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synced 2025-03-13 13:55:26 +08:00

Some checks failed
analyse-php / build (push) Has been cancelled
lint-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
lint-php / build (push) Has been cancelled
test-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
Prevents polluting global scope with variables since we're using the module format bundler in esbuild. Also cleaned up unused yields. Fixed bad reference in our tinymce fixes. For #5232
184 lines
6.9 KiB
184 lines
6.9 KiB
* Handle alignment for embed (iframe/video) content.
* TinyMCE built-in handling doesn't work well for these when classes are used for
* alignment, since the editor wraps these elements in a non-editable preview span
* which looses tracking and setting of alignment options.
* Here we manually manage these properties and formatting events, by effectively
* syncing the alignment classes to the parent preview span.
* @param {Editor} editor
export function handleEmbedAlignmentChanges(editor) {
function updateClassesForPreview(previewElem) {
const mediaTarget = previewElem.querySelector('iframe, video');
if (!mediaTarget) {
const alignmentClasses = [...mediaTarget.classList.values()].filter(c => c.startsWith('align-'));
const previewAlignClasses = [...previewElem.classList.values()].filter(c => c.startsWith('align-'));
editor.on('SetContent', () => {
const previewElems = editor.dom.select('span.mce-preview-object');
for (const previewElem of previewElems) {
editor.on('FormatApply', event => {
const isAlignment = event.format.startsWith('align');
const isElement = event.node instanceof editor.dom.doc.defaultView.HTMLElement;
if (!isElement || !isAlignment || !event.node.matches('.mce-preview-object')) {
const realTarget = event.node.querySelector('iframe, video');
if (realTarget) {
const className = (editor.formatter.get(event.format)[0]?.classes || [])[0];
const toAdd = !realTarget.classList.contains(className);
const wrapperClasses = (event.node.getAttribute('data-mce-p-class') || '').split(' ');
const wrapperClassesFiltered = wrapperClasses.filter(c => !c.startsWith('align-'));
if (toAdd) {
const classesToApply = wrapperClassesFiltered.join(' ');
event.node.setAttribute('data-mce-p-class', classesToApply);
realTarget.setAttribute('class', classesToApply);
editor.formatter.apply(event.format, {}, realTarget);
* Cleans up and removes text-alignment specific properties on all child elements.
* @param {HTMLElement} element
function cleanChildAlignment(element) {
const alignedChildren = element.querySelectorAll('[align],[style*="text-align"],.align-center,.align-left,.align-right');
for (const child of alignedChildren) {
child.style.textAlign = null;
child.classList.remove('align-center', 'align-right', 'align-left');
* Cleans up the direction property for an element.
* Removes all inline direction control from child elements.
* Removes non "dir" attribute direction control from provided element.
* @param {HTMLElement} element
function cleanElementDirection(element) {
const directionChildren = element.querySelectorAll('[dir],[style*="direction"]');
for (const child of directionChildren) {
child.style.direction = null;
element.style.direction = null;
element.style.textAlign = null;
* @typedef {Function} TableCellHandler
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement} cell
* This tracks table cell range selection, so we can apply custom handling where
* required to actions applied to such selections.
* The events used don't seem to be advertised by TinyMCE.
* Found at https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/6.8.3/modules/tinymce/src/models/dom/main/ts/table/api/Events.ts
* @param {Editor} editor
export function handleTableCellRangeEvents(editor) {
/** @var {HTMLTableCellElement[]} * */
let selectedCells = [];
editor.on('TableSelectionChange', event => {
selectedCells = (event.cells || []).map(cell => cell.dom);
editor.on('TableSelectionClear', () => {
selectedCells = [];
* @type {Object<String, TableCellHandler>}
const actionByCommand = {
// TinyMCE does not seem to do a great job on clearing styles in complex
// scenarios (like copied word content) when a range of table cells
// are selected. Here we watch for clear formatting events, so some manual
// cleanup can be performed.
RemoveFormat: cell => {
const attrsToRemove = ['class', 'style', 'width', 'height', 'align'];
for (const attr of attrsToRemove) {
// TinyMCE does not apply direction events to table cell range selections
// so here we hastily patch in that ability by setting the direction ourselves
// when a direction event is fired.
mceDirectionLTR: cell => {
cell.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
mceDirectionRTL: cell => {
cell.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
// The "align" attribute can exist on table elements so this clears
// the attribute, and also clears common child alignment properties,
// when a text direction action is made for a table cell range.
JustifyLeft: cell => {
// Copy justify left action to other alignment actions
actionByCommand.JustifyRight = actionByCommand.JustifyLeft;
actionByCommand.JustifyCenter = actionByCommand.JustifyLeft;
actionByCommand.JustifyFull = actionByCommand.JustifyLeft;
editor.on('ExecCommand', event => {
const action = actionByCommand[event.command];
if (action) {
for (const cell of selectedCells) {
* Direction control might not work if there are other unexpected direction-handling styles
* or attributes involved nearby. This watches for direction change events to clean
* up direction controls, removing non-dir-attr direction controls, while removing
* directions from child elements that may be involved.
* @param {Editor} editor
export function handleTextDirectionCleaning(editor) {
editor.on('ExecCommand', event => {
const command = event.command;
if (command !== 'mceDirectionLTR' && command !== 'mceDirectionRTL') {
const blocks = editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks();
for (const block of blocks) {