DEV: Chat service object initial implementation (#19814)
This is a combined work of Martin Brennan, Loïc Guitaut, and Joffrey Jaffeux.
This commit implements a base service object when working in chat. The documentation is available at
Generating documentation has been made as part of this commit with a bigger goal in mind of generally making it easier to dive into the chat project.
Working with services generally involves 3 parts:
- The service object itself, which is a series of steps where few of them are specialized (model, transaction, policy)
class UpdateAge
include Chat::Service::Base
model :user, :fetch_user
policy :can_see_user
step :update_age
class Contract
attribute :age, :integer
def fetch_user(user_id:, **)
User.find_by(id: user_id)
def can_see_user(guardian:, **)
def update_age(age:, **)
user.update!(age: age)
- The `with_service` controller helper, handling success and failure of the service within a service and making easy to return proper response to it from the controller
def update
with_service(UpdateAge) do
on_success { render_serialized(result.user, BasicUserSerializer, root: "user") }
- Rspec matchers and steps inspector, improving the dev experience while creating specs for a service
RSpec.describe(UpdateAge) do
subject(:result) do guardian, user_id:, age: age)
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:current_user) { Fabricate(:admin) }
let(:guardian) { }
let(:age) { 1 }
it { expect(user.reload.age).to eq(age) }
Note in case of unexpected failure in your spec, the output will give all the relevant information:
1) UpdateAge when no channel_id is given is expected to fail to find a model named 'user'
Failure/Error: it { fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }
Expected model 'foo' (key: 'result.model.user') was not found in the result object.
[1/4] [model] 'user' ❌
[2/4] [policy] 'can_see_user'
[3/4] [contract] 'default'
[4/4] [step] 'update_age'
/Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/update_age.rb:32:in `fetch_user': missing keyword: :user_id (ArgumentError)
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `instance_exec'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:219:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `block in run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `each'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:411:in `run'
from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:302:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/spec/services/update_age_spec.rb:15:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
2023-02-13 22:09:57 +10:00
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Class: Chat::Service::Base::Context
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<div id="content"><h1>Class: Chat::Service::Base::Context
<div class="box_info">
<span class="inheritName">OpenStruct</span>
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<li class="next">OpenStruct</li>
<li class="next">Chat::Service::Base::Context</li>
<a href="#" class="inheritanceTree">show all</a>
<dt>Defined in:</dt>
<h2>Overview</h2><div class="docstring">
<div class="discussion">
<p>Simple structure to hold the context of the service during its whole lifecycle.</p>
<div class="tags">
Instance Method Summary
<small><a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a></small>
<ul class="summary">
<li class="public ">
<span class="summary_signature">
<a href="#fail-instance_method" title="#fail (instance method)">#<strong>fail</strong>(context = {}) ⇒ Context </a>
<span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'>
<p>Marks the context as failed without raising an exception.</p>
<li class="public ">
<span class="summary_signature">
<a href="#fail!-instance_method" title="#fail! (instance method)">#<strong>fail!</strong>(context = {}) ⇒ Context </a>
<span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'>
<p>Marks the context as failed.</p>
<li class="public ">
<span class="summary_signature">
<a href="#failure%3F-instance_method" title="#failure? (instance method)">#<strong>failure?</strong> ⇒ Boolean </a>
<span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'>
<p>Returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as failed.</p>
<li class="public ">
<span class="summary_signature">
<a href="#success%3F-instance_method" title="#success? (instance method)">#<strong>success?</strong> ⇒ Boolean </a>
<span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'>
2023-04-03 19:27:32 +02:00
<p>Returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as successful (default).</p>
DEV: Chat service object initial implementation (#19814)
This is a combined work of Martin Brennan, Loïc Guitaut, and Joffrey Jaffeux.
This commit implements a base service object when working in chat. The documentation is available at
Generating documentation has been made as part of this commit with a bigger goal in mind of generally making it easier to dive into the chat project.
Working with services generally involves 3 parts:
- The service object itself, which is a series of steps where few of them are specialized (model, transaction, policy)
class UpdateAge
include Chat::Service::Base
model :user, :fetch_user
policy :can_see_user
step :update_age
class Contract
attribute :age, :integer
def fetch_user(user_id:, **)
User.find_by(id: user_id)
def can_see_user(guardian:, **)
def update_age(age:, **)
user.update!(age: age)
- The `with_service` controller helper, handling success and failure of the service within a service and making easy to return proper response to it from the controller
def update
with_service(UpdateAge) do
on_success { render_serialized(result.user, BasicUserSerializer, root: "user") }
- Rspec matchers and steps inspector, improving the dev experience while creating specs for a service
RSpec.describe(UpdateAge) do
subject(:result) do guardian, user_id:, age: age)
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:current_user) { Fabricate(:admin) }
let(:guardian) { }
let(:age) { 1 }
it { expect(user.reload.age).to eq(age) }
Note in case of unexpected failure in your spec, the output will give all the relevant information:
1) UpdateAge when no channel_id is given is expected to fail to find a model named 'user'
Failure/Error: it { fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }
Expected model 'foo' (key: 'result.model.user') was not found in the result object.
[1/4] [model] 'user' ❌
[2/4] [policy] 'can_see_user'
[3/4] [contract] 'default'
[4/4] [step] 'update_age'
/Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/update_age.rb:32:in `fetch_user': missing keyword: :user_id (ArgumentError)
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `instance_exec'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:219:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `block in run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `each'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:411:in `run'
from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:302:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/spec/services/update_age_spec.rb:15:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
2023-02-13 22:09:57 +10:00
<div id="instance_method_details" class="method_details_list">
<h2>Instance Method Details</h2>
<div class="method_details first">
<h3 class="signature first" id="fail-instance_method">
#<strong>fail</strong>(context = {}) ⇒ <tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>
</h3><div class="docstring">
<div class="discussion">
<p>Marks the context as failed without raising an exception.</p>
<div class="tags">
<div class="examples">
<p class="tag_title">Examples:</p>
<pre class="example code"><code><span class='id identifier rubyid_context'>context</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_fail'>fail</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>failure</span><span class='label_end'>":</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>something went wrong</span><span class='tstring_end'>"</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span></code></pre>
<p class="tag_title">Parameters:</p>
<ul class="param">
<span class='name'>context</span>
<span class='type'>(<tt>Hash</tt>, <tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>)</span>
<em class="default">(defaults to: <tt>{}</tt>)</em>
<div class='inline'>
<p>the context to merge into the current one</p>
<p class="tag_title">Returns:</p>
<ul class="return">
<span class='type'>(<tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>)</span>
<div class="method_details ">
<h3 class="signature " id="fail!-instance_method">
#<strong>fail!</strong>(context = {}) ⇒ <tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>
</h3><div class="docstring">
<div class="discussion">
<p>Marks the context as failed.</p>
<div class="tags">
<div class="examples">
<p class="tag_title">Examples:</p>
<pre class="example code"><code><span class='id identifier rubyid_context'>context</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_fail!'>fail!</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>failure</span><span class='label_end'>":</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>something went wrong</span><span class='tstring_end'>"</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span></code></pre>
<p class="tag_title">Parameters:</p>
<ul class="param">
<span class='name'>context</span>
<span class='type'>(<tt>Hash</tt>, <tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>)</span>
<em class="default">(defaults to: <tt>{}</tt>)</em>
<div class='inline'>
<p>the context to merge into the current one</p>
<p class="tag_title">Returns:</p>
<ul class="return">
<span class='type'>(<tt><span class='object_link'><a href="" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context (class)">Context</a></span></tt>)</span>
<p class="tag_title">Raises:</p>
<ul class="raise">
<span class='type'>(<tt><span class='object_link'><a href="Failure.html" title="Chat::Service::Base::Failure (class)">Failure</a></span></tt>)</span>
<div class="method_details ">
<h3 class="signature " id="failure?-instance_method">
#<strong>failure?</strong> ⇒ <tt>Boolean</tt>
</h3><div class="docstring">
<div class="discussion">
<p>Returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as failed</p>
<div class="tags">
<p class="tag_title">Returns:</p>
<ul class="return">
<span class='type'>(<tt>Boolean</tt>)</span>
<div class='inline'>
<p>returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as failed</p>
<p class="tag_title">See Also:</p>
<ul class="see">
<li><span class='object_link'><a href="#fail!-instance_method" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context#fail! (method)">#fail!</a></span></li>
<li><span class='object_link'><a href="#fail-instance_method" title="Chat::Service::Base::Context#fail (method)">#fail</a></span></li>
<div class="method_details ">
<h3 class="signature " id="success?-instance_method">
#<strong>success?</strong> ⇒ <tt>Boolean</tt>
</h3><div class="docstring">
<div class="discussion">
2023-04-03 19:27:32 +02:00
<p>Returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as successful (default)</p>
DEV: Chat service object initial implementation (#19814)
This is a combined work of Martin Brennan, Loïc Guitaut, and Joffrey Jaffeux.
This commit implements a base service object when working in chat. The documentation is available at
Generating documentation has been made as part of this commit with a bigger goal in mind of generally making it easier to dive into the chat project.
Working with services generally involves 3 parts:
- The service object itself, which is a series of steps where few of them are specialized (model, transaction, policy)
class UpdateAge
include Chat::Service::Base
model :user, :fetch_user
policy :can_see_user
step :update_age
class Contract
attribute :age, :integer
def fetch_user(user_id:, **)
User.find_by(id: user_id)
def can_see_user(guardian:, **)
def update_age(age:, **)
user.update!(age: age)
- The `with_service` controller helper, handling success and failure of the service within a service and making easy to return proper response to it from the controller
def update
with_service(UpdateAge) do
on_success { render_serialized(result.user, BasicUserSerializer, root: "user") }
- Rspec matchers and steps inspector, improving the dev experience while creating specs for a service
RSpec.describe(UpdateAge) do
subject(:result) do guardian, user_id:, age: age)
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:current_user) { Fabricate(:admin) }
let(:guardian) { }
let(:age) { 1 }
it { expect(user.reload.age).to eq(age) }
Note in case of unexpected failure in your spec, the output will give all the relevant information:
1) UpdateAge when no channel_id is given is expected to fail to find a model named 'user'
Failure/Error: it { fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }
Expected model 'foo' (key: 'result.model.user') was not found in the result object.
[1/4] [model] 'user' ❌
[2/4] [policy] 'can_see_user'
[3/4] [contract] 'default'
[4/4] [step] 'update_age'
/Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/update_age.rb:32:in `fetch_user': missing keyword: :user_id (ArgumentError)
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `instance_exec'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:219:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `block in run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `each'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:411:in `run'
from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:302:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/spec/services/update_age_spec.rb:15:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
2023-02-13 22:09:57 +10:00
<div class="tags">
<p class="tag_title">Returns:</p>
<ul class="return">
<span class='type'>(<tt>Boolean</tt>)</span>
<div class='inline'>
2023-04-03 19:27:32 +02:00
<p>returns <code>true</code> if the context is set as successful (default)</p>
DEV: Chat service object initial implementation (#19814)
This is a combined work of Martin Brennan, Loïc Guitaut, and Joffrey Jaffeux.
This commit implements a base service object when working in chat. The documentation is available at
Generating documentation has been made as part of this commit with a bigger goal in mind of generally making it easier to dive into the chat project.
Working with services generally involves 3 parts:
- The service object itself, which is a series of steps where few of them are specialized (model, transaction, policy)
class UpdateAge
include Chat::Service::Base
model :user, :fetch_user
policy :can_see_user
step :update_age
class Contract
attribute :age, :integer
def fetch_user(user_id:, **)
User.find_by(id: user_id)
def can_see_user(guardian:, **)
def update_age(age:, **)
user.update!(age: age)
- The `with_service` controller helper, handling success and failure of the service within a service and making easy to return proper response to it from the controller
def update
with_service(UpdateAge) do
on_success { render_serialized(result.user, BasicUserSerializer, root: "user") }
- Rspec matchers and steps inspector, improving the dev experience while creating specs for a service
RSpec.describe(UpdateAge) do
subject(:result) do guardian, user_id:, age: age)
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:current_user) { Fabricate(:admin) }
let(:guardian) { }
let(:age) { 1 }
it { expect(user.reload.age).to eq(age) }
Note in case of unexpected failure in your spec, the output will give all the relevant information:
1) UpdateAge when no channel_id is given is expected to fail to find a model named 'user'
Failure/Error: it { fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }
Expected model 'foo' (key: 'result.model.user') was not found in the result object.
[1/4] [model] 'user' ❌
[2/4] [policy] 'can_see_user'
[3/4] [contract] 'default'
[4/4] [step] 'update_age'
/Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/update_age.rb:32:in `fetch_user': missing keyword: :user_id (ArgumentError)
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `instance_exec'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:219:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `block in run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `each'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `run!'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:411:in `run'
from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:302:in `call'
from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/spec/services/update_age_spec.rb:15:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
2023-02-13 22:09:57 +10:00
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