/** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright © 2023-2024 Aoran Zeng, Heng Guo * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * ------------------------------------------------------------- * Project Name : chsrc * Project Authors : Aoran Zeng * | Heng Guo <2085471348@qq.com> * Contributors : Aaron Ruan * | Rui Chen * | Shengwei Chen <414685209@qq.com> * | BlockLune * | * Created On : <2023-08-28> * Last Modified : <2024-08-22> * * chsrc: Change Source —— 全平台通用命令行换源工具 * ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Chsrc_Version "" #define Chsrc_Release_Date "2024/08/19" #define Chsrc_Banner_Version "v" Chsrc_Version "-" Chsrc_Release_Date #define Chsrc_Maintain_URL "https://github.com/RubyMetric/chsrc" #define Chsrc_Maintain_URL2 "https://gitee.com/RubyMetric/chsrc" #include "chsrc.h" #include "recipe/lang/Ruby.c" #include "recipe/lang/Python.c" #include "recipe/lang/Node.js.c" #include "recipe/lang/Perl.c" #include "recipe/lang/PHP.c" #include "recipe/lang/Lua.c" #include "recipe/lang/Go.c" #include "recipe/lang/Java.c" #include "recipe/lang/Rust.c" #include "recipe/lang/Dart.c" #include "recipe/lang/Haskell.c" #include "recipe/lang/OCaml.c" #include "recipe/lang/R.c" #include "recipe/lang/Julia.c" #include "recipe/lang/NuGet.c" #include "recipe/lang/Clojure.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/common.h" // Debian-based #include "recipe/os/APT/Debian.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/Ubuntu.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/Kali-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/Raspberry-Pi-OS.c" // Ubuntu-based #include "recipe/os/APT/Linux-Mint.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/Trisquel.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/Linux-Lite.c" // Debian-based and Ubuntu-based #include "recipe/os/APT/Armbian.c" // Independent #include "recipe/os/APT/ROS.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/openKylin.c" #include "recipe/os/APT/deepin.c" #include "recipe/os/YUM/common.h" #include "recipe/os/YUM/Fedora-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/YUM/AlmaLinux.c" #include "recipe/os/YUM/Rocky-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/YUM/openEuler.c" #include "recipe/os/YUM/Anolis-OS.c" #include "recipe/os/pacman/Arch-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/pacman/Manjaro-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/pacman/MSYS2.c" #include "recipe/os/openSUSE.c" #include "recipe/os/Alpine-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/Gentoo-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/Void-Linux.c" #include "recipe/os/Solus.c" #include "recipe/os/OpenWrt.c" #include "recipe/os/BSD/FreeBSD.c" #include "recipe/os/BSD/NetBSD.c" #include "recipe/os/BSD/OpenBSD.c" #include "recipe/ware/TeX-Live.c" #include "recipe/ware/Emacs.c" #include "recipe/ware/WinGet.c" #include "recipe/ware/Homebrew.c" #include "recipe/ware/CocoaPods.c" #include "recipe/ware/Nix.c" #include "recipe/ware/Guix.c" #include "recipe/ware/Flathub.c" #include "recipe/ware/Docker-Hub.c" #include "recipe/ware/Anaconda.c" #include "recipe/menu.c" static const char * Chsrc_Usage[] = { "维护: " Chsrc_Maintain_URL "\n", "使用: chsrc [options] [target] [mirror]", "help 打印此帮助,或 h, -h, --help", "issue 查看相关issue\n", "list (或 ls, 或 l) 列出可用镜像源,和可换源目标", "list mirror/target 列出可用镜像源,或可换源目标", "list os/lang/ware 列出可换源的操作系统/编程语言/软件\n", "measure 对该目标所有源测速", "cesu \n", "list 查看该目标可用源与支持功能", "get 查看该目标当前源的使用情况\n", "set 换源,自动测速后挑选最快源", "set first 换源,使用维护团队测速第一的源", "set 换源,指定使用某镜像站 (通过list 查看)", "set https://url 换源,用户自定义源URL", "reset 重置,使用上游默认使用的源\n", "选项:", "-dry Dry Run,模拟换源过程,命令仅打印并不运行", "-ipv6 使用IPv6测速", "-local 仅对本项目而非全局换源 (通过ls 查看支持情况)" }; void cli_print_available_mirrors () { chsrc_info ("支持以下镜像站"); chsrc_info ("下方 code 列,可用于指定使用某镜像站,请使用 chsrc set \n"); printf (" %-13s%-35s%-38s", "code", "镜像站简写", "镜像站URL"); say ("镜像站名称"); say ("------- ----------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------"); // say ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < xy_arylen (available_mirrors); i++) { MirrorSite* mir = available_mirrors[i]; printf ("%-14s%-18s%-41s ", mir->code, mir->abbr, mir->site); say (mir->name); } } void cli_print_supported_targets_ (const char ***array, size_t size) { for (int i=0; i */ void cli_print_target_available_sources (SourceInfo sources[], size_t size) { for (int i=0;icode, mir->abbr, src.url); say (mir->name); } } void cli_print_target_features (FeatInfo f, const char *input_target_name) { say (bdpurple("\nFeatures:\n")); char *get_msg = xy_2strjoin (" Get: 查看当前源状态 | chsrc get ", input_target_name); if (f.can_get) printf (" %s%s\n", bdgreen(YesMark), purple(get_msg)); else printf (" %s%s\n", bdred(NoMark), get_msg);br(); char *reset_msg = xy_2strjoin (" Reset: 重置回默认源 | chsrc reset ", input_target_name); if (f.can_reset) printf (" %s%s\n", bdgreen(YesMark), purple(reset_msg)); else printf (" %s%s\n", bdred(NoMark), reset_msg);br(); char *user_define_msg = xy_strjoin (4, " UserDefine: 用户自定义换源URL | chsrc set ", input_target_name, " https://user-define-url.org/", input_target_name); if (f.can_user_define) printf (" %s%s\n", bdgreen(YesMark), purple(user_define_msg)); else printf (" %s%s\n", bdred(NoMark), user_define_msg);br(); char *locally_msg = xy_2strjoin (" Locally: 仅对本项目换源 | chsrc set -local ", input_target_name); switch (f.stcan_locally) { case CanNotFully: printf (" %s%s\n", bdred(NoMark), locally_msg);br(); break; case CanFully: printf (" %s%s\n", bdgreen(YesMark), purple(locally_msg));br(); break; case CanSemi: printf (" %s%s\n\n %s\n", bdgreen(SemiYesMark), purple(locally_msg), f.locally);br(); break; default: xy_unreach; } char *english_msg = xy_2strjoin (" English: 英文输出 | chsrc set -en ", input_target_name); // if (f.can_english) printf (" %s%s\n", bdgreen(YesMark), purple(english_msg)); // else printf (" %s%s\n", bdred(NoMark), english_msg); if (f.note) { printf ("%s%s\n", bdyellow ("备注: "), bdyellow (f.note)); } } void cli_print_version () { say ("chsrc " Chsrc_Version); say ("Copyright (C) 2024 Aoran Zeng, Heng Guo"); say ("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later "); say ("This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."); say ("There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."); br(); say ("Written by Aoran Zeng, Heng Guo and contributors. (See chsrc.c)"); } void cli_print_help () { say (xy_strjoin (3, "chsrc: Change Source (GPLv3+) ", purple (Chsrc_Banner_Version), " by RubyMetric")); br(); for (int i=0; isetfn) target->setfn(option); else chsrc_error (xy_strjoin (3, "暂未对 ", input, " 实现set功能,邀您帮助: chsrc issue")); } else if (TargetOp_Reset_Source==code) { if (target->resetfn) target->resetfn(option); else chsrc_error (xy_strjoin (3, "暂未对 ", input, " 实现reset功能,邀您帮助: chsrc issue")); } else if (TargetOp_Get_Source==code) { if (target->getfn) target->getfn(""); else chsrc_error (xy_strjoin (3, "暂未对 ", input, " 实现get功能,邀您帮助: chsrc issue")); } else if (TargetOp_List_Config==code) { say (bdblue(xy_strjoin (3, "指定使用某源,请使用 chsrc set ", input, " \n"))); say (bdgreen("Available Sources: \n")); // chsrc_info (xy_strjoin (3, "下方 code 列,可用于指定使用某源,请使用 chsrc set ", input, " \n")); printf (" %-14s%-35s%-43s ", "code", "镜像站简写", "换源URL"); say ("镜像站名称"); say ("--------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------"); cli_print_target_available_sources (target->sources, target->sources_n); if (target->featfn) { FeatInfo fi = target->featfn(""); cli_print_target_features (fi, input); } } else if (TargetOp_Measure_Source==code) { auto_select_ (target->sources, target->sources_n, input); return true; } return true; } int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) { xy_useutf8 (); argc -= 1; if (0==argc) { cli_print_help (); return 0; } const char *command = argv[1]; // chsrc set target mirror // 1 2 3 int cli_arg_Target_pos = 2; int cli_arg_Mirror_pos = cli_arg_Target_pos + 1; const char *target = NULL; // chsrc set -ipv6 target mirror // 1 2 3 4 // argc = 4 for (int i=2; i<=argc; i++) { if (xy_str_start_with (argv[i], "-")) { if (xy_streql (argv[i], "-ipv6")) { CliOpt_IPv6 = true; } else if (xy_streql (argv[i], "-local")) { CliOpt_Locally = true; } else if (xy_streql (argv[i], "-en") || xy_streql (argv[i], "-english")) { CliOpt_InEnglish = true; } else if (xy_streql (argv[i], "-dry")) { CliOpt_DryRun = true; chsrc_log (bdyellow ("**开启Dry Run模式,模拟换源过程(跳过测速),命令仅打印并不运行**\n")); } else { chsrc_error (xy_2strjoin ("未识别的命令行选项 ", argv[i])); return 1; } cli_arg_Target_pos++; cli_arg_Mirror_pos++; } } bool matched = false; /* chsrc help */ if (xy_streql (command, "h") || xy_streql (command, "-h") || xy_streql (command, "help") || xy_streql (command, "--help")) { cli_print_help (); return 0; } /* chsrc -v */ else if (xy_streql (command, "-v") || xy_streql (command, "-version") || xy_streql (command, "--version")|| xy_streql (command, "ver") || xy_streql (command, "version")) { cli_print_version (); return 0; } /* chsrc list */ else if (xy_streql (command, "list") || xy_streql (command, "l") || xy_streql (command, "ls")) { if (argc < cli_arg_Target_pos) { cli_print_available_mirrors (); br(); cli_print_supported_targets (); } else { target = argv[cli_arg_Target_pos]; if (xy_streql (target, "mirrors") || xy_streql (target, "mirror")) { cli_print_available_mirrors (); return 0; } else if (xy_streql (target, "targets") || xy_streql (target, "target")) { cli_print_supported_targets (); return 0; } else if (xy_streql (target, "os")) { cli_print_supported_os (); return 0; } else if (xy_streql (target, "lang") || xy_streql (target, "pl") || xy_streql (target, "language")) { cli_print_supported_pl(); return 0; } else if (xy_streql (target, "ware") || xy_streql (target, "software")) { cli_print_supported_wr (); return 0; } matched = get_target (target, TargetOp_List_Config, NULL); if (!matched) goto not_matched; } return 0; } /* chsrc measure */ else if (xy_streql (command, "measure") || xy_streql (command, "mea") || xy_streql (command, "m") || xy_streql (command, "cesu") || xy_streql (command, "ce") || xy_streql (command, "c")) { if (argc < cli_arg_Target_pos) { chsrc_error ("请您提供想要测速源的软件名; 使用 chsrc list targets 查看所有支持的软件"); return 1; } target = argv[cli_arg_Target_pos]; matched = get_target (target, TargetOp_Measure_Source, NULL); if (!matched) goto not_matched; return 0; } /* chsrc get */ else if (xy_streql (command, "get") || xy_streql (command, "g")) { if (argc < cli_arg_Target_pos) { chsrc_error ("请您提供想要查看源的软件名; 使用 chsrc list targets 查看所有支持的软件"); return 1; } target = argv[cli_arg_Target_pos]; matched = get_target (target, TargetOp_Get_Source, NULL); if (!matched) goto not_matched; return 0; } /* chsrc set */ else if (xy_streql (command, "set") || xy_streql (command, "s")) { if (argc < cli_arg_Target_pos) { chsrc_error ("请您提供想要设置源的软件名; 使用 chsrc list targets 查看所有支持的软件"); return 1; } target = argv[cli_arg_Target_pos]; char *mirrorCode_or_url = NULL; if (argc >= cli_arg_Mirror_pos) { mirrorCode_or_url = xy_strdup (argv[cli_arg_Mirror_pos]); } matched = get_target (target, TargetOp_Set_Source, mirrorCode_or_url); if (!matched) goto not_matched; return 0; } /* chsrc reset */ else if (xy_streql (command, "reset") || xy_streql (command, "rest") || xy_streql (command, "r")) { if (argc < cli_arg_Target_pos) { chsrc_error ("请您提供想要重置源的软件名; 使用 chsrc list targets 查看所有支持的软件"); return 1; } target = argv[cli_arg_Target_pos]; matched = get_target (target, TargetOp_Reset_Source, NULL); if (!matched) goto not_matched; return 0; } /* chsrc issue */ else if (xy_streql (command, "issue") || xy_streql (command, "issues") || xy_streql (command, "isue") || xy_streql (command, "i")) { cli_print_issues (); return 0; } /* 不支持的命令 */ else { chsrc_error (xy_strjoin (3, "不支持的命令 ", command, ". 请使用 chsrc help 查看使用方式")); return 1; } not_matched: if (!matched) { chsrc_error ("暂不支持的换源目标,请使用 chsrc list targets 查看可换源软件"); return 1; } }