
406 lines
13 KiB

namespace BookStack\Entities\Tools;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page;
use BookStack\Entities\Queries\PageQueries;
use BookStack\Entities\Tools\Markdown\MarkdownToHtml;
use BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException;
use BookStack\Facades\Theme;
use BookStack\Theming\ThemeEvents;
use BookStack\Uploads\ImageRepo;
use BookStack\Uploads\ImageService;
use BookStack\Users\Models\User;
use BookStack\Util\HtmlContentFilter;
use BookStack\Util\HtmlDocument;
use BookStack\Util\WebSafeMimeSniffer;
use Closure;
use DOMElement;
use DOMNode;
use DOMNodeList;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class PageContent
protected PageQueries $pageQueries;
public function __construct(
protected Page $page
) {
$this->pageQueries = app()->make(PageQueries::class);
* Update the content of the page with new provided HTML.
public function setNewHTML(string $html, User $updater): void
$html = $this->extractBase64ImagesFromHtml($html, $updater);
$this->page->html = $this->formatHtml($html);
$this->page->text = $this->toPlainText();
$this->page->markdown = '';
* Update the content of the page with new provided Markdown content.
public function setNewMarkdown(string $markdown, User $updater): void
$markdown = $this->extractBase64ImagesFromMarkdown($markdown, $updater);
$this->page->markdown = $markdown;
$html = (new MarkdownToHtml($markdown))->convert();
$this->page->html = $this->formatHtml($html);
$this->page->text = $this->toPlainText();
* Convert all base64 image data to saved images.
protected function extractBase64ImagesFromHtml(string $htmlText, User $updater): string
if (empty($htmlText) || !str_contains($htmlText, 'data:image')) {
return $htmlText;
$doc = new HtmlDocument($htmlText);
// Get all img elements with image data blobs
$imageNodes = $doc->queryXPath('//img[contains(@src, \'data:image\')]');
/** @var DOMElement $imageNode */
foreach ($imageNodes as $imageNode) {
$imageSrc = $imageNode->getAttribute('src');
$newUrl = $this->base64ImageUriToUploadedImageUrl($imageSrc, $updater);
$imageNode->setAttribute('src', $newUrl);
return $doc->getBodyInnerHtml();
* Convert all inline base64 content to uploaded image files.
* Regex is used to locate the start of data-uri definitions then
* manual looping over content is done to parse the whole data uri.
* Attempting to capture the whole data uri using regex can cause PHP
* PCRE limits to be hit with larger, multi-MB, files.
protected function extractBase64ImagesFromMarkdown(string $markdown, User $updater): string
$matches = [];
$contentLength = strlen($markdown);
$replacements = [];
preg_match_all('/!\[.*?]\(.*?(data:image\/.{1,6};base64,)/', $markdown, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
foreach ($matches[1] as $base64MatchPair) {
[$dataUri, $index] = $base64MatchPair;
for ($i = strlen($dataUri) + $index; $i < $contentLength; $i++) {
$char = $markdown[$i];
if ($char === ')' || $char === ' ' || $char === "\n" || $char === '"') {
$dataUri .= $char;
$newUrl = $this->base64ImageUriToUploadedImageUrl($dataUri, $updater);
$replacements[] = [$dataUri, $newUrl];
foreach ($replacements as [$dataUri, $newUrl]) {
$markdown = str_replace($dataUri, $newUrl, $markdown);
return $markdown;
* Parse the given base64 image URI and return the URL to the created image instance.
* Returns an empty string if the parsed URI is invalid or causes an error upon upload.
protected function base64ImageUriToUploadedImageUrl(string $uri, User $updater): string
$imageRepo = app()->make(ImageRepo::class);
$imageInfo = $this->parseBase64ImageUri($uri);
// Validate user has permission to create images
if (!$updater->can('image-create-all')) {
return '';
// Validate extension and content
if (empty($imageInfo['data']) || !ImageService::isExtensionSupported($imageInfo['extension'])) {
return '';
// Validate content looks like an image via sniffing mime type
$mimeSniffer = new WebSafeMimeSniffer();
$mime = $mimeSniffer->sniff($imageInfo['data']);
if (!str_starts_with($mime, 'image/')) {
return '';
// Validate that the content is not over our upload limit
$uploadLimitBytes = (config('app.upload_limit') * 1000000);
if (strlen($imageInfo['data']) > $uploadLimitBytes) {
return '';
// Save image from data with a random name
$imageName = 'embedded-image-' . Str::random(8) . '.' . $imageInfo['extension'];
try {
$image = $imageRepo->saveNewFromData($imageName, $imageInfo['data'], 'gallery', $this->page->id);
} catch (ImageUploadException $exception) {
return '';
return $image->url;
* Parse a base64 image URI into the data and extension.
* @return array{extension: string, data: string}
protected function parseBase64ImageUri(string $uri): array
[$dataDefinition, $base64ImageData] = explode(',', $uri, 2);
$extension = strtolower(preg_split('/[\/;]/', $dataDefinition)[1] ?? '');
return [
'extension' => $extension,
'data' => base64_decode($base64ImageData) ?: '',
* Formats a page's html to be tagged correctly within the system.
protected function formatHtml(string $htmlText): string
if (empty($htmlText)) {
return $htmlText;
$doc = new HtmlDocument($htmlText);
// Map to hold used ID references
$idMap = [];
// Map to hold changing ID references
$changeMap = [];
$this->updateIdsRecursively($doc->getBody(), 0, $idMap, $changeMap);
$this->updateLinks($doc, $changeMap);
// Generate inner html as a string & perform required string-level tweaks
$html = $doc->getBodyInnerHtml();
$html = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $html);
return $html;
* For the given DOMNode, traverse its children recursively and update IDs
* where required (Top-level, headers & elements with IDs).
* Will update the provided $changeMap array with changes made, where keys are the old
* ids and the corresponding values are the new ids.
protected function updateIdsRecursively(DOMNode $element, int $depth, array &$idMap, array &$changeMap): void
/* @var DOMNode $child */
foreach ($element->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child instanceof DOMElement && ($depth === 0 || in_array($child->nodeName, ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']) || $child->getAttribute('id'))) {
[$oldId, $newId] = $this->setUniqueId($child, $idMap);
if ($newId && $newId !== $oldId && !isset($idMap[$oldId])) {
$changeMap[$oldId] = $newId;
if ($child->hasChildNodes()) {
$this->updateIdsRecursively($child, $depth + 1, $idMap, $changeMap);
* Update the all links in the given xpath to apply requires changes within the
* given $changeMap array.
protected function updateLinks(HtmlDocument $doc, array $changeMap): void
if (empty($changeMap)) {
$links = $doc->queryXPath('//body//*//*[@href]');
/** @var DOMElement $domElem */
foreach ($links as $domElem) {
$href = ltrim($domElem->getAttribute('href'), '#');
$newHref = $changeMap[$href] ?? null;
if ($newHref) {
$domElem->setAttribute('href', '#' . $newHref);
* Set a unique id on the given DOMElement.
* A map for existing ID's should be passed in to check for current existence,
* and this will be updated with any new IDs set upon elements.
* Returns a pair of strings in the format [old_id, new_id].
protected function setUniqueId(DOMNode $element, array &$idMap): array
if (!$element instanceof DOMElement) {
return ['', ''];
// Stop if there's an existing valid id that has not already been used.
$existingId = $element->getAttribute('id');
if (str_starts_with($existingId, 'bkmrk') && !isset($idMap[$existingId])) {
$idMap[$existingId] = true;
return [$existingId, $existingId];
// Create a unique id for the element
// Uses the content as a basis to ensure output is the same every time
// the same content is passed through.
$contentId = 'bkmrk-' . mb_substr(strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', trim($element->nodeValue))), 0, 20);
$newId = urlencode($contentId);
$loopIndex = 1;
while (isset($idMap[$newId])) {
$newId = urlencode($contentId . '-' . $loopIndex);
$element->setAttribute('id', $newId);
$idMap[$newId] = true;
return [$existingId, $newId];
* Get a plain-text visualisation of this page.
protected function toPlainText(): string
$html = $this->render(true);
return html_entity_decode(strip_tags($html));
* Render the page for viewing.
public function render(bool $blankIncludes = false): string
$html = $this->page->html ?? '';
if (empty($html)) {
return $html;
$doc = new HtmlDocument($html);
$contentProvider = $this->getContentProviderClosure($blankIncludes);
$parser = new PageIncludeParser($doc, $contentProvider);
$nodesAdded = 1;
for ($includeDepth = 0; $includeDepth < 3 && $nodesAdded !== 0; $includeDepth++) {
$nodesAdded = $parser->parse();
if ($includeDepth > 1) {
$idMap = [];
$changeMap = [];
$this->updateIdsRecursively($doc->getBody(), 0, $idMap, $changeMap);
if (!config('app.allow_content_scripts')) {
return $doc->getBodyInnerHtml();
* Get the closure used to fetch content for page includes.
protected function getContentProviderClosure(bool $blankIncludes): Closure
$contextPage = $this->page;
$queries = $this->pageQueries;
return function (PageIncludeTag $tag) use ($blankIncludes, $contextPage, $queries): PageIncludeContent {
if ($blankIncludes) {
return PageIncludeContent::fromHtmlAndTag('', $tag);
$matchedPage = $queries->findVisibleById($tag->getPageId());
$content = PageIncludeContent::fromHtmlAndTag($matchedPage->html ?? '', $tag);
if (Theme::hasListeners(ThemeEvents::PAGE_INCLUDE_PARSE)) {
$themeReplacement = Theme::dispatch(
clone $contextPage,
$matchedPage ? (clone $matchedPage) : null,
if ($themeReplacement !== null) {
$content = PageIncludeContent::fromInlineHtml(strval($themeReplacement));
return $content;
* Parse the headers on the page to get a navigation menu.
public function getNavigation(string $htmlContent): array
if (empty($htmlContent)) {
return [];
$doc = new HtmlDocument($htmlContent);
$headers = $doc->queryXPath('//h1|//h2|//h3|//h4|//h5|//h6');
return $headers->count() === 0 ? [] : $this->headerNodesToLevelList($headers);
* Convert a DOMNodeList into an array of readable header attributes
* with levels normalised to the lower header level.
protected function headerNodesToLevelList(DOMNodeList $nodeList): array
$tree = collect($nodeList)->map(function (DOMElement $header) {
$text = trim(str_replace("\xc2\xa0", '', $header->nodeValue));
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, 100);
return [
'nodeName' => strtolower($header->nodeName),
'level' => intval(str_replace('h', '', $header->nodeName)),
'link' => '#' . $header->getAttribute('id'),
'text' => $text,
})->filter(function ($header) {
return mb_strlen($header['text']) > 0;
// Shift headers if only smaller headers have been used
$levelChange = ($tree->pluck('level')->min() - 1);
$tree = $tree->map(function ($header) use ($levelChange) {
$header['level'] -= ($levelChange);
return $header;
return $tree->toArray();