Francis Lavoie d4b2f1bcee
caddyhttp: Fix fallback for the error handler chain (#4131)
* caddyhttp: Fix fallback for the error handler chain

The fix I went with in the end (after realizing some mistaken assumptions in #4131) is to just make the routes fall back to errorEmptyHandler instead of the non-error empty handler, if Terminal is true, making the routes error-aware. Ultimately this was probably just an oversight when errors was implemented at some point in the early betas of v2.

See for context.

* Revert "caddyhttp: Fix fallback for the error handler chain"

This reverts commit 95b6ac44a6122d3ca5513a13bbc723cd5f4785f8.

* caddyhttp: Fix via `routes.go`
2021-05-05 15:55:40 -06:00

322 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package caddyhttp
import (
// Route consists of a set of rules for matching HTTP requests,
// a list of handlers to execute, and optional flow control
// parameters which customize the handling of HTTP requests
// in a highly flexible and performant manner.
type Route struct {
// Group is an optional name for a group to which this
// route belongs. Grouping a route makes it mutually
// exclusive with others in its group; if a route belongs
// to a group, only the first matching route in that group
// will be executed.
Group string `json:"group,omitempty"`
// The matcher sets which will be used to qualify this
// route for a request (essentially the "if" statement
// of this route). Each matcher set is OR'ed, but matchers
// within a set are AND'ed together.
MatcherSetsRaw RawMatcherSets `json:"match,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=http.matchers"`
// The list of handlers for this route. Upon matching a request, they are chained
// together in a middleware fashion: requests flow from the first handler to the last
// (top of the list to the bottom), with the possibility that any handler could stop
// the chain and/or return an error. Responses flow back through the chain (bottom of
// the list to the top) as they are written out to the client.
// Not all handlers call the next handler in the chain. For example, the reverse_proxy
// handler always sends a request upstream or returns an error. Thus, configuring
// handlers after reverse_proxy in the same route is illogical, since they would never
// be executed. You will want to put handlers which originate the response at the very
// end of your route(s). The documentation for a module should state whether it invokes
// the next handler, but sometimes it is common sense.
// Some handlers manipulate the response. Remember that requests flow down the list, and
// responses flow up the list.
// For example, if you wanted to use both `templates` and `encode` handlers, you would
// need to put `templates` after `encode` in your route, because responses flow up.
// Thus, `templates` will be able to parse and execute the plain-text response as a
// template, and then return it up to the `encode` handler which will then compress it
// into a binary format.
// If `templates` came before `encode`, then `encode` would write a compressed,
// binary-encoded response to `templates` which would not be able to parse the response
// properly.
// The correct order, then, is this:
// [
// {"handler": "encode"},
// {"handler": "templates"},
// {"handler": "file_server"}
// ]
// The request flows ⬇️ DOWN (`encode` -> `templates` -> `file_server`).
// 1. First, `encode` will choose how to `encode` the response and wrap the response.
// 2. Then, `templates` will wrap the response with a buffer.
// 3. Finally, `file_server` will originate the content from a file.
// The response flows ⬆️ UP (`file_server` -> `templates` -> `encode`):
// 1. First, `file_server` will write the file to the response.
// 2. That write will be buffered and then executed by `templates`.
// 3. Lastly, the write from `templates` will flow into `encode` which will compress the stream.
// If you think of routes in this way, it will be easy and even fun to solve the puzzle of writing correct routes.
HandlersRaw []json.RawMessage `json:"handle,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=http.handlers inline_key=handler"`
// If true, no more routes will be executed after this one.
Terminal bool `json:"terminal,omitempty"`
// decoded values
MatcherSets MatcherSets `json:"-"`
Handlers []MiddlewareHandler `json:"-"`
middleware []Middleware
// Empty returns true if the route has all zero/default values.
func (r Route) Empty() bool {
return len(r.MatcherSetsRaw) == 0 &&
len(r.MatcherSets) == 0 &&
len(r.HandlersRaw) == 0 &&
len(r.Handlers) == 0 &&
!r.Terminal &&
r.Group == ""
// RouteList is a list of server routes that can
// create a middleware chain.
type RouteList []Route
// Provision sets up both the matchers and handlers in the routes.
func (routes RouteList) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
err := routes.ProvisionMatchers(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return routes.ProvisionHandlers(ctx)
// ProvisionMatchers sets up all the matchers by loading the
// matcher modules. Only call this method directly if you need
// to set up matchers and handlers separately without having
// to provision a second time; otherwise use Provision instead.
func (routes RouteList) ProvisionMatchers(ctx caddy.Context) error {
for i := range routes {
// matchers
matchersIface, err := ctx.LoadModule(&routes[i], "MatcherSetsRaw")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("route %d: loading matcher modules: %v", i, err)
err = routes[i].MatcherSets.FromInterface(matchersIface)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("route %d: %v", i, err)
return nil
// ProvisionHandlers sets up all the handlers by loading the
// handler modules. Only call this method directly if you need
// to set up matchers and handlers separately without having
// to provision a second time; otherwise use Provision instead.
func (routes RouteList) ProvisionHandlers(ctx caddy.Context) error {
for i := range routes {
handlersIface, err := ctx.LoadModule(&routes[i], "HandlersRaw")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("route %d: loading handler modules: %v", i, err)
for _, handler := range handlersIface.([]interface{}) {
routes[i].Handlers = append(routes[i].Handlers, handler.(MiddlewareHandler))
// pre-compile the middleware handler chain
for _, midhandler := range routes[i].Handlers {
routes[i].middleware = append(routes[i].middleware, wrapMiddleware(ctx, midhandler))
return nil
// Compile prepares a middleware chain from the route list.
// This should only be done once: after all the routes have
// been provisioned, and before serving requests.
func (routes RouteList) Compile(next Handler) Handler {
mid := make([]Middleware, 0, len(routes))
for _, route := range routes {
mid = append(mid, wrapRoute(route))
stack := next
for i := len(mid) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
stack = mid[i](stack)
return stack
// wrapRoute wraps route with a middleware and handler so that it can
// be chained in and defer evaluation of its matchers to request-time.
// Like wrapMiddleware, it is vital that this wrapping takes place in
// its own stack frame so as to not overwrite the reference to the
// intended route by looping and changing the reference each time.
func wrapRoute(route Route) Middleware {
return func(next Handler) Handler {
return HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
// TODO: Update this comment, it seems we've moved the copy into the handler?
// copy the next handler (it's an interface, so it's just
// a very lightweight copy of a pointer); this is important
// because this is a closure to the func below, which
// re-assigns the value as it compiles the middleware stack;
// if we don't make this copy, we'd affect the underlying
// pointer for all future request (yikes); we could
// alternatively solve this by moving the func below out of
// this closure and into a standalone package-level func,
// but I just thought this made more sense
nextCopy := next
// route must match at least one of the matcher sets
if !route.MatcherSets.AnyMatch(req) {
return nextCopy.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
// if route is part of a group, ensure only the
// first matching route in the group is applied
if route.Group != "" {
groups := req.Context().Value(routeGroupCtxKey).(map[string]struct{})
if _, ok := groups[route.Group]; ok {
// this group has already been
// satisfied by a matching route
return nextCopy.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
// this matching route satisfies the group
groups[route.Group] = struct{}{}
// make terminal routes terminate
if route.Terminal {
if _, ok := req.Context().Value(ErrorCtxKey).(error); ok {
nextCopy = errorEmptyHandler
} else {
nextCopy = emptyHandler
// compile this route's handler stack
for i := len(route.middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
nextCopy = route.middleware[i](nextCopy)
return nextCopy.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
// wrapMiddleware wraps mh such that it can be correctly
// appended to a list of middleware in preparation for
// compiling into a handler chain. We can't do this inline
// inside a loop, because it relies on a reference to mh
// not changing until the execution of its handler (which
// is deferred by multiple func closures). In other words,
// we need to pull this particular MiddlewareHandler
// pointer into its own stack frame to preserve it so it
// won't be overwritten in future loop iterations.
func wrapMiddleware(ctx caddy.Context, mh MiddlewareHandler) Middleware {
// wrap the middleware with metrics instrumentation
metricsHandler := newMetricsInstrumentedHandler(caddy.GetModuleName(mh), mh)
return func(next Handler) Handler {
// copy the next handler (it's an interface, so it's
// just a very lightweight copy of a pointer); this
// is a safeguard against the handler changing the
// value, which could affect future requests (yikes)
nextCopy := next
return HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
// TODO: This is where request tracing could be implemented
// TODO: see what the std lib gives us in terms of stack tracing too
return metricsHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r, nextCopy)
// MatcherSet is a set of matchers which
// must all match in order for the request
// to be matched successfully.
type MatcherSet []RequestMatcher
// Match returns true if the request matches all
// matchers in mset or if there are no matchers.
func (mset MatcherSet) Match(r *http.Request) bool {
for _, m := range mset {
if !m.Match(r) {
return false
return true
// RawMatcherSets is a group of matcher sets
// in their raw, JSON form.
type RawMatcherSets []caddy.ModuleMap
// MatcherSets is a group of matcher sets capable
// of checking whether a request matches any of
// the sets.
type MatcherSets []MatcherSet
// AnyMatch returns true if req matches any of the
// matcher sets in ms or if there are no matchers,
// in which case the request always matches.
func (ms MatcherSets) AnyMatch(req *http.Request) bool {
for _, m := range ms {
if m.Match(req) {
return true
return len(ms) == 0
// FromInterface fills ms from an interface{} value obtained from LoadModule.
func (ms *MatcherSets) FromInterface(matcherSets interface{}) error {
for _, matcherSetIfaces := range matcherSets.([]map[string]interface{}) {
var matcherSet MatcherSet
for _, matcher := range matcherSetIfaces {
reqMatcher, ok := matcher.(RequestMatcher)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("decoded module is not a RequestMatcher: %#v", matcher)
matcherSet = append(matcherSet, reqMatcher)
*ms = append(*ms, matcherSet)
return nil
var routeGroupCtxKey = caddy.CtxKey("route_group")