Dan Brown f79c6aef8d
Some checks are pending
analyse-php / build (push) Waiting to run
lint-js / build (push) Waiting to run
lint-php / build (push) Waiting to run
test-js / build (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.1) (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.2) (push) Waiting to run
test-migrations / build (8.3) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.1) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.2) (push) Waiting to run
test-php / build (8.3) (push) Waiting to run
ZIP Imports: Updated import form to show loading indicator
And disable button after submit.
Added here because the import could take some time, so it's best to show
an indicator to the user to show that something is happening, and help
prevent duplicate submission or re-submit attempts.
2024-11-22 21:36:42 +00:00

89 lines
4.4 KiB

<div class="container small">
<main class="card content-wrap auto-height mt-xxl">
<h1 class="list-heading">{{ trans('entities.import_continue') }}</h1>
<p class="text-muted">{{ trans('entities.import_continue_desc') }}</p>
<div class="mb-m">
<label class="setting-list-label mb-xs text-neg">@icon('warning') {{ trans('entities.import_errors') }}</label>
<p class="mb-xs small">{{ trans('entities.import_errors_desc') }}</p>
@foreach(session()->get('import_errors') ?? [] as $error)
<p class="mb-none text-neg">{{ $error }}</p>
<hr class="mt-m">
<div class="mb-m">
<label class="setting-list-label mb-m">{{ trans('entities.import_details') }}</label>
<div class="flex-container-row justify-space-between wrap">
@include('', ['type' => $import->type, 'model' => $data])
<div class="text-right text-muted">
<div>{{ trans('entities.import_size', ['size' => $import->getSizeString()]) }}</div>
<div><span title="{{ $import->created_at->toISOString() }}">{{ trans('entities.import_uploaded_at', ['relativeTime' => $import->created_at->diffForHumans()]) }}</span></div>
{{ trans('entities.import_uploaded_by') }}
<a href="{{ $import->createdBy->getProfileUrl() }}">{{ $import->createdBy->name }}</a>
<form id="import-run-form"
action="{{ $import->getUrl() }}"
{{ csrf_field() }}
@if($import->type === 'page' || $import->type === 'chapter')
<label class="setting-list-label">{{ trans('entities.import_location') }}</label>
<p class="small mb-s">{{ trans('entities.import_location_desc') }}</p>
<div class="mb-s">
@include('form.errors', ['name' => 'parent'])
@include('entities.selector', [
'name' => 'parent',
'entityTypes' => $import->type === 'page' ? 'chapter,book' : 'book',
'entityPermission' => "{$import->type}-create",
'selectorSize' => 'compact small',
<div class="flex-container-row items-center justify-flex-end">
<a href="{{ url('/import') }}" class="button outline">{{ trans('common.cancel') }}</a>
<div component="dropdown" class="inline block mx-s">
<button refs="dropdown@toggle"
title="{{ trans('common.delete') }}"
class="button outline">{{ trans('common.delete') }}</button>
<div refs="dropdown@menu" class="dropdown-menu">
<p class="text-neg bold small px-m mb-xs">{{ trans('entities.import_delete_confirm') }}</p>
<p class="small px-m mb-xs">{{ trans('entities.import_delete_desc') }}</p>
<button type="submit" form="import-delete-form" class="text-link small text-item">{{ trans('common.confirm') }}</button>
<button component="loading-button" type="submit" class="button">{{ trans('entities.import_run') }}</button>
<form id="import-delete-form"
action="{{ $import->getUrl() }}"
{{ method_field('DELETE') }}
{{ csrf_field() }}