Dan Brown fcf0bf79a9
Some checks failed
analyse-php / build (push) Waiting to run
lint-php / build (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.1) (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.2) (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.3) (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.4) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.1) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.2) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.3) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.4) (push) Waiting to run
lint-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
test-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
Attachments: Hid edit/delete controls where lacking permission
Added test to cover.
Also migrated related ajax-delete-row component to ts.

For #5323
2024-12-11 20:38:30 +00:00

47 lines
2.5 KiB

<div component="sortable-list"
option:sortable-list:handle-selector=".handle, a">
@foreach($attachments as $attachment)
<div component="ajax-delete-row"
option:ajax-delete-row:url="{{ url('/attachments/' . $attachment->id) }}"
data-id="{{ $attachment->id }}"
data-drag-content="{{ json_encode($attachment->editorContent()) }}"
class="card drag-card">
<div class="handle">@icon('grip')</div>
<div class="py-s">
<a href="{{ $attachment->getUrl() }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ $attachment->name }}</a>
<div class="flex-fill justify-flex-end">
<button component="event-emit-select"
title="{{ trans('entities.attachments_insert_link') }}"
class="drag-card-action text-center text-link">@icon('link')</button>
@if(userCan('attachment-update', $attachment))
<button component="event-emit-select"
option:event-emit-select:id="{{ $attachment->id }}"
title="{{ trans('common.edit') }}"
class="drag-card-action text-center text-link">@icon('edit')</button>
@if(userCan('attachment-delete', $attachment))
<div component="dropdown" class="flex-fill relative">
<button refs="dropdown@toggle"
title="{{ trans('common.delete') }}"
class="drag-card-action text-center text-neg">@icon('close')</button>
<div refs="dropdown@menu" class="dropdown-menu">
<p class="text-neg small px-m mb-xs">{{ trans('entities.attachments_delete') }}</p>
<button refs="ajax-delete-row@delete" type="button" class="text-link small delete text-item">{{ trans('common.confirm') }}</button>
@if (count($attachments) === 0)
<p class="small text-muted">
{{ trans('entities.attachments_no_files') }}