* uses more of the builtin functionality for starting and stopping of the process by using command and command_args along with procname
* removed -f from daemon as this was hiding error message that were sent to stdout on startup, now writing stdout to the logfile directly
for example, this was being hidden:
“Activating privacy features.. [www.domain.com] failed to get certificate: Error presenting token: Could not find the start of authority”
it now shows up in the log
* aded “caddy_env” to allow the setting of environment variables that caddy might need, for example when setting creds for “DNS Challenge”
* added a check to ensure caddy_config_path file exists
go vet caused a build fail in https://travis-ci.org/mholt/caddy/jobs/248392875:
upstream_test.go:480::error: possible formatting directive in Error call (vet)
This patch changes the Error call added in commit 078c991574647c27 to
an Errorf call to support the use of the %d token.
* vendor: update Lumberjack dep
* httpserver/roller: introduce rotate_compress directive
This directive will enable gzip compression provided by [Lumberjack](https://github.com/natefinch/lumberjack/pull/43).
The directive `rotate_compress` can be `true` or `false`, being `false` by default.
* httpserver/roller: remove need to set bool with rotate_compress option
See discussion on commit c9b022b5e0384ab97812366aade0bb34304459af
If we overwrite the Server header, it becomes difficult/impossible to
know from the client whether the request was proxied through Caddy.
* introduced own ChallengeProvider type, based on acme.ChallengeProvider to avoid vendoring/version mismatches in Caddy plugins; see Caddy issue #1697
* fixed up comments for ChallengeProvider
* moved ChallengeProvider to caddytls/tls.go
* Browse: Show symbolic links and targets type properly
* gofmt
Signed-off-by: Jonas Östanbäck <jonas.ostanback@gmail.com>
* Move symbolic link check in to isSymlinkTargetDir
Signed-off-by: Jonas Östanbäck <jonas.ostanback@gmail.com>
* Revert template change and show sym link folders as normal folders
* browse: Updated icons including symlink indicators
The vendor/ folder was created with the help of @FiloSottile's gvt and
Any dependencies of Caddy plugins outside this repo are not vendored.
We do not remove any unused, vendored packages because vendorcheck -u
only checks using the current build configuration; i.e. packages that
may be imported by files toggled by build tags of other systems.
CI tests have been updated to ignore the vendor/ folder. When Go 1.9 is
released, a few of the go commands should be revised to again use ./...
as it will ignore the vendor folder by default.
* Add not_starts_with condition.
This adds the opposite of the starts_with condition, to check if a
given string does not start with another string.
* Correct white space problems