link successfully attached to page',
'templates' => 'Templates',
'templates_set_as_template' => 'Page is a template',
'templates_explain_set_as_template' => 'You can set this page as a template so its contents be utilized when creating other pages. Other users will be able to use this template if they have view permissions for this page.',
'templates_replace_content' => 'Replace page content',
'templates_append_content' => 'Append to page content',
'templates_prepend_content' => 'Prepend to page content',
// Profile View
'profile_user_for_x' => 'User for :time',
'profile_created_content' => 'Created Content',
'profile_not_created_pages' => ':userName has not created any pages',
'profile_not_created_chapters' => ':userName has not created any chapters',
'profile_not_created_books' => ':userName has not created any books',
'profile_not_created_shelves' => ':userName has not created any shelves',
// Comments
'comment' => 'Comment',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'comment_add' => 'Add Comment',
'comment_placeholder' => 'Leave a comment here',
'comment_count' => '{0} No Comments|{1} 1 Comment|[2,*] :count Comments',
'comment_save' => 'Save Comment',
'comment_saving' => 'Saving comment...',
'comment_deleting' => 'Deleting comment...',
'comment_new' => 'New Comment',
'comment_created' => 'commented :createDiff',
'comment_updated' => 'Updated :updateDiff by :username',
'comment_deleted_success' => 'Comment deleted',
'comment_created_success' => 'Comment added',
'comment_updated_success' => 'Comment updated',
'comment_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?',
'comment_in_reply_to' => 'In reply to :commentId',
// Revision
'revision_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this revision?',
'revision_restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to restore this revision? The current page contents will be replaced.',
'revision_delete_success' => 'Revision deleted',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => 'Cannot delete the latest revision.',
// Copy view
'copy_consider' => 'Please consider the below when copying content.',
'copy_consider_permissions' => 'Custom permission settings will not be copied.',
'copy_consider_owner' => 'You will become the owner of all copied content.',
'copy_consider_images' => 'Page image files will not be duplicated & the original images will retain their relation to the page they were originally uploaded to.',
'copy_consider_attachments' => 'Page attachments will not be copied.',
'copy_consider_access' => 'A change of location, owner or permissions may result in this content being accessible to those previously without access.',