maximum_staged_user_per_email_reached:"Reached maximum number of staged users created per email."
empty_email_error:"Happens when the raw mail we received was blank."
no_message_id_error:"Happens when the mail has no 'Message-Id' header."
auto_generated_email_error:"Happens when the 'precedence' header is set to: list, junk, bulk or auto_reply, or when any other header contains: auto-submitted, auto-replied or auto-generated."
no_body_detected_error:"Happens when we couldn't extract a body and there were no attachments."
inactive_user_error:"Happens when the sender is not active."
- Përfshini fjalë të përdorura zakonisht në temën tuaj kështu që të tjerët mund **ta gjejnë** atë. Për të grupuar temën tuaj me të ngjashmet, zgjidhni një kategori.
no_token:"Ndjesë, kjo lidhje për ndryshimin e fjalëkalimit është shumë e vjetër. Kliko butonin 'Identifikohu' dhe përdorni 'Kam harruar fjalëkalimin' për të marrë një lidhje të re."
description:'Ky postim përmban pjesë që një person i arsyeshëm do ta quante ofenduese, fyese, ose kundër <a href="/guidelines">udhëzimeve të komunitetit tonë</a>.'
long_form:'sinjalizoi këtë postim si të papërshtatshëm'
description:'Ky postim përmban pjesë që një person i arsyeshëm do ta quante ofenduese, fyese, ose kundër <a href="/guidelines">udhëzimeve të komunitetit tonë</a>.'
rails_env_warning:"Your server is running in %{env} mode."
host_names_warning:"Your config/database.yml file is using the default localhost hostname. Update it to use your site's hostname."
sidekiq_warning:'Sidekiq is not running. Many tasks, like sending emails, are executed asynchronously by sidekiq. Please ensure at least one sidekiq process is running. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn about Sidekiq here</a>.'
queue_size_warning:'The number of queued jobs is %{queue_size}, which is high. This could indicate a problem with the Sidekiq process(es), or you may need to add more Sidekiq workers.'
memory_warning:'Your server is running with less than 1 GB of total memory. At least 1 GB of memory is recommended.'
google_oauth2_config_warning:'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Google OAuth2 (enable_google_oauth2_logins), but the client id and client secret values are not set. Go to <a href="/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
facebook_config_warning:'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Facebook (enable_facebook_logins), but the app id and app secret values are not set. Go to <a href="/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
twitter_config_warning:'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), but the key and secret values are not set. Go to <a href="/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
github_config_warning:'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with GitHub (enable_github_logins), but the client id and secret values are not set. Go to <a href="/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
allow_uncategorized_topics:"Allow topics to be created without a category. WARNING: If there are any uncategorized topics, you must recategorize them before turning this off."
delete_removed_posts_after:"Posts removed by the author will be automatically deleted after (n) hours. If set to 0, posts will be deleted immediately."
max_image_width:"Maximum thumbnail width of images in a post"
max_image_height:"Maximum thumbnail height of images in a post"
fixed_category_positions:"If checked, you will be able to arrange categories into a fixed order. If unchecked, categories are listed in order of activity."
add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content:"Add rel nofollow to all submitted user content, except for internal links (including parent domains). If you change this, you must rebake all posts with: \"rake posts:rebake\""
post_onebox_maxlength:"Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post in characters."
apple_touch_icon_url:"Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px."
notification_email:"The from: email address used when sending all essential system emails. The domain specified here must have SPF, DKIM and reverse PTR records set correctly for email to arrive."
email_custom_headers:"A pipe-delimited list of custom email headers"
summary_score_threshold:"The minimum score required for a post to be included in 'Summarize This Topic'"
summary_posts_required:"Minimum posts in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled"
summary_likes_required:"Minimum likes in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled"
summary_percent_filter:"When a user clicks 'Summarize This Topic', show the top % of posts"
long_polling_base_url:"Base URL used for long polling (when a CDN is serving dynamic content, be sure to set this to origin pull) eg:"
long_polling_interval:"Amount of time the server should wait before responding to clients when there is no data to send (logged on users only)"
polling_interval:"When not long polling, how often should logged on clients poll in milliseconds"
flag_sockpuppets:"If a new user replies to a topic from the same IP address as the new user who started the topic, flag both of their posts as potential spam."
traditional_markdown_linebreaks:"Use traditional linebreaks in Markdown, which require two trailing spaces for a linebreak."
post_undo_action_window_mins:"Number of minutes users are allowed to undo recent actions on a post (like, flag, etc)."
must_approve_users:"Staff must approve all new user accounts before they are allowed to access the site. WARNING: enabling this for a live site will revoke access for existing non-staff users!"
cors_origins:"Allowed origins for cross-origin requests (CORS). Each origin must include http:// or https://. The DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env variable must be set to true to enable CORS."
email_domains_blacklist:"A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users are not allowed to register accounts with. Example:|"
email_domains_whitelist:"A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users MUST register accounts with. WARNING: Users with email domains other than those listed will not be allowed!"
log_out_strict:"When logging out, log out ALL sessions for the user on all devices"
sso_overrides_email:"Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_username:"Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
sso_overrides_name:"Overrides local full name with external site full name from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes."
sso_overrides_avatar:"Overrides user avatar with external site avatar from SSO payload. If enabled, disabling allow_uploaded_avatars is highly recommended"
suggested_topics:"Number of suggested topics shown at the bottom of a topic."
limit_suggested_to_category:"Only show topics from the current category in suggested topics."
clean_up_uploads:"Remove orphan unreferenced uploads to prevent illegal hosting. WARNING: you may want to back up of your /uploads directory before enabling this setting."
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours:"Grace period (in hours) before an orphan upload is removed."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days:"Grace period (in days) before a deleted upload is erased."
s3_cdn_url:"The CDN URL to use for all s3 assets (for example: WARNING: after changing this setting you must rebake all old posts."
avatar_sizes:"List of automatically generated avatar sizes."
max_image_size_kb:"The maximum image upload size in kB. This must be configured in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well."
max_attachment_size_kb:"The maximum attachment files upload size in kB. This must be configured in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well."
authorized_extensions:"A list of file extensions allowed for upload (use '*' to enable all file types)"
max_similar_results:"How many similar topics to show above the editor when composing a new topic. Comparison is based on title and body."
title_prettify:"Prevent common title typos and errors, including all caps, lowercase first character, multiple ! and ?, extra . at end, etc."
topic_views_heat_low:"After this many views, the views field is slightly highlighted."
topic_views_heat_medium:"After this many views, the views field is moderately highlighted."
topic_views_heat_high:"After this many views, the views field is strongly highlighted."
history_hours_low:"A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator slightly highlighted"
history_hours_medium:"A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator moderately highlighted."
history_hours_high:"A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator strongly highlighted."
topic_post_like_heat_low:"After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is slightly highlighted."
topic_post_like_heat_medium:"After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is moderately highlighted."
topic_post_like_heat_high:"After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is strongly highlighted."
faq_url:"If you have a FAQ hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
tos_url:"If you have a Terms of Service document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
privacy_policy_url:"If you have a Privacy Policy document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here."
white_listed_spam_host_domains:"A list of domains excluded from spam host testing. New users will never be restricted from creating posts with links to these domains."
staff_like_weight:"How much extra weighting factor to give staff likes."
levenshtein_distance_spammer_emails:"When matching spammer emails, number of characters difference that will still allow a fuzzy match."
max_new_accounts_per_registration_ip:"If there are already (n) trust level 0 accounts from this IP (and none is a staff member or at TL2 or higher), stop accepting new signups from that IP."
min_ban_entries_for_roll_up:"When clicking the Roll up button, will create a new subnet ban entry if there are at least (N) entries."
max_age_unmatched_emails:"Delete unmatched screened email entries after (N) days."
max_age_unmatched_ips:"Delete unmatched screened IP entries after (N) days."
num_flaggers_to_close_topic:"Minimum number of unique flaggers that is required to automatically pause a topic for intervention"
num_flags_to_close_topic:"Minimum number of active flags that is required to automatically pause a topic for intervention"
auto_respond_to_flag_actions:"Enable automatic reply when disposing a flag."
min_first_post_typing_time:"Minimum amount of time in milliseconds a user must type during first post, if threshold is not met post will automatically enter the needs approval queue. Set to 0 to disable (not recommended)"
reply_by_email_enabled:"Enable replying to topics via email."
reply_by_email_address:"Template for reply by email incoming email address, for example: %{reply_key} or replies+%{reply_key}"
pop3_polling_enabled:"Poll via POP3 for email replies."
pop3_polling_ssl:"Use SSL while connecting to the POP3 server. (Recommended)"
pop3_polling_period_mins:"The period in minutes between checking the POP3 account for email. NOTE: requires restart."
pop3_polling_port:"The port to poll a POP3 account on."
pop3_polling_host:"The host to poll for email via POP3."
pop3_polling_username:"The username for the POP3 account to poll for email."
pop3_polling_password:"The password for the POP3 account to poll for email."
email_in_min_trust:"The minimum trust level a user needs to have to be allowed to post new topics via email."
email_prefix:"The [label] used in the subject of emails. It will default to 'title' if not set."
email_site_title:"The title of the site used as the sender of emails from the site. Default to 'title' if not set. If your 'title' contains characters that are not allowed in email sender strings, use this setting."
minimum_topics_similar:"How many topics need to exist before similar topics are presented when composing new topics."
relative_date_duration:"Number of days after posting where post dates will be shown as relative (7d) instead of absolute (20 Feb)."
delete_user_max_post_age:"Don't allow deleting users whose first post is older than (x) days."
email_editable:"Allow users to change their e-mail address after registration."
public_user_custom_fields:"A whitelist of custom fields for a user that can be shown publicly."
staff_user_custom_fields:"A whitelist of custom fields for a user that can be shown to staff."
enable_user_directory:"Provide a directory of users for browsing"
allow_anonymous_posting:"Allow users to switch to anonymous mode"
anonymous_posting_min_trust_level:"Minimum trust level required to enable anonymous posting"
anonymous_account_duration_minutes:"To protect anonymity create a new anonymous account every N minutes for each user. Example: if set to 600, as soon as 600 minutes elapse from last post AND user switches to anon, a new anonymous account is created."
allow_profile_backgrounds:"Allow users to upload profile backgrounds."
enable_mobile_theme:"Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive."
dominating_topic_minimum_percent:"What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before being reminded about overly dominating a topic."
suppress_uncategorized_badge:"Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists."
global_notice:"Display an URGENT, EMERGENCY global banner notice to all visitors, change to blank to hide it (HTML allowed)."
disable_edit_notifications:"Disables edit notifications by the system user when 'download_remote_images_to_local' is active."
short_progress_text_threshold:"After the number of posts in a topic goes above this number, the progress bar will only show the current post number. If you change the progress bar's width, you may need to change this value."
default_code_lang:"Default programming language syntax highlighting applied to GitHub code blocks (lang-auto, ruby, python etc.)"
warn_reviving_old_topic_age:"When someone starts replying to a topic where the last reply is older than this many days, a warning will be displayed. Disable by setting to 0."
autohighlight_all_code:"Force apply code highlighting to all preformatted code blocks even when they didn't explicitly specify the language."
embed_truncate:"Truncate the embedded posts."
embed_post_limit:"Maximum number of posts to embed."
show_create_topics_notice:"If the site has fewer than 5 public topics, show a notice asking admins to create some topics."
prevent_anons_from_downloading_files:"Prevent anonymous users from downloading attachments. WARNING: this will prevent any non-image site assets posted as attachments from working."
auto_close_messages_post_count:"Numri më i lartë i lejueshëm i postimeve të lejuara në një mesazh përpara se të mbyllet automatikisht (0 për ta çaktivizuar)"
auto_close_topics_post_count:"Numri më i lartë i lejueshëm i postimeve të lejuara në një temë përpara se të mbyllet automatikisht (0 për ta çaktivizuar)"
default_topics_automatic_unpin:"Çngjiti temat automatikisht kur përdoruesi arrin fundin e faqes, e paracaktuar."
pinned_enabled:"This topic is now pinned. It will appear at the top of its category until it is unpinned by staff for everyone, or by individual users for themselves."
pinned_disabled:"This topic is now unpinned. It will no longer appear at the top of its category."
pinned_globally_enabled:"This topic is now pinned globally. It will appear at the top of its category and all topic lists until it is unpinned by staff for everyone, or by individual users for themselves."
pinned_globally_disabled:"This topic is now unpinned. It will no longer appear at the top of its category."
visible_enabled:"This topic is now listed. It will be displayed in topic lists."
visible_disabled:"This topic is now unlisted. It will no longer be displayed in any topic lists. The only way to access this topic is via direct link."
not_approved:"Your account hasn't been approved yet. You will be notified by email when you are ready to log in."
incorrect_username_email_or_password:"Incorrect username, email or password"
wait_approval:"Thanks for signing up. We will notify you when your account has been approved."
active:"Your account is activated and ready to use."
not_activated:"You can't log in yet. We sent an activation email to you. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account."
off_topic:"Your post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post."
inappropriate:"Your post was flagged as **inappropriate**: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of [our community guidelines](/guidelines)."
spam:"Your post was flagged as **spam**: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected."
notify_moderators:"Your post was flagged **for moderator attention**: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member."
text_body_template:"The `download_remote_images_to_local` setting was disabled because the disk space limit at `download_remote_images_threshold` was reached."
Kjo stemë jepet kur shpërdan një lidhje që është klikuar nga 25 vizitorë të jashtëm. Faleminderit që keni përhapur fjalën rreth bisedave tona, dhe këtij komuniteti.
Kjo stemë jepet kur për herë të parë ju pëlqeni një postim duke përdorur butonin :heart:. Të pëlqyerit e një postimi është një mënyrë shumë e mirë për t'u bërë të ditur anëtarëve të tjerë që postimi i tyre ishte interesant, i dobishëm, fantastik apo zbavitës. Shpërndaj dashuri!
Kjo stemë jepet kur për herë të parë ju ndani një lidhje tek një përgjigje apo temë duke përdorur butonin e shpërndarjes. Të ndarët e lidhjeve është të tregosh biseda interesante me pjesën tjetër të botës dhe të rritësh komunitetitn tënd.
Kjo stemë jepet kur për herë të parë shtoni një lidhje tek një temë tjetër. Duke lidhur tema ndihmoni lexuesit e tjerë të gjejnë biseda interesante që kanë lidhje, duke shfaqur lidhjen midisi temave nga të dyja anët. Shtoni lidhje lirisht!
Kjo stemë jepet për herën e parë kur lexoni një temë të gjatë me më tepër se 100 përgjigje. Kur lexon një bisedë ndihmon në ndjekjen e diskutimit, kupton këndvështrimet e ndryshme, dhe çon në biseda më interesante. Sa më shumë lexon, aq më e mirë bëhet biseda. Siç na pëlqen ta themi, të Lexuarit është Themelore! :slight_smile:
description:Postoi një lidhje të jashtme që mori 300 klikime
Kjo stemë jepet kur një lidhje që shpërndatë merr 300 klikime. Faleminderit që postuat një lidhje interesante që e shpuri bisedën përpara dhe ndezi diskutimin!
description:Postoi një lidhje të jashtme që mori 1000 klikime
Kjo stemë jepet kur një lidhje që shpërndani merr 1000 klikime. Uau! Ju postuat një lidhje që ka përmirësuar bisedën duke shtuar detaje të rëndësishme, kontekst, dhe të dhëna. Punë e paqme!
Kjo stemë jepet kur merrni të paktën 5 pëlqime në 300 postime të ndryshme. Uau! Komuniteti e admiron mundin e shpeshtë dhe të një cilësie të lartë për bisedimet këtu.
Kjo stemë jepet kur ju përdorni të gjitha nga 50 pëlqimet tuaja ditore. Kur kujtohesh të gjesh kohë dhe të pelqesh postimet që ju pëlqejnë dhe vlerësoni, nxit anëtarët e komunitetit të krijojnë akoma më shumë biseda të mira në të ardhmen.
description:Ka pëlqyer 20 postime dhe ka dhënë 10 pëlqime
Kjo stemë jepet kur keni 20 postime të pelqyera dhe jepni 10 apo më shumë pëlqime në këmbim. Kur dikush pëlqen postimet tuaja, ju gjeni kohën të pëlqeni çfarë të tjerët postojnë, gjithashtu.