import { likeAAlbum } from '@/api/album' import type { FetchUserAlbumsParams, FetchUserAlbumsResponse } from '@/api/user' import { UserApiNames, fetchUserAlbums } from '@/api/user' import { useQueryClient } from 'react-query' import useUser from './useUser' export default function useUserAlbums(params: FetchUserAlbumsParams = {}) { const { data: user } = useUser() return useQuery( [UserApiNames.FETCH_USER_ALBUMS, user?.profile?.userId ?? 0], () => fetchUserAlbums(params), { placeholderData: (): FetchUserAlbumsResponse | undefined => window.ipcRenderer?.sendSync('getApiCacheSync', { api: 'album/sublist', query: params, }), } ) } export const useMutationLikeAAlbum = () => { const queryClient = useQueryClient() const { data: user } = useUser() const { data: userAlbums } = useUserAlbums({ limit: 2000 }) const uid = user?.account?.id ?? 0 const key = [UserApiNames.FETCH_USER_ALBUMS, uid] return useMutation( async (album: Album) => { if (! || userAlbums?.data === undefined) { throw new Error('album id is required or userAlbums is undefined') } const response = await likeAAlbum({ id:, t: userAlbums?.data.findIndex(a => === > -1 ? 2 : 1, }) if (response.code !== 200) throw new Error((response as any).msg) return response }, { onMutate: async album => { // Cancel any outgoing refetches (so they don't overwrite our optimistic update) await queryClient.cancelQueries(key) // Snapshot the previous value const previousData = queryClient.getQueryData(key) // Optimistically update to the new value queryClient.setQueryData(key, old => { const userAlbums = old as FetchUserAlbumsResponse const albums = const newAlbums = albums.findIndex(a => === > -1 ? albums.filter(a => !== : [...albums, album] return { ...userAlbums, data: newAlbums, } }) // Return a context object with the snapshotted value return { previousData } }, // If the mutation fails, use the context returned from onMutate to roll back onError: (err, trackID, context) => { queryClient.setQueryData(key, (context as any).previousData) toast((err as any).toString()) }, } ) }