### If you are on a Mac or PC, please try our [Discourse as Your First Rails App](http://blog.discourse.org/2013/04/discourse-as-your-first-rails-app/) blog post first!
(If you have experience setting up Rails projects, you might want to take a look at our **[Discourse Advanced Developer Guide](DEVELOPER-ADVANCED.md)**. It also contains instructions on building your own Vagrant VM.)
**Note to Linux users**: Your Discourse directory cannot be on an ecryptfs mount or you will receive an error: `exportfs: /home/your/path/to/discourse does not support NFS export`
**Note to OSX/Linux users**: Vagrant will mount your local files via an NFS share. Therefore, make sure that NFS is installed or else you'll receive the error message:
Mounting NFS shared folders failed. This is most often caused by the NFS
client software not being installed on the guest machine. Please verify
that the NFS client software is properly installed, and consult any resources
specific to the linux distro you're using for more information on how to
In a few seconds, rails will start serving pages. To access them, open a web browser to [http://localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000) - if it all worked you should see discourse! Congratulations, you are ready to start working!
You can now edit files on your local file system, using your favorite text editor or IDE. When you reload your web browser, it should have the latest changes.
You'll want an admin account to be able to do anything fun on your new Discourse environment. The easiest way to do this is to sign up for an account in the web browser with a username and password.
Once you have done that, you'll notice **no mail is delivered** to confirm it. This is because in the development environment emails are disabled by default.
An easy way to approve your account and give it admin access is to enter a rails console and update the data. Run the following commands after `vagrant ssh`:
cd /vagrant
bundle exec rails console
Once the console opens, enter the following commands. Make sure to replace `eviltrout` with the username you signed up with.
If you're actively working on Discourse, we recommend that you run rake autospec, which will run the specs. It’s very, very smart. It’ll abort very long test runs. So if it starts running all of the specs and then you just start editing a spec file and save it, it knows that it’s time to interrupt the spec suite, run this one spec for you, then it’ll keep running these specs until they pass as well. If you fail a spec by saving it and then go and start editing around the project to try and fix that spec, it’ll detect that and run that one failing spec, not a hundred of them.
For more insight into testing Discourse, see [this discussion](http://rubyrogues.com/117-rr-discourse-part-2-with-sam-saffron-and-robin-ward/) with the Ruby Rogues.