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synced 2025-02-02 03:17:30 +08:00
Tools seems to fit better since the classes were a bit of a mixed bunch and did not always manage. Also simplified the structure of the SlugGenerator class. Also focused EntityContext on shelves and simplified to use session helper.
131 lines
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131 lines
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<?php namespace BookStack\Http\Controllers;
use Activity;
use BookStack\Entities\Book;
use BookStack\Entities\Tools\PageContent;
use BookStack\Entities\Page;
use BookStack\Entities\Repos\BookRepo;
use BookStack\Entities\Repos\BookshelfRepo;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Views;
class HomeController extends Controller
* Display the homepage.
public function index()
$activity = Activity::latest(10);
$draftPages = [];
if ($this->isSignedIn()) {
$draftPages = Page::visible()
->where('draft', '=', true)
->where('created_by', '=', user()->id)
->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
$recentFactor = count($draftPages) > 0 ? 0.5 : 1;
$recents = $this->isSignedIn() ?
Views::getUserRecentlyViewed(12*$recentFactor, 1)
: Book::visible()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(12 * $recentFactor)->get();
$recentlyUpdatedPages = Page::visible()->where('draft', false)
->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->take(12)->get();
$homepageOptions = ['default', 'books', 'bookshelves', 'page'];
$homepageOption = setting('app-homepage-type', 'default');
if (!in_array($homepageOption, $homepageOptions)) {
$homepageOption = 'default';
$commonData = [
'activity' => $activity,
'recents' => $recents,
'recentlyUpdatedPages' => $recentlyUpdatedPages,
'draftPages' => $draftPages,
// Add required list ordering & sorting for books & shelves views.
if ($homepageOption === 'bookshelves' || $homepageOption === 'books') {
$key = $homepageOption;
$view = setting()->getForCurrentUser($key . '_view_type', config('app.views.' . $key));
$sort = setting()->getForCurrentUser($key . '_sort', 'name');
$order = setting()->getForCurrentUser($key . '_sort_order', 'asc');
$sortOptions = [
'name' => trans('common.sort_name'),
'created_at' => trans('common.sort_created_at'),
'updated_at' => trans('common.sort_updated_at'),
$commonData = array_merge($commonData, [
'view' => $view,
'sort' => $sort,
'order' => $order,
'sortOptions' => $sortOptions,
if ($homepageOption === 'bookshelves') {
$shelves = app(BookshelfRepo::class)->getAllPaginated(18, $commonData['sort'], $commonData['order']);
$data = array_merge($commonData, ['shelves' => $shelves]);
return view('common.home-shelves', $data);
if ($homepageOption === 'books') {
$bookRepo = app(BookRepo::class);
$books = $bookRepo->getAllPaginated(18, $commonData['sort'], $commonData['order']);
$data = array_merge($commonData, ['books' => $books]);
return view('common.home-book', $data);
if ($homepageOption === 'page') {
$homepageSetting = setting('app-homepage', '0:');
$id = intval(explode(':', $homepageSetting)[0]);
$customHomepage = Page::query()->where('draft', '=', false)->findOrFail($id);
$pageContent = new PageContent($customHomepage);
$customHomepage->html = $pageContent->render(true);
return view('common.home-custom', array_merge($commonData, ['customHomepage' => $customHomepage]));
return view('common.home', $commonData);
* Get custom head HTML, Used in ajax calls to show in editor.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View
public function customHeadContent()
return view('partials.custom-head-content');
* Show the view for /robots.txt
* @return $this
public function getRobots()
$sitePublic = setting('app-public', false);
$allowRobots = config('app.allow_robots');
if ($allowRobots === null) {
$allowRobots = $sitePublic;
return response()
->view('common.robots', ['allowRobots' => $allowRobots])
->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
* Show the route for 404 responses.
public function getNotFound()
return response()->view('errors.404', [], 404);