Matthew Holt e43b6d8178 core: Variadic Context.Logger(); soft deprecation
Ideally I'd just remove the parameter to caddy.Context.Logger(), but
this would break most Caddy plugins.

Instead, I'm making it variadic and marking it as partially deprecated.
In the future, I might completely remove the parameter once most
plugins have updated.
2022-09-16 16:55:36 -06:00

476 lines
14 KiB

package reverseproxy
import (
weakrand "math/rand"
func init() {
// SRVUpstreams provides upstreams from SRV lookups.
// The lookup DNS name can be configured either by
// its individual parts (that is, specifying the
// service, protocol, and name separately) to form
// the standard "" domain, or
// the domain can be specified directly in name by
// leaving service and proto empty. See RFC 2782.
// Lookups are cached and refreshed at the configured
// refresh interval.
// Returned upstreams are sorted by priority and weight.
type SRVUpstreams struct {
// The service label.
Service string `json:"service,omitempty"`
// The protocol label; either tcp or udp.
Proto string `json:"proto,omitempty"`
// The name label; or, if service and proto are
// empty, the entire domain name to look up.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// The interval at which to refresh the SRV lookup.
// Results are cached between lookups. Default: 1m
Refresh caddy.Duration `json:"refresh,omitempty"`
// Configures the DNS resolver used to resolve the
// SRV address to SRV records.
Resolver *UpstreamResolver `json:"resolver,omitempty"`
// If Resolver is configured, how long to wait before
// timing out trying to connect to the DNS server.
DialTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"dial_timeout,omitempty"`
// If Resolver is configured, how long to wait before
// spawning an RFC 6555 Fast Fallback connection.
// A negative value disables this.
FallbackDelay caddy.Duration `json:"dial_fallback_delay,omitempty"`
resolver *net.Resolver
logger *zap.Logger
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (SRVUpstreams) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{
ID: "http.reverse_proxy.upstreams.srv",
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(SRVUpstreams) },
func (su *SRVUpstreams) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
su.logger = ctx.Logger()
if su.Refresh == 0 {
su.Refresh = caddy.Duration(time.Minute)
if su.Resolver != nil {
err := su.Resolver.ParseAddresses()
if err != nil {
return err
d := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: time.Duration(su.DialTimeout),
FallbackDelay: time.Duration(su.FallbackDelay),
su.resolver = &net.Resolver{
PreferGo: true,
Dial: func(ctx context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
addr := su.Resolver.netAddrs[weakrand.Intn(len(su.Resolver.netAddrs))]
return d.DialContext(ctx, addr.Network, addr.JoinHostPort(0))
if su.resolver == nil {
su.resolver = net.DefaultResolver
return nil
func (su SRVUpstreams) GetUpstreams(r *http.Request) ([]*Upstream, error) {
suAddr, service, proto, name := su.expandedAddr(r)
// first, use a cheap read-lock to return a cached result quickly
cached := srvs[suAddr]
if cached.isFresh() {
return cached.upstreams, nil
// otherwise, obtain a write-lock to update the cached value
defer srvsMu.Unlock()
// check to see if it's still stale, since we're now in a different
// lock from when we first checked freshness; another goroutine might
// have refreshed it in the meantime before we re-obtained our lock
cached = srvs[suAddr]
if cached.isFresh() {
return cached.upstreams, nil
su.logger.Debug("refreshing SRV upstreams",
zap.String("service", service),
zap.String("proto", proto),
zap.String("name", name))
_, records, err := su.resolver.LookupSRV(r.Context(), service, proto, name)
if err != nil {
// From LookupSRV docs: "If the response contains invalid names, those records are filtered
// out and an error will be returned alongside the remaining results, if any." Thus, we
// only return an error if no records were also returned.
if len(records) == 0 {
return nil, err
su.logger.Warn("SRV records filtered", zap.Error(err))
upstreams := make([]*Upstream, len(records))
for i, rec := range records {
su.logger.Debug("discovered SRV record",
zap.String("target", rec.Target),
zap.Uint16("port", rec.Port),
zap.Uint16("priority", rec.Priority),
zap.Uint16("weight", rec.Weight))
addr := net.JoinHostPort(rec.Target, strconv.Itoa(int(rec.Port)))
upstreams[i] = &Upstream{Dial: addr}
// before adding a new one to the cache (as opposed to replacing stale one), make room if cache is full
if cached.freshness.IsZero() && len(srvs) >= 100 {
for randomKey := range srvs {
delete(srvs, randomKey)
srvs[suAddr] = srvLookup{
srvUpstreams: su,
freshness: time.Now(),
upstreams: upstreams,
return upstreams, nil
func (su SRVUpstreams) String() string {
if su.Service == "" && su.Proto == "" {
return su.Name
return su.formattedAddr(su.Service, su.Proto, su.Name)
// expandedAddr expands placeholders in the configured SRV domain labels.
// The return values are: addr, the RFC 2782 representation of the SRV domain;
// service, the service; proto, the protocol; and name, the name.
// If su.Service and su.Proto are empty, name will be returned as addr instead.
func (su SRVUpstreams) expandedAddr(r *http.Request) (addr, service, proto, name string) {
repl := r.Context().Value(caddy.ReplacerCtxKey).(*caddy.Replacer)
name = repl.ReplaceAll(su.Name, "")
if su.Service == "" && su.Proto == "" {
addr = name
service = repl.ReplaceAll(su.Service, "")
proto = repl.ReplaceAll(su.Proto, "")
addr = su.formattedAddr(service, proto, name)
// formattedAddr the RFC 2782 representation of the SRV domain, in
// the form "".
func (SRVUpstreams) formattedAddr(service, proto, name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("_%s._%s.%s", service, proto, name)
type srvLookup struct {
srvUpstreams SRVUpstreams
freshness time.Time
upstreams []*Upstream
func (sl srvLookup) isFresh() bool {
return time.Since(sl.freshness) < time.Duration(sl.srvUpstreams.Refresh)
// AUpstreams provides upstreams from A/AAAA lookups.
// Results are cached and refreshed at the configured
// refresh interval.
type AUpstreams struct {
// The domain name to look up.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// The port to use with the upstreams. Default: 80
Port string `json:"port,omitempty"`
// The interval at which to refresh the A lookup.
// Results are cached between lookups. Default: 1m
Refresh caddy.Duration `json:"refresh,omitempty"`
// Configures the DNS resolver used to resolve the
// domain name to A records.
Resolver *UpstreamResolver `json:"resolver,omitempty"`
// If Resolver is configured, how long to wait before
// timing out trying to connect to the DNS server.
DialTimeout caddy.Duration `json:"dial_timeout,omitempty"`
// If Resolver is configured, how long to wait before
// spawning an RFC 6555 Fast Fallback connection.
// A negative value disables this.
FallbackDelay caddy.Duration `json:"dial_fallback_delay,omitempty"`
resolver *net.Resolver
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (AUpstreams) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{
ID: "http.reverse_proxy.upstreams.a",
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(AUpstreams) },
func (au *AUpstreams) Provision(_ caddy.Context) error {
if au.Refresh == 0 {
au.Refresh = caddy.Duration(time.Minute)
if au.Port == "" {
au.Port = "80"
if au.Resolver != nil {
err := au.Resolver.ParseAddresses()
if err != nil {
return err
d := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: time.Duration(au.DialTimeout),
FallbackDelay: time.Duration(au.FallbackDelay),
au.resolver = &net.Resolver{
PreferGo: true,
Dial: func(ctx context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
addr := au.Resolver.netAddrs[weakrand.Intn(len(au.Resolver.netAddrs))]
return d.DialContext(ctx, addr.Network, addr.JoinHostPort(0))
if au.resolver == nil {
au.resolver = net.DefaultResolver
return nil
func (au AUpstreams) GetUpstreams(r *http.Request) ([]*Upstream, error) {
repl := r.Context().Value(caddy.ReplacerCtxKey).(*caddy.Replacer)
auStr := repl.ReplaceAll(au.String(), "")
// first, use a cheap read-lock to return a cached result quickly
cached := aAaaa[auStr]
if cached.isFresh() {
return cached.upstreams, nil
// otherwise, obtain a write-lock to update the cached value
defer aAaaaMu.Unlock()
// check to see if it's still stale, since we're now in a different
// lock from when we first checked freshness; another goroutine might
// have refreshed it in the meantime before we re-obtained our lock
cached = aAaaa[auStr]
if cached.isFresh() {
return cached.upstreams, nil
name := repl.ReplaceAll(au.Name, "")
port := repl.ReplaceAll(au.Port, "")
ips, err := au.resolver.LookupIPAddr(r.Context(), name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upstreams := make([]*Upstream, len(ips))
for i, ip := range ips {
upstreams[i] = &Upstream{
Dial: net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), port),
// before adding a new one to the cache (as opposed to replacing stale one), make room if cache is full
if cached.freshness.IsZero() && len(srvs) >= 100 {
for randomKey := range aAaaa {
delete(aAaaa, randomKey)
aAaaa[auStr] = aLookup{
aUpstreams: au,
freshness: time.Now(),
upstreams: upstreams,
return upstreams, nil
func (au AUpstreams) String() string { return net.JoinHostPort(au.Name, au.Port) }
type aLookup struct {
aUpstreams AUpstreams
freshness time.Time
upstreams []*Upstream
func (al aLookup) isFresh() bool {
return time.Since(al.freshness) < time.Duration(al.aUpstreams.Refresh)
// MultiUpstreams is a single dynamic upstream source that
// aggregates the results of multiple dynamic upstream sources.
// All configured sources will be queried in order, with their
// results appended to the end of the list. Errors returned
// from individual sources will be logged and the next source
// will continue to be invoked.
// This module makes it easy to implement redundant cluster
// failovers, especially in conjunction with the `first` load
// balancing policy: if the first source returns an error or
// no upstreams, the second source's upstreams will be used
// naturally.
type MultiUpstreams struct {
// The list of upstream source modules to get upstreams from.
// They will be queried in order, with their results appended
// in the order they are returned.
SourcesRaw []json.RawMessage `json:"sources,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=http.reverse_proxy.upstreams inline_key=source"`
sources []UpstreamSource
logger *zap.Logger
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (MultiUpstreams) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{
ID: "http.reverse_proxy.upstreams.multi",
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(MultiUpstreams) },
func (mu *MultiUpstreams) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
mu.logger = ctx.Logger()
if mu.SourcesRaw != nil {
mod, err := ctx.LoadModule(mu, "SourcesRaw")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading upstream source modules: %v", err)
for _, src := range mod.([]any) {
mu.sources = append(mu.sources, src.(UpstreamSource))
return nil
func (mu MultiUpstreams) GetUpstreams(r *http.Request) ([]*Upstream, error) {
var upstreams []*Upstream
for i, src := range mu.sources {
select {
case <-r.Context().Done():
return upstreams, context.Canceled
up, err := src.GetUpstreams(r)
if err != nil {
mu.logger.Error("upstream source returned error",
zap.Int("source_idx", i),
} else if len(up) == 0 {
mu.logger.Warn("upstream source returned 0 upstreams", zap.Int("source_idx", i))
} else {
upstreams = append(upstreams, up...)
return upstreams, nil
// UpstreamResolver holds the set of addresses of DNS resolvers of
// upstream addresses
type UpstreamResolver struct {
// The addresses of DNS resolvers to use when looking up the addresses of proxy upstreams.
// It accepts [network addresses](/docs/conventions#network-addresses)
// with port range of only 1. If the host is an IP address, it will be dialed directly to resolve the upstream server.
// If the host is not an IP address, the addresses are resolved using the [name resolution convention]( of the Go standard library.
// If the array contains more than 1 resolver address, one is chosen at random.
Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
netAddrs []caddy.NetworkAddress
// ParseAddresses parses all the configured network addresses
// and ensures they're ready to be used.
func (u *UpstreamResolver) ParseAddresses() error {
for _, v := range u.Addresses {
addr, err := caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(v)
if err != nil {
// If a port wasn't specified for the resolver,
// try defaulting to 53 and parse again
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
addr, err = caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(v + ":53")
if err != nil {
return err
if addr.PortRangeSize() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("resolver address must have exactly one address; cannot call %v", addr)
u.netAddrs = append(u.netAddrs, addr)
return nil
var (
srvs = make(map[string]srvLookup)
srvsMu sync.RWMutex
aAaaa = make(map[string]aLookup)
aAaaaMu sync.RWMutex
// Interface guards
var (
_ caddy.Provisioner = (*SRVUpstreams)(nil)
_ UpstreamSource = (*SRVUpstreams)(nil)
_ caddy.Provisioner = (*AUpstreams)(nil)
_ UpstreamSource = (*AUpstreams)(nil)