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synced 2025-03-09 20:11:09 +08:00

Turns out having each server block share a single server.Config during initialization when the Setup functions are being called was a bad idea. Sure, startup and shutdown functions were only executed once, but they had no idea what their hostname or port was. So here we revert to the old way of doing things where Setup may be called multiple times per server block (once per host associated with the block, to be precise), but the Setup functions now know their host and port since the config belongs to exactly one virtualHost. To have something happen just once per server block, use OncePerServerBlock, a new function available on each Controller.
381 lines
8.7 KiB
381 lines
8.7 KiB
package parse
import (
func TestStandardAddress(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range []struct {
input string
host, port string
shouldErr bool
{`localhost`, "localhost", "", false},
{`localhost:1234`, "localhost", "1234", false},
{`localhost:`, "localhost", "", false},
{``, "", "", false},
{``, "", "1234", false},
{`:1234`, "", "1234", false},
{`[::1]`, "::1", "", false},
{`[::1]:1234`, "::1", "1234", false},
{`:`, "", "", false},
{`localhost:http`, "localhost", "http", false},
{`localhost:https`, "localhost", "https", false},
{`:http`, "", "http", false},
{`:https`, "", "https", false},
{`http://localhost`, "localhost", "http", false},
{`https://localhost`, "localhost", "https", false},
{``, "", "http", false},
{``, "", "https", false},
{`http://[::1]`, "::1", "http", false},
{`http://localhost:1234`, "localhost", "1234", false},
{``, "", "1234", false},
{`http://[::1]:1234`, "::1", "1234", false},
{``, "", "", false},
{`::1`, "::1", "", true},
{`localhost::`, "localhost::", "", true},
{`#$%@`, "#$%@", "", true},
} {
host, port, err := standardAddress(test.input)
if err != nil && !test.shouldErr {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but had error: %v", i, err)
if err == nil && test.shouldErr {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error, but had none", i)
if host != test.host {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected host '%s', got '%s'", i, test.host, host)
if port != test.port {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected port '%s', got '%s'", i, test.port, port)
func TestParseOneAndImport(t *testing.T) {
testParseOne := func(input string) (serverBlock, error) {
p := testParser(input)
p.Next() // parseOne doesn't call Next() to start, so we must
err := p.parseOne()
return p.block, err
for i, test := range []struct {
input string
shouldErr bool
addresses []address
tokens map[string]int // map of directive name to number of tokens expected
{`localhost`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{}},
dir1`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 1,
dir1 foo bar`, false, []address{
{"localhost", "1234"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
{`localhost {
}`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 1,
{`localhost:1234 {
dir1 foo bar
}`, false, []address{
{"localhost", "1234"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
"dir2": 1,
{`http://localhost https://localhost
dir1 foo bar`, false, []address{
{"localhost", "http"},
{"localhost", "https"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
{`http://localhost https://localhost {
dir1 foo bar
}`, false, []address{
{"localhost", "http"},
{"localhost", "https"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
{`http://localhost, https://localhost {
dir1 foo bar
}`, false, []address{
{"localhost", "http"},
{"localhost", "https"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
{`http://localhost, {
}`, true, []address{
{"localhost", "http"},
}, map[string]int{}},
{`host1:80, http://host2.com
dir1 foo bar
dir2 baz`, false, []address{
{"host1", "80"},
{"host2.com", "http"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
"dir2": 2,
https://host3.com`, false, []address{
{"host1.com", "http"},
{"host2.com", "http"},
{"host3.com", "https"},
}, map[string]int{}},
{`http://host1.com:1234, https://host2.com
dir1 foo {
bar baz
dir2`, false, []address{
{"host1.com", "1234"},
{"host2.com", "https"},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 6,
"dir2": 1,
dir1 {
bar baz
dir2 {
foo bar
}`, false, []address{
{"", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 5,
"dir2": 5,
unknown_directive`, true, []address{
{"", ""},
}, map[string]int{}},
dir1 {
foo`, true, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
dir1 {
}`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
dir1 {
} }`, true, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 3,
dir1 {
nested {
dir2 foo bar`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 7,
"dir2": 3,
{``, false, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
dir1 arg1
import import_test1.txt`, false, []address{
{"localhost", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 2,
"dir2": 3,
"dir3": 1,
{`import import_test2.txt`, false, []address{
{"host1", ""},
}, map[string]int{
"dir1": 1,
"dir2": 2,
{`import import_test1.txt import_test2.txt`, true, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
{`import not_found.txt`, true, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
{`""`, false, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
{``, false, []address{}, map[string]int{}},
} {
result, err := testParseOne(test.input)
if test.shouldErr && err == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i)
if !test.shouldErr && err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err)
if len(result.Addresses) != len(test.addresses) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d addresses, got %d",
i, len(test.addresses), len(result.Addresses))
for j, addr := range result.Addresses {
if addr.Host != test.addresses[j].Host {
t.Errorf("Test %d, address %d: Expected host to be '%s', but was '%s'",
i, j, test.addresses[j].Host, addr.Host)
if addr.Port != test.addresses[j].Port {
t.Errorf("Test %d, address %d: Expected port to be '%s', but was '%s'",
i, j, test.addresses[j].Port, addr.Port)
if len(result.Tokens) != len(test.tokens) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d directives, had %d",
i, len(test.tokens), len(result.Tokens))
for directive, tokens := range result.Tokens {
if len(tokens) != test.tokens[directive] {
t.Errorf("Test %d, directive '%s': Expected %d tokens, counted %d",
i, directive, test.tokens[directive], len(tokens))
func TestParseAll(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range []struct {
input string
shouldErr bool
addresses [][]address // addresses per server block, in order
{`localhost`, false, [][]address{
{{"localhost", ""}},
{`localhost:1234`, false, [][]address{
[]address{{"localhost", "1234"}},
{`localhost:1234 {
localhost:2015 {
}`, false, [][]address{
[]address{{"localhost", "1234"}},
[]address{{"localhost", "2015"}},
{`localhost:1234, http://host2`, false, [][]address{
[]address{{"localhost", "1234"}, {"host2", "http"}},
{`localhost:1234, http://host2,`, true, [][]address{}},
{`http://host1.com, http://host2.com {
https://host3.com, https://host4.com {
}`, false, [][]address{
[]address{{"host1.com", "http"}, {"host2.com", "http"}},
[]address{{"host3.com", "https"}, {"host4.com", "https"}},
} {
p := testParser(test.input)
blocks, err := p.parseAll()
if test.shouldErr && err == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i)
if !test.shouldErr && err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err)
if len(blocks) != len(test.addresses) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d server blocks, got %d",
i, len(test.addresses), len(blocks))
for j, block := range blocks {
if len(block.Addresses) != len(test.addresses[j]) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d addresses in block %d, got %d",
i, len(test.addresses[j]), j, len(block.Addresses))
for k, addr := range block.Addresses {
if addr.Host != test.addresses[j][k].Host {
t.Errorf("Test %d, block %d, address %d: Expected host to be '%s', but was '%s'",
i, j, k, test.addresses[j][k].Host, addr.Host)
if addr.Port != test.addresses[j][k].Port {
t.Errorf("Test %d, block %d, address %d: Expected port to be '%s', but was '%s'",
i, j, k, test.addresses[j][k].Port, addr.Port)
func setupParseTests() {
// Set up some bogus directives for testing
ValidDirectives = map[string]struct{}{
"dir1": {},
"dir2": {},
"dir3": {},
func testParser(input string) parser {
buf := strings.NewReader(input)
p := parser{Dispenser: NewDispenser("Test", buf)}
return p