* refactor: use unm-rust-napi
* ci(build): install UNM dependencies for certain platforms
* feat: add the ability to configure UNM
* feat: add the UNM configuration in settings page
* refactor(jsconfig): jsx -> preserve
* fix(ci/build): use bash to get unm version
* chore(deps): upgrade UNM to 0.3.0-pre.0
* refactor(electron/ipcMain): update default sources
* fix(views/settings): remove duplicated config entry
* feat(settings): allow configuring QQ cookie
We also removed some duplicate entries in views/settings.vue.
* chore(deps): UNM -> 0.3.0-pre.1
* refactor: remove unused old UNM
* fix(utils/player): do not include rust-napi in client code
As we only imported the constant, I just expand it as the integer.
Co-authored-by: qier222 <qier222@outlook.com>
* refactor(ncmapi): use upstream version
FIXME: After #1457 released,
switch to the NPM version.
* fix(docker): install NeteaseCloudMusicApi early
* fix: remove useless submodule entry
* fix(ncmapi): update to 4.5.2
* refactor: use @unblockneteasemusic/server
we also use ipcMain.handle for unblock-music.
* refactor(utils/nativeAlert): remove the deprecated "remote"
* refactor(ipcMain): use our default sources
* style(config/vue): prettier
* feat(README): update for new UNM
1. Increase the timeout time to prevent blocking the rendering process
2. Use the modification package to solve the problem that song information may not be available and repeatedly requested.