mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 12:35:17 +08:00
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ typedef struct SpeedMeasureInfo_t
#define SKIP true
#define NotSkip false
#define ToFill NULL
#define NA NULL
typedef struct MirrorSite_t
@ -47,78 +51,78 @@ MirrorSite;
MirrorZ = {
"mirrorz", "MirrorZ", "MirrorZ 校园网镜像站", "https://mirrors.cernet.edu.cn/",
{true, "功能特殊无法测速,跳过", "SKIP because of its special function"}
{SKIP, "功能特殊无法测速,跳过", "SKIP because of its special function"}
Tuna = {
"tuna", "TUNA", "清华大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
Sjtug_Zhiyuan = {
"sjtu", "SJTUG-zhiyuan", "上海交通大学致远镜像站", "https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/ctan" Big_File_ctan}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/ctan" Big_File_ctan}
Zju = {
"zju", "ZJU", "浙江大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.zju.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.zju.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.zju.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Lzuoss = {
"lzu", "LZUOSS", "兰州大学开源社区镜像站", "https://mirror.lzu.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirror.lzu.edu.cn/CTAN" Big_File_ctan}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirror.lzu.edu.cn/CTAN" Big_File_ctan}
Jlu = {
"jlu", "JLU", "吉林大学开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.jlu.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.jlu.edu.cn/_static/speedtest.bin"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.jlu.edu.cn/_static/speedtest.bin"}
Bfsu = {
"bfsu", "BFSU", "北京外国语大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
Pku = {
"pku", "PKU", "北京大学开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.pku.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.pku.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.pku.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Bjtu = {
"bjtu", "BJTU", "北京交通大学自由与开源软件镜像站", "https://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/archlinux" Big_File_archlinux}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/archlinux" Big_File_archlinux}
Sustech = {
"sustech", "SUSTech", "南方科技大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.sustech.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.sustech.edu.cn/site/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.sustech.edu.cn/site/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
Ustc = {
"ustc", "USTC", "中国科学技术大学开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Hust = {
"hust", "HUST", "华中科技大学开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
// 速度暂时处于10位以后,但是目前可用的源
Iscas = {
"iscas", "ISCAS", "中科院软件所智能软件研究中心开源镜像站", "https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Scau = {
"scau", "SCAU", "华南农业大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.scau.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.scau.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.scau.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Nju = {
"nju", "NJU", "南京大学开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/archlinux" Big_File_archlinux}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/archlinux" Big_File_archlinux}
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ Nju = {
* Cqu = {
* "cqu", "CQU", "重庆大学开源软件镜像站", "https://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/",
* {false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
* {NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/speedtest/1000mb.bin"}
* };
@ -139,41 +143,41 @@ Nju = {
Ali = {
"ali", "Ali OPSX Public", "阿里巴巴开源镜像站(公网)", "https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.aliyun.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.aliyun.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
// https://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/
Ali_ECS_VPC = {
"ali-ECS-VPC", "Ali OPSX ECS VPC", "阿里巴巴开源镜像站(ECS VPC网络)", "https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
// https://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/
Ali_ECS_classic = {
"ali-ECS", "Ali OPSX ECS", "阿里巴巴开源镜像站(ECS 经典网络)", "https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
Tencent = {
"tencent", "Tencent Public", "腾讯软件源(公网)", "https://mirrors.tencent.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Tencent_Intra = {
"tencent-intra", "Tencent Intranet", "腾讯软件源(内网)", "https://mirrors.tencent.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.cloud.tencentyun.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.cloud.tencentyun.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Huawei = {
"huawei", "Huawei Cloud", "华为开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Volcengine = {
"volc", "Volcengine", "火山引擎开源软件镜像站(公网)", "https://developer.volcengine.com/mirror/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.volces.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.volces.com/ubuntu-releases" Big_File_ubuntu}
Volceengine_Intra = {
@ -184,25 +188,25 @@ Volceengine_Intra = {
Netease = {
"netease", "Netease", "网易开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.163.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.163.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.163.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
Sohu = {
"sohu", "SOHU", "搜狐开源镜像站", "https://mirrors.sohu.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://mirrors.sohu.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://mirrors.sohu.com/deepin-cd" Big_File_deepin}
Upstream = {
"upstream", "Upstream", "上游默认源", NULL,
{true, "上游默认源不测速", "SKIP for upstream source", NULL}
{SKIP, "上游默认源不测速", "SKIP for upstream source", NULL}
UserDefine = {
"user", "用户自定义", "用户自定义", NULL,
{true, "用户自定义源不测速", "SKIP for user-defined source", NULL}
{SKIP, "用户自定义源不测速", "SKIP for user-defined source", NULL}
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
static MirrorSite
GoProxyCN = {
"goproxy.cn", "Goproxy.cn", "Goproxy.cn (七牛云)", "https://goproxy.cn/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://goproxy.cn/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/@v/v1.45.2.zip"} // 30 MB
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://goproxy.cn/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/@v/v1.45.2.zip"} // 30 MB
GoProxyIO = {
"goproxy.io", "GOPROXY.IO", "GOPROXY.IO", "https://goproxy.io/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://goproxy.io/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/@v/v1.45.2.zip"} // 30 MB
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://goproxy.io/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/@v/v1.45.2.zip"} // 30 MB
@ -8,7 +8,10 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static MirrorSite
Api7 = {"api7", "api7.ai", "深圳支流科技有限公司", "https://www.apiseven.com/", NULL};
Api7 = {
"api7", "api7.ai", "深圳支流科技有限公司", "https://www.apiseven.com/",
{SKIP, ToFill, ToFill, NULL}
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ static MirrorSite
NpmMirror = {
"npmmirror", "npmmirror", "npmmirror (阿里云赞助)", "https://npmmirror.com/",
// 注意,下面这个是跳转后的地址,不确定未来会不会改变
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://cdn.npmmirror.com/packages/%40tensorflow/tfjs/4.10.0/tfjs-4.10.0.tgz"} // 29MB
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://cdn.npmmirror.com/packages/%40tensorflow/tfjs/4.10.0/tfjs-4.10.0.tgz"} // 29MB
@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static MirrorSite
NugetOrg = {"nuget.org", "NuGet Org", "Nuget Organization", "https://www.nuget.org/", NULL};
NugetOrg = {"nuget.org", "NuGet Org", "Nuget Organization", "https://www.nuget.org/",
{SKIP, ToFill, ToFill, NULL}
* @time 2024-04-18 更新
* @update 2024-04-18
* @note {
* 暂时未实现该换源功能,可参照
* https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/mirrorDetail/5ebf85de07b41baf6d0882ab?mirrorName=nuget&catalog=language
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-15 更新
* @update 2023-09-15
static SourceInfo
pl_ocaml_sources[] = {
@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2024-05-24 更新
* @ref https://help.mirrors.cernet.edu.cn/CPAN/
* @update 2024-05-24
static SourceInfo
pl_perl_sources[] = {
@ -41,8 +40,9 @@ pl_perl_getsrc (char *option)
chsrc_run (cmd, RunOpt_Default);
* Perl换源,参考:https://help.mirrors.cernet.edu.cn/CPAN/
* @consult https://help.mirrors.cernet.edu.cn/CPAN/
pl_perl_setsrc (char *option)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-04 更新
* @update 2023-09-04
* @note {
* 以下注释的,是不含有bioconductor的镜像站,
* 我们在换cran的同时,也直接帮助用户换bioconductor
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
static MirrorSite
RubyChina = {
"rubychina", "RubyChina", "Ruby China 社区", "https://gems.ruby-china.com/",
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://gems.ruby-china.com/rubygems/gems/nokogiri-1.15.0-java.gem"} // 9.9 MB
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://gems.ruby-china.com/rubygems/gems/nokogiri-1.15.0-java.gem"} // 9.9 MB
@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
* File Authors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
* Contributors : Nil Null <nil@null.org>
* Created On : <2024-10-02>
* Last Modified : <2024-10-02>
* Last Modified : <2024-11-21>
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static MirrorSite
RsProxyCN = {"rsproxycn", "RsProxy.cn", "字节跳动基础架构Dev Infra", "https://rsproxy.cn/", NULL};
RsProxyCN = {
"rsproxycn", "RsProxy.cn", "字节跳动基础架构Dev Infra", "https://rsproxy.cn/",
{SKIP, ToFill, ToFill, NULL}
@ -6,25 +6,25 @@
* Contributors : Nil Null <nil@null.org>
* |
* Created On : <2024-06-08>
* Last Modified : <2024-10-28>
* Last Modified : <2024-11-21>
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static MirrorSite
DaoCloud = {
"daocloud", "DaoCloud","上海道客网络科技有限公司", "https://www.daocloud.io/",
// 没有找到 DaoCloud 合适的下载链接,先随便给一个,以规避 chsrc 自动测速时所有 dockerhub 镜像站都没有测速链接带来的 bug
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://qiniu-download-public.daocloud.io/DaoCloud_Enterprise/dce5/offline-community-v0.18.0-amd64.tar"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://qiniu-download-public.daocloud.io/DaoCloud_Enterprise/dce5/offline-community-v0.18.0-amd64.tar"}
Fit2Cloud = {
"fit2cloud", "FIT2CLOUD", "杭州飞致云信息科技有限公司", "https://www.fit2cloud.com/",
{true, NULL, NULL, NULL}
{SKIP, ToFill, ToFill, NULL}
Huecker = {
"huecker", "(Russia) Huecker", "俄罗斯 Huecker.io", "https://huecker.io/",
// 同 DaoCloud,没有合适的下载链接,先随便给一个,以避免 bug
{false, NULL, NULL, "https://huecker.io/en/use.html"}
{NotSkip, NA, NA, "https://huecker.io/en/use.html"}
@ -4,14 +4,17 @@
* File Authors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
* Contributors : Nil Null <nil@null.org>
* Created On : <2023-10-10>
* Last Modified : <2024-08-09>
* Last Modified : <2024-11-21>
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static MirrorSite
EmacsChina = {"emacschina", "EmacsChina", "Emacs China 社区", "https://elpamirror.emacs-china.org/", NULL};
EmacsChina = {
"emacschina", "EmacsChina", "Emacs China 社区", "https://elpamirror.emacs-china.org/",
{SKIP, ToFill, ToFill, NULL}
* @time 2023-09-10 更新
* @update 2023-09-10
* @note Emacs用户往往只需要一次性换源,只会极少次调用 chsrc,我们只给用户提供文档
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-11 更新
* @update 2023-09-11
* @note 目前只有一个源
static SourceInfo
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-11 更新
* @update 2023-09-11
* @note 目前只有一个源
static SourceInfo
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
/** ------------------------------------------------------------
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* File Authors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
* Contributors : Nil Null <nil@null.org>
* Created On : <2023-09-10>
* Last Modified : <2024-08-28>
* Revision : 3
* File Authors : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
* Contributors : Nil Null <nil@null.org>
* Created On : <2023-09-10>
* Major Revision : 3
* Last Modified : <2024-08-28>
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-10 更新
* @update 2023-09-10
* @note {
* 1. 这些链接将会在setsrc函数中补充完整
* 2. 不确定 Sustech 能否工作
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-22 更新
* @update 2023-09-22
* @note {
* 1. 目前只有一个源
* 2. 这些链接将会在setsrc函数中补充完整
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2023-09-10 更新
* @update 2023-09-10
static SourceInfo
wr_tex_sources[] = {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
* @time 2024-06-07 更新
* @update 2024-06-07
* @note 目前仅有一个源
static SourceInfo
Reference in New Issue
Block a user