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namespace BookStack\Auth\Permissions;
use BookStack\Auth\Role;
use BookStack\Auth\User;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Entity;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page;
use BookStack\Model;
use BookStack\Traits\HasCreatorAndUpdater;
use BookStack\Traits\HasOwner;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder as QueryBuilder;
class PermissionApplicator
* @var ?array<int>
protected $userRoles = null;
* @var ?User
protected $currentUserModel = null;
* Get the roles for the current logged in user.
protected function getCurrentUserRoles(): array
if (!is_null($this->userRoles)) {
return $this->userRoles;
if (auth()->guest()) {
$this->userRoles = [Role::getSystemRole('public')->id];
} else {
$this->userRoles = $this->currentUser()->roles->pluck('id')->values()->all();
return $this->userRoles;
* Checks if an entity has a restriction set upon it.
* @param HasCreatorAndUpdater|HasOwner $ownable
public function checkOwnableUserAccess(Model $ownable, string $permission): bool
$explodedPermission = explode('-', $permission);
$baseQuery = $ownable->newQuery()->where('id', '=', $ownable->id);
$action = end($explodedPermission);
$user = $this->currentUser();
$nonJointPermissions = ['restrictions', 'image', 'attachment', 'comment'];
// Handle non entity specific jointPermissions
if (in_array($explodedPermission[0], $nonJointPermissions)) {
$allPermission = $user && $user->can($permission . '-all');
$ownPermission = $user && $user->can($permission . '-own');
$ownerField = ($ownable instanceof Entity) ? 'owned_by' : 'created_by';
$isOwner = $user && $user->id === $ownable->$ownerField;
return $allPermission || ($isOwner && $ownPermission);
// Handle abnormal create jointPermissions
if ($action === 'create') {
$action = $permission;
$hasAccess = $this->entityRestrictionQuery($baseQuery, $action)->count() > 0;
return $hasAccess;
* Checks if a user has the given permission for any items in the system.
* Can be passed an entity instance to filter on a specific type.
public function checkUserHasPermissionOnAnything(string $permission, ?string $entityClass = null): bool
$userRoleIds = $this->currentUser()->roles()->select('id')->pluck('id')->toArray();
$userId = $this->currentUser()->id;
$permissionQuery = JointPermission::query()
->where('action', '=', $permission)
->whereIn('role_id', $userRoleIds)
->where(function (Builder $query) use ($userId) {
$this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $userId);
if (!is_null($entityClass)) {
$entityInstance = app($entityClass);
$permissionQuery = $permissionQuery->where('entity_type', '=', $entityInstance->getMorphClass());
$hasPermission = $permissionQuery->count() > 0;
return $hasPermission;
* The general query filter to remove all entities
* that the current user does not have access to.
protected function entityRestrictionQuery(Builder $query, string $action): Builder
$q = $query->where(function ($parentQuery) use ($action) {
$parentQuery->whereHas('jointPermissions', function ($permissionQuery) use ($action) {
$permissionQuery->whereIn('role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoles())
->where('action', '=', $action)
->where(function (Builder $query) {
$this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id);
return $q;
* Limited the given entity query so that the query will only
* return items that the user has permission for the given ability.
public function restrictEntityQuery(Builder $query, string $ability = 'view'): Builder
return $query->where(function (Builder $parentQuery) use ($ability) {
$parentQuery->whereHas('jointPermissions', function (Builder $permissionQuery) use ($ability) {
$permissionQuery->whereIn('role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoles())
->where('action', '=', $ability)
->where(function (Builder $query) {
$this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id);
* Extend the given page query to ensure draft items are not visible
* unless created by the given user.
public function enforceDraftVisibilityOnQuery(Builder $query): Builder
return $query->where(function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('draft', '=', false)
->orWhere(function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('draft', '=', true)
->where('owned_by', '=', $this->currentUser()->id);
* Add restrictions for a generic entity.
public function enforceEntityRestrictions(Entity $entity, Builder $query, string $action = 'view'): Builder
if ($entity instanceof Page) {
// Prevent drafts being visible to others.
return $this->entityRestrictionQuery($query, $action);
* Filter items that have entities set as a polymorphic relation.
* For simplicity, this will not return results attached to draft pages.
* Draft pages should never really have related items though.
* @param Builder|QueryBuilder $query
public function filterRestrictedEntityRelations($query, string $tableName, string $entityIdColumn, string $entityTypeColumn, string $action = 'view')
$tableDetails = ['tableName' => $tableName, 'entityIdColumn' => $entityIdColumn, 'entityTypeColumn' => $entityTypeColumn];
$pageMorphClass = (new Page())->getMorphClass();
$q = $query->whereExists(function ($permissionQuery) use (&$tableDetails, $action) {
/** @var Builder $permissionQuery */
->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_id', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityIdColumn'])
->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_type', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityTypeColumn'])
->where('joint_permissions.action', '=', $action)
->whereIn('joint_permissions.role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoles())
->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) {
$this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id);
})->where(function ($query) use ($tableDetails, $pageMorphClass) {
/** @var Builder $query */
$query->where($tableDetails['entityTypeColumn'], '!=', $pageMorphClass)
->orWhereExists(function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($tableDetails, $pageMorphClass) {
->whereColumn('pages.id', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityIdColumn'])
->where($tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityTypeColumn'], '=', $pageMorphClass)
->where('pages.draft', '=', false);
return $q;
* Add conditions to a query to filter the selection to related entities
* where view permissions are granted.
public function filterRelatedEntity(string $entityClass, Builder $query, string $tableName, string $entityIdColumn): Builder
$fullEntityIdColumn = $tableName . '.' . $entityIdColumn;
$instance = new $entityClass();
$morphClass = $instance->getMorphClass();
$existsQuery = function ($permissionQuery) use ($fullEntityIdColumn, $morphClass) {
/** @var Builder $permissionQuery */
->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_id', '=', $fullEntityIdColumn)
->where('joint_permissions.entity_type', '=', $morphClass)
->where('joint_permissions.action', '=', 'view')
->whereIn('joint_permissions.role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoles())
->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) {
$this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id);
$q = $query->where(function ($query) use ($existsQuery, $fullEntityIdColumn) {
->orWhere($fullEntityIdColumn, '=', 0);
if ($instance instanceof Page) {
// Prevent visibility of non-owned draft pages
$q->whereExists(function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($fullEntityIdColumn) {
->whereColumn('pages.id', '=', $fullEntityIdColumn)
->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) {
$query->where('pages.draft', '=', false)
->orWhere('pages.owned_by', '=', $this->currentUser()->id);
return $q;
* Add the query for checking the given user id has permission
* within the join_permissions table.
* @param QueryBuilder|Builder $query
protected function addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, int $userIdToCheck)
$query->where('joint_permissions.has_permission', '=', true)->orWhere(function ($query) use ($userIdToCheck) {
$query->where('joint_permissions.has_permission_own', '=', true)
->where('joint_permissions.owned_by', '=', $userIdToCheck);
* Get the current user.
private function currentUser(): User
if (is_null($this->currentUserModel)) {
$this->currentUserModel = user();
return $this->currentUserModel;
* Clean the cached user elements.
private function clean(): void
$this->currentUserModel = null;
$this->userRoles = null;