2020-09-02 15:14:48 +02:00
/ *
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
Highlight . js 10.7 . 3 ( 0 c4cc8a1 )
2020-09-02 15:14:48 +02:00
License : BSD - 3 - Clause
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
Copyright ( c ) 2006 - 2021 , Ivan Sagalaev
2020-09-02 15:14:48 +02:00
* /
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
var hljs = function ( ) { "use strict" ; function e ( t ) {
return t instanceof Map ? t . clear = t . delete = t . set = ( ) => {
throw Error ( "map is read-only" ) } : t instanceof Set && ( t . add = t . clear = t . delete = ( ) => {
throw Error ( "set is read-only" )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) , Object . freeze ( t ) , Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( t ) . forEach ( ( n => { var i = t [ n ]
; "object" != typeof i || Object . isFrozen ( i ) || e ( i ) } ) ) , t } var t = e , n = e ; t . default = n
; class i { constructor ( e ) {
void 0 === e . data && ( e . data = { } ) , this . data = e . data , this . isMatchIgnored = ! 1 }
ignoreMatch ( ) { this . isMatchIgnored = ! 0 } } function s ( e ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
return e . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( /"/g , """ ) . replace ( /'/g , "'" )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} function a ( e , ... t ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) ; for ( const t in e ) n [ t ] = e [ t ]
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; return t . forEach ( ( e => { for ( const t in e ) n [ t ] = e [ t ] } ) ) , n } const r = e => ! ! e . kind
; class l { constructor ( e , t ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
this . buffer = "" , this . classPrefix = t . classPrefix , e . walk ( this ) } addText ( e ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
this . buffer += s ( e ) } openNode ( e ) { if ( ! r ( e ) ) return ; let t = e . kind
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; e . sublanguage || ( t = ` ${ this . classPrefix } ${ t } ` ) , this . span ( t ) } closeNode ( e ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
r ( e ) && ( this . buffer += "</span>" ) } value ( ) { return this . buffer } span ( e ) {
this . buffer += ` <span class=" ${ e } "> ` } } class o { constructor ( ) { this . rootNode = {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
children : [ ] } , this . stack = [ this . rootNode ] } get top ( ) {
return this . stack [ this . stack . length - 1 ] } get root ( ) { return this . rootNode } add ( e ) {
this . top . children . push ( e ) } openNode ( e ) { const t = { kind : e , children : [ ] }
; this . add ( t ) , this . stack . push ( t ) } closeNode ( ) {
if ( this . stack . length > 1 ) return this . stack . pop ( ) } closeAllNodes ( ) {
for ( ; this . closeNode ( ) ; ) ; } toJSON ( ) { return JSON . stringify ( this . rootNode , null , 4 ) }
walk ( e ) { return this . constructor . _walk ( e , this . rootNode ) } static _walk ( e , t ) {
return "string" == typeof t ? e . addText ( t ) : t . children && ( e . openNode ( t ) ,
t . children . forEach ( ( t => this . _walk ( e , t ) ) ) , e . closeNode ( t ) ) , e } static _collapse ( e ) {
"string" != typeof e && e . children && ( e . children . every ( ( e => "string" == typeof e ) ) ? e . children = [ e . children . join ( "" ) ] : e . children . forEach ( ( e => {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
o . _collapse ( e ) } ) ) ) } } class c extends o { constructor ( e ) { super ( ) , this . options = e }
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
addKeyword ( e , t ) { "" !== e && ( this . openNode ( t ) , this . addText ( e ) , this . closeNode ( ) ) }
addText ( e ) { "" !== e && this . add ( e ) } addSublanguage ( e , t ) { const n = e . root
; n . kind = t , n . sublanguage = ! 0 , this . add ( n ) } toHTML ( ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
return new l ( this , this . options ) . value ( ) } finalize ( ) { return ! 0 } } function g ( e ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
const u = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./ , h = "[a-zA-Z]\\w*" , d = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" , f = "\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?" , p = "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)" , m = "\\b(0b[01]+)" , b = {
begin : "\\\\[\\s\\S]" , relevance : 0 } , E = { className : "string" , begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
illegal : "\\n" , contains : [ b ] } , x = { className : "string" , begin : '"' , end : '"' ,
illegal : "\\n" , contains : [ b ] } , v = {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
begin : /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , w = ( e , t , n = { } ) => { const i = a ( { className : "comment" , begin : e , end : t , contains : [ ] } , n )
; return i . contains . push ( v ) , i . contains . push ( { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "(?:TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):" , relevance : 0 } ) , i
} , y = w ( "//" , "$" ) , N = w ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" ) , R = w ( "#" , "$" ) ; var _ = Object . freeze ( {
_ _proto _ _ : null , MATCH _NOTHING _RE : /\b\B/ , IDENT _RE : h , UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE : d ,
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
RE _STARTERS _RE : "!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~" ,
SHEBANG : ( e = { } ) => { const t = /^#![ ]*\//
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; return e . binary && ( e . begin = ( ( ... e ) => e . map ( ( e => g ( e ) ) ) . join ( "" ) ) ( t , /.*\b/ , e . binary , /\b.*/ ) ) ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
a ( { className : "meta" , begin : t , end : /$/ , relevance : 0 , "on:begin" : ( e , t ) => {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
0 !== e . index && t . ignoreMatch ( ) } } , e ) } , BACKSLASH _ESCAPE : b , APOS _STRING _MODE : E ,
C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE : N , HASH _COMMENT _MODE : R , NUMBER _MODE : { className : "number" ,
begin : f , relevance : 0 } , C _NUMBER _MODE : { className : "number" , begin : p , relevance : 0 } ,
BINARY _NUMBER _MODE : { className : "number" , begin : m , relevance : 0 } , CSS _NUMBER _MODE : {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
className : "number" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : f + "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?" ,
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
relevance : 0 } , REGEXP _MODE : { begin : /(?=\/[^/\n]*\/)/ , contains : [ { className : "regexp" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : /\// , end : /\/[gimuy]*/ , illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ b , { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ b ] } ] } ] } , TITLE _MODE : { className : "title" , begin : h , relevance : 0
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} , UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE : { className : "title" , begin : d , relevance : 0 } , METHOD _GUARD : {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
begin : "\\.\\s*[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" , relevance : 0 } , END _SAME _AS _BEGIN : e => Object . assign ( e , {
"on:begin" : ( e , t ) => { t . data . _beginMatch = e [ 1 ] } , "on:end" : ( e , t ) => {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
t . data . _beginMatch !== e [ 1 ] && t . ignoreMatch ( ) } } ) } ) ; function k ( e , t ) {
"." === e . input [ e . index - 1 ] && t . ignoreMatch ( ) } function M ( e , t ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
t && e . beginKeywords && ( e . begin = "\\b(" + e . beginKeywords . split ( " " ) . join ( "|" ) + ")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
e . _ _beforeBegin = k , e . keywords = e . keywords || e . beginKeywords , delete e . beginKeywords ,
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void 0 === e . relevance && ( e . relevance = 0 ) ) } function O ( e , t ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
Array . isArray ( e . illegal ) && ( e . illegal = ( ( ... e ) => "(" + e . map ( ( e => g ( e ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" ) ( ... e . illegal ) )
} function A ( e , t ) { if ( e . match ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
if ( e . begin || e . end ) throw Error ( "begin & end are not supported with match" )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; e . begin = e . match , delete e . match } } function L ( e , t ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
void 0 === e . relevance && ( e . relevance = 1 ) }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
const I = [ "of" , "and" , "for" , "in" , "not" , "or" , "if" , "then" , "parent" , "list" , "value" ]
; function j ( e , t , n = "keyword" ) { const i = { }
; return "string" == typeof e ? s ( n , e . split ( " " ) ) : Array . isArray ( e ) ? s ( n , e ) : Object . keys ( e ) . forEach ( ( n => {
Object . assign ( i , j ( e [ n ] , t , n ) ) } ) ) , i ; function s ( e , n ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
t && ( n = n . map ( ( e => e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ) , n . forEach ( ( t => { const n = t . split ( "|" )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; i [ n [ 0 ] ] = [ e , B ( n [ 0 ] , n [ 1 ] ) ] } ) ) } } function B ( e , t ) {
return t ? Number ( t ) : ( e => I . includes ( e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ( e ) ? 0 : 1 }
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function T ( e , { plugins : t } ) { function n ( t , n ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
return RegExp ( g ( t ) , "m" + ( e . case _insensitive ? "i" : "" ) + ( n ? "g" : "" ) ) } class i {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
constructor ( ) {
this . matchIndexes = { } , this . regexes = [ ] , this . matchAt = 1 , this . position = 0 }
addRule ( e , t ) {
t . position = this . position ++ , this . matchIndexes [ this . matchAt ] = t , this . regexes . push ( [ t , e ] ) ,
this . matchAt += ( e => RegExp ( e . toString ( ) + "|" ) . exec ( "" ) . length - 1 ) ( e ) + 1 } compile ( ) {
0 === this . regexes . length && ( this . exec = ( ) => null )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = this . regexes . map ( ( e => e [ 1 ] ) ) ; this . matcherRe = n ( ( ( e , t = "|" ) => { let n = 0
; return e . map ( ( e => { n += 1 ; const t = n ; let i = g ( e ) , s = "" ; for ( ; i . length > 0 ; ) {
const e = u . exec ( i ) ; if ( ! e ) { s += i ; break }
s += i . substring ( 0 , e . index ) , i = i . substring ( e . index + e [ 0 ] . length ) ,
"\\" === e [ 0 ] [ 0 ] && e [ 1 ] ? s += "\\" + ( Number ( e [ 1 ] ) + t ) : ( s += e [ 0 ] , "(" === e [ 0 ] && n ++ ) } return s
} ) ) . map ( ( e => ` ( ${ e } ) ` ) ) . join ( t ) } ) ( e ) , ! 0 ) , this . lastIndex = 0 } exec ( e ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
this . matcherRe . lastIndex = this . lastIndex ; const t = this . matcherRe . exec ( e )
; if ( ! t ) return null
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const n = t . findIndex ( ( ( e , t ) => t > 0 && void 0 !== e ) ) , i = this . matchIndexes [ n ]
; return t . splice ( 0 , n ) , Object . assign ( t , i ) } } class s { constructor ( ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
this . rules = [ ] , this . multiRegexes = [ ] ,
this . count = 0 , this . lastIndex = 0 , this . regexIndex = 0 } getMatcher ( e ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
if ( this . multiRegexes [ e ] ) return this . multiRegexes [ e ] ; const t = new i
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; return this . rules . slice ( e ) . forEach ( ( ( [ e , n ] ) => t . addRule ( e , n ) ) ) ,
t . compile ( ) , this . multiRegexes [ e ] = t , t } resumingScanAtSamePosition ( ) {
return 0 !== this . regexIndex } considerAll ( ) { this . regexIndex = 0 } addRule ( e , t ) {
this . rules . push ( [ e , t ] ) , "begin" === t . type && this . count ++ } exec ( e ) {
const t = this . getMatcher ( this . regexIndex ) ; t . lastIndex = this . lastIndex
; let n = t . exec ( e )
; if ( this . resumingScanAtSamePosition ( ) ) if ( n && n . index === this . lastIndex ) ; else {
const t = this . getMatcher ( 0 ) ; t . lastIndex = this . lastIndex + 1 , n = t . exec ( e ) }
return n && ( this . regexIndex += n . position + 1 ,
this . regexIndex === this . count && this . considerAll ( ) ) , n } }
if ( e . compilerExtensions || ( e . compilerExtensions = [ ] ) ,
e . contains && e . contains . includes ( "self" ) ) throw Error ( "ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation." )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; return e . classNameAliases = a ( e . classNameAliases || { } ) , function t ( i , r ) { const l = i
; if ( i . isCompiled ) return l
; [ A ] . forEach ( ( e => e ( i , r ) ) ) , e . compilerExtensions . forEach ( ( e => e ( i , r ) ) ) ,
i . _ _beforeBegin = null , [ M , O , L ] . forEach ( ( e => e ( i , r ) ) ) , i . isCompiled = ! 0 ; let o = null
; if ( "object" == typeof i . keywords && ( o = i . keywords . $pattern ,
delete i . keywords . $pattern ) ,
i . keywords && ( i . keywords = j ( i . keywords , e . case _insensitive ) ) ,
i . lexemes && o ) throw Error ( "ERR: Prefer `keywords.$pattern` to `mode.lexemes`, BOTH are not allowed. (see mode reference) " )
; return o = o || i . lexemes || /\w+/ ,
l . keywordPatternRe = n ( o , ! 0 ) , r && ( i . begin || ( i . begin = /\B|\b/ ) ,
l . beginRe = n ( i . begin ) , i . endSameAsBegin && ( i . end = i . begin ) ,
i . end || i . endsWithParent || ( i . end = /\B|\b/ ) ,
i . end && ( l . endRe = n ( i . end ) ) , l . terminatorEnd = g ( i . end ) || "" ,
i . endsWithParent && r . terminatorEnd && ( l . terminatorEnd += ( i . end ? "|" : "" ) + r . terminatorEnd ) ) ,
i . illegal && ( l . illegalRe = n ( i . illegal ) ) ,
i . contains || ( i . contains = [ ] ) , i . contains = [ ] . concat ( ... i . contains . map ( ( e => ( e => ( e . variants && ! e . cachedVariants && ( e . cachedVariants = e . variants . map ( ( t => a ( e , {
variants : null } , t ) ) ) ) , e . cachedVariants ? e . cachedVariants : S ( e ) ? a ( e , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
starts : e . starts ? a ( e . starts ) : null
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) : Object . isFrozen ( e ) ? a ( e ) : e ) ) ( "self" === e ? i : e ) ) ) ) , i . contains . forEach ( ( e => { t ( e , l )
} ) ) , i . starts && t ( i . starts , r ) , l . matcher = ( e => { const t = new s
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; return e . contains . forEach ( ( e => t . addRule ( e . begin , { rule : e , type : "begin"
} ) ) ) , e . terminatorEnd && t . addRule ( e . terminatorEnd , { type : "end"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) , e . illegal && t . addRule ( e . illegal , { type : "illegal" } ) , t } ) ( l ) , l } ( e ) } function S ( e ) {
return ! ! e && ( e . endsWithParent || S ( e . starts ) ) } function P ( e ) { const t = {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
props : [ "language" , "code" , "autodetect" ] , data : ( ) => ( { detectedLanguage : "" ,
unknownLanguage : ! 1 } ) , computed : { className ( ) {
return this . unknownLanguage ? "" : "hljs " + this . detectedLanguage } , highlighted ( ) {
if ( ! this . autoDetect && ! e . getLanguage ( this . language ) ) return console . warn ( ` The language " ${ this . language } " you specified could not be found. ` ) ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
this . unknownLanguage = ! 0 , s ( this . code ) ; let t = { }
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; return this . autoDetect ? ( t = e . highlightAuto ( this . code ) ,
this . detectedLanguage = t . language ) : ( t = e . highlight ( this . language , this . code , this . ignoreIllegals ) ,
this . detectedLanguage = this . language ) , t . value } , autoDetect ( ) {
return ! ( this . language && ( e = this . autodetect , ! e && "" !== e ) ) ; var e } ,
ignoreIllegals : ( ) => ! 0 } , render ( e ) { return e ( "pre" , { } , [ e ( "code" , {
class : this . className , domProps : { innerHTML : this . highlighted } } ) ] ) } } ; return {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
Component : t , VuePlugin : { install ( e ) { e . component ( "highlightjs" , t ) } } } } const D = {
"after:highlightElement" : ( { el : e , result : t , text : n } ) => { const i = H ( e )
; if ( ! i . length ) return ; const a = document . createElement ( "div" )
; a . innerHTML = t . value , t . value = ( ( e , t , n ) => { let i = 0 , a = "" ; const r = [ ] ; function l ( ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
return e . length && t . length ? e [ 0 ] . offset !== t [ 0 ] . offset ? e [ 0 ] . offset < t [ 0 ] . offset ? e : t : "start" === t [ 0 ] . event ? e : t : e . length ? e : t
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} function o ( e ) { a += "<" + C ( e ) + [ ] . map . call ( e . attributes , ( function ( e ) {
return " " + e . nodeName + '="' + s ( e . value ) + '"' } ) ) . join ( "" ) + ">" } function c ( e ) {
a += "</" + C ( e ) + ">" } function g ( e ) { ( "start" === e . event ? o : c ) ( e . node ) }
for ( ; e . length || t . length ; ) { let t = l ( )
; if ( a += s ( n . substring ( i , t [ 0 ] . offset ) ) , i = t [ 0 ] . offset , t === e ) { r . reverse ( ) . forEach ( c )
; do { g ( t . splice ( 0 , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) , t = l ( ) } while ( t === e && t . length && t [ 0 ] . offset === i )
; r . reverse ( ) . forEach ( o )
} else "start" === t [ 0 ] . event ? r . push ( t [ 0 ] . node ) : r . pop ( ) , g ( t . splice ( 0 , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) }
return a + s ( n . substr ( i ) ) } ) ( i , H ( a ) , n ) } } ; function C ( e ) {
return e . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) } function H ( e ) { const t = [ ] ; return function e ( n , i ) {
for ( let s = n . firstChild ; s ; s = s . nextSibling ) 3 === s . nodeType ? i += s . nodeValue . length : 1 === s . nodeType && ( t . push ( {
event : "start" , offset : i , node : s } ) , i = e ( s , i ) , C ( s ) . match ( /br|hr|img|input/ ) || t . push ( {
event : "stop" , offset : i , node : s } ) ) ; return i } ( e , 0 ) , t } const $ = { } , U = e => {
console . error ( e ) } , z = ( e , ... t ) => { console . log ( "WARN: " + e , ... t ) } , K = ( e , t ) => {
$ [ ` ${ e } / ${ t } ` ] || ( console . log ( ` Deprecated as of ${ e } . ${ t } ` ) , $ [ ` ${ e } / ${ t } ` ] = ! 0 )
} , G = s , V = a , W = Symbol ( "nomatch" ) ; return ( e => {
const n = Object . create ( null ) , s = Object . create ( null ) , a = [ ] ; let r = ! 0
; const l = /(^(<[^>]+>|\t|)+|\n)/gm , o = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?" , g = {
disableAutodetect : ! 0 , name : "Plain text" , contains : [ ] } ; let u = {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
noHighlightRe : /^(no-?highlight)$/i ,
languageDetectRe : /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i , classPrefix : "hljs-" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
tabReplace : null , useBR : ! 1 , languages : null , _ _emitter : c } ; function h ( e ) {
return u . noHighlightRe . test ( e ) } function d ( e , t , n , i ) { let s = "" , a = ""
; "object" == typeof t ? ( s = e ,
n = t . ignoreIllegals , a = t . language , i = void 0 ) : ( K ( "10.7.0" , "highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated." ) ,
K ( "10.7.0" , "Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\nhttps://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277" ) ,
a = e , s = t ) ; const r = { code : s , language : a } ; M ( "before:highlight" , r )
; const l = r . result ? r . result : f ( r . language , r . code , n , i )
; return l . code = r . code , M ( "after:highlight" , l ) , l } function f ( e , t , s , l ) {
function c ( e , t ) { const n = v . case _insensitive ? t [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) : t [ 0 ]
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e . keywords , n ) && e . keywords [ n ] }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
function g ( ) { null != R . subLanguage ? ( ( ) => { if ( "" === M ) return ; let e = null
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; if ( "string" == typeof R . subLanguage ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
if ( ! n [ R . subLanguage ] ) return void k . addText ( M )
; e = f ( R . subLanguage , M , ! 0 , _ [ R . subLanguage ] ) , _ [ R . subLanguage ] = e . top
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} else e = p ( M , R . subLanguage . length ? R . subLanguage : null )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; R . relevance > 0 && ( O += e . relevance ) , k . addSublanguage ( e . emitter , e . language )
} ) ( ) : ( ( ) => { if ( ! R . keywords ) return void k . addText ( M ) ; let e = 0
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; R . keywordPatternRe . lastIndex = 0 ; let t = R . keywordPatternRe . exec ( M ) , n = "" ; for ( ; t ; ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
n += M . substring ( e , t . index ) ; const i = c ( R , t ) ; if ( i ) { const [ e , s ] = i
; if ( k . addText ( n ) , n = "" , O += s , e . startsWith ( "_" ) ) n += t [ 0 ] ; else {
const n = v . classNameAliases [ e ] || e ; k . addKeyword ( t [ 0 ] , n ) } } else n += t [ 0 ]
; e = R . keywordPatternRe . lastIndex , t = R . keywordPatternRe . exec ( M ) }
n += M . substr ( e ) , k . addText ( n ) } ) ( ) , M = "" } function h ( e ) {
return e . className && k . openNode ( v . classNameAliases [ e . className ] || e . className ) ,
R = Object . create ( e , { parent : { value : R } } ) , R } function d ( e , t , n ) { let s = ( ( e , t ) => {
const n = e && e . exec ( t ) ; return n && 0 === n . index } ) ( e . endRe , n ) ; if ( s ) { if ( e [ "on:end" ] ) {
const n = new i ( e ) ; e [ "on:end" ] ( t , n ) , n . isMatchIgnored && ( s = ! 1 ) } if ( s ) {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
for ( ; e . endsParent && e . parent ; ) e = e . parent ; return e } }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
if ( e . endsWithParent ) return d ( e . parent , t , n ) } function m ( e ) {
return 0 === R . matcher . regexIndex ? ( M += e [ 0 ] , 1 ) : ( I = ! 0 , 0 ) } function b ( e ) {
const n = e [ 0 ] , i = t . substr ( e . index ) , s = d ( R , e , i ) ; if ( ! s ) return W ; const a = R
; a . skip ? M += n : ( a . returnEnd || a . excludeEnd || ( M += n ) , g ( ) , a . excludeEnd && ( M = n ) ) ; do {
R . className && k . closeNode ( ) , R . skip || R . subLanguage || ( O += R . relevance ) , R = R . parent
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} while ( R !== s . parent )
; return s . starts && ( s . endSameAsBegin && ( s . starts . endRe = s . endRe ) ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
h ( s . starts ) ) , a . returnEnd ? 0 : n . length } let E = { } ; function x ( n , a ) { const l = a && a [ 0 ]
; if ( M += n , null == l ) return g ( ) , 0
; if ( "begin" === E . type && "end" === a . type && E . index === a . index && "" === l ) {
if ( M += t . slice ( a . index , a . index + 1 ) , ! r ) { const t = Error ( "0 width match regex" )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; throw t . languageName = e , t . badRule = E . rule , t } return 1 }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
if ( E = a , "begin" === a . type ) return function ( e ) {
const t = e [ 0 ] , n = e . rule , s = new i ( n ) , a = [ n . _ _beforeBegin , n [ "on:begin" ] ]
; for ( const n of a ) if ( n && ( n ( e , s ) , s . isMatchIgnored ) ) return m ( t )
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; return n && n . endSameAsBegin && ( n . endRe = RegExp ( t . replace ( /[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g , "\\$&" ) , "m" ) ) ,
n . skip ? M += t : ( n . excludeBegin && ( M += t ) ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
g ( ) , n . returnBegin || n . excludeBegin || ( M = t ) ) , h ( n ) , n . returnBegin ? 0 : t . length } ( a )
; if ( "illegal" === a . type && ! s ) {
const e = Error ( 'Illegal lexeme "' + l + '" for mode "' + ( R . className || "<unnamed>" ) + '"' )
; throw e . mode = R , e } if ( "end" === a . type ) { const e = b ( a ) ; if ( e !== W ) return e }
if ( "illegal" === a . type && "" === l ) return 1
; if ( L > 1e5 && L > 3 * a . index ) throw Error ( "potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches" )
; return M += l , l . length } const v = N ( e )
; if ( ! v ) throw U ( o . replace ( "{}" , e ) ) , Error ( 'Unknown language: "' + e + '"' )
; const w = T ( v , { plugins : a } ) ; let y = "" , R = l || w ; const _ = { } , k = new u . _ _emitter ( u ) ; ( ( ) => {
const e = [ ] ; for ( let t = R ; t !== v ; t = t . parent ) t . className && e . unshift ( t . className )
; e . forEach ( ( e => k . openNode ( e ) ) ) } ) ( ) ; let M = "" , O = 0 , A = 0 , L = 0 , I = ! 1 ; try {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
for ( R . matcher . considerAll ( ) ; ; ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
L ++ , I ? I = ! 1 : R . matcher . considerAll ( ) , R . matcher . lastIndex = A
; const e = R . matcher . exec ( t ) ; if ( ! e ) break ; const n = x ( t . substring ( A , e . index ) , e )
; A = e . index + n } return x ( t . substr ( A ) ) , k . closeAllNodes ( ) , k . finalize ( ) , y = k . toHTML ( ) , {
relevance : Math . floor ( O ) , value : y , language : e , illegal : ! 1 , emitter : k , top : R } } catch ( n ) {
if ( n . message && n . message . includes ( "Illegal" ) ) return { illegal : ! 0 , illegalBy : {
msg : n . message , context : t . slice ( A - 100 , A + 100 ) , mode : n . mode } , sofar : y , relevance : 0 ,
value : G ( t ) , emitter : k } ; if ( r ) return { illegal : ! 1 , relevance : 0 , value : G ( t ) , emitter : k ,
language : e , top : R , errorRaised : n } ; throw n } } function p ( e , t ) {
t = t || u . languages || Object . keys ( n ) ; const i = ( e => { const t = { relevance : 0 ,
emitter : new u . _ _emitter ( u ) , value : G ( e ) , illegal : ! 1 , top : g }
; return t . emitter . addText ( e ) , t } ) ( e ) , s = t . filter ( N ) . filter ( k ) . map ( ( t => f ( t , e , ! 1 ) ) )
; s . unshift ( i ) ; const a = s . sort ( ( ( e , t ) => {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
if ( e . relevance !== t . relevance ) return t . relevance - e . relevance
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; if ( e . language && t . language ) { if ( N ( e . language ) . supersetOf === t . language ) return 1
; if ( N ( t . language ) . supersetOf === e . language ) return - 1 } return 0 } ) ) , [ r , l ] = a , o = r
; return o . second _best = l , o } const m = { "before:highlightElement" : ( { el : e } ) => {
u . useBR && ( e . innerHTML = e . innerHTML . replace ( /\n/g , "" ) . replace ( /<br[ /]*>/g , "\n" ) )
} , "after:highlightElement" : ( { result : e } ) => {
u . useBR && ( e . value = e . value . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ) } } , b = /^(<[^>]+>|\t)+/gm , E = {
"after:highlightElement" : ( { result : e } ) => {
u . tabReplace && ( e . value = e . value . replace ( b , ( e => e . replace ( /\t/g , u . tabReplace ) ) ) ) } }
; function x ( e ) { let t = null ; const n = ( e => { let t = e . className + " "
; t += e . parentNode ? e . parentNode . className : "" ; const n = u . languageDetectRe . exec ( t )
; if ( n ) { const t = N ( n [ 1 ] )
; return t || ( z ( o . replace ( "{}" , n [ 1 ] ) ) , z ( "Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block." , e ) ) ,
t ? n [ 1 ] : "no-highlight" } return t . split ( /\s+/ ) . find ( ( e => h ( e ) || N ( e ) ) ) } ) ( e )
; if ( h ( n ) ) return ; M ( "before:highlightElement" , { el : e , language : n } ) , t = e
; const i = t . textContent , a = n ? d ( i , { language : n , ignoreIllegals : ! 0 } ) : p ( i )
; M ( "after:highlightElement" , { el : e , result : a , text : i
} ) , e . innerHTML = a . value , ( ( e , t , n ) => { const i = t ? s [ t ] : n
; e . classList . add ( "hljs" ) , i && e . classList . add ( i ) } ) ( e , n , a . language ) , e . result = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
language : a . language , re : a . relevance , relavance : a . relevance
} , a . second _best && ( e . second _best = { language : a . second _best . language ,
re : a . second _best . relevance , relavance : a . second _best . relevance } ) } const v = ( ) => {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
v . called || ( v . called = ! 0 ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
K ( "10.6.0" , "initHighlighting() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead." ) ,
document . querySelectorAll ( "pre code" ) . forEach ( x ) ) } ; let w = ! 1 ; function y ( ) {
"loading" !== document . readyState ? document . querySelectorAll ( "pre code" ) . forEach ( x ) : w = ! 0
} function N ( e ) { return e = ( e || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) , n [ e ] || n [ s [ e ] ] }
function R ( e , { languageName : t } ) { "string" == typeof e && ( e = [ e ] ) , e . forEach ( ( e => {
s [ e . toLowerCase ( ) ] = t } ) ) } function k ( e ) { const t = N ( e )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return t && ! t . disableAutodetect } function M ( e , t ) { const n = e ; a . forEach ( ( e => {
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
e [ n ] && e [ n ] ( t ) } ) ) }
"undefined" != typeof window && window . addEventListener && window . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , ( ( ) => {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
w && y ( ) } ) , ! 1 ) , Object . assign ( e , { highlight : d , highlightAuto : p , highlightAll : y ,
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
fixMarkup : e => {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
return K ( "10.2.0" , "fixMarkup will be removed entirely in v11.0" ) , K ( "10.2.0" , "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2534" ) ,
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
t = e ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
u . tabReplace || u . useBR ? t . replace ( l , ( e => "\n" === e ? u . useBR ? "<br>" : e : u . tabReplace ? e . replace ( /\t/g , u . tabReplace ) : e ) ) : t
; var t } , highlightElement : x ,
highlightBlock : e => ( K ( "10.7.0" , "highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0" ) ,
K ( "10.7.0" , "Please use highlightElement now." ) , x ( e ) ) , configure : e => {
e . useBR && ( K ( "10.3.0" , "'useBR' will be removed entirely in v11.0" ) ,
K ( "10.3.0" , "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2559" ) ) ,
u = V ( u , e ) } , initHighlighting : v , initHighlightingOnLoad : ( ) => {
K ( "10.6.0" , "initHighlightingOnLoad() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead." ) ,
w = ! 0 } , registerLanguage : ( t , i ) => { let s = null ; try { s = i ( e ) } catch ( e ) {
if ( U ( "Language definition for '{}' could not be registered." . replace ( "{}" , t ) ) ,
! r ) throw e ; U ( e ) , s = g }
s . name || ( s . name = t ) , n [ t ] = s , s . rawDefinition = i . bind ( null , e ) , s . aliases && R ( s . aliases , {
languageName : t } ) } , unregisterLanguage : e => { delete n [ e ]
; for ( const t of Object . keys ( s ) ) s [ t ] === e && delete s [ t ] } ,
listLanguages : ( ) => Object . keys ( n ) , getLanguage : N , registerAliases : R ,
requireLanguage : e => {
K ( "10.4.0" , "requireLanguage will be removed entirely in v11." ) ,
K ( "10.4.0" , "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/pull/2844" )
; const t = N ( e ) ; if ( t ) return t
2021-03-10 11:35:00 -05:00
; throw Error ( "The '{}' language is required, but not loaded." . replace ( "{}" , e ) ) } ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
autoDetection : k , inherit : V , addPlugin : e => { ( e => {
e [ "before:highlightBlock" ] && ! e [ "before:highlightElement" ] && ( e [ "before:highlightElement" ] = t => {
e [ "before:highlightBlock" ] ( Object . assign ( { block : t . el } , t ) )
} ) , e [ "after:highlightBlock" ] && ! e [ "after:highlightElement" ] && ( e [ "after:highlightElement" ] = t => {
e [ "after:highlightBlock" ] ( Object . assign ( { block : t . el } , t ) ) } ) } ) ( e ) , a . push ( e ) } ,
vuePlugin : P ( e ) . VuePlugin } ) , e . debugMode = ( ) => { r = ! 1 } , e . safeMode = ( ) => { r = ! 0
} , e . versionString = "10.7.3" ; for ( const e in _ ) "object" == typeof _ [ e ] && t ( _ [ e ] )
; return Object . assign ( e , _ ) , e . addPlugin ( m ) , e . addPlugin ( D ) , e . addPlugin ( E ) , e } ) ( { } )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} ( ) ; "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module && ( module . exports = hljs ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "apache" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const n = {
className : "number" , begin : /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(:\d{1,5})?/ }
; return { name : "Apache config" , aliases : [ "apacheconf" ] , case _insensitive : ! 0 ,
contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "section" , begin : /<\/?/ , end : />/ ,
contains : [ n , { className : "number" , begin : /:\d{1,5}/
} , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { relevance : 0 } ) ] } , { className : "attribute" ,
begin : /\w+/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : {
nomarkup : "order deny allow setenv rewriterule rewriteengine rewritecond documentroot sethandler errordocument loadmodule options header listen serverroot servername"
} , starts : { end : /$/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : { literal : "on off all deny allow" } ,
contains : [ { className : "meta" , begin : /\s\[/ , end : /\]$/ } , { className : "variable" ,
begin : /[\$%]\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : [ "self" , { className : "number" , begin : /[$%]\d+/ } ]
} , n , { className : "number" , begin : /\d+/ } , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] } } ] , illegal : /\S/ } }
} ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "bash" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( ... e ) {
return e . map ( ( e => { return ( s = e ) ? "string" == typeof s ? s : s . source : null ; var s
} ) ) . join ( "" ) } return s => { const n = { } , t = { begin : /\$\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : [ "self" , {
begin : /:-/ , contains : [ n ] } ] } ; Object . assign ( n , { className : "variable" , variants : [ {
begin : e ( /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/ , "(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])" ) } , t ] } ) ; const a = {
className : "subst" , begin : /\$\(/ , end : /\)/ , contains : [ s . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , i = {
begin : /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/ , starts : { contains : [ s . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /(\w+)/ ,
end : /(\w+)/ , className : "string" } ) ] } } , c = { className : "string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ s . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , n , a ] } ; a . contains . push ( c ) ; const o = { begin : /\$\(\(/ ,
end : /\)\)/ , contains : [ { begin : /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/ , className : "number" } , s . NUMBER _MODE , n ]
} , r = s . SHEBANG ( { binary : "(fish|bash|zsh|sh|csh|ksh|tcsh|dash|scsh)" , relevance : 10
} ) , l = { className : "function" , begin : /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/ , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ s . inherit ( s . TITLE _MODE , { begin : /\w[\w\d_]*/ } ) ] , relevance : 0 } ; return {
name : "Bash" , aliases : [ "sh" , "zsh" ] , keywords : { $pattern : /\b[a-z._-]+\b/ ,
keyword : "if then else elif fi for while in do done case esac function" ,
literal : "true false" ,
built _in : "break cd continue eval exec exit export getopts hash pwd readonly return shift test times trap umask unset alias bind builtin caller command declare echo enable help let local logout mapfile printf read readarray source type typeset ulimit unalias set shopt autoload bg bindkey bye cap chdir clone comparguments compcall compctl compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote comptags comptry compvalues dirs disable disown echotc echoti emulate fc fg float functions getcap getln history integer jobs kill limit log noglob popd print pushd pushln rehash sched setcap setopt stat suspend ttyctl unfunction unhash unlimit unsetopt vared wait whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse zsocket zstyle ztcp"
} , contains : [ r , s . SHEBANG ( ) , l , o , s . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , i , c , { className : "" , begin : /\\"/
} , { className : "string" , begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , n ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "c" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return ( ( ... e ) => e . map ( ( e => ( e => e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null ) ( e ) ) ) . join ( "" ) ) ( "(" , e , ")?" )
} return t => { const n = t . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" , { contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ } ]
} ) , r = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::" , a = "(decltype\\(auto\\)|" + e ( r ) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + e ( "<[^<>]+>" ) + ")" , i = {
className : "keyword" , begin : "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" } , s = { className : "string" ,
variants : [ { begin : '(u8?|U|L)?"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" ,
contains : [ t . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , {
begin : "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)" ,
end : "'" , illegal : "." } , t . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
begin : /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/ , end : /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ } ) ] } , o = {
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)"
} , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
} ] , relevance : 0 } , c = { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ , keywords : {
"meta-keyword" : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , t . inherit ( s , { className : "meta-string" } ) , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
className : "meta-string" , begin : /<.*?>/ } , n , t . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , l = {
className : "title" , begin : e ( r ) + t . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0
} , d = e ( r ) + t . IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , u = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
keyword : "int float while private char char8_t char16_t char32_t catch import module export virtual operator sizeof dynamic_cast|10 typedef const_cast|10 const for static_cast|10 union namespace unsigned long volatile static protected bool template mutable if public friend do goto auto void enum else break extern using asm case typeid wchar_t short reinterpret_cast|10 default double register explicit signed typename try this switch continue inline delete alignas alignof constexpr consteval constinit decltype concept co_await co_return co_yield requires noexcept static_assert thread_local restrict final override atomic_bool atomic_char atomic_schar atomic_uchar atomic_short atomic_ushort atomic_int atomic_uint atomic_long atomic_ulong atomic_llong atomic_ullong new throw return and and_eq bitand bitor compl not not_eq or or_eq xor xor_eq" ,
built _in : "std string wstring cin cout cerr clog stdin stdout stderr stringstream istringstream ostringstream auto_ptr deque list queue stack vector map set pair bitset multiset multimap unordered_set unordered_map unordered_multiset unordered_multimap priority_queue make_pair array shared_ptr abort terminate abs acos asin atan2 atan calloc ceil cosh cos exit exp fabs floor fmod fprintf fputs free frexp fscanf future isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper labs ldexp log10 log malloc realloc memchr memcmp memcpy memset modf pow printf putchar puts scanf sinh sin snprintf sprintf sqrt sscanf strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr tanh tan vfprintf vprintf vsprintf endl initializer_list unique_ptr _Bool complex _Complex imaginary _Imaginary" ,
literal : "true false nullptr NULL" } , m = [ c , i , n , t . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , s ] , p = {
variants : [ { begin : /=/ , end : /;/ } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } , {
beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , end : /;/ } ] , keywords : u , contains : m . concat ( [ {
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u , contains : m . concat ( [ "self" ] ) , relevance : 0 } ] ) ,
relevance : 0 } , _ = { className : "function" , begin : "(" + a + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + d ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : u , illegal : /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/ ,
contains : [ { begin : "decltype\\(auto\\)" , keywords : u , relevance : 0 } , { begin : d ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ l ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : u , relevance : 0 , contains : [ n , t . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , s , o , i , {
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ "self" , n , t . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , s , o , i ] } ]
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , i , n , t . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c ] } ; return { name : "C" , aliases : [ "h" ] , keywords : u ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
disableAutodetect : ! 0 , illegal : "</" , contains : [ ] . concat ( p , _ , m , [ c , {
begin : "\\b(deque|list|queue|priority_queue|pair|stack|vector|map|set|bitset|multiset|multimap|unordered_map|unordered_set|unordered_multiset|unordered_multimap|array)\\s*<" ,
end : ">" , keywords : u , contains : [ "self" , i ] } , { begin : t . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : u } , {
className : "class" , beginKeywords : "enum class struct union" , end : /[{;:<>=]/ ,
contains : [ { beginKeywords : "final class struct" } , t . TITLE _MODE ] } ] ) , exports : {
preprocessor : c , strings : s , keywords : u } } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "coffeescript" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = [ "as" , "in" , "of" , "if" , "for" , "while" , "finally" , "var" , "new" , "function" , "do" , "return" , "void" , "else" , "break" , "catch" , "instanceof" , "with" , "throw" , "case" , "default" , "try" , "switch" , "continue" , "typeof" , "delete" , "let" , "yield" , "const" , "class" , "debugger" , "async" , "await" , "static" , "import" , "from" , "export" , "extends" ] , n = [ "true" , "false" , "null" , "undefined" , "NaN" , "Infinity" ] , a = [ ] . concat ( [ "setInterval" , "setTimeout" , "clearInterval" , "clearTimeout" , "require" , "exports" , "eval" , "isFinite" , "isNaN" , "parseFloat" , "parseInt" , "decodeURI" , "decodeURIComponent" , "encodeURI" , "encodeURIComponent" , "escape" , "unescape" ] , [ "arguments" , "this" , "super" , "console" , "window" , "document" , "localStorage" , "module" , "global" ] , [ "Intl" , "DataView" , "Number" , "Math" , "Date" , "String" , "RegExp" , "Object" , "Function" , "Boolean" , "Error" , "Symbol" , "Set" , "Map" , "WeakSet" , "WeakMap" , "Proxy" , "Reflect" , "JSON" , "Promise" , "Float64Array" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Int8Array" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "Float32Array" , "Array" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "ArrayBuffer" , "BigInt64Array" , "BigUint64Array" , "BigInt" ] , [ "EvalError" , "InternalError" , "RangeError" , "ReferenceError" , "SyntaxError" , "TypeError" , "URIError" ] )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return r => { const t = {
keyword : e . concat ( [ "then" , "unless" , "until" , "loop" , "by" , "when" , "and" , "or" , "is" , "isnt" , "not" ] ) . filter ( ( i = [ "var" , "const" , "let" , "function" , "static" ] ,
e => ! i . includes ( e ) ) ) , literal : n . concat ( [ "yes" , "no" , "on" , "off" ] ) ,
built _in : a . concat ( [ "npm" , "print" ] ) } ; var i ; const s = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*" , o = {
className : "subst" , begin : /#\{/ , end : /\}/ , keywords : t
} , c = [ r . BINARY _NUMBER _MODE , r . inherit ( r . C _NUMBER _MODE , { starts : { end : "(\\s*/)?" ,
relevance : 0 } } ) , { className : "string" , variants : [ { begin : /'''/ , end : /'''/ ,
contains : [ r . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ , contains : [ r . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ]
} , { begin : /"""/ , end : /"""/ , contains : [ r . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , o ] } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ r . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , o ] } ] } , { className : "regexp" , variants : [ { begin : "///" ,
end : "///" , contains : [ o , r . HASH _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { begin : "//[gim]{0,3}(?=\\W)" ,
relevance : 0 } , { begin : /\/(?![ *]).*?(?![\\]).\/[gim]{0,3}(?=\W)/ } ] } , { begin : "@" + s
} , { subLanguage : "javascript" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , variants : [ {
begin : "```" , end : "```" } , { begin : "`" , end : "`" } ] } ] ; o . contains = c
; const l = r . inherit ( r . TITLE _MODE , { begin : s } ) , d = "(\\(.*\\)\\s*)?\\B[-=]>" , g = {
className : "params" , begin : "\\([^\\(]" , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ { begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : t , contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( c ) } ] } ; return { name : "CoffeeScript" ,
aliases : [ "coffee" , "cson" , "iced" ] , keywords : t , illegal : /\/\*/ ,
contains : c . concat ( [ r . COMMENT ( "###" , "###" ) , r . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , {
className : "function" , begin : "^\\s*" + s + "\\s*=\\s*" + d , end : "[-=]>" , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ l , g ] } , { begin : /[:\(,=]\s*/ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "function" ,
begin : d , end : "[-=]>" , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ g ] } ] } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "class" , end : "$" , illegal : /[:="\[\]]/ , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "extends" , endsWithParent : ! 0 , illegal : /[:="\[\]]/ , contains : [ l ] } , l ]
} , { begin : s + ":" , end : ":" , returnBegin : ! 0 , returnEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } ] ) } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "cpp" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
return t ( "(" , e , ")?" ) } function t ( ... e ) { return e . map ( ( e => {
return ( t = e ) ? "string" == typeof t ? t : t . source : null ; var t } ) ) . join ( "" ) } return n => {
const r = n . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" , { contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ } ]
} ) , a = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::" , i = "(decltype\\(auto\\)|" + e ( a ) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + e ( "<[^<>]+>" ) + ")" , s = {
className : "keyword" , begin : "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" } , c = { className : "string" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
variants : [ { begin : '(u8?|U|L)?"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ n . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
end : "'" , illegal : "." } , n . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/ , end : /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ } ) ] } , o = {
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)"
} , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ] , relevance : 0 } , l = { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ , keywords : {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
"meta-keyword" : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , n . inherit ( c , { className : "meta-string" } ) , {
className : "meta-string" , begin : /<.*?>/ } , r , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , d = {
className : "title" , begin : e ( a ) + n . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0
} , u = e ( a ) + n . IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , m = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
keyword : "int float while private char char8_t char16_t char32_t catch import module export virtual operator sizeof dynamic_cast|10 typedef const_cast|10 const for static_cast|10 union namespace unsigned long volatile static protected bool template mutable if public friend do goto auto void enum else break extern using asm case typeid wchar_t short reinterpret_cast|10 default double register explicit signed typename try this switch continue inline delete alignas alignof constexpr consteval constinit decltype concept co_await co_return co_yield requires noexcept static_assert thread_local restrict final override atomic_bool atomic_char atomic_schar atomic_uchar atomic_short atomic_ushort atomic_int atomic_uint atomic_long atomic_ulong atomic_llong atomic_ullong new throw return and and_eq bitand bitor compl not not_eq or or_eq xor xor_eq" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
built _in : "_Bool _Complex _Imaginary" ,
_relevance _hints : [ "asin" , "atan2" , "atan" , "calloc" , "ceil" , "cosh" , "cos" , "exit" , "exp" , "fabs" , "floor" , "fmod" , "fprintf" , "fputs" , "free" , "frexp" , "auto_ptr" , "deque" , "list" , "queue" , "stack" , "vector" , "map" , "set" , "pair" , "bitset" , "multiset" , "multimap" , "unordered_set" , "fscanf" , "future" , "isalnum" , "isalpha" , "iscntrl" , "isdigit" , "isgraph" , "islower" , "isprint" , "ispunct" , "isspace" , "isupper" , "isxdigit" , "tolower" , "toupper" , "labs" , "ldexp" , "log10" , "log" , "malloc" , "realloc" , "memchr" , "memcmp" , "memcpy" , "memset" , "modf" , "pow" , "printf" , "putchar" , "puts" , "scanf" , "sinh" , "sin" , "snprintf" , "sprintf" , "sqrt" , "sscanf" , "strcat" , "strchr" , "strcmp" , "strcpy" , "strcspn" , "strlen" , "strncat" , "strncmp" , "strncpy" , "strpbrk" , "strrchr" , "strspn" , "strstr" , "tanh" , "tan" , "unordered_map" , "unordered_multiset" , "unordered_multimap" , "priority_queue" , "make_pair" , "array" , "shared_ptr" , "abort" , "terminate" , "abs" , "acos" , "vfprintf" , "vprintf" , "vsprintf" , "endl" , "initializer_list" , "unique_ptr" , "complex" , "imaginary" , "std" , "string" , "wstring" , "cin" , "cout" , "cerr" , "clog" , "stdin" , "stdout" , "stderr" , "stringstream" , "istringstream" , "ostringstream" ] ,
literal : "true false nullptr NULL" } , p = { className : "function.dispatch" , relevance : 0 ,
keywords : m ,
begin : t ( /\b/ , /(?!decltype)/ , /(?!if)/ , /(?!for)/ , /(?!while)/ , n . IDENT _RE , ( _ = /\s*\(/ ,
t ( "(?=" , _ , ")" ) ) ) } ; var _ ; const g = [ p , l , s , r , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , c ] , b = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
variants : [ { begin : /=/ , end : /;/ } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , end : /;/ } ] , keywords : m , contains : g . concat ( [ {
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : m , contains : g . concat ( [ "self" ] ) , relevance : 0 } ] ) ,
relevance : 0 } , f = { className : "function" , begin : "(" + i + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + u ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : m , illegal : /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/ ,
contains : [ { begin : "decltype\\(auto\\)" , keywords : m , relevance : 0 } , { begin : u ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ d ] , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /::/ , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /:/ ,
endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : [ c , o ] } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
keywords : m , relevance : 0 , contains : [ r , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c , o , s , { begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : m , relevance : 0 , contains : [ "self" , r , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c , o , s ]
} ] } , s , r , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , l ] } ; return { name : "C++" ,
aliases : [ "cc" , "c++" , "h++" , "hpp" , "hh" , "hxx" , "cxx" ] , keywords : m , illegal : "</" ,
classNameAliases : { "function.dispatch" : "built_in" } ,
contains : [ ] . concat ( b , f , p , g , [ l , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "\\b(deque|list|queue|priority_queue|pair|stack|vector|map|set|bitset|multiset|multimap|unordered_map|unordered_set|unordered_multiset|unordered_multimap|array)\\s*<" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
end : ">" , keywords : m , contains : [ "self" , s ] } , { begin : n . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : m } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
className : "class" , beginKeywords : "enum class struct union" , end : /[{;:<>=]/ ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ { beginKeywords : "final class struct" } , n . TITLE _MODE ] } ] ) , exports : {
preprocessor : l , strings : c , keywords : m } } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "csharp" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const n = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
keyword : [ "abstract" , "as" , "base" , "break" , "case" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "do" , "else" , "event" , "explicit" , "extern" , "finally" , "fixed" , "for" , "foreach" , "goto" , "if" , "implicit" , "in" , "interface" , "internal" , "is" , "lock" , "namespace" , "new" , "operator" , "out" , "override" , "params" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "readonly" , "record" , "ref" , "return" , "sealed" , "sizeof" , "stackalloc" , "static" , "struct" , "switch" , "this" , "throw" , "try" , "typeof" , "unchecked" , "unsafe" , "using" , "virtual" , "void" , "volatile" , "while" ] . concat ( [ "add" , "alias" , "and" , "ascending" , "async" , "await" , "by" , "descending" , "equals" , "from" , "get" , "global" , "group" , "init" , "into" , "join" , "let" , "nameof" , "not" , "notnull" , "on" , "or" , "orderby" , "partial" , "remove" , "select" , "set" , "unmanaged" , "value|0" , "var" , "when" , "where" , "with" , "yield" ] ) ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
built _in : [ "bool" , "byte" , "char" , "decimal" , "delegate" , "double" , "dynamic" , "enum" , "float" , "int" , "long" , "nint" , "nuint" , "object" , "sbyte" , "short" , "string" , "ulong" , "uint" , "ushort" ] ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
literal : [ "default" , "false" , "null" , "true" ] } , a = e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "[a-zA-Z](\\.?\\w)*" } ) , i = { className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)(u|U|l|L|ul|UL|f|F|b|B)" } , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
} ] , relevance : 0 } , s = { className : "string" , begin : '@"' , end : '"' , contains : [ { begin : '""' } ]
} , t = e . inherit ( s , { illegal : /\n/ } ) , r = { className : "subst" , begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ ,
keywords : n } , l = e . inherit ( r , { illegal : /\n/ } ) , c = { className : "string" , begin : /\$"/ ,
end : '"' , illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ { begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/
} , e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , l ] } , o = { className : "string" , begin : /\$@"/ , end : '"' , contains : [ {
begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/ } , { begin : '""' } , r ] } , d = e . inherit ( o , { illegal : /\n/ ,
contains : [ { begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/ } , { begin : '""' } , l ] } )
; r . contains = [ o , c , s , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , i , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] ,
l . contains = [ d , c , t , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , i , e . inherit ( e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
illegal : /\n/ } ) ] ; const g = { variants : [ o , c , s , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ]
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} , E = { begin : "<" , end : ">" , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "in out" } , a ]
} , _ = e . IDENT _RE + "(<" + e . IDENT _RE + "(\\s*,\\s*" + e . IDENT _RE + ")*>)?(\\[\\])?" , b = {
begin : "@" + e . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } ; return { name : "C#" , aliases : [ "cs" , "c#" ] ,
keywords : n , illegal : /::/ , contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "///" , "$" , { returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ { className : "doctag" , variants : [ { begin : "///" , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "\x3c!--|--\x3e" } , { begin : "</?" , end : ">" } ] } ]
} ) , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "meta" , begin : "#" ,
end : "$" , keywords : {
"meta-keyword" : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line region endregion pragma checksum"
} } , g , i , { beginKeywords : "class interface" , relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ ,
illegal : /[^\s:,]/ , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "where class"
} , a , E , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { beginKeywords : "namespace" ,
relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , illegal : /[^\s:]/ ,
contains : [ a , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , {
beginKeywords : "record" , relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , illegal : /[^\s:]/ ,
contains : [ a , E , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { className : "meta" ,
begin : "^\\s*\\[" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , end : "\\]" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "meta-string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } ] } , {
beginKeywords : "new return throw await else" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "function" ,
begin : "(" + _ + "\\s+)+" + e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*(<.+>\\s*)?\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
end : /\s*[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "public private protected static internal protected abstract async extern override unsafe virtual new sealed partial" ,
relevance : 0 } , { begin : e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*(<.+>\\s*)?\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE , E ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ g , i , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ]
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , b ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "css" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = [ "a" , "abbr" , "address" , "article" , "aside" , "audio" , "b" , "blockquote" , "body" , "button" , "canvas" , "caption" , "cite" , "code" , "dd" , "del" , "details" , "dfn" , "div" , "dl" , "dt" , "em" , "fieldset" , "figcaption" , "figure" , "footer" , "form" , "h1" , "h2" , "h3" , "h4" , "h5" , "h6" , "header" , "hgroup" , "html" , "i" , "iframe" , "img" , "input" , "ins" , "kbd" , "label" , "legend" , "li" , "main" , "mark" , "menu" , "nav" , "object" , "ol" , "p" , "q" , "quote" , "samp" , "section" , "span" , "strong" , "summary" , "sup" , "table" , "tbody" , "td" , "textarea" , "tfoot" , "th" , "thead" , "time" , "tr" , "ul" , "var" , "video" ] , t = [ "any-hover" , "any-pointer" , "aspect-ratio" , "color" , "color-gamut" , "color-index" , "device-aspect-ratio" , "device-height" , "device-width" , "display-mode" , "forced-colors" , "grid" , "height" , "hover" , "inverted-colors" , "monochrome" , "orientation" , "overflow-block" , "overflow-inline" , "pointer" , "prefers-color-scheme" , "prefers-contrast" , "prefers-reduced-motion" , "prefers-reduced-transparency" , "resolution" , "scan" , "scripting" , "update" , "width" , "min-width" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "max-height" ] , i = [ "active" , "any-link" , "blank" , "checked" , "current" , "default" , "defined" , "dir" , "disabled" , "drop" , "empty" , "enabled" , "first" , "first-child" , "first-of-type" , "fullscreen" , "future" , "focus" , "focus-visible" , "focus-within" , "has" , "host" , "host-context" , "hover" , "indeterminate" , "in-range" , "invalid" , "is" , "lang" , "last-child" , "last-of-type" , "left" , "link" , "local-link" , "not" , "nth-child" , "nth-col" , "nth-last-child" , "nth-last-col" , "nth-last-of-type" , "nth-of-type" , "only-child" , "only-of-type" , "optional" , "out-of-range" , "past" , "placeholder-shown" , "read-only" , "read-write" , "required" , "right" , "root" , "scope" , "target" , "target-within" , "user-invalid" , "valid" , "visited" , "where" ] , o = [ "after" , "backdrop" , "before" , "cue" , "cue-region" , "first-letter" , "first-line" , "grammar-error" , "marker" , "part" , "placeholder" , "selection" , "slotted" , "spelling-error" ] , r = [ "align-content" , "align-items" , "align-self" , "animation" , "animation-delay" , "animation-direction" , "animation-duration" , "animation-fill-mode" , "animation-iteration-count" , "animation-name" , "animation-play-state" , "animation-timing-function" , "auto" , "backface-visibility" , "background" , "background-attachment" , "background-clip" , "background-color" , "background-image" , "background-origin" , "background-position" , "background-repeat" , "background-size" , "border" , "border-bottom" , "border-bottom-color" , "border-bottom-left-radius" , "border-bottom-right-radius" , "border-bottom-style" , "border-bottom-width" , "border-collapse" , "border-color" , "border-image" , "border-image-outset" , "border-image-repeat" , "border-image-slice" , "border-image-source" , "border-image-width" , "border-left" , "border-left-color" , "border-left-style" , "border-left-width" , "border-radius" , "border-right" , "border-right-color" , "border-right-style" , "border-right-width" , "border-spacing" , "border-style" , "border-top" , "border-top-color" , "border-top-left-radius" , "border-top-right-radius" , "border-top-style" , "border-top-width" , "border-width" , "bottom" , "box-decoration-break" , "box-shadow" , "box-sizing" , "break-after" , "break-before" , "break-inside" , "caption-side" , "clear" , "clip" , "clip-path" , "color" , "column-count" , "column-fill" , "column-gap" , "column-rule" , "column-rule-color" , "column-rule-style" , "column-rule-width" , "column-span" , "column-width" , "columns" , "content" , "counter-increment" , "counter-reset" , "cursor" , "direction" , "display" , "empty-cells" , "filter" , "flex" , "flex-basis" , "flex-direction" , "flex-flow" , "flex-grow" , "flex-shrink" , "flex-wrap" , "float" , "font" , "font-display" , "font-family" , "font-feature-settings" , "font-kerning" , "font-language-override" , "font-size" , "font-size-adjust" , "font-smoothing" , "font-stretch" , "font-style" , "font-variant" , "font-variant-ligatures" , "font-variation-settings" , "font-weight" , "height" , "hyphens" , "icon" , "image-orientation" , "image-rendering" , "image-resolution" , "ime-mode" , "inherit" , "initial" , "justify-content" , "left" , "letter-spacing" , "line-height" , "list-style" , "list-style-image" , "list-style-position" , "list-style-type" , "margin" , "margin-bottom" , "margin-left" , "margin-right" , "margin-top" , "marks" , "mask" , "max-height" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "min-width" , "nav-down" , "nav-index" , "nav-left" , "nav-right" , "nav-up" , "none" , " no
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return n => { const a = ( e => ( { IMPORTANT : { className : "meta" , begin : "!important" } ,
HEXCOLOR : { className : "number" , begin : "#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})" } ,
ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE : { className : "selector-attr" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ ,
illegal : "$" , contains : [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] }
} ) ) ( n ) , l = [ n . APOS _STRING _MODE , n . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] ; return { name : "CSS" ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /[=|'\$]/ , keywords : { keyframePosition : "from to" } ,
classNameAliases : { keyframePosition : "selector-tag" } ,
contains : [ n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { begin : /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-(?=[a-z])/
} , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , { className : "selector-id" , begin : /#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/ , relevance : 0
} , { className : "selector-class" , begin : "\\.[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*" , relevance : 0
} , a . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , { className : "selector-pseudo" , variants : [ {
begin : ":(" + i . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { begin : "::(" + o . join ( "|" ) + ")" } ] } , {
className : "attribute" , begin : "\\b(" + r . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } , { begin : ":" , end : "[;}]" ,
contains : [ a . HEXCOLOR , a . IMPORTANT , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , ... l , {
begin : /(url|data-uri)\(/ , end : /\)/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : { built _in : "url data-uri"
} , contains : [ { className : "string" , begin : /[^)]/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } ]
} , { className : "built_in" , begin : /[\w-]+(?=\()/ } ] } , {
begin : ( s = /@/ , ( ( ... e ) => e . map ( ( e => ( e => e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null ) ( e ) ) ) . join ( "" ) ) ( "(?=" , s , ")" ) ) ,
end : "[{;]" , relevance : 0 , illegal : /:/ , contains : [ { className : "keyword" ,
begin : /@-?\w[\w]*(-\w+)*/ } , { begin : /\s/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
relevance : 0 , keywords : { $pattern : /[a-z-]+/ , keyword : "and or not only" ,
attribute : t . join ( " " ) } , contains : [ { begin : /[a-z-]+(?=:)/ , className : "attribute"
} , ... l , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE ] } ] } , { className : "selector-tag" ,
begin : "\\b(" + e . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } ] } ; var s } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "diff" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => ( { name : "Diff" ,
aliases : [ "patch" ] , contains : [ { className : "meta" , relevance : 10 , variants : [ {
begin : /^@@ +-\d+,\d+ +\+\d+,\d+ +@@/ } , { begin : /^\*\*\* +\d+,\d+ +\*\*\*\*$/ } , {
begin : /^--- +\d+,\d+ +----$/ } ] } , { className : "comment" , variants : [ { begin : /Index: / ,
end : /$/ } , { begin : /^index/ , end : /$/ } , { begin : /={3,}/ , end : /$/ } , { begin : /^-{3}/ , end : /$/
} , { begin : /^\*{3} / , end : /$/ } , { begin : /^\+{3}/ , end : /$/ } , { begin : /^\*{15}$/ } , {
begin : /^diff --git/ , end : /$/ } ] } , { className : "addition" , begin : /^\+/ , end : /$/ } , {
className : "deletion" , begin : /^-/ , end : /$/ } , { className : "addition" , begin : /^!/ ,
end : /$/ } ] } ) } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "go" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const n = {
keyword : "break default func interface select case map struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough if range type continue for import return var go defer bool byte complex64 complex128 float32 float64 int8 int16 int32 int64 string uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int uint uintptr rune" ,
literal : "true false iota nil" ,
built _in : "append cap close complex copy imag len make new panic print println real recover delete"
} ; return { name : "Go" , aliases : [ "golang" ] , keywords : n , illegal : "</" ,
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "string" ,
variants : [ e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , { begin : "`" , end : "`" } ] } , {
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : e . C _NUMBER _RE + "[i]" , relevance : 1
} , e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , { begin : /:=/ } , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "func" ,
end : "\\s*(\\{|$)" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE , { className : "params" ,
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : n , illegal : /["']/ } ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "http" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( ... e ) {
return e . map ( ( e => { return ( n = e ) ? "string" == typeof n ? n : n . source : null ; var n
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) ) . join ( "" ) } return n => { const a = "HTTP/(2|1\\.[01])" , s = { className : "attribute" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : e ( "^" , /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*/ , "(?=\\:\\s)" ) , starts : { contains : [ {
className : "punctuation" , begin : /: / , relevance : 0 , starts : { end : "$" , relevance : 0 } } ] }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , t = [ s , { begin : "\\n\\n" , starts : { subLanguage : [ ] , endsWithParent : ! 0 } } ] ; return {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
name : "HTTP" , aliases : [ "https" ] , illegal : /\S/ , contains : [ { begin : "^(?=" + a + " \\d{3})" ,
end : /$/ , contains : [ { className : "meta" , begin : a } , { className : "number" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : "\\b\\d{3}\\b" } ] , starts : { end : /\b\B/ , illegal : /\S/ , contains : t } } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "(?=^[A-Z]+ (.*?) " + a + "$)" , end : /$/ , contains : [ { className : "string" ,
begin : " " , end : " " , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , { className : "meta" , begin : a } , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
className : "keyword" , begin : "[A-Z]+" } ] , starts : { end : /\b\B/ , illegal : /\S/ , contains : t }
} , n . inherit ( s , { relevance : 0 } ) ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
hljs . registerLanguage ( "ini" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function n ( ... n ) {
return n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } return s => { const a = { className : "number" ,
relevance : 0 , variants : [ { begin : /([+-]+)?[\d]+_[\d_]+/ } , { begin : s . NUMBER _RE } ]
} , i = s . COMMENT ( ) ; i . variants = [ { begin : /;/ , end : /$/ } , { begin : /#/ , end : /$/ } ] ; const t = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : /\$[\w\d"][\w\d_]*/ } , { begin : /\$\{(.*?)\}/
} ] } , r = { className : "literal" , begin : /\bon|off|true|false|yes|no\b/ } , l = {
className : "string" , contains : [ s . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] , variants : [ { begin : "'''" ,
end : "'''" , relevance : 10 } , { begin : '"""' , end : '"""' , relevance : 10 } , { begin : '"' , end : '"'
} , { begin : "'" , end : "'" } ] } , c = { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , contains : [ i , r , t , l , a , "self" ] ,
relevance : 0
} , g = "(" + [ /[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/ , /"(\\"|[^"])*"/ , /'[^']*'/ ] . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")"
; return { name : "TOML, also INI" , aliases : [ "toml" ] , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /\S/ ,
contains : [ i , { className : "section" , begin : /\[+/ , end : /\]+/ } , {
begin : n ( g , "(\\s*\\.\\s*" , g , ")*" , n ( "(?=" , /\s*=\s*[^#\s]/ , ")" ) ) , className : "attr" ,
starts : { end : /$/ , contains : [ i , c , r , t , l , a ] } } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "java" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
; var e = "\\.([0-9](_*[0-9])*)" , n = "[0-9a-fA-F](_*[0-9a-fA-F])*" , a = {
className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : ` ( \\ b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)(( ${ e } )| \\ .)?|( ${ e } ))[eE][+-]?([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]? \\ b `
} , { begin : ` \\ b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)(( ${ e } )[fFdD]? \\ b| \\ .([fFdD] \\ b)?) ` } , {
begin : ` ( ${ e } )[fFdD]? \\ b ` } , { begin : "\\b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]\\b" } , {
begin : ` \\ b0[xX](( ${ n } ) \\ .?|( ${ n } )? \\ .( ${ n } ))[pP][+-]?([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]? \\ b `
} , { begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_*[0-9])*)[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : ` \\ b0[xX]( ${ n } )[lL]? \\ b ` } , {
begin : "\\b0(_*[0-7])*[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[bB][01](_*[01])*[lL]?\\b" } ] ,
relevance : 0 } ; return e => {
var n = "false synchronized int abstract float private char boolean var static null if const for true while long strictfp finally protected import native final void enum else break transient catch instanceof byte super volatile case assert short package default double public try this switch continue throws protected public private module requires exports do" , s = {
className : "meta" , begin : "@[\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*" ,
contains : [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , contains : [ "self" ] } ] } ; const r = a ; return {
name : "Java" , aliases : [ "jsp" ] , keywords : n , illegal : /<\/|#/ ,
contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "/\\*\\*" , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ { begin : /\w+@/ ,
relevance : 0 } , { className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ] } ) , {
begin : /import java\.[a-z]+\./ , keywords : "import" , relevance : 2
className : "class" , beginKeywords : "class interface enum" , end : /[{;=]/ ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 1 , keywords : "class interface enum" , illegal : /[:"\[\]]/ ,
contains : [ { beginKeywords : "extends implements" } , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , {
beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "class" ,
begin : "record\\s+" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
end : /[{;=]/ , keywords : n , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "record" } , {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
keywords : n , relevance : 0 , contains : [ e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ]
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { className : "function" ,
begin : "([\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*(<[\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*(\\s*,\\s*[\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*>)?\\s+)+" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , contains : [ {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
keywords : n , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ s , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , r , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ]
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , r , s ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "javascript" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*" , n = [ "as" , "in" , "of" , "if" , "for" , "while" , "finally" , "var" , "new" , "function" , "do" , "return" , "void" , "else" , "break" , "catch" , "instanceof" , "with" , "throw" , "case" , "default" , "try" , "switch" , "continue" , "typeof" , "delete" , "let" , "yield" , "const" , "class" , "debugger" , "async" , "await" , "static" , "import" , "from" , "export" , "extends" ] , a = [ "true" , "false" , "null" , "undefined" , "NaN" , "Infinity" ] , s = [ ] . concat ( [ "setInterval" , "setTimeout" , "clearInterval" , "clearTimeout" , "require" , "exports" , "eval" , "isFinite" , "isNaN" , "parseFloat" , "parseInt" , "decodeURI" , "decodeURIComponent" , "encodeURI" , "encodeURIComponent" , "escape" , "unescape" ] , [ "arguments" , "this" , "super" , "console" , "window" , "document" , "localStorage" , "module" , "global" ] , [ "Intl" , "DataView" , "Number" , "Math" , "Date" , "String" , "RegExp" , "Object" , "Function" , "Boolean" , "Error" , "Symbol" , "Set" , "Map" , "WeakSet" , "WeakMap" , "Proxy" , "Reflect" , "JSON" , "Promise" , "Float64Array" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Int8Array" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "Float32Array" , "Array" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "ArrayBuffer" , "BigInt64Array" , "BigUint64Array" , "BigInt" ] , [ "EvalError" , "InternalError" , "RangeError" , "ReferenceError" , "SyntaxError" , "TypeError" , "URIError" ] )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; function r ( e ) { return t ( "(?=" , e , ")" ) } function t ( ... e ) { return e . map ( ( e => {
return ( n = e ) ? "string" == typeof n ? n : n . source : null ; var n } ) ) . join ( "" ) } return i => {
const c = e , o = { begin : /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/ , end : /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/ ,
isTrulyOpeningTag : ( e , n ) => { const a = e [ 0 ] . length + e . index , s = e . input [ a ]
; "<" !== s ? ">" === s && ( ( ( e , { after : n } ) => { const a = "</" + e [ 0 ] . slice ( 1 )
; return - 1 !== e . input . indexOf ( a , n ) } ) ( e , { after : a
} ) || n . ignoreMatch ( ) ) : n . ignoreMatch ( ) } } , l = { $pattern : e , keyword : n , literal : a ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
built _in : s } , g = "\\.([0-9](_?[0-9])*)" , b = "0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*|0[0-7]*[89][0-9]*" , d = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
className : "number" , variants : [ {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ b } )(( ${ g } )| \\ .)?|( ${ g } ))[eE][+-]?([0-9](_?[0-9])*) \\ b ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b( ${ b } ) \\ b(( ${ g } ) \\ b| \\ .)?|( ${ g } ) \\ b ` } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*)n\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*n?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*n?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*n?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[0-7]+n?\\b" } ] , relevance : 0 } , E = { className : "subst" , begin : "\\$\\{" ,
end : "\\}" , keywords : l , contains : [ ] } , u = { begin : "html`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" ,
returnEnd : ! 1 , contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , E ] , subLanguage : "xml" } } , _ = {
begin : "css`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" , returnEnd : ! 1 ,
contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , E ] , subLanguage : "css" } } , m = { className : "string" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : "`" , end : "`" , contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , E ] } , y = { className : "comment" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
variants : [ i . COMMENT ( /\/\*\*(?!\/)/ , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" , contains : [ { className : "type" , begin : "\\{" ,
end : "\\}" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "variable" , begin : c + "(?=\\s*(-)|$)" ,
endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /(?=[^\n])\s/ , relevance : 0 } ] } ]
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , N = [ i . APOS _STRING _MODE , i . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , u , _ , m , d , i . REGEXP _MODE ]
; E . contains = N . concat ( { begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ , keywords : l , contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( N )
} ) ; const A = [ ] . concat ( y , E . contains ) , f = A . concat ( [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : l ,
contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( A ) } ] ) , p = { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l , contains : f } ; return { name : "Javascript" ,
aliases : [ "js" , "jsx" , "mjs" , "cjs" ] , keywords : l , exports : { PARAMS _CONTAINS : f } ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
illegal : /#(?![$_A-z])/ , contains : [ i . SHEBANG ( { label : "shebang" , binary : "node" ,
relevance : 5 } ) , { label : "use_strict" , className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
begin : /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , i . APOS _STRING _MODE , i . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , u , _ , m , y , d , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : t ( /[{,\n]\s*/ , r ( t ( /(((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*(\*[^/]|[^*])*\*\/))\s*)*/ , c + "\\s*:" ) ) ) ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "attr" , begin : c + r ( "\\s*:" ) , relevance : 0 } ] } , {
begin : "(" + i . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
keywords : "return throw case" , contains : [ y , i . REGEXP _MODE , { className : "function" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)|" + i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + ")\\s*=>" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : "\\s*=>" , contains : [ { className : "params" , variants : [ {
begin : i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } , { className : null , begin : /\(\s*\)/ , skip : ! 0
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l , contains : f } ] } ]
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
} , { begin : /,/ , relevance : 0 } , { className : "" , begin : /\s/ , end : /\s*/ , skip : ! 0 } , {
variants : [ { begin : "<>" , end : "</>" } , { begin : o . begin , "on:begin" : o . isTrulyOpeningTag ,
end : o . end } ] , subLanguage : "xml" , contains : [ { begin : o . begin , end : o . end , skip : ! 0 ,
contains : [ "self" ] } ] } ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "function" ,
beginKeywords : "function" , end : /[{;]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l ,
contains : [ "self" , i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , p ] , illegal : /%/ } , {
beginKeywords : "while if switch catch for" } , { className : "function" ,
begin : i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ p , i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) ] } , { variants : [ {
begin : "\\." + c } , { begin : "\\$" + c } ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "class" , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , illegal : /[:"[\]]/ , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "extends" } , i . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { begin : /\b(?=constructor)/ ,
end : /[{;]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , "self" , p ]
} , { begin : "(get|set)\\s+(?=" + c + "\\()" , end : /\{/ , keywords : "get set" ,
contains : [ i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , { begin : /\(\)/ } , p ] } , { begin : /\$[(.]/ } ]
} } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "json" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return n => { const e = {
literal : "true false null"
} , i = [ n . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , n . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] , a = [ n . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , n . C _NUMBER _MODE ] , l = {
end : "," , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : a , keywords : e } , t = { begin : /\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , contains : [ { className : "attr" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ n . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] , illegal : "\\n" } , n . inherit ( l , { begin : /:/
} ) ] . concat ( i ) , illegal : "\\S" } , s = { begin : "\\[" , end : "\\]" , contains : [ n . inherit ( l ) ] ,
illegal : "\\S" } ; return a . push ( t , s ) , i . forEach ( ( n => { a . push ( n ) } ) ) , { name : "JSON" ,
contains : a , keywords : e , illegal : "\\S" } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "kotlin" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
; var e = "\\.([0-9](_*[0-9])*)" , n = "[0-9a-fA-F](_*[0-9a-fA-F])*" , a = {
className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : ` ( \\ b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)(( ${ e } )| \\ .)?|( ${ e } ))[eE][+-]?([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]? \\ b `
} , { begin : ` \\ b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)(( ${ e } )[fFdD]? \\ b| \\ .([fFdD] \\ b)?) ` } , {
begin : ` ( ${ e } )[fFdD]? \\ b ` } , { begin : "\\b([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]\\b" } , {
begin : ` \\ b0[xX](( ${ n } ) \\ .?|( ${ n } )? \\ .( ${ n } ))[pP][+-]?([0-9](_*[0-9])*)[fFdD]? \\ b `
} , { begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_*[0-9])*)[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : ` \\ b0[xX]( ${ n } )[lL]? \\ b ` } , {
begin : "\\b0(_*[0-7])*[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[bB][01](_*[01])*[lL]?\\b" } ] ,
relevance : 0 } ; return e => { const n = {
keyword : "abstract as val var vararg get set class object open private protected public noinline crossinline dynamic final enum if else do while for when throw try catch finally import package is in fun override companion reified inline lateinit init interface annotation data sealed internal infix operator out by constructor super tailrec where const inner suspend typealias external expect actual" ,
built _in : "Byte Short Char Int Long Boolean Float Double Void Unit Nothing" ,
literal : "true false null" } , i = { className : "symbol" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "@"
} , s = { className : "subst" , begin : /\$\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : [ e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , t = {
className : "variable" , begin : "\\$" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } , r = { className : "string" ,
variants : [ { begin : '"""' , end : '"""(?=[^"])' , contains : [ t , s ] } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : '"' , end : '"' , illegal : /\n/ ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , t , s ] } ] } ; s . contains . push ( r ) ; const l = {
className : "meta" ,
begin : "@(?:file|property|field|get|set|receiver|param|setparam|delegate)\\s*:(?:\\s*" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + ")?"
} , c = { className : "meta" , begin : "@" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , contains : [ { begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , contains : [ e . inherit ( r , { className : "meta-string" } ) ] } ]
} , o = a , b = e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } ) , E = {
variants : [ { className : "type" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
contains : [ ] } ] } , d = E ; return d . variants [ 1 ] . contains = [ E ] , E . variants [ 1 ] . contains = [ d ] ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
{ name : "Kotlin" , aliases : [ "kt" , "kts" ] , keywords : n ,
contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "/\\*\\*" , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ] } ) , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , b , { className : "keyword" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : /\b(break|continue|return|this)\b/ , starts : { contains : [ { className : "symbol" ,
begin : /@\w+/ } ] } } , i , l , c , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "fun" , end : "[(]|$" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 5 , contains : [ {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { className : "type" , begin : /</ , end : />/ ,
keywords : "reified" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
endsParent : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { begin : /:/ , end : /[=,\/]/ ,
endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : [ E , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , b ] , relevance : 0
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , b , l , c , r , e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , b ] } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "class interface trait" , end : /[:\{(]|$/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
illegal : "extends implements" , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "public protected internal private constructor"
} , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , { className : "type" , begin : /</ , end : />/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { className : "type" , begin : /[,:]\s*/ , end : /[<\(,]|$/ ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , returnEnd : ! 0 } , l , c ] } , r , { className : "meta" , begin : "^#!/usr/bin/env" ,
end : "$" , illegal : "\n" } , o ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "less" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = [ "a" , "abbr" , "address" , "article" , "aside" , "audio" , "b" , "blockquote" , "body" , "button" , "canvas" , "caption" , "cite" , "code" , "dd" , "del" , "details" , "dfn" , "div" , "dl" , "dt" , "em" , "fieldset" , "figcaption" , "figure" , "footer" , "form" , "h1" , "h2" , "h3" , "h4" , "h5" , "h6" , "header" , "hgroup" , "html" , "i" , "iframe" , "img" , "input" , "ins" , "kbd" , "label" , "legend" , "li" , "main" , "mark" , "menu" , "nav" , "object" , "ol" , "p" , "q" , "quote" , "samp" , "section" , "span" , "strong" , "summary" , "sup" , "table" , "tbody" , "td" , "textarea" , "tfoot" , "th" , "thead" , "time" , "tr" , "ul" , "var" , "video" ] , t = [ "any-hover" , "any-pointer" , "aspect-ratio" , "color" , "color-gamut" , "color-index" , "device-aspect-ratio" , "device-height" , "device-width" , "display-mode" , "forced-colors" , "grid" , "height" , "hover" , "inverted-colors" , "monochrome" , "orientation" , "overflow-block" , "overflow-inline" , "pointer" , "prefers-color-scheme" , "prefers-contrast" , "prefers-reduced-motion" , "prefers-reduced-transparency" , "resolution" , "scan" , "scripting" , "update" , "width" , "min-width" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "max-height" ] , i = [ "active" , "any-link" , "blank" , "checked" , "current" , "default" , "defined" , "dir" , "disabled" , "drop" , "empty" , "enabled" , "first" , "first-child" , "first-of-type" , "fullscreen" , "future" , "focus" , "focus-visible" , "focus-within" , "has" , "host" , "host-context" , "hover" , "indeterminate" , "in-range" , "invalid" , "is" , "lang" , "last-child" , "last-of-type" , "left" , "link" , "local-link" , "not" , "nth-child" , "nth-col" , "nth-last-child" , "nth-last-col" , "nth-last-of-type" , "nth-of-type" , "only-child" , "only-of-type" , "optional" , "out-of-range" , "past" , "placeholder-shown" , "read-only" , "read-write" , "required" , "right" , "root" , "scope" , "target" , "target-within" , "user-invalid" , "valid" , "visited" , "where" ] , o = [ "after" , "backdrop" , "before" , "cue" , "cue-region" , "first-letter" , "first-line" , "grammar-error" , "marker" , "part" , "placeholder" , "selection" , "slotted" , "spelling-error" ] , n = [ "align-content" , "align-items" , "align-self" , "animation" , "animation-delay" , "animation-direction" , "animation-duration" , "animation-fill-mode" , "animation-iteration-count" , "animation-name" , "animation-play-state" , "animation-timing-function" , "auto" , "backface-visibility" , "background" , "background-attachment" , "background-clip" , "background-color" , "background-image" , "background-origin" , "background-position" , "background-repeat" , "background-size" , "border" , "border-bottom" , "border-bottom-color" , "border-bottom-left-radius" , "border-bottom-right-radius" , "border-bottom-style" , "border-bottom-width" , "border-collapse" , "border-color" , "border-image" , "border-image-outset" , "border-image-repeat" , "border-image-slice" , "border-image-source" , "border-image-width" , "border-left" , "border-left-color" , "border-left-style" , "border-left-width" , "border-radius" , "border-right" , "border-right-color" , "border-right-style" , "border-right-width" , "border-spacing" , "border-style" , "border-top" , "border-top-color" , "border-top-left-radius" , "border-top-right-radius" , "border-top-style" , "border-top-width" , "border-width" , "bottom" , "box-decoration-break" , "box-shadow" , "box-sizing" , "break-after" , "break-before" , "break-inside" , "caption-side" , "clear" , "clip" , "clip-path" , "color" , "column-count" , "column-fill" , "column-gap" , "column-rule" , "column-rule-color" , "column-rule-style" , "column-rule-width" , "column-span" , "column-width" , "columns" , "content" , "counter-increment" , "counter-reset" , "cursor" , "direction" , "display" , "empty-cells" , "filter" , "flex" , "flex-basis" , "flex-direction" , "flex-flow" , "flex-grow" , "flex-shrink" , "flex-wrap" , "float" , "font" , "font-display" , "font-family" , "font-feature-settings" , "font-kerning" , "font-language-override" , "font-size" , "font-size-adjust" , "font-smoothing" , "font-stretch" , "font-style" , "font-variant" , "font-variant-ligatures" , "font-variation-settings" , "font-weight" , "height" , "hyphens" , "icon" , "image-orientation" , "image-rendering" , "image-resolution" , "ime-mode" , "inherit" , "initial" , "justify-content" , "left" , "letter-spacing" , "line-height" , "list-style" , "list-style-image" , "list-style-position" , "list-style-type" , "margin" , "margin-bottom" , "margin-left" , "margin-right" , "margin-top" , "marks" , "mask" , "max-height" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "min-width" , "nav-down" , "nav-index" , "nav-left" , "nav-right" , "nav-up" , "none" , " no
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return a => { const s = ( e => ( { IMPORTANT : { className : "meta" , begin : "!important" } ,
HEXCOLOR : { className : "number" , begin : "#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})" } ,
ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE : { className : "selector-attr" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ ,
illegal : "$" , contains : [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] }
} ) ) ( a ) , l = r , d = "([\\w-]+|@\\{[\\w-]+\\})" , c = [ ] , g = [ ] , b = e => ( { className : "string" ,
begin : "~?" + e + ".*?" + e } ) , m = ( e , t , i ) => ( { className : e , begin : t , relevance : i } ) , u = {
$pattern : /[a-z-]+/ , keyword : "and or not only" , attribute : t . join ( " " ) } , p = {
begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" , contains : g , keywords : u , relevance : 0 }
; g . push ( a . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , a . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , b ( "'" ) , b ( '"' ) , a . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , {
begin : "(url|data-uri)\\(" , starts : { className : "string" , end : "[\\)\\n]" ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 }
} , s . HEXCOLOR , p , m ( "variable" , "@@?[\\w-]+" , 10 ) , m ( "variable" , "@\\{[\\w-]+\\}" ) , m ( "built_in" , "~?`[^`]*?`" ) , {
className : "attribute" , begin : "[\\w-]+\\s*:" , end : ":" , returnBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0
} , s . IMPORTANT ) ; const f = g . concat ( { begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : c } ) , h = {
beginKeywords : "when" , endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "and not"
} ] . concat ( g ) } , w = { begin : d + "\\s*:" , returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[;}]/ , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ { begin : /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-/ } , { className : "attribute" ,
begin : "\\b(" + n . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , end : /(?=:)/ , starts : { endsWithParent : ! 0 ,
illegal : "[<=$]" , relevance : 0 , contains : g } } ] } , v = { className : "keyword" ,
begin : "@(import|media|charset|font-face|(-[a-z]+-)?keyframes|supports|document|namespace|page|viewport|host)\\b" ,
starts : { end : "[;{}]" , keywords : u , returnEnd : ! 0 , contains : g , relevance : 0 } } , y = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : "@[\\w-]+\\s*:" , relevance : 15 } , {
begin : "@[\\w-]+" } ] , starts : { end : "[;}]" , returnEnd : ! 0 , contains : f } } , k = { variants : [ {
begin : "[\\.#:&\\[>]" , end : "[;{}]" } , { begin : d , end : /\{/ } ] , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
returnEnd : ! 0 , illegal : "[<='$\"]" , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ a . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , a . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , h , m ( "keyword" , "all\\b" ) , m ( "variable" , "@\\{[\\w-]+\\}" ) , {
begin : "\\b(" + e . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , className : "selector-tag"
} , m ( "selector-tag" , d + "%?" , 0 ) , m ( "selector-id" , "#" + d ) , m ( "selector-class" , "\\." + d , 0 ) , m ( "selector-tag" , "&" , 0 ) , s . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , {
className : "selector-pseudo" , begin : ":(" + i . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , {
className : "selector-pseudo" , begin : "::(" + o . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" ,
contains : f } , { begin : "!important" } ] } , E = { begin : ` [ \\ w-]+:(:)?( ${ l . join ( "|" ) } ) ` ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ k ] }
; return c . push ( a . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , a . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , v , y , E , w , k ) , {
name : "Less" , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : "[=>'/<($\"]" , contains : c } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "lua" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => {
const t = "\\[=*\\[" , a = "\\]=*\\]" , n = { begin : t , end : a , contains : [ "self" ]
} , o = [ e . COMMENT ( "--(?!\\[=*\\[)" , "$" ) , e . COMMENT ( "--\\[=*\\[" , a , { contains : [ n ] ,
relevance : 10 } ) ] ; return { name : "Lua" , keywords : { $pattern : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ,
literal : "true false nil" ,
keyword : "and break do else elseif end for goto if in local not or repeat return then until while" ,
built _in : "_G _ENV _VERSION __index __newindex __mode __call __metatable __tostring __len __gc __add __sub __mul __div __mod __pow __concat __unm __eq __lt __le assert collectgarbage dofile error getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring module next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawset require select setfenv setmetatable tonumber tostring type unpack xpcall arg self coroutine resume yield status wrap create running debug getupvalue debug sethook getmetatable gethook setmetatable setlocal traceback setfenv getinfo setupvalue getlocal getregistry getfenv io lines write close flush open output type read stderr stdin input stdout popen tmpfile math log max acos huge ldexp pi cos tanh pow deg tan cosh sinh random randomseed frexp ceil floor rad abs sqrt modf asin min mod fmod log10 atan2 exp sin atan os exit setlocale date getenv difftime remove time clock tmpname rename execute package preload loadlib loaded loaders cpath config path seeall string sub upper len gfind rep find match char dump gmatch reverse byte format gsub lower table setn insert getn foreachi maxn foreach concat sort remove"
} , contains : o . concat ( [ { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "function" , end : "\\)" ,
contains : [ e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "([_a-zA-Z]\\w*\\.)*([_a-zA-Z]\\w*:)?[_a-zA-Z]\\w*" } ) , { className : "params" ,
begin : "\\(" , endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : o } ] . concat ( o )
} , e . C _NUMBER _MODE , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { className : "string" ,
begin : t , end : a , contains : [ n ] , relevance : 5 } ] ) } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "makefile" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const i = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : "\\$\\(" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\)" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : /\$[@%<?\^\+\*]/ } ] } , a = { className : "string" ,
begin : /"/ , end : /"/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , i ] } , n = { className : "variable" ,
begin : /\$\([\w-]+\s/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : {
built _in : "subst patsubst strip findstring filter filter-out sort word wordlist firstword lastword dir notdir suffix basename addsuffix addprefix join wildcard realpath abspath error warning shell origin flavor foreach if or and call eval file value"
} , contains : [ i ] } , s = { begin : "^" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*(?=[:+?]?=)" } , r = {
className : "section" , begin : /^[^\s]+:/ , end : /$/ , contains : [ i ] } ; return {
name : "Makefile" , aliases : [ "mk" , "mak" , "make" ] , keywords : { $pattern : /[\w-]+/ ,
keyword : "define endef undefine ifdef ifndef ifeq ifneq else endif include -include sinclude override export unexport private vpath"
} , contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , i , a , n , s , { className : "meta" , begin : /^\.PHONY:/ ,
end : /$/ , keywords : { $pattern : /[\.\w]+/ , "meta-keyword" : ".PHONY" } } , r ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "xml" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function n ( e ) { return a ( "(?=" , e , ")" ) }
function a ( ... n ) { return n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function s ( ... n ) {
return "(" + n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" } return e => {
const t = a ( /[A-Z_]/ , a ( "(" , /[A-Z0-9_.-]*:/ , ")?" ) , /[A-Z0-9_.-]*/ ) , i = {
className : "symbol" , begin : /&[a-z]+;|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[a-f0-9]+;/ } , r = { begin : /\s/ ,
contains : [ { className : "meta-keyword" , begin : /#?[a-z_][a-z1-9_-]+/ , illegal : /\n/ } ]
} , c = e . inherit ( r , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } ) , l = e . inherit ( e . APOS _STRING _MODE , {
className : "meta-string" } ) , g = e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , {
className : "meta-string" } ) , m = { endsWithParent : ! 0 , illegal : /</ , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ { className : "attr" , begin : /[A-Za-z0-9._:-]+/ , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /=\s*/ ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "string" , endsParent : ! 0 , variants : [ { begin : /"/ ,
end : /"/ , contains : [ i ] } , { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ , contains : [ i ] } , { begin : /[^\s"'=<>`]+/ } ] } ]
} ] } ; return { name : "HTML, XML" ,
aliases : [ "html" , "xhtml" , "rss" , "atom" , "xjb" , "xsd" , "xsl" , "plist" , "wsf" , "svg" ] ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , contains : [ { className : "meta" , begin : /<![a-z]/ , end : />/ ,
relevance : 10 , contains : [ r , g , l , c , { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , contains : [ { className : "meta" ,
begin : /<![a-z]/ , end : />/ , contains : [ r , c , g , l ] } ] } ] } , e . COMMENT ( /<!--/ , /-->/ , {
relevance : 10 } ) , { begin : /<!\[CDATA\[/ , end : /\]\]>/ , relevance : 10 } , i , {
className : "meta" , begin : /<\?xml/ , end : /\?>/ , relevance : 10 } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : /<style(?=\s|>)/ , end : />/ , keywords : { name : "style" } , contains : [ m ] , starts : {
end : /<\/style>/ , returnEnd : ! 0 , subLanguage : [ "css" , "xml" ] } } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : /<script(?=\s|>)/ , end : />/ , keywords : { name : "script" } , contains : [ m ] , starts : {
end : /<\/script>/ , returnEnd : ! 0 , subLanguage : [ "javascript" , "handlebars" , "xml" ] } } , {
className : "tag" , begin : /<>|<\/>/ } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : a ( /</ , n ( a ( t , s ( /\/>/ , />/ , /\s/ ) ) ) ) , end : /\/?>/ , contains : [ { className : "name" ,
begin : t , relevance : 0 , starts : m } ] } , { className : "tag" , begin : a ( /<\// , n ( a ( t , />/ ) ) ) ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ { className : "name" , begin : t , relevance : 0 } , { begin : />/ , relevance : 0 ,
endsParent : ! 0 } ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
hljs . registerLanguage ( "markdown" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function n ( ... n ) {
return n . map ( ( n => { return ( e = n ) ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null ; var e
} ) ) . join ( "" ) } return e => { const a = { begin : /<\/?[A-Za-z_]/ , end : ">" ,
subLanguage : "xml" , relevance : 0 } , i = { variants : [ { begin : /\[.+?\]\[.*?\]/ , relevance : 0
} , { begin : /\[.+?\]\(((data|javascript|mailto):|(?:http|ftp)s?:\/\/).*?\)/ ,
relevance : 2 } , { begin : n ( /\[.+?\]\(/ , /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*/ , /:\/\/.*?\)/ ) ,
relevance : 2 } , { begin : /\[.+?\]\([./?&#].*?\)/ , relevance : 1 } , {
begin : /\[.+?\]\(.*?\)/ , relevance : 0 } ] , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "string" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\[" , end : "\\]" , excludeBegin : ! 0 ,
returnEnd : ! 0 } , { className : "link" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\]\\(" , end : "\\)" ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , { className : "symbol" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\]\\[" ,
end : "\\]" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } ] } , s = { className : "strong" , contains : [ ] ,
variants : [ { begin : /_{2}/ , end : /_{2}/ } , { begin : /\*{2}/ , end : /\*{2}/ } ] } , c = {
className : "emphasis" , contains : [ ] , variants : [ { begin : /\*(?!\*)/ , end : /\*/ } , {
begin : /_(?!_)/ , end : /_/ , relevance : 0 } ] } ; s . contains . push ( c ) , c . contains . push ( s )
; let t = [ a , i ]
; return s . contains = s . contains . concat ( t ) , c . contains = c . contains . concat ( t ) ,
t = t . concat ( s , c ) , { name : "Markdown" , aliases : [ "md" , "mkdown" , "mkd" ] , contains : [ {
className : "section" , variants : [ { begin : "^#{1,6}" , end : "$" , contains : t } , {
begin : "(?=^.+?\\n[=-]{2,}$)" , contains : [ { begin : "^[=-]*$" } , { begin : "^" , end : "\\n" ,
contains : t } ] } ] } , a , { className : "bullet" , begin : "^[ \t]*([*+-]|(\\d+\\.))(?=\\s+)" ,
end : "\\s+" , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , s , c , { className : "quote" , begin : "^>\\s+" , contains : t ,
end : "$" } , { className : "code" , variants : [ { begin : "(`{3,})[^`](.|\\n)*?\\1`*[ ]*" } , {
begin : "(~{3,})[^~](.|\\n)*?\\1~*[ ]*" } , { begin : "```" , end : "```+[ ]*$" } , {
begin : "~~~" , end : "~~~+[ ]*$" } , { begin : "`.+?`" } , { begin : "(?=^( {4}|\\t))" ,
contains : [ { begin : "^( {4}|\\t)" , end : "(\\n)$" } ] , relevance : 0 } ] } , {
begin : "^[-\\*]{3,}" , end : "$" } , i , { begin : /^\[[^\n]+\]:/ , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "symbol" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , {
className : "link" , begin : /:\s*/ , end : /$/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 } ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "nginx" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const n = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : /\$\d+/ } , { begin : /\$\{/ , end : /\}/ } , {
begin : /[$@]/ + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } ] } , a = { endsWithParent : ! 0 , keywords : {
$pattern : "[a-z/_]+" ,
literal : "on off yes no true false none blocked debug info notice warn error crit select break last permanent redirect kqueue rtsig epoll poll /dev/poll"
} , relevance : 0 , illegal : "=>" , contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "string" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , n ] , variants : [ { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } , { begin : /'/ , end : /'/
} ] } , { begin : "([a-z]+):/" , end : "\\s" , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ n ]
} , { className : "regexp" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , n ] , variants : [ { begin : "\\s\\^" ,
end : "\\s|\\{|;" , returnEnd : ! 0 } , { begin : "~\\*?\\s+" , end : "\\s|\\{|;" , returnEnd : ! 0 } , {
begin : "\\*(\\.[a-z\\-]+)+" } , { begin : "([a-z\\-]+\\.)+\\*" } ] } , { className : "number" ,
begin : "\\b\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}(:\\d{1,5})?\\b" } , {
className : "number" , begin : "\\b\\d+[kKmMgGdshdwy]*\\b" , relevance : 0 } , n ] } ; return {
name : "Nginx config" , aliases : [ "nginxconf" ] , contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s+\\{" , returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /\{/ , contains : [ {
className : "section" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } ] , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s" , end : ";|\\{" , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "attribute" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , starts : a } ] , relevance : 0 } ] ,
illegal : "[^\\s\\}]" } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "objectivec" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => {
const n = /[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ , _ = { $pattern : n ,
keyword : "@interface @class @protocol @implementation" } ; return {
name : "Objective-C" , aliases : [ "mm" , "objc" , "obj-c" , "obj-c++" , "objective-c++" ] ,
keywords : { $pattern : n ,
keyword : "int float while char export sizeof typedef const struct for union unsigned long volatile static bool mutable if do return goto void enum else break extern asm case short default double register explicit signed typename this switch continue wchar_t inline readonly assign readwrite self @synchronized id typeof nonatomic super unichar IBOutlet IBAction strong weak copy in out inout bycopy byref oneway __strong __weak __block __autoreleasing @private @protected @public @try @property @end @throw @catch @finally @autoreleasepool @synthesize @dynamic @selector @optional @required @encode @package @import @defs @compatibility_alias __bridge __bridge_transfer __bridge_retained __bridge_retain __covariant __contravariant __kindof _Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified __FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __attribute__ getter setter retain unsafe_unretained nonnull nullable null_unspecified null_resettable class instancetype NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_UNAVAILABLE NS_REQUIRES_SUPER NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER NS_INLINE NS_AVAILABLE NS_DEPRECATED NS_ENUM NS_OPTIONS NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT NS_SWIFT_NAME NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW NS_DURING NS_HANDLER NS_ENDHANDLER NS_VALUERETURN NS_VOIDRETURN" ,
literal : "false true FALSE TRUE nil YES NO NULL" ,
built _in : "BOOL dispatch_once_t dispatch_queue_t dispatch_sync dispatch_async dispatch_once"
} , illegal : "</" , contains : [ { className : "built_in" ,
className : "string" , variants : [ { begin : '@"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } ] } , { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ ,
keywords : {
"meta-keyword" : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma ifdef ifndef include"
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , {
className : "meta-string" } ) , { className : "meta-string" , begin : /<.*?>/ , end : /$/ ,
illegal : "\\n" } , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , {
className : "class" , begin : "(" + _ . keyword . split ( " " ) . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , end : /(\{|$)/ ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : _ , contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , {
begin : "\\." + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "perl" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function n ( ... n ) {
return n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function t ( ... n ) {
return "(" + n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" } return e => {
const r = /[dualxmsipngr]{0,12}/ , s = { $pattern : /[\w.]+/ ,
keyword : "abs accept alarm and atan2 bind binmode bless break caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each else elsif endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno flock for foreach fork format formline getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt given glob gmtime goto grep gt hex if index int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst length link listen local localtime log lstat lt ma map mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my ne next no not oct open opendir or ord our pack package pipe pop pos print printf prototype push q|0 qq quotemeta qw qx rand read readdir readline readlink readpipe recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir say scalar seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socket socketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study sub substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times tr truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unless unlink unpack unshift untie until use utime values vec wait waitpid wantarray warn when while write x|0 xor y|0"
} , i = { className : "subst" , begin : "[$@]\\{" , end : "\\}" , keywords : s } , a = { begin : /->\{/ ,
end : /\}/ } , o = { variants : [ { begin : /\$\d/ } , {
begin : n ( /[$%@](\^\w\b|#\w+(::\w+)*|\{\w+\}|\w+(::\w*)*)/ , "(?![A-Za-z])(?![@$%])" )
} , { begin : /[$%@][^\s\w{]/ , relevance : 0 } ]
} , c = [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , i , o ] , g = [ /!/ , /\// , /\|/ , /\?/ , /'/ , /"/ , /#/ ] , l = ( e , t , s = "\\1" ) => {
const i = "\\1" === s ? s : n ( s , t )
; return n ( n ( "(?:" , e , ")" ) , t , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , i , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , s , r )
} , d = ( e , t , s ) => n ( n ( "(?:" , e , ")" ) , t , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , s , r ) , p = [ o , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( /^=\w/ , /=cut/ , {
endsWithParent : ! 0 } ) , a , { className : "string" , contains : c , variants : [ {
begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\(" , end : "\\)" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\[" ,
end : "\\]" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\{" , end : "\\}" , relevance : 5 } , {
begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\|" , end : "\\|" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*<" , end : ">" ,
relevance : 5 } , { begin : "qw\\s+q" , end : "q" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : '"' , end : '"' } , { begin : "`" , end : "`" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : /\{\w+\}/ , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "-?\\w+\\s*=>" , relevance : 0 } ] } , { className : "number" ,
begin : "(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b" ,
relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "(\\/\\/|" + e . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|\\b(split|return|print|reverse|grep)\\b)\\s*" ,
keywords : "split return print reverse grep" , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "regexp" , variants : [ {
begin : l ( "s|tr|y" , t ( ... g ) ) } , { begin : l ( "s|tr|y" , "\\(" , "\\)" ) } , {
begin : l ( "s|tr|y" , "\\[" , "\\]" ) } , { begin : l ( "s|tr|y" , "\\{" , "\\}" ) } ] , relevance : 2 } , {
className : "regexp" , variants : [ { begin : /(m|qr)\/\// , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : d ( "(?:m|qr)?" , /\// , /\// ) } , { begin : d ( "m|qr" , t ( ... g ) , /\1/ ) } , {
begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\(/ , /\)/ ) } , { begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\[/ , /\]/ ) } , {
begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\{/ , /\}/ ) } ] } ] } , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "sub" ,
end : "(\\s*\\(.*?\\))?[;{]" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 5 , contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE ] } , {
begin : "-\\w\\b" , relevance : 0 } , { begin : "^__DATA__$" , end : "^__END__$" ,
subLanguage : "mojolicious" , contains : [ { begin : "^@@.*" , end : "$" , className : "comment" } ]
} ] ; return i . contains = p , a . contains = p , { name : "Perl" , aliases : [ "pl" , "pm" ] , keywords : s ,
contains : p } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "php" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const r = {
className : "variable" ,
begin : "\\$+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(?![A-Za-z0-9])(?![$])" } , t = {
className : "meta" , variants : [ { begin : /<\?php/ , relevance : 10 } , { begin : /<\?[=]?/ } , {
begin : /\?>/ } ] } , a = { className : "subst" , variants : [ { begin : /\$\w+/ } , { begin : /\{\$/ ,
end : /\}/ } ] } , n = e . inherit ( e . APOS _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null
} ) , i = e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null ,
contains : e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE . contains . concat ( a ) } ) , o = e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
begin : /<<<[ \t]*(\w+)\n/ , end : /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/ ,
contains : e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE . contains . concat ( a ) } ) , l = { className : "string" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , t ] , variants : [ e . inherit ( n , { begin : "b'" , end : "'"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) , e . inherit ( i , { begin : 'b"' , end : '"' } ) , i , n , o ] } , s = { className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\b0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0o[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0x[\\da-f]+(?:_[\\da-f]+)*\\b" } , {
begin : "(?:\\b\\d+(?:_\\d+)*(\\.(?:\\d+(?:_\\d+)*))?|\\B\\.\\d+)(?:e[+-]?\\d+)?"
} ] , relevance : 0 } , c = {
keyword : "__CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__ die echo exit include include_once print require require_once array abstract and as binary bool boolean break callable case catch class clone const continue declare default do double else elseif empty enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile enum eval extends final finally float for foreach from global goto if implements instanceof insteadof int integer interface isset iterable list match|0 mixed new object or private protected public real return string switch throw trait try unset use var void while xor yield" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
literal : "false null true" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
built _in : "Error|0 AppendIterator ArgumentCountError ArithmeticError ArrayIterator ArrayObject AssertionError BadFunctionCallException BadMethodCallException CachingIterator CallbackFilterIterator CompileError Countable DirectoryIterator DivisionByZeroError DomainException EmptyIterator ErrorException Exception FilesystemIterator FilterIterator GlobIterator InfiniteIterator InvalidArgumentException IteratorIterator LengthException LimitIterator LogicException MultipleIterator NoRewindIterator OutOfBoundsException OutOfRangeException OuterIterator OverflowException ParentIterator ParseError RangeException RecursiveArrayIterator RecursiveCachingIterator RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveFilterIterator RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator RecursiveRegexIterator RecursiveTreeIterator RegexIterator RuntimeException SeekableIterator SplDoublyLinkedList SplFileInfo SplFileObject SplFixedArray SplHeap SplMaxHeap SplMinHeap SplObjectStorage SplObserver SplObserver SplPriorityQueue SplQueue SplStack SplSubject SplSubject SplTempFileObject TypeError UnderflowException UnexpectedValueException UnhandledMatchError ArrayAccess Closure Generator Iterator IteratorAggregate Serializable Stringable Throwable Traversable WeakReference WeakMap Directory __PHP_Incomplete_Class parent php_user_filter self static stdClass"
} ; return { aliases : [ "php3" , "php4" , "php5" , "php6" , "php7" , "php8" ] ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , keywords : c ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" , { contains : [ t ]
} ) , e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ { className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ]
} ) , e . COMMENT ( "__halt_compiler.+?;" , ! 1 , { endsWithParent : ! 0 ,
keywords : "__halt_compiler" } ) , t , { className : "keyword" , begin : /\$this\b/ } , r , {
begin : /(::|->)+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/ } , { className : "function" ,
relevance : 0 , beginKeywords : "fn function" , end : /[;{]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
illegal : "[$%\\[]" , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "use" } , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "=>" , endsParent : ! 0 } , { className : "params" , begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : c ,
contains : [ "self" , r , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , l , s ] } ] } , { className : "class" , variants : [ {
beginKeywords : "enum" , illegal : /[($"]/ } , { beginKeywords : "class interface trait" ,
illegal : /[:($"]/ } ] , relevance : 0 , end : /\{/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "extends implements" } , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , {
beginKeywords : "namespace" , relevance : 0 , end : ";" , illegal : /[.']/ ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { beginKeywords : "use" , relevance : 0 , end : ";" ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , l , s ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
hljs . registerLanguage ( "php-template" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return n => ( {
name : "PHP template" , subLanguage : "xml" , contains : [ { begin : /<\?(php|=)?/ , end : /\?>/ ,
subLanguage : "php" , contains : [ { begin : "/\\*" , end : "\\*/" , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : 'b"' ,
end : '"' , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : "b'" , end : "'" , skip : ! 0 } , n . inherit ( n . APOS _STRING _MODE , {
illegal : null , className : null , contains : null , skip : ! 0
} ) , n . inherit ( n . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null , className : null , contains : null ,
skip : ! 0 } ) ] } ] } ) } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "plaintext" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return t => ( {
name : "Plain text" , aliases : [ "text" , "txt" ] , disableAutodetect : ! 0 } ) } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "properties" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => {
var n = "[ \\t\\f]*" , a = n + "[:=]" + n , t = "(" + a + "|[ \\t\\f]+)" , r = "([^\\\\\\W:= \\t\\f\\n]|\\\\.)+" , s = "([^\\\\:= \\t\\f\\n]|\\\\.)+" , i = {
end : t , relevance : 0 , starts : { className : "string" , end : /$/ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
begin : "\\\\\\\\" } , { begin : "\\\\\\n" } ] } } ; return { name : ".properties" ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /\S/ , contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "^\\s*[!#]" , "$" ) , {
returnBegin : ! 0 , variants : [ { begin : r + a , relevance : 1 } , { begin : r + "[ \\t\\f]+" ,
relevance : 0 } ] , contains : [ { className : "attr" , begin : r , endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } ] ,
starts : i } , { begin : s + t , returnBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "meta" ,
begin : s , endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } ] , starts : i } , { className : "attr" , relevance : 0 ,
begin : s + n + "$" } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "python" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => { const n = {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
$pattern : /[A-Za-z]\w+|__\w+__/ ,
keyword : [ "and" , "as" , "assert" , "async" , "await" , "break" , "class" , "continue" , "def" , "del" , "elif" , "else" , "except" , "finally" , "for" , "from" , "global" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "is" , "lambda" , "nonlocal|10" , "not" , "or" , "pass" , "raise" , "return" , "try" , "while" , "with" , "yield" ] ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
built _in : [ "__import__" , "abs" , "all" , "any" , "ascii" , "bin" , "bool" , "breakpoint" , "bytearray" , "bytes" , "callable" , "chr" , "classmethod" , "compile" , "complex" , "delattr" , "dict" , "dir" , "divmod" , "enumerate" , "eval" , "exec" , "filter" , "float" , "format" , "frozenset" , "getattr" , "globals" , "hasattr" , "hash" , "help" , "hex" , "id" , "input" , "int" , "isinstance" , "issubclass" , "iter" , "len" , "list" , "locals" , "map" , "max" , "memoryview" , "min" , "next" , "object" , "oct" , "open" , "ord" , "pow" , "print" , "property" , "range" , "repr" , "reversed" , "round" , "set" , "setattr" , "slice" , "sorted" , "staticmethod" , "str" , "sum" , "super" , "tuple" , "type" , "vars" , "zip" ] ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
literal : [ "__debug__" , "Ellipsis" , "False" , "None" , "NotImplemented" , "True" ] ,
type : [ "Any" , "Callable" , "Coroutine" , "Dict" , "List" , "Literal" , "Generic" , "Optional" , "Sequence" , "Set" , "Tuple" , "Type" , "Union" ]
} , a = { className : "meta" , begin : /^(>>>|\.\.\.) / } , i = { className : "subst" , begin : /\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , keywords : n , illegal : /#/ } , s = { begin : /\{\{/ , relevance : 0 } , t = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
className : "string" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] , variants : [ {
begin : /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?'''/ , end : /'''/ ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , a ] , relevance : 10 } , {
begin : /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?"""/ , end : /"""/ ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , a ] , relevance : 10 } , {
begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'''/ , end : /'''/ ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , a , s , i ] } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"""/ ,
end : /"""/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , a , s , i ] } , { begin : /([uU]|[rR])'/ , end : /'/ ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
relevance : 10 } , { begin : /([uU]|[rR])"/ , end : /"/ , relevance : 10 } , {
begin : /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])"/ ,
end : /"/ } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'/ , end : /'/ ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , s , i ] } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , s , i ] } , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ]
} , r = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*" , l = ` ( \\ b( ${ r } ))? \\ .( ${ r } )| \\ b( ${ r } ) \\ . ` , b = {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
className : "number" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ r } )|( ${ l } ))[eE][+-]?( ${ r } )[jJ]? \\ b ` } , { begin : ` ( ${ l } )[jJ]? ` } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "\\b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0+(_?0)*)[lLjJ]?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[bB](_?[01])+[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[oO](_?[0-7])+[lL]?\\b" } , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
begin : "\\b0[xX](_?[0-9a-fA-F])+[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : ` \\ b( ${ r } )[jJ] \\ b ` } ] } , o = {
className : "comment" ,
begin : ( d = /# type:/ , ( ( ... e ) => e . map ( ( e => ( e => e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null ) ( e ) ) ) . join ( "" ) ) ( "(?=" , d , ")" ) ) ,
end : /$/ , keywords : n , contains : [ { begin : /# type:/ } , { begin : /#/ , end : /\b\B/ ,
endsWithParent : ! 0 } ] } , c = { className : "params" , variants : [ { className : "" ,
begin : /\(\s*\)/ , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
keywords : n , contains : [ "self" , a , b , t , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE ] } ] } ; var d
; return i . contains = [ t , b , a ] , { name : "Python" , aliases : [ "py" , "gyp" , "ipython" ] ,
keywords : n , illegal : /(<\/|->|\?)|=>/ , contains : [ a , b , { begin : /\bself\b/ } , {
beginKeywords : "if" , relevance : 0 } , t , o , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { variants : [ {
className : "function" , beginKeywords : "def" } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "class" } ] , end : /:/ , illegal : /[${=;\n,]/ ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , c , { begin : /->/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 , keywords : n } ]
} , { className : "meta" , begin : /^[\t ]*@/ , end : /(?=#)|$/ , contains : [ b , c , t ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
hljs . registerLanguage ( "python-repl" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return s => ( {
aliases : [ "pycon" ] , contains : [ { className : "meta" , starts : { end : / |$/ , starts : { end : "$" ,
subLanguage : "python" } } , variants : [ { begin : /^>>>(?=[ ]|$)/ } , {
begin : /^\.\.\.(?=[ ]|$)/ } ] } ] } ) } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "r" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( ... e ) { return e . map ( ( e => {
return ( a = e ) ? "string" == typeof a ? a : a . source : null ; var a } ) ) . join ( "" ) } return a => {
const n = /(?:(?:[a-zA-Z]|\.[._a-zA-Z])[._a-zA-Z0-9]*)|\.(?!\d)/ ; return { name : "R" ,
illegal : /->/ , keywords : { $pattern : n ,
keyword : "function if in break next repeat else for while" ,
literal : "NULL NA TRUE FALSE Inf NaN NA_integer_|10 NA_real_|10 NA_character_|10 NA_complex_|10" ,
built _in : "LETTERS letters month.abb month.name pi T F abs acos acosh all any anyNA Arg as.call as.character as.complex as.double as.environment as.integer as.logical as.null.default as.numeric as.raw asin asinh atan atanh attr attributes baseenv browser c call ceiling class Conj cos cosh cospi cummax cummin cumprod cumsum digamma dim dimnames emptyenv exp expression floor forceAndCall gamma gc.time globalenv Im interactive invisible is.array is.atomic is.call is.character is.complex is.double is.environment is.expression is.finite is.function is.infinite is.integer is.language is.list is.logical is.matrix is.na is.name is.nan is.null is.numeric is.object is.pairlist is.raw is.recursive is.single is.symbol lazyLoadDBfetch length lgamma list log max min missing Mod names nargs nzchar oldClass on.exit pos.to.env proc.time prod quote range Re rep retracemem return round seq_along seq_len seq.int sign signif sin sinh sinpi sqrt standardGeneric substitute sum switch tan tanh tanpi tracemem trigamma trunc unclass untracemem UseMethod xtfrm"
} , compilerExtensions : [ ( a , n ) => { if ( ! a . beforeMatch ) return
; if ( a . starts ) throw Error ( "beforeMatch cannot be used with starts" )
; const i = Object . assign ( { } , a ) ; Object . keys ( a ) . forEach ( ( e => { delete a [ e ]
} ) ) , a . begin = e ( i . beforeMatch , e ( "(?=" , i . begin , ")" ) ) , a . starts = { relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ Object . assign ( i , { endsParent : ! 0 } ) ] } , a . relevance = 0 , delete i . beforeMatch
} ] , contains : [ a . COMMENT ( /#'/ , /$/ , { contains : [ { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@examples" , starts : { contains : [ { begin : /\n/ } , { begin : /#'\s*(?=@[a-zA-Z]+)/ ,
endsParent : ! 0 } , { begin : /#'/ , end : /$/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 } ] } } , { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@param" , end : /$/ , contains : [ { className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : n } , {
begin : /`(?:\\.|[^`\\])+`/ } ] , endsParent : ! 0 } ] } , { className : "doctag" ,
begin : /@[a-zA-Z]+/ } , { className : "meta-keyword" , begin : /\\[a-zA-Z]+/ } ]
} ) , a . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "string" , contains : [ a . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] ,
variants : [ a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\(/ , end : /\)(-*)"/
} ) , a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\{/ , end : /\}(-*)"/
} ) , a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\[/ , end : /\](-*)"/
} ) , a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\(/ , end : /\)(-*)'/
} ) , a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\{/ , end : /\}(-*)'/
} ) , a . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\[/ , end : /\](-*)'/ } ) , { begin : '"' , end : '"' ,
relevance : 0 } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" , relevance : 0 } ] } , { className : "number" , relevance : 0 ,
beforeMatch : /([^a-zA-Z0-9._])/ , variants : [ {
match : /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\.[0-9a-fA-F]*[pP][+-]?\d+i?/ } , {
match : /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+([pP][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/ } , {
match : /(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/ } ] } , { begin : "%" , end : "%" } , {
begin : e ( /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/ , "\\s+<-\\s+" ) } , { begin : "`" , end : "`" , contains : [ {
begin : /\\./ } ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "ruby" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( ... e ) {
return e . map ( ( e => { return ( n = e ) ? "string" == typeof n ? n : n . source : null ; var n
} ) ) . join ( "" ) } return n => {
const a = "([a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?)" , i = {
keyword : "and then defined module in return redo if BEGIN retry end for self when next until do begin unless END rescue else break undef not super class case require yield alias while ensure elsif or include attr_reader attr_writer attr_accessor __FILE__" ,
built _in : "proc lambda" , literal : "true false nil" } , s = { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } , r = { begin : "#<" , end : ">" } , b = [ n . COMMENT ( "#" , "$" , { contains : [ s ]
} ) , n . COMMENT ( "^=begin" , "^=end" , { contains : [ s ] , relevance : 10
} ) , n . COMMENT ( "^__END__" , "\\n$" ) ] , c = { className : "subst" , begin : /#\{/ , end : /\}/ ,
keywords : i } , t = { className : "string" , contains : [ n . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] , variants : [ {
begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } , { begin : /`/ , end : /`/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\(/ ,
end : /\)/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\[/ , end : /\]/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\{/ , end : /\}/ } , {
begin : /%[qQwWx]?</ , end : />/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\// , end : /\// } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?%/ ,
end : /%/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?-/ , end : /-/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\|/ , end : /\|/ } , {
begin : /\B\?(\\\d{1,3})/ } , { begin : /\B\?(\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2})/ } , {
begin : /\B\?(\\u\{?[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6}\}?)/ } , {
begin : /\B\?(\\M-\\C-|\\M-\\c|\\c\\M-|\\M-|\\C-\\M-)[\x20-\x7e]/ } , {
begin : /\B\?\\(c|C-)[\x20-\x7e]/ } , { begin : /\B\?\\?\S/ } , {
begin : /<<[-~]?'?(\w+)\n(?:[^\n]*\n)*?\s*\1\b/ , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ {
begin : /<<[-~]?'?/ } , n . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /(\w+)/ , end : /(\w+)/ ,
contains : [ n . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] } ) ] } ] } , g = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*" , d = { className : "number" ,
relevance : 0 , variants : [ {
begin : ` \\ b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0)( \\ .( ${ g } ))?([eE][+-]?( ${ g } )|r)?i? \\ b ` } , {
begin : "\\b0[dD][0-9](_?[0-9])*r?i?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*r?i?\\b"
} , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*r?i?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*r?i?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0(_?[0-7])+r?i?\\b" } ] } , l = { className : "params" , begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" ,
endsParent : ! 0 , keywords : i } , o = [ t , { className : "class" , beginKeywords : "class module" ,
end : "$|;" , illegal : /=/ , contains : [ n . inherit ( n . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "[A-Za-z_]\\w*(::\\w+)*(\\?|!)?" } ) , { begin : "<\\s*" , contains : [ {
begin : "(" + n . IDENT _RE + "::)?" + n . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } ] } ] . concat ( b ) } , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
className : "function" , begin : e ( /def\s+/ , ( _ = a + "\\s*(\\(|;|$)" , e ( "(?=" , _ , ")" ) ) ) ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
relevance : 0 , keywords : "def" , end : "$|;" , contains : [ n . inherit ( n . TITLE _MODE , { begin : a
} ) , l ] . concat ( b ) } , { begin : n . IDENT _RE + "::" } , { className : "symbol" ,
begin : n . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "(!|\\?)?:" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "symbol" ,
begin : ":(?!\\s)" , contains : [ t , { begin : a } ] , relevance : 0 } , d , { className : "variable" ,
begin : "(\\$\\W)|((\\$|@@?)(\\w+))(?=[^@$?])(?![A-Za-z])(?![@$?'])" } , {
className : "params" , begin : /\|/ , end : /\|/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : i } , {
begin : "(" + n . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|unless)\\s*" , keywords : "unless" , contains : [ {
className : "regexp" , contains : [ n . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] , illegal : /\n/ , variants : [ {
begin : "/" , end : "/[a-z]*" } , { begin : /%r\{/ , end : /\}[a-z]*/ } , { begin : "%r\\(" ,
end : "\\)[a-z]*" } , { begin : "%r!" , end : "![a-z]*" } , { begin : "%r\\[" , end : "\\][a-z]*" } ]
} ] . concat ( r , b ) , relevance : 0 } ] . concat ( r , b ) ; var _ ; c . contains = o , l . contains = o
; const E = [ { begin : /^\s*=>/ , starts : { end : "$" , contains : o } } , { className : "meta" ,
begin : "^([>?]>|[\\w#]+\\(\\w+\\):\\d+:\\d+>|(\\w+-)?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+(p\\d+)?[^\\d][^>]+>)(?=[ ])" ,
starts : { end : "$" , contains : o } } ] ; return b . unshift ( r ) , { name : "Ruby" ,
aliases : [ "rb" , "gemspec" , "podspec" , "thor" , "irb" ] , keywords : i , illegal : /\/\*/ ,
contains : [ n . SHEBANG ( { binary : "ruby" } ) ] . concat ( E ) . concat ( b ) . concat ( o ) } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "rust" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => {
const n = "([ui](8|16|32|64|128|size)|f(32|64))?" , t = "drop i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize f32 f64 str char bool Box Option Result String Vec Copy Send Sized Sync Drop Fn FnMut FnOnce ToOwned Clone Debug PartialEq PartialOrd Eq Ord AsRef AsMut Into From Default Iterator Extend IntoIterator DoubleEndedIterator ExactSizeIterator SliceConcatExt ToString assert! assert_eq! bitflags! bytes! cfg! col! concat! concat_idents! debug_assert! debug_assert_eq! env! panic! file! format! format_args! include_bin! include_str! line! local_data_key! module_path! option_env! print! println! select! stringify! try! unimplemented! unreachable! vec! write! writeln! macro_rules! assert_ne! debug_assert_ne!"
; return { name : "Rust" , aliases : [ "rs" ] , keywords : { $pattern : e . IDENT _RE + "!?" ,
keyword : "abstract as async await become box break const continue crate do dyn else enum extern false final fn for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut override priv pub ref return self Self static struct super trait true try type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield" ,
literal : "true false Some None Ok Err" , built _in : t } , illegal : "</" ,
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ "self" ]
} ) , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { begin : /b?"/ , illegal : null } ) , {
className : "string" , variants : [ { begin : /r(#*)"(.|\n)*?"\1(?!#)/ } , {
begin : /b?'\\?(x\w{2}|u\w{4}|U\w{8}|.)'/ } ] } , { className : "symbol" ,
begin : /'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ } , { className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\b0b([01_]+)" + n } , { begin : "\\b0o([0-7_]+)" + n } , {
begin : "\\b0x([A-Fa-f0-9_]+)" + n } , {
begin : "\\b(\\d[\\d_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?)" + n } ] , relevance : 0 } , {
className : "function" , beginKeywords : "fn" , end : "(\\(|<)" , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { className : "meta" , begin : "#!?\\[" , end : "\\]" ,
contains : [ { className : "meta-string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } ] } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "type" , end : ";" , contains : [ e . inherit ( e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , {
endsParent : ! 0 } ) ] , illegal : "\\S" } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "trait enum struct union" , end : /\{/ ,
contains : [ e . inherit ( e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , { endsParent : ! 0 } ) ] , illegal : "[\\w\\d]"
} , { begin : e . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : { built _in : t } } , { begin : "->" } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "scss" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = [ "a" , "abbr" , "address" , "article" , "aside" , "audio" , "b" , "blockquote" , "body" , "button" , "canvas" , "caption" , "cite" , "code" , "dd" , "del" , "details" , "dfn" , "div" , "dl" , "dt" , "em" , "fieldset" , "figcaption" , "figure" , "footer" , "form" , "h1" , "h2" , "h3" , "h4" , "h5" , "h6" , "header" , "hgroup" , "html" , "i" , "iframe" , "img" , "input" , "ins" , "kbd" , "label" , "legend" , "li" , "main" , "mark" , "menu" , "nav" , "object" , "ol" , "p" , "q" , "quote" , "samp" , "section" , "span" , "strong" , "summary" , "sup" , "table" , "tbody" , "td" , "textarea" , "tfoot" , "th" , "thead" , "time" , "tr" , "ul" , "var" , "video" ] , t = [ "any-hover" , "any-pointer" , "aspect-ratio" , "color" , "color-gamut" , "color-index" , "device-aspect-ratio" , "device-height" , "device-width" , "display-mode" , "forced-colors" , "grid" , "height" , "hover" , "inverted-colors" , "monochrome" , "orientation" , "overflow-block" , "overflow-inline" , "pointer" , "prefers-color-scheme" , "prefers-contrast" , "prefers-reduced-motion" , "prefers-reduced-transparency" , "resolution" , "scan" , "scripting" , "update" , "width" , "min-width" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "max-height" ] , i = [ "active" , "any-link" , "blank" , "checked" , "current" , "default" , "defined" , "dir" , "disabled" , "drop" , "empty" , "enabled" , "first" , "first-child" , "first-of-type" , "fullscreen" , "future" , "focus" , "focus-visible" , "focus-within" , "has" , "host" , "host-context" , "hover" , "indeterminate" , "in-range" , "invalid" , "is" , "lang" , "last-child" , "last-of-type" , "left" , "link" , "local-link" , "not" , "nth-child" , "nth-col" , "nth-last-child" , "nth-last-col" , "nth-last-of-type" , "nth-of-type" , "only-child" , "only-of-type" , "optional" , "out-of-range" , "past" , "placeholder-shown" , "read-only" , "read-write" , "required" , "right" , "root" , "scope" , "target" , "target-within" , "user-invalid" , "valid" , "visited" , "where" ] , o = [ "after" , "backdrop" , "before" , "cue" , "cue-region" , "first-letter" , "first-line" , "grammar-error" , "marker" , "part" , "placeholder" , "selection" , "slotted" , "spelling-error" ] , r = [ "align-content" , "align-items" , "align-self" , "animation" , "animation-delay" , "animation-direction" , "animation-duration" , "animation-fill-mode" , "animation-iteration-count" , "animation-name" , "animation-play-state" , "animation-timing-function" , "auto" , "backface-visibility" , "background" , "background-attachment" , "background-clip" , "background-color" , "background-image" , "background-origin" , "background-position" , "background-repeat" , "background-size" , "border" , "border-bottom" , "border-bottom-color" , "border-bottom-left-radius" , "border-bottom-right-radius" , "border-bottom-style" , "border-bottom-width" , "border-collapse" , "border-color" , "border-image" , "border-image-outset" , "border-image-repeat" , "border-image-slice" , "border-image-source" , "border-image-width" , "border-left" , "border-left-color" , "border-left-style" , "border-left-width" , "border-radius" , "border-right" , "border-right-color" , "border-right-style" , "border-right-width" , "border-spacing" , "border-style" , "border-top" , "border-top-color" , "border-top-left-radius" , "border-top-right-radius" , "border-top-style" , "border-top-width" , "border-width" , "bottom" , "box-decoration-break" , "box-shadow" , "box-sizing" , "break-after" , "break-before" , "break-inside" , "caption-side" , "clear" , "clip" , "clip-path" , "color" , "column-count" , "column-fill" , "column-gap" , "column-rule" , "column-rule-color" , "column-rule-style" , "column-rule-width" , "column-span" , "column-width" , "columns" , "content" , "counter-increment" , "counter-reset" , "cursor" , "direction" , "display" , "empty-cells" , "filter" , "flex" , "flex-basis" , "flex-direction" , "flex-flow" , "flex-grow" , "flex-shrink" , "flex-wrap" , "float" , "font" , "font-display" , "font-family" , "font-feature-settings" , "font-kerning" , "font-language-override" , "font-size" , "font-size-adjust" , "font-smoothing" , "font-stretch" , "font-style" , "font-variant" , "font-variant-ligatures" , "font-variation-settings" , "font-weight" , "height" , "hyphens" , "icon" , "image-orientation" , "image-rendering" , "image-resolution" , "ime-mode" , "inherit" , "initial" , "justify-content" , "left" , "letter-spacing" , "line-height" , "list-style" , "list-style-image" , "list-style-position" , "list-style-type" , "margin" , "margin-bottom" , "margin-left" , "margin-right" , "margin-top" , "marks" , "mask" , "max-height" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "min-width" , "nav-down" , "nav-index" , "nav-left" , "nav-right" , "nav-up" , "none" , " no
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return a => { const n = ( e => ( { IMPORTANT : { className : "meta" , begin : "!important" } ,
HEXCOLOR : { className : "number" , begin : "#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})" } ,
ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE : { className : "selector-attr" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ ,
illegal : "$" , contains : [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) ) ( a ) , l = o , s = i , d = "@[a-z-]+" , c = { className : "variable" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "(\\$[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\\b" } ; return { name : "SCSS" , case _insensitive : ! 0 ,
illegal : "[=/|']" , contains : [ a . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , a . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , {
className : "selector-id" , begin : "#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" , relevance : 0 } , {
className : "selector-class" , begin : "\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" , relevance : 0
} , n . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , { className : "selector-tag" ,
begin : "\\b(" + e . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "selector-pseudo" ,
begin : ":(" + s . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { className : "selector-pseudo" ,
begin : "::(" + l . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , c , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , contains : [ a . CSS _NUMBER _MODE ]
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , { className : "attribute" , begin : "\\b(" + r . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "\\b(whitespace|wait|w-resize|visible|vertical-text|vertical-ideographic|uppercase|upper-roman|upper-alpha|underline|transparent|top|thin|thick|text|text-top|text-bottom|tb-rl|table-header-group|table-footer-group|sw-resize|super|strict|static|square|solid|small-caps|separate|se-resize|scroll|s-resize|rtl|row-resize|ridge|right|repeat|repeat-y|repeat-x|relative|progress|pointer|overline|outside|outset|oblique|nowrap|not-allowed|normal|none|nw-resize|no-repeat|no-drop|newspaper|ne-resize|n-resize|move|middle|medium|ltr|lr-tb|lowercase|lower-roman|lower-alpha|loose|list-item|line|line-through|line-edge|lighter|left|keep-all|justify|italic|inter-word|inter-ideograph|inside|inset|inline|inline-block|inherit|inactive|ideograph-space|ideograph-parenthesis|ideograph-numeric|ideograph-alpha|horizontal|hidden|help|hand|groove|fixed|ellipsis|e-resize|double|dotted|distribute|distribute-space|distribute-letter|distribute-all-lines|disc|disabled|default|decimal|dashed|crosshair|collapse|col-resize|circle|char|center|capitalize|break-word|break-all|bottom|both|bolder|bold|block|bidi-override|below|baseline|auto|always|all-scroll|absolute|table|table-cell)\\b"
} , { begin : ":" , end : ";" ,
contains : [ c , n . HEXCOLOR , a . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , a . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , a . APOS _STRING _MODE , n . IMPORTANT ]
} , { begin : "@(page|font-face)" , lexemes : d , keywords : "@page @font-face" } , { begin : "@" ,
end : "[{;]" , returnBegin : ! 0 , keywords : { $pattern : /[a-z-]+/ ,
keyword : "and or not only" , attribute : t . join ( " " ) } , contains : [ { begin : d ,
className : "keyword" } , { begin : /[a-z-]+(?=:)/ , className : "attribute"
} , c , a . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , a . APOS _STRING _MODE , n . HEXCOLOR , a . CSS _NUMBER _MODE ] } ] } }
} ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "shell" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return s => ( {
name : "Shell Session" , aliases : [ "console" ] , contains : [ { className : "meta" ,
begin : /^\s{0,3}[/~\w\d[\]()@-]*[>%$#]/ , starts : { end : /[^\\](?=\s*$)/ ,
subLanguage : "bash" } } ] } ) } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "sql" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function r ( ... r ) {
return r . map ( ( r => e ( r ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function t ( ... r ) {
return "(" + r . map ( ( r => e ( r ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" } return e => {
const n = e . COMMENT ( "--" , "$" ) , a = [ "true" , "false" , "unknown" ] , i = [ "bigint" , "binary" , "blob" , "boolean" , "char" , "character" , "clob" , "date" , "dec" , "decfloat" , "decimal" , "float" , "int" , "integer" , "interval" , "nchar" , "nclob" , "national" , "numeric" , "real" , "row" , "smallint" , "time" , "timestamp" , "varchar" , "varying" , "varbinary" ] , s = [ "abs" , "acos" , "array_agg" , "asin" , "atan" , "avg" , "cast" , "ceil" , "ceiling" , "coalesce" , "corr" , "cos" , "cosh" , "count" , "covar_pop" , "covar_samp" , "cume_dist" , "dense_rank" , "deref" , "element" , "exp" , "extract" , "first_value" , "floor" , "json_array" , "json_arrayagg" , "json_exists" , "json_object" , "json_objectagg" , "json_query" , "json_table" , "json_table_primitive" , "json_value" , "lag" , "last_value" , "lead" , "listagg" , "ln" , "log" , "log10" , "lower" , "max" , "min" , "mod" , "nth_value" , "ntile" , "nullif" , "percent_rank" , "percentile_cont" , "percentile_disc" , "position" , "position_regex" , "power" , "rank" , "regr_avgx" , "regr_avgy" , "regr_count" , "regr_intercept" , "regr_r2" , "regr_slope" , "regr_sxx" , "regr_sxy" , "regr_syy" , "row_number" , "sin" , "sinh" , "sqrt" , "stddev_pop" , "stddev_samp" , "substring" , "substring_regex" , "sum" , "tan" , "tanh" , "translate" , "translate_regex" , "treat" , "trim" , "trim_array" , "unnest" , "upper" , "value_of" , "var_pop" , "var_samp" , "width_bucket" ] , o = [ "create table" , "insert into" , "primary key" , "foreign key" , "not null" , "alter table" , "add constraint" , "grouping sets" , "on overflow" , "character set" , "respect nulls" , "ignore nulls" , "nulls first" , "nulls last" , "depth first" , "breadth first" ] , c = s , l = [ "abs" , "acos" , "all" , "allocate" , "alter" , "and" , "any" , "are" , "array" , "array_agg" , "array_max_cardinality" , "as" , "asensitive" , "asin" , "asymmetric" , "at" , "atan" , "atomic" , "authorization" , "avg" , "begin" , "begin_frame" , "begin_partition" , "between" , "bigint" , "binary" , "blob" , "boolean" , "both" , "by" , "call" , "called" , "cardinality" , "cascaded" , "case" , "cast" , "ceil" , "ceiling" , "char" , "char_length" , "character" , "character_length" , "check" , "classifier" , "clob" , "close" , "coalesce" , "collate" , "collect" , "column" , "commit" , "condition" , "connect" , "constraint" , "contains" , "convert" , "copy" , "corr" , "corresponding" , "cos" , "cosh" , "count" , "covar_pop" , "covar_samp" , "create" , "cross" , "cube" , "cume_dist" , "current" , "current_catalog" , "current_date" , "current_default_transform_group" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_row" , "current_schema" , "current_time" , "current_timestamp" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_transform_group_for_type" , "current_user" , "cursor" , "cycle" , "date" , "day" , "deallocate" , "dec" , "decimal" , "decfloat" , "declare" , "default" , "define" , "delete" , "dense_rank" , "deref" , "describe" , "deterministic" , "disconnect" , "distinct" , "double" , "drop" , "dynamic" , "each" , "element" , "else" , "empty" , "end" , "end_frame" , "end_partition" , "end-exec" , "equals" , "escape" , "every" , "except" , "exec" , "execute" , "exists" , "exp" , "external" , "extract" , "false" , "fetch" , "filter" , "first_value" , "float" , "floor" , "for" , "foreign" , "frame_row" , "free" , "from" , "full" , "function" , "fusion" , "get" , "global" , "grant" , "group" , "grouping" , "groups" , "having" , "hold" , "hour" , "identity" , "in" , "indicator" , "initial" , "inner" , "inout" , "insensitive" , "insert" , "int" , "integer" , "intersect" , "intersection" , "interval" , "into" , "is" , "join" , "json_array" , "json_arrayagg" , "json_exists" , "json_object" , "json_objectagg" , "json_query" , "json_table" , "json_table_primitive" , "json_value" , "lag" , "language" , "large" , "last_value" , "lateral" , "lead" , "leading" , "left" , "like" , "like_regex" , "listagg" , "ln" , "local" , "localtime" , "localtimestamp" , "log" , "log10" , "lower" , "match" , "match_number" , "match_recognize" , "matches" , "max" , "member" , "merge" , "method" , "min" , "minute" , "mod" , "modifies" , "module" , "month" , "multiset" , "national" , "natural" , "nchar" , "nclob" , "new" , "no" , "none" , "normalize" , "not" , "nth_value" , "ntile" , "null" , "nullif" , "numeric" , "octet_length" , "occurrences_regex" , "of" , "offset" , "old" , "omit" , "on" , "one" , "only" , "open" , "or" , "order" , "out" , "outer" , "over" , "overlaps" , "overlay" , "parameter" , "partition" , "pattern" , "per" , "percent" , "percent_rank" , "percentile_cont" , "percentile_disc" , "period" , "portion" , "position" , "position_regex" , "power" , "precedes" , "precision" , "prepare" , "primary" , "procedure" , "ptf" , "range" , "rank" , "reads" , "real" , "recursive" , "ref" , "references" , "referencing" , "regr_avgx" , "regr_avgy" ,
begin : r ( /\b/ , t ( ... c ) , /\s*\(/ ) , keywords : { built _in : c } } ; return { name : "SQL" ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /[{}]|<\// , keywords : { $pattern : /\b[\w\.]+/ ,
keyword : ( ( e , { exceptions : r , when : t } = { } ) => { const n = t
; return r = r || [ ] , e . map ( ( e => e . match ( /\|\d+$/ ) || r . includes ( e ) ? e : n ( e ) ? e + "|0" : e ) )
} ) ( l , { when : e => e . length < 3 } ) , literal : a , type : i ,
built _in : [ "current_catalog" , "current_date" , "current_default_transform_group" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_schema" , "current_transform_group_for_type" , "current_user" , "session_user" , "system_time" , "system_user" , "current_time" , "localtime" , "current_timestamp" , "localtimestamp" ]
} , contains : [ { begin : t ( ... o ) , keywords : { $pattern : /[\w\.]+/ , keyword : l . concat ( o ) ,
literal : a , type : i } } , { className : "type" ,
begin : t ( "double precision" , "large object" , "with timezone" , "without timezone" )
} , u , { className : "variable" , begin : /@[a-z0-9]+/ } , { className : "string" , variants : [ {
begin : /'/ , end : /'/ , contains : [ { begin : /''/ } ] } ] } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ , contains : [ {
begin : /""/ } ] } , e . C _NUMBER _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , n , { className : "operator" ,
begin : /[-+*/=%^~]|&&?|\|\|?|!=?|<(?:=>?|<|>)?|>[>=]?/ , relevance : 0 } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "swift" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function n ( e ) { return a ( "(?=" , e , ")" ) }
function a ( ... n ) { return n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function t ( ... n ) {
return "(" + n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" }
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
const i = e => a ( /\b/ , e , /\w$/ . test ( e ) ? /\b/ : /\B/ ) , s = [ "Protocol" , "Type" ] . map ( i ) , u = [ "init" , "self" ] . map ( i ) , c = [ "Any" , "Self" ] , r = [ "associatedtype" , "async" , "await" , /as\?/ , /as!/ , "as" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "continue" , "convenience" , "default" , "defer" , "deinit" , "didSet" , "do" , "dynamic" , "else" , "enum" , "extension" , "fallthrough" , /fileprivate\(set\)/ , "fileprivate" , "final" , "for" , "func" , "get" , "guard" , "if" , "import" , "indirect" , "infix" , /init\?/ , /init!/ , "inout" , /internal\(set\)/ , "internal" , "in" , "is" , "lazy" , "let" , "mutating" , "nonmutating" , /open\(set\)/ , "open" , "operator" , "optional" , "override" , "postfix" , "precedencegroup" , "prefix" , /private\(set\)/ , "private" , "protocol" , /public\(set\)/ , "public" , "repeat" , "required" , "rethrows" , "return" , "set" , "some" , "static" , "struct" , "subscript" , "super" , "switch" , "throws" , "throw" , /try\?/ , /try!/ , "try" , "typealias" , /unowned\(safe\)/ , /unowned\(unsafe\)/ , "unowned" , "var" , "weak" , "where" , "while" , "willSet" ] , o = [ "false" , "nil" , "true" ] , l = [ "assignment" , "associativity" , "higherThan" , "left" , "lowerThan" , "none" , "right" ] , m = [ "#colorLiteral" , "#column" , "#dsohandle" , "#else" , "#elseif" , "#endif" , "#error" , "#file" , "#fileID" , "#fileLiteral" , "#filePath" , "#function" , "#if" , "#imageLiteral" , "#keyPath" , "#line" , "#selector" , "#sourceLocation" , "#warn_unqualified_access" , "#warning" ] , d = [ "abs" , "all" , "any" , "assert" , "assertionFailure" , "debugPrint" , "dump" , "fatalError" , "getVaList" , "isKnownUniquelyReferenced" , "max" , "min" , "numericCast" , "pointwiseMax" , "pointwiseMin" , "precondition" , "preconditionFailure" , "print" , "readLine" , "repeatElement" , "sequence" , "stride" , "swap" , "swift_unboxFromSwiftValueWithType" , "transcode" , "type" , "unsafeBitCast" , "unsafeDowncast" , "withExtendedLifetime" , "withUnsafeMutablePointer" , "withUnsafePointer" , "withVaList" , "withoutActuallyEscaping" , "zip" ] , p = t ( /[/=\-+!*%<>&|^~?]/ , /[\u00A1-\u00A7]/ , /[\u00A9\u00AB]/ , /[\u00AC\u00AE]/ , /[\u00B0\u00B1]/ , /[\u00B6\u00BB\u00BF\u00D7\u00F7]/ , /[\u2016-\u2017]/ , /[\u2020-\u2027]/ , /[\u2030-\u203E]/ , /[\u2041-\u2053]/ , /[\u2055-\u205E]/ , /[\u2190-\u23FF]/ , /[\u2500-\u2775]/ , /[\u2794-\u2BFF]/ , /[\u2E00-\u2E7F]/ , /[\u3001-\u3003]/ , /[\u3008-\u3020]/ , /[\u3030]/ ) , F = t ( p , /[\u0300-\u036F]/ , /[\u1DC0-\u1DFF]/ , /[\u20D0-\u20FF]/ , /[\uFE00-\uFE0F]/ , /[\uFE20-\uFE2F]/ ) , b = a ( p , F , "*" ) , h = t ( /[a-zA-Z_]/ , /[\u00A8\u00AA\u00AD\u00AF\u00B2-\u00B5\u00B7-\u00BA]/ , /[\u00BC-\u00BE\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF]/ , /[\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u167F\u1681-\u180D\u180F-\u1DBF]/ , /[\u1E00-\u1FFF]/ , /[\u200B-\u200D\u202A-\u202E\u203F-\u2040\u2054\u2060-\u206F]/ , /[\u2070-\u20CF\u2100-\u218F\u2460-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793]/ , /[\u2C00-\u2DFF\u2E80-\u2FFF]/ , /[\u3004-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u303F\u3040-\uD7FF]/ , /[\uF900-\uFD3D\uFD40-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFE1F\uFE30-\uFE44]/ , /[\uFE47-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFD]/ ) , f = t ( h , /\d/ , /[\u0300-\u036F\u1DC0-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20FF\uFE20-\uFE2F]/ ) , w = a ( h , f , "*" ) , y = a ( /[A-Z]/ , f , "*" ) , g = [ "autoclosure" , a ( /convention\(/ , t ( "swift" , "block" , "c" ) , /\)/ ) , "discardableResult" , "dynamicCallable" , "dynamicMemberLookup" , "escaping" , "frozen" , "GKInspectable" , "IBAction" , "IBDesignable" , "IBInspectable" , "IBOutlet" , "IBSegueAction" , "inlinable" , "main" , "nonobjc" , "NSApplicationMain" , "NSCopying" , "NSManaged" , a ( /objc\(/ , w , /\)/ ) , "objc" , "objcMembers" , "propertyWrapper" , "requires_stored_property_inits" , "testable" , "UIApplicationMain" , "unknown" , "usableFromInline" ] , E = [ "iOS" , "iOSApplicationExtension" , "macOS" , "macOSApplicationExtension" , "macCatalyst" , "macCatalystApplicationExtension" , "watchOS" , "watchOSApplicationExtension" , "tvOS" , "tvOSApplicationExtension" , "swift" ]
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; return e => { const p = { match : /\s+/ , relevance : 0 } , h = e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , {
contains : [ "self" ] } ) , v = [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , h ] , N = { className : "keyword" ,
begin : a ( /\./ , n ( t ( ... s , ... u ) ) ) , end : t ( ... s , ... u ) , excludeBegin : ! 0 } , A = {
match : a ( /\./ , t ( ... r ) ) , relevance : 0
} , C = r . filter ( ( e => "string" == typeof e ) ) . concat ( [ "_|0" ] ) , _ = { variants : [ {
className : "keyword" ,
match : t ( ... r . filter ( ( e => "string" != typeof e ) ) . concat ( c ) . map ( i ) , ... u ) } ] } , D = {
$pattern : t ( /\b\w+/ , /#\w+/ ) , keyword : C . concat ( m ) , literal : o } , B = [ N , A , _ ] , k = [ {
match : a ( /\./ , t ( ... d ) ) , relevance : 0 } , { className : "built_in" ,
match : a ( /\b/ , t ( ... d ) , /(?=\()/ ) } ] , M = { match : /->/ , relevance : 0 } , S = [ M , {
className : "operator" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { match : b } , { match : ` \\ .( \\ .| ${ F } )+ ` } ]
} ] , x = "([0-9a-fA-F]_*)+" , I = { className : "number" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ {
match : "\\b(([0-9]_*)+)(\\.(([0-9]_*)+))?([eE][+-]?(([0-9]_*)+))?\\b" } , {
match : ` \\ b0x( ${ x } )( \\ .( ${ x } ))?([pP][+-]?(([0-9]_*)+))? \\ b ` } , {
match : /\b0o([0-7]_*)+\b/ } , { match : /\b0b([01]_*)+\b/ } ] } , O = ( e = "" ) => ( {
className : "subst" , variants : [ { match : a ( /\\/ , e , /[0\\tnr"']/ ) } , {
match : a ( /\\/ , e , /u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}\}/ ) } ] } ) , T = ( e = "" ) => ( { className : "subst" ,
match : a ( /\\/ , e , /[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|\r\n)/ ) } ) , L = ( e = "" ) => ( { className : "subst" ,
label : "interpol" , begin : a ( /\\/ , e , /\(/ ) , end : /\)/ } ) , P = ( e = "" ) => ( { begin : a ( e , /"""/ ) ,
end : a ( /"""/ , e ) , contains : [ O ( e ) , T ( e ) , L ( e ) ] } ) , $ = ( e = "" ) => ( { begin : a ( e , /"/ ) ,
end : a ( /"/ , e ) , contains : [ O ( e ) , L ( e ) ] } ) , K = { className : "string" ,
variants : [ P ( ) , P ( "#" ) , P ( "##" ) , P ( "###" ) , $ ( ) , $ ( "#" ) , $ ( "##" ) , $ ( "###" ) ] } , j = {
match : a ( /`/ , w , /`/ ) } , z = [ j , { className : "variable" , match : /\$\d+/ } , {
className : "variable" , match : ` \\ $ ${ f } + ` } ] , q = [ { match : /(@|#)available/ ,
className : "keyword" , starts : { contains : [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : E ,
contains : [ ... S , I , K ] } ] } } , { className : "keyword" , match : a ( /@/ , t ( ... g ) ) } , {
className : "meta" , match : a ( /@/ , w ) } ] , U = { match : n ( /\b[A-Z]/ ) , relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
className : "type" ,
match : a ( /(AV|CA|CF|CG|CI|CL|CM|CN|CT|MK|MP|MTK|MTL|NS|SCN|SK|UI|WK|XC)/ , f , "+" )
} , { className : "type" , match : y , relevance : 0 } , { match : /[?!]+/ , relevance : 0 } , {
match : /\.\.\./ , relevance : 0 } , { match : a ( /\s+&\s+/ , n ( y ) ) , relevance : 0 } ] } , Z = {
begin : /</ , end : />/ , keywords : D , contains : [ ... v , ... B , ... q , M , U ] } ; U . contains . push ( Z )
; const G = { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : D , contains : [ "self" , {
match : a ( w , /\s*:/ ) , keywords : "_|0" , relevance : 0
} , ... v , ... B , ... k , ... S , I , K , ... z , ... q , U ] } , H = { beginKeywords : "func" , contains : [ {
className : "title" , match : t ( j . match , w , b ) , endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , p ] } , R = {
begin : /</ , end : />/ , contains : [ ... v , U ] } , V = { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : D ,
contains : [ { begin : t ( n ( a ( w , /\s*:/ ) ) , n ( a ( w , /\s+/ , w , /\s*:/ ) ) ) , end : /:/ , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ { className : "keyword" , match : /\b_\b/ } , { className : "params" , match : w } ]
} , ... v , ... B , ... S , I , K , ... q , U , G ] , endsParent : ! 0 , illegal : /["']/ } , W = {
className : "function" , match : n ( /\bfunc\b/ ) , contains : [ H , R , V , p ] , illegal : [ /\[/ , /%/ ]
} , X = { className : "function" , match : /\b(subscript|init[?!]?)\s*(?=[<(])/ , keywords : {
keyword : "subscript init init? init!" , $pattern : /\w+[?!]?/ } , contains : [ R , V , p ] ,
illegal : /\[|%/ } , J = { beginKeywords : "operator" , end : e . MATCH _NOTHING _RE , contains : [ {
className : "title" , match : b , endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } ] } , Q = {
beginKeywords : "precedencegroup" , end : e . MATCH _NOTHING _RE , contains : [ {
className : "title" , match : y , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /{/ , end : /}/ , relevance : 0 ,
endsParent : ! 0 , keywords : [ ... l , ... o ] , contains : [ U ] } ] } ; for ( const e of K . variants ) {
const n = e . contains . find ( ( e => "interpol" === e . label ) ) ; n . keywords = D
; const a = [ ... B , ... k , ... S , I , K , ... z ] ; n . contains = [ ... a , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
contains : [ "self" , ... a ] } ] } return { name : "Swift" , keywords : D , contains : [ ... v , W , X , {
className : "class" , beginKeywords : "struct protocol class extension enum" ,
end : "\\{" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : D , contains : [ e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : /[A-Za-z$_][\u00C0-\u02B80-9A-Za-z$_]*/ } ) , ... B ] } , J , Q , {
beginKeywords : "import" , end : /$/ , contains : [ ... v ] , relevance : 0
} , ... B , ... k , ... S , I , K , ... z , ... q , U , G ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "typescript" , ( ( ) => { "use strict"
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
; const e = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*" , n = [ "as" , "in" , "of" , "if" , "for" , "while" , "finally" , "var" , "new" , "function" , "do" , "return" , "void" , "else" , "break" , "catch" , "instanceof" , "with" , "throw" , "case" , "default" , "try" , "switch" , "continue" , "typeof" , "delete" , "let" , "yield" , "const" , "class" , "debugger" , "async" , "await" , "static" , "import" , "from" , "export" , "extends" ] , a = [ "true" , "false" , "null" , "undefined" , "NaN" , "Infinity" ] , s = [ ] . concat ( [ "setInterval" , "setTimeout" , "clearInterval" , "clearTimeout" , "require" , "exports" , "eval" , "isFinite" , "isNaN" , "parseFloat" , "parseInt" , "decodeURI" , "decodeURIComponent" , "encodeURI" , "encodeURIComponent" , "escape" , "unescape" ] , [ "arguments" , "this" , "super" , "console" , "window" , "document" , "localStorage" , "module" , "global" ] , [ "Intl" , "DataView" , "Number" , "Math" , "Date" , "String" , "RegExp" , "Object" , "Function" , "Boolean" , "Error" , "Symbol" , "Set" , "Map" , "WeakSet" , "WeakMap" , "Proxy" , "Reflect" , "JSON" , "Promise" , "Float64Array" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Int8Array" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "Float32Array" , "Array" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "ArrayBuffer" , "BigInt64Array" , "BigUint64Array" , "BigInt" ] , [ "EvalError" , "InternalError" , "RangeError" , "ReferenceError" , "SyntaxError" , "TypeError" , "URIError" ] )
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; function t ( e ) { return r ( "(?=" , e , ")" ) } function r ( ... e ) { return e . map ( ( e => {
return ( n = e ) ? "string" == typeof n ? n : n . source : null ; var n } ) ) . join ( "" ) } return i => {
const c = { $pattern : e ,
keyword : n . concat ( [ "type" , "namespace" , "typedef" , "interface" , "public" , "private" , "protected" , "implements" , "declare" , "abstract" , "readonly" ] ) ,
literal : a ,
built _in : s . concat ( [ "any" , "void" , "number" , "boolean" , "string" , "object" , "never" , "enum" ] )
} , o = { className : "meta" , begin : "@[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*" } , l = ( e , n , a ) => {
const s = e . contains . findIndex ( ( e => e . label === n ) )
; if ( - 1 === s ) throw Error ( "can not find mode to replace" ) ; e . contains . splice ( s , 1 , a )
} , b = ( i => { const c = e , o = { begin : /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/ ,
end : /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/ , isTrulyOpeningTag : ( e , n ) => {
const a = e [ 0 ] . length + e . index , s = e . input [ a ] ; "<" !== s ? ">" === s && ( ( ( e , { after : n } ) => {
const a = "</" + e [ 0 ] . slice ( 1 ) ; return - 1 !== e . input . indexOf ( a , n ) } ) ( e , { after : a
} ) || n . ignoreMatch ( ) ) : n . ignoreMatch ( ) } } , l = { $pattern : e , keyword : n , literal : a ,
built _in : s } , b = "\\.([0-9](_?[0-9])*)" , d = "0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*|0[0-7]*[89][0-9]*" , g = {
className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ d } )(( ${ b } )| \\ .)?|( ${ b } ))[eE][+-]?([0-9](_?[0-9])*) \\ b ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b( ${ d } ) \\ b(( ${ b } ) \\ b| \\ .)?|( ${ b } ) \\ b ` } , {
begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*)n\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*n?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*n?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*n?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[0-7]+n?\\b" } ] , relevance : 0 } , u = { className : "subst" , begin : "\\$\\{" ,
end : "\\}" , keywords : l , contains : [ ] } , E = { begin : "html`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" ,
returnEnd : ! 1 , contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , u ] , subLanguage : "xml" } } , m = {
begin : "css`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" , returnEnd : ! 1 ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , u ] , subLanguage : "css" } } , y = { className : "string" ,
begin : "`" , end : "`" , contains : [ i . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , u ] } , _ = { className : "comment" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
variants : [ i . COMMENT ( /\/\*\*(?!\/)/ , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" , contains : [ { className : "type" , begin : "\\{" ,
end : "\\}" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "variable" , begin : c + "(?=\\s*(-)|$)" ,
endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /(?=[^\n])\s/ , relevance : 0 } ] } ]
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , p = [ i . APOS _STRING _MODE , i . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , E , m , y , g , i . REGEXP _MODE ]
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
; u . contains = p . concat ( { begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ , keywords : l , contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( p )
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} ) ; const N = [ ] . concat ( _ , u . contains ) , f = N . concat ( [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : l ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( N ) } ] ) , A = { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l , contains : f } ; return { name : "Javascript" ,
aliases : [ "js" , "jsx" , "mjs" , "cjs" ] , keywords : l , exports : { PARAMS _CONTAINS : f } ,
illegal : /#(?![$_A-z])/ , contains : [ i . SHEBANG ( { label : "shebang" , binary : "node" ,
relevance : 5 } ) , { label : "use_strict" , className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
begin : /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
} , i . APOS _STRING _MODE , i . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , E , m , y , _ , g , {
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : r ( /[{,\n]\s*/ , t ( r ( /(((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*(\*[^/]|[^*])*\*\/))\s*)*/ , c + "\\s*:" ) ) ) ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "attr" , begin : c + t ( "\\s*:" ) , relevance : 0 } ] } , {
begin : "(" + i . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*" ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
keywords : "return throw case" , contains : [ _ , i . REGEXP _MODE , { className : "function" ,
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
begin : "(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)|" + i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + ")\\s*=>" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : "\\s*=>" , contains : [ { className : "params" , variants : [ {
begin : i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } , { className : null , begin : /\(\s*\)/ , skip : ! 0
} , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l , contains : f } ] } ]
} , { begin : /,/ , relevance : 0 } , { className : "" , begin : /\s/ , end : /\s*/ , skip : ! 0 } , {
variants : [ { begin : "<>" , end : "</>" } , { begin : o . begin , "on:begin" : o . isTrulyOpeningTag ,
end : o . end } ] , subLanguage : "xml" , contains : [ { begin : o . begin , end : o . end , skip : ! 0 ,
contains : [ "self" ] } ] } ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "function" ,
beginKeywords : "function" , end : /[{;]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l ,
contains : [ "self" , i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , A ] , illegal : /%/ } , {
beginKeywords : "while if switch catch for" } , { className : "function" ,
begin : i . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{" ,
returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ A , i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) ] } , { variants : [ {
begin : "\\." + c } , { begin : "\\$" + c } ] , relevance : 0 } , { className : "class" ,
beginKeywords : "class" , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , illegal : /[:"[\]]/ , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "extends" } , i . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { begin : /\b(?=constructor)/ ,
end : /[{;]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , "self" , A ]
} , { begin : "(get|set)\\s+(?=" + c + "\\()" , end : /\{/ , keywords : "get set" ,
contains : [ i . inherit ( i . TITLE _MODE , { begin : c } ) , { begin : /\(\)/ } , A ] } , { begin : /\$[(.]/ } ]
} } ) ( i )
; return Object . assign ( b . keywords , c ) , b . exports . PARAMS _CONTAINS . push ( o ) , b . contains = b . contains . concat ( [ o , {
beginKeywords : "namespace" , end : /\{/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , { beginKeywords : "interface" ,
end : /\{/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : "interface extends"
} ] ) , l ( b , "shebang" , i . SHEBANG ( ) ) , l ( b , "use_strict" , { className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
begin : /^\s*['"]use strict['"]/
} ) , b . contains . find ( ( e => "function" === e . className ) ) . relevance = 0 , Object . assign ( b , {
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
name : "TypeScript" , aliases : [ "ts" , "tsx" ] } ) , b } } ) ( ) ) ;
2021-03-18 18:21:23 -04:00
hljs . registerLanguage ( "vbnet" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function n ( ... n ) {
return n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function t ( ... n ) {
return "(" + n . map ( ( n => e ( n ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" } return e => {
const a = /\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}/ , i = /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/ , s = /(\d|1[012])(:\d+){0,2} *(AM|PM)/ , r = /\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2}){1,2}/ , o = {
className : "literal" , variants : [ { begin : n ( /# */ , t ( i , a ) , / *#/ ) } , {
begin : n ( /# */ , r , / *#/ ) } , { begin : n ( /# */ , s , / *#/ ) } , {
begin : n ( /# */ , t ( i , a ) , / +/ , t ( s , r ) , / *#/ ) } ] } , l = e . COMMENT ( /'''/ , /$/ , { contains : [ {
className : "doctag" , begin : /<\/?/ , end : />/ } ] } ) , c = e . COMMENT ( null , /$/ , { variants : [ {
begin : /'/ } , { begin : /([\t ]|^)REM(?=\s)/ } ] } ) ; return { name : "Visual Basic .NET" ,
aliases : [ "vb" ] , case _insensitive : ! 0 , classNameAliases : { label : "symbol" } , keywords : {
keyword : "addhandler alias aggregate ansi as async assembly auto binary by byref byval call case catch class compare const continue custom declare default delegate dim distinct do each equals else elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit finally for friend from function get global goto group handles if implements imports in inherits interface into iterator join key let lib loop me mid module mustinherit mustoverride mybase myclass namespace narrowing new next notinheritable notoverridable of off on operator option optional order overloads overridable overrides paramarray partial preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim removehandler resume return select set shadows shared skip static step stop structure strict sub synclock take text then throw to try unicode until using when where while widening with withevents writeonly yield" ,
built _in : "addressof and andalso await directcast gettype getxmlnamespace is isfalse isnot istrue like mod nameof new not or orelse trycast typeof xor cbool cbyte cchar cdate cdbl cdec cint clng cobj csbyte cshort csng cstr cuint culng cushort" ,
type : "boolean byte char date decimal double integer long object sbyte short single string uinteger ulong ushort" ,
literal : "true false nothing" } ,
illegal : "//|\\{|\\}|endif|gosub|variant|wend|^\\$ " , contains : [ {
className : "string" , begin : /"(""|[^/n])"C\b/ } , { className : "string" , begin : /"/ ,
end : /"/ , illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ { begin : /""/ } ] } , o , { className : "number" , relevance : 0 ,
variants : [ { begin : /\b\d[\d_]*((\.[\d_]+(E[+-]?[\d_]+)?)|(E[+-]?[\d_]+))[RFD@!#]?/
} , { begin : /\b\d[\d_]*((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , { begin : /&H[\dA-F_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , {
begin : /&O[0-7_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , { begin : /&B[01_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } ] } , {
className : "label" , begin : /^\w+:/ } , l , c , { className : "meta" ,
begin : /[\t ]*#(const|disable|else|elseif|enable|end|externalsource|if|region)\b/ ,
end : /$/ , keywords : {
"meta-keyword" : "const disable else elseif enable end externalsource if region then"
} , contains : [ c ] } ] } } } ) ( ) ) ;
hljs . registerLanguage ( "yaml" , ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; return e => {
var n = "true false yes no null" , a = "[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*'()[\\]]+" , s = {
className : "string" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/
} , { begin : /\S+/ } ] , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , { className : "template-variable" ,
variants : [ { begin : /\{\{/ , end : /\}\}/ } , { begin : /%\{/ , end : /\}/ } ] } ] } , i = e . inherit ( s , {
variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } , { begin : /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ } ] } ) , l = {
end : "," , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 } , t = { begin : /\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , contains : [ l ] , illegal : "\\n" , relevance : 0 } , g = { begin : "\\[" , end : "\\]" ,
contains : [ l ] , illegal : "\\n" , relevance : 0 } , b = [ { className : "attr" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ \t]|$)" } , { begin : '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ \t]|$)' } , {
begin : "'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*':(?=[ \t]|$)" } ] } , { className : "meta" , begin : "^---\\s*$" ,
relevance : 10 } , { className : "string" ,
begin : "[\\|>]([1-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( +)[^ ][^\\n]*\\n(\\2[^\\n]+\\n?)*" } , {
begin : "<%[%=-]?" , end : "[%-]?%>" , subLanguage : "ruby" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
relevance : 0 } , { className : "type" , begin : "!\\w+!" + a } , { className : "type" ,
begin : "!<" + a + ">" } , { className : "type" , begin : "!" + a } , { className : "type" , begin : "!!" + a
} , { className : "meta" , begin : "&" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "$" } , { className : "meta" ,
begin : "\\*" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "$" } , { className : "bullet" , begin : "-(?=[ ]|$)" ,
relevance : 0 } , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { beginKeywords : n , keywords : { literal : n } } , {
className : "number" ,
begin : "\\b[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?(\\.[0-9]*)?([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?\\b"
} , { className : "number" , begin : e . C _NUMBER _RE + "\\b" , relevance : 0 } , t , g , s ] , r = [ ... b ]
; return r . pop ( ) , r . push ( i ) , l . contains = r , { name : "YAML" , case _insensitive : ! 0 ,
2021-11-13 01:45:02 +01:00
aliases : [ "yml" ] , contains : b } } } ) ( ) ) ;