219 lines
6.2 KiB

import {
LexicalEditor, LexicalNode,
} from "lexical";
import type {EditorConfig} from "lexical/LexicalEditor";
import {EditorDecoratorAdapter} from "../ui/framework/decorator";
import * as DrawIO from '../../services/drawio';
import {EditorUiContext} from "../ui/framework/core";
import {HttpError} from "../../services/http";
import {el} from "../utils/dom";
export type SerializedDiagramNode = Spread<{
id: string;
drawingId: string;
drawingUrl: string;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>
export class DiagramNode extends DecoratorNode<EditorDecoratorAdapter> {
__id: string = '';
__drawingId: string = '';
__drawingUrl: string = '';
static getType(): string {
return 'diagram';
static clone(node: DiagramNode): DiagramNode {
return new DiagramNode(node.__drawingId, node.__drawingUrl);
constructor(drawingId: string, drawingUrl: string, key?: string) {
this.__drawingId = drawingId;
this.__drawingUrl = drawingUrl;
setDrawingIdAndUrl(drawingId: string, drawingUrl: string): void {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__drawingUrl = drawingUrl;
self.__drawingId = drawingId;
getDrawingIdAndUrl(): { id: string, url: string } {
const self = this.getLatest();
return {
id: self.__drawingId,
url: self.__drawingUrl,
setId(id: string) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__id = id;
getId(): string {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__id;
decorate(editor: LexicalEditor, config: EditorConfig): EditorDecoratorAdapter {
return {
type: 'diagram',
getNode: () => this,
isInline(): boolean {
return false;
isIsolated() {
return true;
createDOM(_config: EditorConfig, _editor: LexicalEditor) {
return el('div', {
id: this.__id || null,
'drawio-diagram': this.__drawingId,
}, [
el('img', {src: this.__drawingUrl}),
updateDOM(prevNode: DiagramNode, dom: HTMLElement) {
const img = dom.querySelector('img');
if (!img) return false;
if (prevNode.__id !== this.__id) {
dom.setAttribute('id', this.__id);
if (prevNode.__drawingUrl !== this.__drawingUrl) {
img.setAttribute('src', this.__drawingUrl);
if (prevNode.__drawingId !== this.__drawingId) {
dom.setAttribute('drawio-diagram', this.__drawingId);
return false;
static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null {
return {
div(node: HTMLElement): DOMConversion | null {
if (!node.hasAttribute('drawio-diagram')) {
return null;
return {
conversion: (element: HTMLElement): DOMConversionOutput | null => {
const img = element.querySelector('img');
const drawingUrl = img?.getAttribute('src') || '';
const drawingId = element.getAttribute('drawio-diagram') || '';
return {
node: $createDiagramNode(drawingId, drawingUrl),
priority: 3,
exportJSON(): SerializedDiagramNode {
return {
type: 'diagram',
version: 1,
id: this.__id,
drawingId: this.__drawingId,
drawingUrl: this.__drawingUrl,
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedDiagramNode): DiagramNode {
const node = $createDiagramNode(serializedNode.drawingId, serializedNode.drawingUrl);
node.setId(serializedNode.id || '');
return node;
export function $createDiagramNode(drawingId: string = '', drawingUrl: string = ''): DiagramNode {
return new DiagramNode(drawingId, drawingUrl);
export function $isDiagramNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined) {
return node instanceof DiagramNode;
function handleUploadError(error: HttpError, context: EditorUiContext): void {
if (error.status === 413) {
window.$events.emit('error', context.options.translations.serverUploadLimitText || '');
} else {
window.$events.emit('error', context.options.translations.imageUploadErrorText || '');
async function loadDiagramIdFromNode(editor: LexicalEditor, node: DiagramNode): Promise<string> {
const drawingId = await new Promise<string>((res, rej) => {
editor.getEditorState().read(() => {
const {id: drawingId} = node.getDrawingIdAndUrl();
return drawingId || '';
async function updateDrawingNodeFromData(context: EditorUiContext, node: DiagramNode, pngData: string, isNew: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (isNew) {
const loadingImage: string = window.baseUrl('/loading.gif');
context.editor.update(() => {
node.setDrawingIdAndUrl('', loadingImage);
try {
const img = await DrawIO.upload(pngData, context.options.pageId);
context.editor.update(() => {
node.setDrawingIdAndUrl(String(img.id), img.url);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof HttpError) {
handleUploadError(err, context);
if (isNew) {
context.editor.update(() => {
throw new Error(`Failed to save image with error: ${err}`);
export function $openDrawingEditorForNode(context: EditorUiContext, node: DiagramNode): void {
let isNew = false;
DrawIO.show(context.options.drawioUrl, async () => {
const drawingId = await loadDiagramIdFromNode(context.editor, node);
isNew = !drawingId;
return isNew ? '' : DrawIO.load(drawingId);
}, async (pngData: string) => {
return updateDrawingNodeFromData(context, node, pngData, isNew);