mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:12:58 +08:00
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return [
* Shared
'recently_created' => 'Recientemente creadod',
'recently_created_pages' => 'PÃginas recientemente creadas',
'recently_updated_pages' => 'PÃginas recientemente actualizadas',
'recently_created_chapters' => 'CapÃtulos recientemente creados',
'recently_created_books' => 'Libros recientemente creados',
'recently_update' => 'Recientemente actualizado',
'recently_viewed' => 'Recientemente visto',
'recent_activity' => 'Actividad reciente',
'create_now' => 'Crear uno ahora',
'revisions' => 'Revisiones',
'meta_created' => 'Creado el :timeLength',
'meta_created_name' => 'Creado el :timeLength por :user',
'meta_updated' => 'Actualizado el :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => 'Actualizado el :timeLength por :user',
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'entity_select' => 'Seleccione entidad',
'images' => 'ImÃgenes',
'my_recent_drafts' => 'Mis borradores recientes',
'my_recently_viewed' => 'Mis visualizaciones recientes',
'no_pages_viewed' => 'Ud. no ha visto ninguna pÃgina',
'no_pages_recently_created' => 'Ninguna pÃgina ha sido creada recientemente',
'no_pages_recently_updated' => 'Ninguna pÃgina ha sido actualizada recientemente',
* Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Permisos',
'permissions_intro' => 'una vez habilitado, Estos permisos tendrÃn prioridad por encima de cualquier permiso establecido.',
'permissions_enable' => 'Habilitar permisos custom',
'permissions_save' => 'Guardar permisos',
* Search
'search_results' => 'Buscar resultados',
'search_results_page' => 'resultados de bÃsqueda en pÃgina',
'search_results_chapter' => 'Resultados de bÃsqueda en capÃtulo ',
'search_results_book' => 'Resultados de bÃsqueda en libro',
'search_clear' => 'Limpiar resultados',
'search_view_pages' => 'Ver todas las pÃginas que concuerdan',
'search_view_chapters' => 'Ver todos los capÃtulos que concuerdan',
'search_view_books' => 'Ver todos los libros que concuerdan',
'search_no_pages' => 'Ninguna pÃgina encontrada para la bÃsqueda',
'search_for_term' => 'Busqueda por :term',
'search_page_for_term' => 'BÃsqueda de pÃgina por :term',
'search_chapter_for_term' => 'BÃsqueda por capÃtulo de :term',
'search_book_for_term' => 'BÃsqueda en libro de :term',
* Books
'book' => 'Libro',
'books' => 'Libros',
'books_empty' => 'No hay libros creados',
'books_popular' => 'Libros populares',
'books_recent' => 'Libros recientes',
'books_popular_empty' => 'Los libros mÃs populares aparecerÃn aquÃ.',
'books_create' => 'Crear nuevo libro',
'books_delete' => 'Borrar libro',
'books_delete_named' => 'Borrar libro :bookName',
'books_delete_explain' => 'Esto borrará el libro con el nombre \':bookName\', Todos las páginas y capÃtulos serán removios.',
'books_delete_confirmation' => 'ÂEstá seguro de que desea borrar este libro?',
'books_edit' => 'Editar Libro',
'books_edit_named' => 'Editar Libro :bookName',
'books_form_book_name' => 'Nombre de libro',
'books_save' => 'Guardar libro',
'books_permissions' => 'permisos de libro',
'books_permissions_updated' => 'Permisos de libro actualizados',
'books_empty_contents' => 'Ninguna pÃgina o capÃtulo ha sido creada para este libro.',
'books_empty_create_page' => 'Crear una nueva pÃgina',
'books_empty_or' => 'ó',
'books_empty_sort_current_book' => 'Organizar el libro actual',
'books_empty_add_chapter' => 'Agregar un capÃtulo',
'books_permissions_active' => 'Permisos de libro activados',
'books_search_this' => 'Buscar en este libro',
'books_navigation' => 'NavegaciÃn de libro',
'books_sort' => 'Organizar contenido de libro',
'books_sort_named' => 'Organizar libro :bookName',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostrar otros libros',
'books_sort_save' => 'Guardar nuevo orden',
* Chapters
'chapter' => 'CapÃtulo',
'chapters' => 'CapÃtulos',
'chapters_popular' => 'CapÃtulos populares',
'chapters_new' => 'Nuevo capÃtulo',
'chapters_create' => 'Crear nuevo capÃtulo',
'chapters_delete' => 'Borrar capÃtulo',
'chapters_delete_named' => 'Borrar capÃtulo :chapterName',
'chapters_delete_explain' => 'Esto borrará el caÃtulo con el nombre \':chapterName\', todas las pÃginas serÃn removidas
y agregadas directamente al libro padre.',
'chapters_delete_confirm' => 'Està ud. seguro de borrar este capÃtulo?',
'chapters_edit' => 'Editar capÃtulo',
'chapters_edit_named' => 'Editar capÃtulo :chapterName',
'chapters_save' => 'Guardar capÃtulo',
'chapters_move' => 'Mover capÃtulo',
'chapters_move_named' => 'Mover CapÃtulo :chapterName',
'chapter_move_success' => 'CapÃtulo movido a :bookName',
'chapters_permissions' => 'Permisos de capÃtulo',
'chapters_empty' => 'No existen pÃginas en este capÃtulo.',
'chapters_permissions_active' => 'Permisos de capÃtulo activado',
'chapters_permissions_success' => 'Permisos de capÃtulo actualizados',
* Pages
'page' => 'PÃgina',
'pages' => 'PÃginas',
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'pages_new' => 'Nueva pÃgina',
'pages_attachments' => 'Adjuntos',
'pages_navigation' => 'NavegaciÃn de pÃgina',
'pages_delete' => 'Borrar pÃgina',
'pages_delete_named' => 'Borrar pÃgina :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft_named' => 'Borrar borrador de pÃgina :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft' => 'Borrar borrador de pÃgina',
'pages_delete_success' => 'PÃgina borrada',
'pages_delete_draft_success' => 'Borrador de pÃgina borrado',
'pages_delete_confirm' => 'Està ud. seguro de borrar esta pÃgina ?',
'pages_delete_draft_confirm' => 'Està ud. seguro de que desea borrar este borrador de pÃgina?',
'pages_editing_named' => 'Editando pÃgina :pageName',
'pages_edit_toggle_header' => 'Toggle TÃtulo',
'pages_edit_save_draft' => 'Guardar borrador',
'pages_edit_draft' => 'Editar borrador de pÃgina',
'pages_editing_draft' => 'Editando borrador',
'pages_editing_page' => 'Editando pÃgina',
'pages_edit_draft_save_at' => 'Borrador guardado el ',
'pages_edit_delete_draft' => 'Borrar borrador',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => 'Descartar borrador',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Set Changelog',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Introduzca una breve descripciÃn de los cambios que ha realizado',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => 'Entrar en Changelog',
'pages_save' => 'Guardar pÃgina',
'pages_title' => 'TÃtulo de pÃgina',
'pages_name' => 'Nombre de pÃgina',
'pages_md_editor' => 'Editor',
'pages_md_preview' => 'Preview',
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Insertar Imagen',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Insert Entity Link',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Page is not in a chapter',
'pages_move' => 'Move Page',
'pages_move_success' => 'Page moved to ":parentName"',
'pages_permissions' => 'Page Permissions',
'pages_permissions_success' => 'Page permissions updated',
'pages_revisions' => 'Page Revisions',
'pages_revisions_named' => 'Page Revisions for :pageName',
'pages_revision_named' => 'Page Revision for :pageName',
'pages_revisions_created_by' => 'Created By',
'pages_revisions_date' => 'Revision Date',
'pages_revisions_changelog' => 'Changelog',
'pages_revisions_changes' => 'Changes',
'pages_revisions_current' => 'Current Version',
'pages_revisions_preview' => 'Preview',
'pages_revisions_restore' => 'Restore',
'pages_revisions_none' => 'This page has no revisions',
'pages_export' => 'Export',
'pages_export_html' => 'Contained Web File',
'pages_export_pdf' => 'PDF File',
'pages_export_text' => 'Plain Text File',
'pages_copy_link' => 'Copy Link',
'pages_permissions_active' => 'Page Permissions Active',
'pages_initial_revision' => 'Initial publish',
'pages_initial_name' => 'New Page',
'pages_editing_draft_notification' => 'You are currently editing a draft that was last saved :timeDiff.',
'pages_draft_edited_notification' => 'This page has been updated by since that time. It is recommended that you discard this draft.',
'pages_draft_edit_active' => [
'start_a' => ':count users have started editing this page',
'start_b' => ':userName has started editing this page',
'time_a' => 'since the pages was last updated',
'time_b' => 'in the last :minCount minutes',
'message' => ':start :time. Take care not to overwrite each other\'s updates!',
'pages_draft_discarded' => 'Draft discarded, The editor has been updated with the current page content',
* Editor sidebar
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'tags_explain' => "Add some tags to better categorise your content. \n You can assign a value to a tag for more in-depth organisation.",
'tags_add' => 'Add another tag',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some link to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.',
'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.',
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'attachments_upload' => 'Upload File',
'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link',
'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link',
'attachments_delete_confirm' => 'Click delete again to confirm you want to delete this attachment.',
'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file',
'attachments_no_files' => 'No files have been uploaded',
'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.',
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'attachments_file_uploaded' => 'File successfully uploaded',
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'attachments_link_attached' => 'Link successfully attached to page',
* Profile View
'profile_user_for_x' => 'User for :time',
'profile_created_content' => 'Created Content',
'profile_not_created_pages' => ':userName has not created any pages',
'profile_not_created_chapters' => ':userName has not created any chapters',
'profile_not_created_books' => ':userName has not created any books',