mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:25:13 +08:00
1408 lines
31 KiB
1408 lines
31 KiB
export interface RequestBaseConfig {
cookie?: string
realIP?: string // IPv4/IPv6 filled in X-Real-IP
proxy?: string // HTTP proxy
export interface MultiPageConfig {
limit?: string | number
offset?: string | number
export interface ImageUploadConfig {
imgFile: {
name: string
data: string | Buffer
imgSize?: number
imgX?: number
imgY?: number
export interface APIBaseResponse {
code: number
cookie: string
[index: string]: unknown
export interface Response {
status: number // The Http Response Code
body: APIBaseResponse // API Response body
cookie: string[]
export const enum SubAction {
sub = 1,
unsub = 0,
export function activate_init_profile(
params: { nickname: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_detail(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_detail_dynamic(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum AlbumListArea {
all = 'ALL',
zh = 'ZH',
ea = 'EA',
kr = 'KR',
jp = 'JP',
export const enum ListOrder {
hot = 'hot',
new = 'new',
export function album_list(
params: { area?: AlbumListArea; type: string } & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export const enum AlbumListStyleArea {
zh = 'Z_H',
ea = 'E_A',
kr = 'KR',
jp = 'JP',
export function album_list_style(
params: { area?: AlbumListStyleArea } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_new(
params: { area?: AlbumListArea } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_newest(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export const enum AlbumSongsaleboardType {
daily = 'daily',
week = 'week',
year = 'year',
total = 'total',
export const enum AlbumSongsaleboardAlbumType {
album = 0,
single = 1,
export function album_songsaleboard(
params: {
albumType?: AlbumSongsaleboardAlbumType // 0 为数字专辑,1 为数字单曲
type?: AlbumSongsaleboardType
year?: string | number // 年份,默认本年。 type 为 year 时有效
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_sub(
params: {
id: string | number
t: SubAction
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function album_sublist(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_album(
params: { id: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_desc(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum ArtistListArea {
zh = 'Z_H',
ea = 'E_A',
kr = 'KR',
jp = 'JP',
export const enum ArtistArea {
all = '-1',
zh = '7',
ea = '96',
ja = '8',
kr = '16',
other = '0',
export const enum ArtistType {
male = '1',
female = '2',
band = '3',
export function artist_list(
params: {
area: ArtistArea
| 'a'
| 'b'
| 'c'
| 'd'
| 'e'
| 'f'
| 'g'
| 'h'
| 'i'
| 'j'
| 'k'
| 'l'
| 'm'
| 'n'
| 'o'
| 'p'
| 'q'
| 'r'
| 's'
| 't'
| 'u'
| 'v'
| 'w'
| 'x'
| 'y'
| 'z'
| 'A'
| 'B'
| 'C'
| 'D'
| 'E'
| 'F'
| 'G'
| 'H'
| 'I'
| 'J'
| 'K'
| 'L'
| 'M'
| 'N'
| 'O'
| 'P'
| 'Q'
| 'R'
| 'S'
| 'T'
| 'U'
| 'V'
| 'W'
| 'X'
| 'Y'
| 'Z'
type?: ArtistType
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_mv(
params: { id: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum ArtistSongsOrder {
hot = 'hot',
time = 'time',
export function artist_songs(
params: {
id: string | number
order?: ArtistSongsOrder
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_sub(
params: { id: string | number; t: SubAction } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_sublist(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_top_song(
params: {
id: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artists(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function avatar_upload(
params: ImageUploadConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum BannerType {
pc = 0,
android = 1,
iphone = 2,
ipad = 3,
export function banner(
params: { type?: BannerType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function batch(
params: { [index: string]: unknown } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function captcha_sent(
params: { cellphone: string; ctcode?: number | string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function captcha_verify(
params: {
ctcode?: number | string
cellphone: number | string
captcha: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function cellphone_existence_check(
params: {
cellphone: number | string
countrycode: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function check_music(
params: { id: string | number; br: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum SearchType {
single = 1,
album = 10,
artist = 100,
playlist = 1000,
user = 1002,
mv = 1004,
lyric = 1006,
dj = 1009,
video = 1014,
complex = 1018,
export function cloudsearch(
params: {
keywords: string
type?: SearchType
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export const enum CommentType {
song = 0,
mv = 1,
playlist = 2,
album = 3,
dj = 4,
video = 5,
event = 6,
export const enum CommentAction {
add = 1,
delete = 0,
reply = 2,
export function comment(
params: {
id: string | number
type: CommentType
t: CommentAction.delete
commentId: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment(
params: {
type: CommentType.event
t: CommentAction.delete
threadId: string
commentId: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment(
params: {
id: string | number
type: CommentType
t: CommentAction.add
content: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment(
params: {
type: CommentType.event
t: CommentAction.add
threadId: string
content: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment(
params: {
id: string | number
type: CommentType
t: CommentAction.reply
content: string | number
commentId: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment(
params: {
type: CommentType.event
t: CommentAction.reply
threadId: string
content: string | number
commentId: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_album(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_dj(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_event(
params: {
threadId: string
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_floor(
params: {
id: string | number
parentCommentId: string | number
type: CommentType
limit?: string | number
time?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_hot(
params: {
id: string | number
type: CommentType
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_hotwall_list(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_like(
params: {
id: string | number
type: CommentType
t: SubAction
cid: string | number
threadId?: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_music(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_mv(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_playlist(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_video(
params: {
id: string | number
before?: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function countries_code_list(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum DailySigninType {
android = 0,
pc = 1,
export function daily_signin(
params: { type?: DailySigninType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function digitalAlbum_ordering(
params: {
payment: string
id: string | number
quantity: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function digitalAlbum_purchased(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_banner(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function dj_category_excludehot(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_category_recommend(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_catelist(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function dj_detail(
params: { rid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_hot(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_paygift(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_personalize_recommend(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_program(
params: {
rid: string | number
asc: 'true' | 1 | 'false' | 0
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_program_detail(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_program_toplist(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_program_toplist_hours(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_radio_hot(
params: {
cateId: string | number
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_recommend(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
有声书 10001
知识技能 453050
商业财经 453051
人文历史 11
外语世界 13
亲子宝贝 14
创作|翻唱 2001
音乐故事 2
3D|电子 10002
相声曲艺 8
情感调频 3
美文读物 6
脱口秀 5
广播剧 7
二次元 3001
明星做主播 1
娱乐|影视 4
科技科学 453052
校园|教育 4001
旅途|城市 12
export function dj_recommend_type(
params: { type: number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_sub(
params: { t: SubAction; rid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_sublist(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_today_perfered(
params: { page?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_toplist(
params: { type?: ListOrder } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_toplist_hours(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_toplist_newcomer(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_toplist_pay(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function dj_toplist_popular(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function event(
params: { pagesize?: number; lasttime?: number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function event_del(
params: { evId: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function event_forward(
params: {
forwords: string
evId: string | number
uid: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function fm_trash(
params: { id: string | number; time?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function follow(
params: { t: SubAction; id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function history_recommend_songs(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function history_recommend_songs_detail(
params: { date?: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function homepage_block_page(
params: { refresh?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function homepage_dragon_ball(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function hot_topic(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function like(
params: {
like?: 'true' | 'false' | boolean
id: string | number
alg?: string
time?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function likelist(
params: { uid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login(
params: { email: string; password: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login(
params: { email: string; md5_password: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login_cellphone(
params: {
phone: number | string
countrycode?: number | string
password: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login_cellphone(
params: {
phone: number | string
countrycode?: number | string
md5_password: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login_refresh(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function login_status(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function logout(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function lyric(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_comments(
params: {
uid: string | number
before?: string | number
limit?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_forwards(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_notices(
params: {
limit?: string | number
lasttime?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_private(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_private_history(
params: {
before?: string | number
limit?: string | number
uid: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum MvArea {
all = '全部',
zh = '内地',
hk = '港台',
ea = '欧美',
kr = '韩国',
jp = '日本',
export const enum MvType {
all = '全部',
offical = '官方版',
raw = '原生',
live = '现场版',
netease = '网易出品',
export const enum MvOrder {
trend = '上升最快',
hot = '最热',
new = '最新',
export function mv_all(
params: {
area?: MvArea
type?: MvType
order?: MvOrder
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_detail(
params: { mvid?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_detail_info(
params: { mvid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_exclusive_rcmd(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_first(
params: { area?: MvArea; limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_sub(
params: { t: SubAction; mvid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_sublist(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function mv_url(
params: { id?: string | number; r?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function personal_fm(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function personalized(
params: { limit?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function personalized_djprogram(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function personalized_mv(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function personalized_newsong(
params: {
area?: string | number
limit?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function personalized_privatecontent(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function personalized_privatecontent_list(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_catlist(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_cover_update(
params: { id: string } & ImageUploadConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_create(
params: {
name: string
privacy: 0 | 10
type?: PlaylistType
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_delete(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_desc_update(
params: { id: string | number; desc: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_detail(
params: { id: string | number; s?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_highquality_tags(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_hot(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_name_update(
params: { id: string | number; name: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_order_update(
params: { ids: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_subscribe(
params: { t: SubAction; id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_subscribers(
params: { id?: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_tags_update(
params: { id: string | number; tags: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_tracks(
params: {
op: 'add' | 'del'
pid: string | number
tracks: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_update(
params: {
id: string | number
name: string
desc?: string
tags?: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playmode_intelligence_list(
params: {
id: string | number
pid: string | number
sid?: string | number
count?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function program_recommend(
params: { type: string } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function rebind(
params: {
captcha: string
phone: string
oldcaptcha: string
ctcode?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function recommend_resource(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function recommend_songs(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function register_cellphone(
params: {
captcha: string
phone: string
password: string
nickname: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function related_allvideo(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function related_playlist(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum ResourceType {
mv = 1,
dj = 4,
video = 5,
event = 6,
type PlaylistType = 'NROMAL' | 'VIDEO'
export function resource_like(
params: {
t: SubAction
type: ResourceType
id?: string | number
threadId?: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function scrobble(
params: {
id: string | number
sourceid: string | number
time: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function search(
params: {
keywords: string
type?: SearchType
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function search_default(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function search_hot(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function search_hot_detail(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function search_multimatch(
params: { type?: number; keywords: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum SearchSuggestType {
mobile = 'mobile',
web = 'web',
export function search_suggest(
params: { keywords: string; type?: SearchSuggestType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function send_playlist(
params: {
playlist: string | number
msg: string
user_ids: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function send_text(
params: { msg: string; user_ids: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function setting(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export const enum ShareResourceType {
song = 'song',
playlist = 'playlist',
mv = 'mv',
djprogram = 'djprogram',
djradio = 'djradio',
export function share_resource(
params: {
type?: ShareResourceType
msg?: string
id?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function simi_artist(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function simi_mv(
params: { mvid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function simi_playlist(
params: { id: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function simi_song(
params: { id: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function simi_user(
params: { id: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function song_detail(
params: { ids: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function song_order_update(
params: { pid: string | number; ids: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function song_url(
params: { id: string | number; br?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function top_album(
params: {
area?: AlbumListArea
type?: ListOrder
year?: string
mouth?: string
} & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function top_artists(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function top_list(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function top_mv(
params: { area?: MvArea } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function top_playlist(
params: { cat?: string; order?: ListOrder } & MultiPageConfig &
): Promise<Response>
export function top_playlist_highquality(
params: {
cat?: string
before?: string | number
limit?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum TopSongType {
all = 0,
zh = 7,
ea = 96,
kr = 16,
ja = 8,
export function top_song(
params: { type: TopSongType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function toplist(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export const enum ToplistArtistType {
zh = 1,
ea = 2,
kr = 3,
ja = 4,
export function toplist_artist(
params: { type?: ToplistArtistType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function toplist_detail(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function user_audio(
params: { uid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_cloud(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_cloud_del(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_cloud_detail(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_detail(
params: { uid: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_dj(
params: { uid: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_event(
params: {
lasttime?: string | number
limit?: string | number
uid: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_followeds(
params: {
uid: string | number
lasttime?: string | number
limit?: string | number
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_follows(
params: { uid: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_level(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function user_playlist(
params: { uid: string | number } & MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export const enum UserRecordType {
all = 0,
weekly = 1,
export function user_record(
params: { uid: string | number; type?: UserRecordType } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_subcount(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function user_update(
params: {
birthday: string
city: string
gender: string
nickname: string
province: string
signature: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_category_list(
params: MultiPageConfig & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_detail(
params: { id: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_detail_info(
params: { vid: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_group(
params: { id: string; offset?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_group_list(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function video_sub(
params: { t?: SubAction; id: string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_timeline_all(
params: { offset?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_timeline_recommend(
params: { offset?: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function video_url(
params: { id: string | number; res?: number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function weblog(
params: { data?: { [index: string]: unknown } } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_mylike(
params: {
time?: number | string
limit: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_track_add(
params: { pid?: number | string; ids: number | string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_track_delete(
params: { pid?: number | string; ids: number | string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_new(
params: {
type?: number | string
id: number | string
pageNo?: number | string
pageSize?: number | string
sortType?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function calendar(
params: {
startTime?: number | string
endTime: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_video_recent(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_binding(
params: { uid?: number | string } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_replacephone(
params: {
phone: number | string
captcha: number | string
oldcaptcha: number | string
countrycode?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_safe(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function dj_subscriber(
params: {
id: number | string
limit?: number | string
time?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_account(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_info(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_sign(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_receipt(
params: {
limit?: number | string
offset?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_expense(
params: {
limit?: number | string
offset?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_tasks(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_today(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_tasks_todo(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function yunbei_task_finish(
params: {
userTaskId: number | string
depositCode?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function msg_recentcontact(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function hug_comment(
params: {
uid: number | string
cid: number | string
sid: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function comment_hug_list(
params: {
page: number | string
cursor: number | string
idCursor: number | string
pageSize?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function topic_sublist(
params: {
limit?: number | string
offset?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function topic_sublist(
params: {
limit?: number | string
offset?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_new_mv(
params: {
limit?: number | string
startTimestamp?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_new_song(
params: {
limit?: number | string
startTimestamp?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_detail(
params: {
id: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function cloud(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function topic_detail(
params: {
actid?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function topic_detail_event_hot(
params: {
actid?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login_qr_key(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function login_qr_create(
params: {
key?: number | string
qrimg?: boolean | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function login_qr_check(
params: {
key?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function playlist_detail_dynamic(
params: { id: string | number } & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function user_bindingcellphone(
params: {
phone: number | string
captcha: number | string
countrycode?: number | string
password?: string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>