Dan Brown 00eedafbfd
Added timeout and debugging statuses to webhooks
- Added a user-configurable timeout option to webhooks.
- Added webhook fields for last-call/error datetime, in addition to last
  error string, which are shown on  webhook edit view.

Related to 
2022-01-03 19:42:48 +00:00

13 lines
652 B

<input type="number" id="{{ $name }}" name="{{ $name }}"
@if($errors->has($name)) class="text-neg" @endif
@if(isset($placeholder)) placeholder="{{$placeholder}}" @endif
@if($autofocus ?? false) autofocus @endif
@if($disabled ?? false) disabled="disabled" @endif
@if($readonly ?? false) readonly="readonly" @endif
@if($min ?? false) min="{{ $min }}" @endif
@if($max ?? false) max="{{ $max }}" @endif
@if(isset($model) || old($name)) value="{{ old($name) ? old($name) : $model->$name}}" @endif>
<div class="text-neg text-small">{{ $errors->first($name) }}</div>