{{ $nonce := uuidv4 -}} {{ $nonceAttribute := print "nonce=" (quote $nonce) -}} {{ $csp := printf "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; script-src 'nonce-%s'; style-src 'nonce-%s'; frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self';" $nonce $nonce -}} {{/* To disable the Content-Security-Policy, set this to false */}}{{ $enableCsp := true -}} {{ if $enableCsp -}} {{- .RespHeader.Set "Content-Security-Policy" $csp -}} {{ end -}} {{- define "icon"}} {{- if .IsDir}} {{- if .IsSymlink}} {{- else}} {{- end}} {{- else if or (eq .Name "LICENSE") (eq .Name "README")}} {{- else if .HasExt ".jpg" ".jpeg" ".png" ".gif" ".webp" ".tiff" ".bmp" ".heif" ".heic" ".svg"}} {{- if eq .Tpl.Layout "grid"}} {{- else}} {{- end}} {{- else if .HasExt ".mp4" ".mov" ".m4v" ".mpeg" ".mpg" ".avi" ".ogg" ".webm" ".mkv" ".vob" ".gifv" ".3gp"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".mp3" ".m4a" ".aac" ".ogg" ".flac" ".wav" ".wma" ".midi" ".cda"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".pdf"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".csv" ".tsv"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".txt" ".doc" ".docx" ".odt" ".fodt" ".rtf"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".xls" ".xlsx" ".ods" ".fods"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".ppt" ".pptx" ".odp" ".fodp"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".zip" ".gz" ".xz" ".tar" ".7z" ".rar" ".xz" ".zst"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".deb" ".dpkg"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".rpm" ".exe" ".flatpak" ".appimage" ".jar" ".msi" ".apk"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".ps1"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".py" ".pyc" ".pyo"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".bash" ".sh" ".com" ".bat" ".dll" ".so"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".dmg"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".iso" ".img"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".md" ".mdown" ".markdown"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".ttf" ".otf" ".woff" ".woff2" ".eof"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".go"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".html" ".htm"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".js"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".css"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".json" ".json5" ".jsonc"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".ts"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".sql"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".db" ".sqlite" ".bak" ".mdb"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".eml" ".email" ".mailbox" ".mbox" ".msg"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".crt" ".pem" ".x509" ".cer" ".ca-bundle"}} {{- else if .HasExt ".key" ".keystore" ".jks" ".p12" ".pfx" ".pub"}} {{- else}} {{- if .IsSymlink}} {{- else}} {{- end}} {{- end}} {{- end}} {{html .Name}} {{- if eq .Layout "grid"}} {{- end}}

{{range $i, $crumb := .Breadcrumbs}}{{html $crumb.Text}}{{if ne $i 0}}/{{end}}{{end}}

{{.NumDirs}} director{{if eq 1 .NumDirs}}y{{else}}ies{{end}} {{.NumFiles}} file{{if ne 1 .NumFiles}}s{{end}} {{.HumanTotalFileSize}} total {{- if ne 0 .Limit}} (of which only {{.Limit}} are displayed) {{- end}}
List Grid
{{- if eq .Layout "grid"}} {{- range .Items}}
{{template "icon" .}}
{{html .Name}}
{{- end}} {{- else}} {{- if .CanGoUp}} {{- end}} {{- range .Items}} {{- if .IsDir}} {{- else}} {{- end}} {{- end}}
{{- if and (eq .Sort "namedirfirst") (ne .Order "desc")}} {{- else if and (eq .Sort "namedirfirst") (ne .Order "asc")}} {{- else}} {{- end}} {{- if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "desc")}} Name {{- else if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "asc")}} Name {{- else}} Name {{- end}}
{{- if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "desc")}} Size {{- else if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "asc")}} Size {{- else}} Size {{- end}} {{- if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "desc")}} Modified {{- else if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "asc")}} Modified {{- else}} Modified {{- end}}
{{template "icon" .}} {{- if not .SymlinkPath}} {{html .Name}} {{- else}} {{html .Name}} {{html .SymlinkPath}} {{- end}}
{{- end}}