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# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Doc Type      :   Text
# Doc Authors   :   xuan     <wick.dynex@qq.com>
#               |  ChatGPT   <https://chatgpt.com>
# Contributors  : Aoran Zeng <ccmywish@qq.com>
#               |
# Created On    : <2024-10-25>
# Last Modified : <2024-10-26>
# tool目录文档
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# chsrc 相关工具

1. 概述

此文件夹包含许多与安装 chsrc 二进制文件相关的脚本工具,您可以使用这些工具指定目录路径和发布版本。

2. 文件

install.sh          Bash 编写的一键安装工具
install.ps1         Powershell 编写的一键安装工具
README.txt          此文件

3. 安装

步骤1:输入“sudo chmod u+x ./install.sh”以使脚本可执行。

步骤2:输入“./install.sh [-h] [-d <install_directory>] [-v <version>] [-l <language>]”指定安装路径,发布版本和脚本语言。


# chsrc realated tools
# English Version

1. Overview

This folder contains many script tools realated to install chsrc binary file,
you can use the tools to specify directory path and release version.

2. Files

install.sh                  One-key install tool in Bash
install.ps1                 One-key install tool in PowerShell
README.txt                  This file

3. Install

Step 1: Type "sudo chmod u+x ./install.sh" to make scrpit executable.

Step 2: Type "./install.sh [-h] [-d <install_directory>] [-v <version>] [-l <language>]" to specify install path and release version also language.

Step 3: If an error occurs, please check your internet connection and ensure that you can access Gitee.